
  • Having babies has to do with a lot more than labor and birth: our health, microbiome, mental health and mindset are also important.

    Esther Lawton, Yoga teacher, RTT therapist, homeopath, NHS nurse, will explain how we take on beliefs from our environment without even realising it: for example if our Mother felt that having children had been too hard, we carry that feeling in our inner mind and it might make it impossible to conceive, because our subconscious is trying to protect us.

    We will also find out what happens when we carry fried after miscarrying a baby, and how having that conversation with the baby to let him go in peace matters.

    Years of cases and experience have taught Esther how women live pregnancy, infertility and all the problems that might occur while living through them, especially if we keep giving and ignoring our needs, until we become depleted.

    Studies show how effective hypnosis is to prepare our mind to conceive and have a healthy pregnancy.

    #pregnancy #fertility #infertility #miscarriage #grieving #lostbaby #hypnobirth #hypnosisforfertility

  • If you are feeling something blocking you from achieving from you want, a sense of never being good enough, not feeling loved, wanted, appreciated and you even block life from giving you good gifts, this episode is for you.

    Helen Buchanan, an Advanced Conversational Hypnotist in Australia, will help us to understand the deep reasons why so many of us as adults can’t progress and seemingly get stuck into a series of frustrating and fulfilling relationships, careers, and experiences.

    While you listen to the heartfelt experience of Helen’s childhood, feel free to use this time to ask yourself if maybe some of your issues are due to your own years as a youngster, feeling unwanted and unloved by important figures in your life.

    With Helen we celebrate today a victory over the ranting negative committee that keeps telling us we are not good enough, so we can simply live in the present and be there for ourselves, and not just for others.

    In other words, your new life can begin now, because - guess what - you are in charge of it - not your past emotions!

    And if you need some help detangling those emotions, helps is at hand with hypnosis, art therapy, NLP and coaching - just to name a few possible modalities to get better.

    Feel free to get in touch and find Helen here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZwcSYGbl-sKTNfJnbK0O1w

    And Franz here: https://substack.com/@franzsidney

    Video link to see our smily faces: https://youtu.be/AP4D56uapco












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    Klicka här för att uppdatera flödet manuellt.

  • Feeling out of control around food? You're not alone. Millions struggle with binge eating, leaving them frustrated and ashamed. But what if there was a hidden message behind your cravings?

    This episode explores a revolutionary approach to binge eating. We'll uncover how your uncontrollable hunger might actually be a powerful signal – a guidepost to your deepest purpose. Join me and Mel Lopez as we show you how to break free from the cycle of guilt and unveil the transformative potential hidden within.

    Are you ready to stop the struggle and unlock the life you crave? Tune in and discover the power to use your "weakness" as fuel for success. And of course if you find the episode useful, feel free to share it with anyone and subscribe so that more people can find this channel and build up the life they want.

    Find Mel here:

    Website: insatiablemel.com where you can get your Free masterclass! It reveals the Truth about the insatiable hunger that consumes us that will change the way we look at binge eating and recovery FOREVER! And:

    IG: @bingeeating_rapidrecovery Facebook: bingeeatingrapidrecovery

    And find Franz here: https://substack.com/@franzsidney

    #bingeeating #purposedrivenlife #emotionalhunger #transformation #youarenotalone

  • Why so many men today feel depressed, frustrated and suicidal? What are the three elements that make a man happy and satisfied? In this conversation with coach and hypnotist Paul Wilson we will delve into the male brain to see what makes a man tick and what turns him off.

    Discover the actions you can take today to enhance your relationships with males both at home and at work.

    Learn how to effectively communicate so that you don’t end up pairing up with the wrong man, and then separating when you both realise you are not a good match at all or you have not mastered the three important skills that sustain a relationship.

    Discover what makes a relationship work - and that it’s not an automatic consequence of sharing a home. Quite the contrary, it involves a lot of work from both parts: team work.

