Find out how the world of surgical robotics training is evolving with Surgical Robo-Talks. Each episode, our host, Jessica Butterworth (Society, KOL and Procedural Training Manager at CMR Surgical), will delve into the technological and curriculum changes making robotic-assisted surgical training more accessible to surgeons in training. Along with a cast of co-hosts from the Association of Surgeons in Training we’ll find learn about the tools and technologies improving surgical practice, how standardised curriculums are simplifying the qualification journey and much more.
نفس هو بودكاست يشجعك ان تنظر لما بداخلك من مشاعر وتتعلم كيف تتعامل معها بطريقة مختلفة . في كل حلقة سوف نأخذ نفس عميق ونسلط الضوء على مشاعرنا المزعجة ونناقش الحلول التي بداخلنا . تقدمه المدربة سماح العثمان . مدربة في السلام الداخلي و أول مدربة سعودية لتقنيات العلاج بمجال الفكرة. سماح هي مؤسس ( أكاديمية سماح) التي تقدم من خلالها دورات و ورش عمل للتطوير الذاتي وتشافي المشاعر. بدأت رحلتها في التدريب في عام ٢٠١٧ في أمريكا و ساعدت أكثر من ٢٠٠٠ متدرب للتخلص من المشاعر السلبية مثل القلق، الخوف ، مشاكل الثقة بالنفس وغيرها من المشاعر السلبية. للمزيد من المعلومات المجانية تابعونا على الانستقرام واليوتيوب @samaahalothman
ما تحتاج معرفته عن نفسك بدون مصطلحات برنامج شهري، يهدف إلى تقريب فهم العرب للمشاكل النفسية و كيفية التعامل معها بطريقة علمية. يهدف إلى تحديث فهمنا للمشاكل النفسية مغربلةً من الشوائب و المعتقدات الخاطئة و الخرافات. برنامج يسعى للتبسيط و الحديث بلغة مفهومة للجميع بدون تعقيدات المصطلحات إلا للضرورة العلمية أو الطبية. برنامج يهدف لأن يكون قريباً تفاعلياً يستقي مواضيعه من الواقع و المستمعين الذين هم أساس هذا الواقع. و من أهم ما يطمح له هذا البرنامج .. هو إلغاء الوصمة المتعلقة بالاضطرابات النفسية .. إعداد و تقديم د محمد صويلح طبيب طوارئ - لندن طبيب يختص في الطب النفسي- لندن ماجستير علم الأعصاب و الروابط الدماغية - كنجز كولدج لندن راسلوني بقصصكم و أسئلتكم على الإيميل [email protected] حقوق الموسيقى: أحمد فتحي -مقطوعة ساكورا الشعار من تصميم: تمام العمر
فيه معتقدات كتير موقفانا إننا نعيش بشكل إيجابي وإننا نشوف الحاجات الحلوة.
لكن كل يوم في حياتنا ممكن يبقى بداية جديدة، عشان كده البودكاست اسمه من النهاردة. في كل حلقة، هنفتح قلوبنا، وهنعيش رحلة نكتشف فيها إزاي ممكن نشتغل على نفسنا ونتغلب على تفكيرنا المحدود في إمكانياتنا.
بودكاست من النهاردة من تقديم حنان البهيّ، حنان البهيّ هي كاتبة ومدربة تطوير ذات وأساليب تنفس. البودكاست من إنتاج ذا بوتكاست برودكشنز - TPP (The Potcast Productions) Men El naharda podcast is hosted by Hanan El Bahie, a writer, self-development coach, and breathing techniques instructor. -
This podcast is an eye-opener for all indecisive, controversial Arabs in various life situations and experiences which they go through. It also educates them about different perspectives and worldviews on culturally sensitive and groundbreaking topics.
We talk about the “shoulds” and “musts” that we are conditioned by.
We also open Pandora's box on all the "taboos" that affect our identities as Arabs in the 21st century, providing a safe space to talk about all things that are controversial, yet with respect.
We Need To Talk is a safe place for each one of us living a paradoxical life, trying to fit into a box with no borders.
