There are doors into lifelines that are meant for you and there are doors into lifelines, that are meant for someone else.
You get to choose which door you will enter that will bring you either to your goals or the goals of others.
One will be favorable and bring you happiness, the others will be frustrating and unfulfilling.
In this episode I compare the writings of Vadim Zeland in his book "Reality Transurfing" on his chapter on goals and doors with choosing our doors in the pre-life.
I share his writings on how to know which door is right for you.
If you've ever felt stuck, trying to figure out which way to go, which opportunity to pursue or if something is write for you, forget weighing out the pros and cons and listen to this episode. It will make you think completely differently about the situation.
As Vadim says: Listen to the rustle of the Morning Stars.
I'd love to hear what you think about choosing your doors before you came to Earth
Visit my website at: http://cosmicbirth.com/
Take the Core Fear Quiz: http://cosmicbirth.com/core-fear-quiz
Our ability to go after what we want in life is based on the foundation of how our needs, wants and desires were met as we came into the world. Our early imprints formed the blueprint of our relationship with having and whether we believed we were deserving of having. If you feel like you are stuck, that you are sabotaging yourself, feel unworthy or not good enough, full of doubt or that no matter how hard you try, it isn’t enough, it might be that you’re just really afraid of re-experiencing the shock of your earliest wounds.
In this episode, you will learn what the 5 Rights of Passage are coming into this world and how the wounds of not having those rights met sets you up for failure. You will discover what it is we really most long for in order to find true joy and where to find it. There are certain conditions needed for this to happen and you’ll discover out what they are so you can shine again.
Visit my website at: http://cosmicbirth.com/
Take the Core Fear Quiz: http://cosmicbirth.com/core-fear-quiz
Saknas det avsnitt?
You, as a conscious soul chose how to make meaning out of how you came into this world. Even before you were even conceived, you made choices about what you wanted to experience in this lifetime and how you wanted to grow and learn.
How do you find meaning in the suffering of life?
In this episode I talk about
how we all come into this life with a blueprint we made with out guides as we planned for this life. how we see life our early experiences shapes how we respond to our current ones ways we can find meaning in our suffering the stories we make over time creates our view of reality how do we see things more clearly the choices we have in adversity the need to understand why what does it mean to “make” meaning living a more meaningful life turning pain into a meaningful legacyVisit my website at: http://cosmicbirth.com/
Take the Core Fear Quiz: http://cosmicbirth.com/core-fear-quiz
When comes to rewiring the brain from limiting beliefs and patterns. What is the best way to do that?
Is it to have a major cathartic release of emotions to clear past? Would it be to say affirmations over and over again?
How about pinpointing the original source and asking the superconscious, source remove the energy.
In this episode I reveal what neuroscience is proving to create real and lasting transformation through a mind, body and spirit approach.
It involves what Ron Kurtz calls the "missing experience".
Visit my website at: http://cosmicbirth.com/
Take the Core Fear Quiz: http://cosmicbirth.com/core-fear-quiz
Agency is what we use to develop sovereignty over our own lives.
Those who have experienced developmental trauma had their agency to choose stripped away from them and felt a helpless and powerless.
We can reclaim our agency in our lives by becoming more present to and aware of our own internal world and how we relate to ourselves and others.
In this episode, I talk about
what agency is how it is different from responsibility blaming and shaming and the abuse of power how the lack of agency affects as adults the process of agency in linking between the primal wounding and now how developing greater agency benefits us in feeling OK inside the relationship to authenticity what true freedom isVisit my website at: http://cosmicbirth.com/
Take the Core Fear Quiz: http://cosmicbirth.com/core-fear-quiz
Inquiry is about using exploratory questions to connect with oneself in the present moment.
Asking the right questions in meditation or hypnosis can help guide a person to their inner wisdom and help them organize, make sense of and understand the working of their inner world.
In this episode, you'll learn how being curious to how you relate to yourself, the world around you and with others can help you recover your true self from early developmental. trauma.
You'll find how inquiry is a process that can be used to reclaim the fragmented younger parts of oneself and meet their needs.
Inquiry is the second pillar of the NeuroAffective Relational Model (NARM) principles
Visit my website: http://cosmicbirth.com/
Take the Core Fear Quiz: http://cosmicbirth.com/core-fear-quiz
Intention is what sets the world in motion. Intention is the word of creation. It is the force of nature and the power of God.
Everything we create in life comes from an intention whether we are aware of it or not.
Our intention for this life began before you chose to incarnate.
Whatever you do has an intention whether you are aware of it or not.
Intention facilitates the process of self discovery.
If you are looking for a journey to align more with who you truly are and why you are here, discovering your intention is a very important beginning of the process.
Discovering your intention is just as important is knowing what to look for when carefully choosing your guide.
What you will hear on this episode is a completely different way of looking at manifesting.
Systematically or organically? What feels right to you? I want to hear from you.
TAKE THE CORE FEAR QUIZ HERE: http://cosmicbirth.com/core-fear-quiz
VISIT MY WEBSITE: http://cosmicbirth.com/
Birth is a profound transformation moving from womb into their world.