    Also, understand what it means for the two of you when you bring children into your relationship and your world. Are you aware of the changes you will have to make and ready to embrace a new role? Or are you at risk of becoming a parent by accident and then hating the experience, causing issues to your offspring?

    These are all important considerations to make when starting up relationship - and not when you are already living together!

    Intrigued by this episode? Share it with a friend: he might find it helpful too. Also, to be informed of new weekly episodes, simply subscribe!

    You can find my content on facebook.com/franzsidney and on https://franzsidney.substack.com

    Ask any question to Paul Wilson here: tiny.cc/PWYouTubeChannel.

    #relationshiphelp #men #findtherightman #whydepression #communication #marriage help #avoiddivorce

    Video link of this interview: https://youtu.be/bAJPK-YZlTM

  • Struggling with uncontrollable cravings and emotional eating? You're not alone. This episode dives deep into the science behind food addiction, exploring the link between physiology, psychology, and those persistent cravings.

    Join Confidence Coach and Emotional Eating Specialist Maria Lipuma as she unveils the surprising reasons why we turn to food for comfort, and more importantly, how to break free from this cycle. Learn how to manage stress, regulate your emotions, and develop healthier habits to create a lasting change in your relationship with food. Discover how to reclaim control and finally conquer your cravings – for good!

    Find Maria Lipuma here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5gmCsBoV1GlGX99s9rl2xw

    You can find my content on facebook.com/franzsidney and on https://franzsidney.substack.com

    #foodAddiction #emotionalEating #cravings #healthyeating #wellbeing #psychology #physiology #confidencecoach #podcast #foodfreedom

    Watch this on video, here: https://youtu.be/pVpa35_q2xM

  • Does social anxiety and pre-event jitters lead you to reach for a drink? Join us as we explore why this is so common for women, and what you can do to break free.

    In this episode, psychologist and hypnotherapist Shana Rosentahl shares her expertise. We'll delve into the science behind rewiring your brain to manage stress and social anxiety naturally. Discover techniques to quiet negative thoughts and build lasting confidence, so you can show up feeling calm and collected – without relying on alcohol.

    This episode is perfect for you if you want to:

    Understand the root causes of anxiety-driven behaviors in women Learn how to retrain your brain for a calmer, more confident response Discover powerful tools and techniques to manage stress naturally Break free from dependence on alcohol as a coping mechanism

    Any questions? Here am I: https://franzsidney.substack.com

    And find Shana here: https://www.shanahypnotist.com

    Wanna watch this on video? Here it is: https://youtu.be/StGhgBZdOjk

    #women's health #anxiety #hypnotherapy #sleep #socialanxiety #stressmanagement #rewireyourbrain #beyondthebottle #mindset #mindset #selfcare #mentalhealth #confidencebuilding #naturalremedies #anxietysupport #sleeplessnesssolutions #alcoholfreeliving #hypnotherapyforanxiety

  • Is your teen's behaviour baffling you? Have "experts" thrown medication at the problem as the only solution? Before you reach for the prescription pad, hit play on this episode.

    We're joined by veteran counsellor and hypnotherapist Rick Cardwell for a deep dive into the wild world of adolescence. We'll explore what's truly "normal" teenage behaviour (hint: it involves a lot of change and confusion) and when to seek professional help. Often, a listening ear and a deeper understanding are the real prescriptions for long-term success.

    We'll also follow the inspiring story of a client whose "depression" and "anxiety" masked a deeper issue. By unraveling the tangled threads of her past, she found a path to self-discovery and healing. This, Rick argues, is the key for many teens struggling today.

    Listen in and discover:

    Why medication might not be the answer How to identify the root cause of emotional distress Practical strategies for building self-confidence and healthy social connections How to tackle the rise of mental health issues in a systematic, caring way (hint: it starts with YOU!)

    Stop Googling quick fixes and unlock the power of real healing. Your teen (and your sanity) will thank you.

    Ready to take back control and empower your teen? Let's chat!