Hosted by Egyptian-Canadian Yasmine El Garhy, she is the youngest certified life and addiction recovery coach by the ICF in the MENA & current therapist in the making. Tune in every Wednesday at 6 am Cairo Time for new weekly episodes. -
What’s up, winners? I’m Kaylor Betts—life and business coach, no-BS truth-teller, and the unapologetic voice behind the top 1% podcast, Awake & Winning. If you’re here, you’re probably done with the BS, ready to dive into the rabbit holes, and craving some real talk about breaking free from the systems that are holding you back.
I wasn’t always winning. I know what it’s like to feel stuck—burned out, broke, and buried under the weight of a world designed to keep you small. But I decided to say f that, rebuild my body and mind, and create a life where I call the shots. Now, I’m bringing you along for the ride.
Every week, we’re diving into “awake” topics—breaking down the matrix, reclaiming your sovereignty, and winning in life and business. Whether it’s unfiltered conversations with disruptive leaders or straight-up truth bombs from me, this podcast is your ticket to leveling up and taking back your power.
If you’re ready to stop playing small, live an ungovernable life, and start winning—welcome to the rebellion. Let’s do this.
Don't miss out - stay connected and be part of the action!
YouTube: -
If you’re a woman in medicine, by definition you are a badass. But juggling work and life responsibilities can be challenging. Join Psychologist and Success Coach, Dr. Sharon Grossman, each week as she shares practical tips to address the real-life struggles you are facing so that you can be unstoppable.
A deep dive into consciousness, energy, trauma, inner child work, intimacy, holistic health, nature, plant medicine, our tribal origins, the collective and spirituality.
This is a podcast that will equip you with the deeper knowledge associated to living a fulfilling, healthy and purposeful life! -
Welcome to the High Vibe Podcast where we have radically honest and vulnerable talks centered around lifestyle, wellness, entrepreneurship, and personal growth.
This podcast is for women who want to tap into their highest self, learn about entrepreneurship, and elevate their soul and body.
Your host Tori Nishino (@torinishino) is a retired corporate girl turned full-time online influencer and entrepreneur.
Join me every week for conversations to help you conquer your life, health and happiness.
Instagram: @torinishino
TikTok: @torinishino
YouTube: -
The Beyond the Pearls podcast, based on the Morning Report series from Elsevier, has been adapted for audio in collaboration with series editor, Dr. Raj Dasgupta, InsideTheBoards, and the volume editors of the Morning Report series’ five volumes covering Internal Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, and Surgery.
Like the books in the series, the podcast uses an in-depth case dissection format and aims to deliver practical, concise and easy to digest information that is especially relevant for those studying for the USMLE Step 3, but students or others revising other USMLE or COMLEX exams will also find value.
Most episodes present a high-yield topic in a morning report or grand rounds format, and include must-know "pearls," an in-depth discussion of differentials and treatment, and assessment questions that support exam preparation. The Beyond the Pearls podcast also offers bonus episodes based on some of Dr. Raj’s most popular, highly-rated lectures.
Visit to become part of the BTP community and get the Beyond the Pearls books and more ultra high yield, entertaining educational content from Dr. Raj. -
Welcome to Dermatology UK The Podcast.
The podcast where we chat about all things skin!
We (Emmanuel & Aisling) are two clinical nurse specialists working in busy NHS dermatology departments in central London. As nurses, educating others is something we LOVE to do! Join us while we talk with some of the top professionals in the world of dermatology. Expect to hear about acne, skin treatment fads, skin cancer, anti wrinkle injections, hair loss, psoriasis and much much more. We will share our top tips, practical advice and aim to promote self-care in health and skincare
Don't forget to follow us on:
Twitter -
Gmail - [email protected] -
Join infection preventionists as they have conversations with authors of the latest research in the American Journal of Infection Control (AJIC) about how to advance the science and practice of infection prevention and control. While learning how to put the latest science into practice, maybe you will be inspired to take the next steps to develop your own research projects.
الدكتور رشيد الرشيد والدكتور حاتم أبوزيد طبيبي طب عائلة يناقشان جميع المواضيع الطبية بشكل سهل ومبسط، مع جرعة عالية من المواضيع الغير طبية التي تهمهم في جميع النواحي الحياتية
بودكاست لكل من يتمنى أن يحصل على زبدة المعلومات الصحية من غير كوليسترول
شاركونا آراءكم واقتراحاتكم على ايميل :
[email protected]