"John Ryland was born on January 29, 1753, as the oldest child of John Collett Ryland and his wife Elizabeth. His birthplace was Warwick, where his father first pastored and established his boarding school. As mentioned in previous episodes, John Ryland was often called John Ryland Jr. to distinguish him from his father, though technically, he wasn’t a junior. The son often signed his name this way. Later when awarded an honorary theological doctorate, he was called Dr. Ryland, again to differentiate him from his illustrious parent, who, after receiving his honorary degree, went by John Ryland, M.A."
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Can you speak of the value of fostering friendships with other like-minded pastors? How can ministers make ministerial friendships in this very busy “on to the next thing” culture?
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On this installment of Gill Group, Pastors Dewey Dovel and Ken Glisch discussion Reprobation from Part II of John Gill's "The Cause of God & Truth."
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John Collett Ryland played an important role in English nonconformist education for forty years. Dissenting academies, as they were called, were necessitated by the reestablishment of the monarchy and state church in 1660. Subsequent legislation made it impossible for conscientious dissenters to gain entrance to English universities. Pre-university education was also difficult because any school had to be licensed by the local bishop. But after the 1720s, non-conformist education began to be recognized and even monetarily subsidized by the government. And so by the time Ryland began to teach, he was generally able to freely run his schools.
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Keith Foskey is a pastor, podcaster and humorist. He is one of three elders who pastor at Sovereign Grace Family Church in Jacksonville, Florida. Keith holds to the First London Baptist Confession of Faith (1646).
Keith is a graduate of Ashford University and Jacksonville Baptist Theological Seminary. He and wife Jennifer have been married since 1999, and they have been blessed with six beautiful children.
Keith is the creator of the YourCalvinist YouTube channel, where he teaches on theology, hosts podcasts and showcases comedy sketches. He is a regular guest speaker at conferences across the United States.
If you ever heard the name of John Collett Ryland before these podcasts, it was probably in regardto an infamous interchange he was reported to have had with William Carey. There are severalaccounts of it in print, but I especially like the details and perspectives that Dr. Michael Haykinprovides in his biography of John Sutcliff, entitled “One Heart and One Soul”.For more information about Covenant Baptist Theological Seminary, visit CBTSeminary.org
Carl ministered at Grace Church from 1990 to 1993, was ordained, and pastored two churches in the Los Angeles area from 1994 to 2014 before returning to Grace Church. He is passionate about foreign missions and travels internationally yearly, supporting leaders and volunteers in various countries. He is the co-founder of the African Revitalization Centre. Carl serves on several missions boards and holds a certification with the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors (ACBC). He directs the Grace Advance ministry of Grace Church, which provides pastoral leadership for church planting and revitalization in North America. Carl has earned degrees from The University of Cincinnati and The Master's Seminary (M.Div., Th.M., D.Min.), and he serves as an associate professor of pastoral ministries and church relations ambassador at The Master's Seminary. Currently, Carl co-pastors the Anchored fellowship group. He and his wife, Joanna, have five children.For more information about CBTSeminary, visit CBTSeminary.org
In this conversation, Rexford Semrad explains the importance of irenicism when discussing eschatology. Then, he explains the similarities between postmillennialism and amillennialism. Finally, he gives ten reasons why he doesn't hold to a postmillennial eschatology.
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Having seen how John Collett Ryland’s wide friendships likely influenced his change of views regarding church communion, let us now examine his only writing on the subject. This came in a 3 page broadsheet-style publication in very small type dated June 15, 1772 and signed Pacificus. It was entitled “A Modest Plea for Free Communion at the Lord’s Table; between true believers of all denominations: In a letter to a friend.”
This defended free communion in the form of a letter beginning, “Dear Sir”. It gave eight reasons for Pacificus’ church practice and four answers to objections before a half-page conclusion. Given its small size and presumably small printing, it’s a marvel any of these pieces of ephemera survive. Two copies are known to exist. The first one was discovered by Robert Oliver about 1981.
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In this conversation, Pastors Joe Wilson and Lee McKinnon address friendship within the local church.
Some have said that pastors should NOT make friends within their own congregation. Our cohosts think otherwise.