    Contact us at www.rickcardwell.co.uk

    And https://franzsidney.substack.com

    Wanna watch this on video? Here it is: https://youtu.be/StGhgBZdOjk

    #TeenMentalHealth #TeenageBehavior #ParentingTeens #HealingFromTheInsideOut #StopTheStigma #buildupcharacter #buildconfidence

  • Feeling like you're on an emotional rollercoaster with your productivity taking a nosedive? You're not alone! This episode explores the fascinating world of the moon cycle and its influence on women's temperament, mood, attitude, mindset, energy, and capacity to act. We'll be joined by expert Heidi Maddy, who sheds light on how aligning with the moon phases can unlock a whole new level of success and fulfilment – even if you don't have a menstrual cycle yourself!

    Learn how to harness the power of the new moon, tap into the focused energy of the waxing crescent, and navigate the emotional tides of the full moon. Discover how to use this ancient wisdom to optimise your schedule, boost your productivity, and amplify your overall well-being.

    Before you skip this - thinking that you are not a woman - please be aware that the moon cycle's influence extends far beyond menstruation. The moon governs our emotions, intuition, and even sleep patterns. Understanding these cycles can benefit anyone who wants to live a more intentional and empowered life.

    This knowledge can be a game-changer! Instead of feeling frustrated by those unpredictable dips in energy, we can learn to anticipate them and adjust our schedules accordingly. Imagine breezing through focused tasks during the waxing phase and prioritising self-care during the full moon.

    Embrace the flow – it's time to work with the moon, not against it!

    Find Heidi here: https://www.instagram.com/the.femmeboss

    Heidi also offers a free webinar: https://www.thefemmeboss.com/rtwyw

    #mooncycle #lunarphases #womenshealth #hormones #wellbeing #productivity #success #heidimaddy #podcast #empowerment #intuition

    Ask me any questions: Facebook.com/franzsidney


    To view this episode as a video go to:


  • Struggling with uncontrollable cravings and emotional eating? You're not alone. This episode dives deep into the science behind food addiction, exploring the link between physiology, psychology, and those persistent cravings. Join Confidence Coach and Emotional Eating Specialist Maria Lipuma as she unveils the surprising reasons why we turn to food for comfort, and more importantly, how to break free from this cycle. Learn how to manage stress, regulate your emotions, and develop healthier habits to create a lasting change in your relationship with food. Discover how to reclaim control and finally conquer your cravings – for good!

    Any questions? Here am I: https://franzsidney.substack.com

    Maria Lipuma has a great channel here:


    #foodAddiction #emotionalEating #cravings #healthyeating #wellbeing #psychology #physiology #confidencecoach #podcast #foodfreedom

  • Feeling stuck? Successful on paper, yet battling a lack of motivation and a nagging sense of "what if"? You're not alone. This episode tackles the often-hidden phenomenon of self-sabotage, the sneaky ways we block our own happiness and growth. Join us as expert Helen Marie exposes the subtle behaviours that hold us back and reveals the surprising lack of motivation lurking behind them.

    We'll discuss a real-life example – a mid-40s, single male in finance who, despite his success, found himself procrastinating on a career-boosting certification and struggling with anger in uncontrollable situations.

    Learn how to identify your own self-sabotage patterns and, more importantly, how to break free! We'll share powerful tips to overcome that crippling feeling of "everything will go wrong" and replace it with a powerful "let's do this!" attitude. It's time to stop holding yourself back and start living the life you deserve.

    Find Anne Marie here: FB: @helenmarie123 & @truelifeharmony1 IG: @true.life.harmony
    LinkedIn: helenmarie123

    and here I am: https://franzsidney.substack.com

    Design and photography ©FranzSidney (Location: Thrigby Hall Gardens)

    #selfsabotage #personalgrowth #motivation #success #mindset #happiness #achievement #procrastination #angermanagement #helenmarie #podcast #mensmentalhealth

  • "I Can Do It All!" (But Maybe Not Today): Taming the Overwhelm for Single Parent Bosses

    Feeling Overwhelmed as a Single Parent Entrepreneur? You're Not Alone!