Babies have a big story to tell about what happened and just like you, they need to be heard and seen.
In this episode you'll discover what it's like to be born from the baby's experience, the ways they try to communicate their story and how you can help them heal and resolve their birth so they can free their bodies, emotions and beliefs from the trauma of birth.
The loving presence they receive after birth is the most profound gift they can receive.
Visit my website http://cosmicbirth.com/
Take the Core Fear Quiz http://cosmicbirth.com/core-fear-quiz
Have you ever wondered what it was like in the Spirit Realm before coming to earth and why you came into the life you did?
In this episode, I share religious, cultural and philosophical references to a pre-existence in the Spirit Realm. I share a few stories of those who have recalled their pre-birth memories and how they chose and planned the life they came here to live. -
How we come into the world shapes us and how we relate to ourselves and others.
If our early primary needs went unmet, if there was abuse, abandonment, neglect or criticism, we developed adaptive survival styles which is how we show ourselves to others in order to maintain relational attachment.
In this episode, I share what persona is, how we develop them, what our greatest fear coming into the world is and the 5 personas we adopt in order to survive and maintain relational attachment.
I describe the characteristics of each persona, how they were formed in early childhood and how they show up in relationships today.
There is core dilemma that we have to face when our primary attachment figures are not able to be there for us, hurt us or abandon us and we are faced with a double bind.
How do you see these personas in your life?
TAKE THE CORE FEAR QUIZ HERE: http://cosmicbirth.com/core-fear-quiz
VISIT MY WEBSITE: http://cosmicbirth.com/
Everyone has a spirit guide that has been with them from the beginning of time. How they show themselves to us can appear in surprising and unexpected ways. In this episode Julia shares examples of some of the unusual ways spirit guides appear and why do they communicate with us through the use of metaphors, symbols, images, stories and associations with what we can understand and continue to understand about ourselves and our place in the world. You will think of synchronicities in a whole new way.
VISIT MY WEBSITE: www.cosmicbirth.com
TAKE THE CORE FEAR QUIZ: http://cosmicbirth.com/core-fear-quiz
FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100078963485630
Are you tired of feeling broken because of traumatic experiences that happened to you a long time ago that make it difficult to have fulfilling relationships, financial success and even optimal health? Maybe you have been beating yourself up thinking if only you could shame yourself enough to start doing and being better. If this sounds like, it's time to reframe the way you see trauma.
In this episode, you'll start to see how trauma is intelligently designed to help us and to see the strength that it can have in our lives. I talk about how it helps us come in touch with our hidden gifts and serves as a catalyst for fulfilling our purpose in life.
When you change your perception about what happened in the past you can change the reality that you live in. I hope you can come to see the tragedies in your life not as something that happened to you but as a blessing to let more life move through you.
TAKE THE CORE FEAR QUIZ and discover the number one fear that is holding you back from a meaningful life. http://cosmicbirth.com/core-fear-quiz
Many religions, culture, philosophers, poets and teachers have spoken about a pre-life existence. In this episode, learn about the many references across time and the world have supported that we existed as souls prior to coming to Earth.
Pre-birth memories help us understand where we came from, why we are here and what we are here to do.
There are 4 levels of memory at the time of birth.
We can access our pre-birth memories through states of expanded awareness which also helps us tap into the field of infinite wisdom and knowledge around our very early primal experience by understanding more as a witness and even through the lens of others.
There are 13 common elements characterizing these pre-birth experiences that are universal and consistent regardless of culture or background.
Have you ever wondered what your number one fear is that is holding you back from creating a fulfilling and meaningful life? Take the Core Fear Assessment Quiz here:
How does one recall their pre-birth experiences (PBE)? On this call you'll learn where such early memories before birth come from, how to access them and the first 2 principles of the pre-birth paradigm. Research over the last 50 plus years has shown memories exist beyond the brain and that babies are indeed aware prior to birth. Pre-birth memories will change the boundaries of medical and psychological research and even more importantly, change our understanding of who and what we are.
Your early primal experience or the earliest beginnings of your life here on Earth shapes every aspect of your life, how you see yourself, life, the way you relate with others and the world around you. This early time of development consists of 5 phases that are crucial to your development and growth. How you came into the world sets up the blueprint for how you engage with everything and everyone in life. Join me on this call as we explore what your Early Primal Experience is, how it influences it you and what it has to teach you about coming home to your true divine nature.
On today's episode I give a preview of what's to come in this podcast and all the exiting topics around your cosmic origins or what I like to call your early primal experience. I share a bit about my story, how I came into this work and why I'm so passionate about keeping and making birth sacred again. Our earliest beginnings and how we come into the world provide a template for how we respond to the world, life and in our relationships. This is a journey of hope, exploration, inspiration, enlightenment and healing. I think of myself as a sacred birth keeper. This podcast is for seekers, those who feel like their life is missing something and have found themselves living everyone else's story but their own. It' about rewriting your earliest stories and create more meaning, purpose and inner peace in your life.