Our cohosts also discuss the importance of avoiding partiality in friendship fostering, and how church members can go about cultivating friendships with fellow church members.FACT CHECK: John Fawcett is indeed the Particular Baptist Pastor that Pastor Joe and Pastor Austin were trying to call to remembrance. For more information on this story, listen to Particular Pilgrims, episode 102, "The Life John Fawcett. Pt.3." here: https://manofgodnetwork.com/particularpilgrims/
For previous episodes of the Pastor's Inbox, listen here: https://manofgodnetwork.com/pastorsinbox/For more information about CBTSeminary, click here: https://cbtseminary.org/
We now turn to John Collett Ryland’s espousal of what he called free communion, also known as open or mixed communion. His position was familiar to his fellow Baptists. For example, John Rippon states, “it is well known that he was what is commonly called, a mixed communion Baptist; that is, a Baptist admitting other good men to the Lord’s table, though in his opinion they are unbaptized."
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Confessing Sound Words is a discipleship curriculum that utilizes the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith and the Baptist Catechism. The purpose of this curriculum to equip the saints with the truths of God’s Word, reform churches, retrieve the baptist confessional heritage, and glorify God. In this curriculum, you will find modernized questions and answers from the Baptist Catechism, inductive Bible studies, memory verses, and the full text of the Second London Confession with several helps in the footnotes. Also, there are several questions throughout to facilitate both thought and discussion among those going through it.
To order the book, click here: https://hesedandemet.com/product/confessing-sound-words-1689-johnson/
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We continue with our survey of the open and closed communion debate. In 1816, the year following Robert Hall Jr.’s “Terms of communion” came out, Joseph Kinghorn answered Hall with “Baptism, A Term of Communion at the Lord’s Supper”. Kinghorn was the pastor of Norwich Baptist Church and a former pupil of Hall’s at the Bristol Baptist Academy.For more information, visit CBTSeminary.org
A Reformed Baptist is a Christian who believes in the great doctrines recovered by the Protestant Reformation, including the sufficiency of Scripture for the church, salvation by God’s free grace, justification by faith alone, the importance of God’s good law and the gospel of Jesus Christ, the centrality of the church in the life of the believer, and the great doctrine of Christian liberty. This book argues that Reformed Baptists are not particularly unique, but are simply biblical Christians who fall within the theological stream of the historic Reformed faith, and who are also baptistic in their doctrine of the church. This is not a polemical work. Rather, it makes a positive case for the doctrines cherished by Reformed Baptists. May this book benefit motivated laymen, broadly evangelical pastors, Baptist pastors, and Reformed paedobaptist pastors who want to understand what their Reformed Baptist brethren believe.
Order your copy here: https://press.founders.org/shop/what-is-a-reformed-baptist/
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An open communion answer to Booth finally came in the formidable writing of Robert Hall Jr. In the early 1800s he was perhaps the greatest orator in England, possessed a genius mind, and liked to practice radical politics. In 1815 he produced “Terms of Communion”, a direct challenge to Booth’s Apology.
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Under God, Over the People: The Calling and Accountability of Civil Government speaks biblical truth directly into our situation as churches today as we increasingly face government interference and intervention in the life of the local church. This precise and yet, accessible work draws and expounds upon the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith on the subject of the Civil Magistrate, its calling and its accountability.
Order the book here: https://brokenwharfe.com/product/under-god-over-the-people-us/
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We continue with our survey of the open and closed communion debate in preparation for a later review of John Collett Ryland’s principles and practices related to it. Next I’ll review the interactions of John Bunyan and William Kiffen.
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In this episode of the Pastor's Inbox installment of the Covenant Podcast, Pastors Joe Wilson and Lee McKinnon introduce the scriptural subject of friendship and discuss its importance.
For previous episodes of the Pastor's Inbox, click here: https://manofgodnetwork.com/pastorsinbox/
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Before I finish the study of John Collett Ryland’s interesting life, I want to explore three topics in which he played a significant or exemplary role. One of these is his view of who was qualified to partake of the Lord’s Supper. Another is his version of High Calvinism and his interactions with William Carey. And finally, there is his important place in 18th-century English education.
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"The book is highly recommended because it is a clear, fraternal discussion of an issue vital to biblical worship and knowledge of how Christ’s first and second coming consummate our freedom from the curse and fulfill Christ’s promise, “I will give you rest.” -Tom J. Nettles
Order the book here: https://press.founders.org/shop/there-remains-a-sabbath-rest-for-the-people-of-god/?srsltid=AfmBOorxLRNXufHg7yzdeTWXiB_ejunagTa7_iU6QZ_36rjJMloEEtYt
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