    Remember those early days with your tiny baby? Now imagine juggling that with a full-time business - as a single parent! Kirsten Smith, a business coach and single mom veteran, knows exactly how complex (and crazy) that can be.

    The truth is, millions of single parents are out there hustling to make ends meet, often without a support system. This episode is designed for YOU.

    Kirsten will be your guide on the path to conquering overwhelm:

    Unmask the Overwhelm Monster: Learn the tell-tale signs you're juggling too much. Ditch the Guilt Trip: Discover why rest isn't a luxury, it's a necessity! Balance Without Breaking: Find practical strategies to manage your business and family life (without losing your sanity). Rise Above the Breakup: You can build a fulfilling life, even after a difficult separation.

    This episode is packed with down-to-earth advice and actionable tips to help you manage your day-to-day as a thriving single parent entrepreneur.

    Ready to ditch the overwhelm and finally get organised? Contact us for a free consultation and explore how you can create a life that works for YOU!

    If you would like to learn 10 ways to beat overwhelm there is a free download for you on Kirsten’s website: https://shineontribe.ck.page/964a7634f1

    Retreats details for that mental rest you need so much are here: https://www.shineontribe.co.uk/retreats/

    Ask Franz any questions on this topic or any emotional health topic: Facebook.com/franzsidney
















  • Divorce can feel like a storm cloud hovering over your entire family. Security, comfort, and loyalty can feel swept away, leaving you wondering how to pick up the pieces.

    But you're not alone!

    This episode is your lifeline, packed with practical tools to navigate the rough seas of separation and divorce. We'll be joined by Krystallee Lalsin, a Clinical Hypnotherapist and Relationship & Family Therapist, who will guide you through:

    The Family Fallout: Understanding the impact of divorce on everyone involved. Talking to Your Kids: Effective communication strategies to minimise their trauma. Self-Care Savvy: Why routines and self-nourishment are crucial for your survival. Free & Easy Healing Tools: Everyday practices to get you through the tough times. Emerging Stronger: How to navigate the stages of healing and build a fulfilling new life.

    This episode is packed with actionable tips and free tools you can use right away! Learn how to weather the storm, heal from the heartbreak, and emerge stronger and ready to embrace a brighter future.

    Don't let divorce break you. Tune in and discover the path to healing!

    Feel free to ask us any question! I am here: https://www.facebook.com/franzsidney

    Find Krystallee here:


    #DivorceHealing #BreakupRecovery #SingleParent #Coparenting #MentalHealth #SelfCare #Relationships #Family #FreeTools #HealingJourney #DivorceSupport #BreakupAdvice #ThrivingAfterDivorce #NewBeginnings #ClinicalHypnotherapist #RelationshipTherapy








  • Are you looking for answers and daily tools to help you with your feelings of being lost, lacking purpose, feeling you are not enough and even self sabotaging your own success? This interview will give you all that and much more.

    Join us as Madgalena Lyle takes us to a journey into the emotions that block our success and inner harmony. Using channeling, RTT, and advanced conversational hypnosis, Magdalena unveils the reasons why we simply cannot move on and live the life we really want, and the fact that they are inside ourselves.

    Using tools that specifically rewire our neurons and shed light on the real stumbling block we have not yet addressed, we can reach for our inner mind, our very soul and embrace a whole concept of us as a being who is loved by the Universe and is here to thrive.

    Madgalena quotes from Gary Lee (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jIUIcYQbBQ)

    One of the tools we mention in this episode is the use of journalling. Before you brush this off as something designed only for women, or a woo-woo idea, please bear in mind that journaling is a brief yet highly effective science-supported habit.

    If you seek for more information on an effective way of using journaling and you like data-based research on it, please go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAZn9dF3XTo.

    In this episode, Professor Andrew Huberman from Stanford University outlines a specific writing protocol shown in hundreds of scientific studies to significantly improve immediate and long-term health. Journal writing, in fact, affects neuroplasticity (brain rewiring) and brain function in the short and long term.

    These brain changes positively impact our physical health, including our system's immune function and thus our ability to combat infections, improve sleep, reduce feelings of physical and emotional pain, lower anxiety, and bring about healing from traumas.

    Just think how much easier your life can be, and how much clarity you can achieve, when you learn to be still and listen to your own thoughts, instead of giving in to the huge pressure that activists, social media, marketing companies, movies and adverts put on us on a daily basis.

    Learn what you really want from life and why, find your passions and bring light into problems that seem unsolvable.

    If you liked this episode, please click on 'like' and share it so that more people can find our little channel and be helped on their way to live the life they dreamed of and that had never materialised.

    Thank you so much for listening!

    Ask any question to Magdalene here: https://www.facebook.com/magdalenalyle4

    Ask Franz any questions here: https://substack.com/@franzsidney


















  • Worried about online dating scams? This episode pulls back the curtain on the world of dating scammers, revealing their tactics, motivations, and red flags you can't miss.

    Dating expert Renata Gomide reveals:

    The surprising profile of scammers: Discover why even intelligent, successful individuals fall victim to their sophisticated manipulation. Their long game: Learn how scammers strategically build relationships over months, exploiting vulnerabilities with calculated "tragedies." Beyond the catfish: We explore the use of AI and deepfakes, making it harder than ever to discern genuine connections online. Unmasking the truth: Gain practical tools to identify inconsistencies, navigate red flags, and discover genuine connections built on authenticity.

    Ready to find love, not lies? We offer personalised coaching sessions to help you navigate the online dating landscape with confidence and find the real deal. Schedule a free consultation today!

    Find Renata here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcTI58CEKSwbEfHJiSrvgKw

    datingadvice #onlinesafety #datingapps #relationships #scams #lovefraud

    Watch this on video


  • Ready for Love in the age of apps? This podcast interview dives deep with Renata Gomide, a hypnotherapist with a past work experience at Match.com.

    We'll navigate the exciting (and sometimes tricky) world of online dating!

    Behind the Scenes: Dating has gone digital! Learn how dating platforms work and what happens to your data. Love or Scam? We'll unveil red flags to watch out for and strategies to avoid online scammers. The Right Mindset: Dating online requires a healthy dose of realism. Learn how to approach online dating with confidence and a critical eye. Finding "The One": Don't despair! With the right tools and approach, online dating can lead to genuine connections.

    This interview equips you with the knowledge and tools to navigate the world of online dating safely and successfully!

    There will be even more help for you in the next episode, which is part two of this interview.

    #onlinedating #datingadvice #onlinesafety #scamawareness #loveyourself #findlove #healthyrelationships

    #datingtips #datinggoals #swipelife #datenight #singleslife

    Video link of the interview: https://youtu.be/npI7BvdkGR4

  • Struggling with constant worry about your health? You're not alone. Join health anxiety coach Amy Caldwell, a breast cancer survivor who understands the dark side of fearing the worst. In this episode, Amy shares her personal journey and reveals powerful tools, including acceptance therapy and NLP, to help you break free from the cycle of health anxiety and reclaim your life. Learn how to manage your thoughts, improve the mind-body connection, and reclaim your power.

    Amy dives into the dangers of constantly searching online for health information and equips you with healthier coping mechanisms. You might find out you need to ditch the Dr. Google habit, for safety reasons!

    #healthanxiety #anxietyrelief #mindbodyconnection #cancerawareness #breastcancer #mentalhealth #thriving #acceptancetherapy #NLP #podcast

    Find Amy here: https://www.empowered-mindset.co.uk/

    Ask Franz any question - we can work together using a combination of NLP, coaching, art therapy, RTT, Hypnosis or EFT to facilitate your journey into wellness.

  • Feeling stressed, unhappy, or experiencing unexplained physical symptoms? You're not alone. Often, these are not the real problem, but rather signals pointing you towards something deeper. In this episode, we dive into a conversation with conversational hypnotist and relationship expert Stephanie Laidlow.

    Learn how to:

    Distinguish between the pain and its underlying cause Uncover the root of your stress and unhappiness Recognize how unmet emotional needs manifest as physical symptoms Communicate effectively when you feel unheard in your relationships Navigate challenging relationships with emotional distance or toxicity, prioritizing your mental well-being And much more!

    Got questions? Ask me on my FB, Instagram, Youtube channels or Stephanie here: https://www.asuggestionforyou.com/

    #emotionalhealth #relationshipadvice #stressmanagement #rootcause #unmetneeds #physicalsymptoms #communication #mentalwellness #emotionaltoxicity #narcissism #emotionalintelligence #wellbeing #mentalhealth #communication #skills #relationships #atwork #selfcare #leadership #personaldevelopment #conversationalhypnosis

    Want to see this on video?

    Video link https://youtu.be/0IBE-TM3t-8
  • Tired of feeling stuck and unsure why? Are you constantly reacting to life instead of choosing it? Join Maureen Kafkis, host of the "Brain BS Podcast," as she peels back the layers of our subconscious "programming" and reveals how it impacts our emotions, relationships, and sense of purpose.

    This episode, especially relevant for women in their 40s and 50s, dives deep into why we often say yes to everyone, lose our spark, and settle for less than we deserve.

    Learn how to become aware of your limiting beliefs, embrace uncomfortable emotions, and finally create a life filled with genuine happiness and fulfillment. Get ready to set boundaries, quiet the inner critic, and unlock your true potential - it's time to ditch the drama and discover the joy you deserve!

    Find Maureen here! https://www.thebrainbs.com

    #brainwashing #brainBS #peoplepleasing #burnout #midlifecrisis #innercritic #cycleofnegativity #breakfree #empowerment #takeaction #createnewresults #liveauthentically #embracethediscomfort #growthmindset #mindbodyspirit #sel#mentalhealthawareness #emotionalwellbeing #positivevibes #motivation #inspiration #mindfulness #gratitude #authenticity #personaldevelopment #lifecoaching #occupationaltherapist #therapy #mentalhealthpodcast #womenspodcastfdiscovery #unlockyourpotential

  • Have you ever felt like you're constantly battling your food? Dani knows the struggle. Join her as she shares her inspiring story of overcoming bulimia and emotional eating through mindfulness and self-discovery. Learn: How Dani's childhood struggles with food control led to bulimia in adulthood. The vicious cycle of weight loss, binging, and guilt that held her back. The turning point that led her to seek help and embrace mindfulness. Practical tools and techniques for developing a healthy relationship with food and emotions. Feeling lost? You're not alone. This episode offers hope and encouragement for anyone struggling with food issues. Share it with someone who needs to hear Dani's story. Like and subscribe for more inspiring journeys!

    #eatingdisorderawareness #bulimiarecovery #mindfuleating #emotionalhealing #selflove #bodypositivity #recoveryjourney #mentalhealthmatters #youarenotalone #mindfulness #podcast #inspiration #overcomingchallenges #foodfreedom. #affirmations #journaling

  • Hector Quiroga, an immigration lawyer from Columbia who lives and works in the USA is with us again and in this episode he will delve into the realm of family separation and its consequence at many levels. From torn immigrant families to the unseen struggles of single-parent homes, we unpack the long-term effects of not having your family together – at school, work, and in a child's very soul.

    Get ready to be shaken, empowered, and inspired to advocate for a world where every child feels the anchor of family love.

    If you prefer to watch this interview, here is the video link:


    FamilySeparation #Immigration #Children #Trauma #Policy #Reunion #Law #Activism #Community #Belonging #Hope #HumanRights #Divorce #Education #SingleParenting #LostChildren #Undocumented #Advocate #Change #Future

    Design © Franz Sidney

    Photo © Hector Quiroga, with permission