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Email: Corkycrime@gmail.com
Welcome back to the cave for Part two of the Jeffrey Dahmer saga! It also happens to be our 50th episode!
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Welcome to Jeffery Dahmer part one! Welcome to the corky cave, we are two sisters who love to drink and talk true crime!
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corkycrime@gmail.com for all recommendations and merchandise! -
WELCOME BACK to the corky cave for this story that we may or may not have told before. `
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This week we talk about Pirsoka! A Hungarian necrophilliac serial killer. Also Check out our sponsor this episode!
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This week the Corky gals are back in the cave to discuss the boy in the box! Come along with us as Taylor regals us with the tail that Nickie can't seem to keep up with.
This is the shallow drive into Brittany Drexel. one of the biggest true crime headlines of 2022. Join us in the corky cave, with wine of course, a mega pint probably.
This week we talk about our opinions on the Johnny Depp Amber Heard case going on right now. We will warn you now that we are just talking about how we feel and do not go in depth about the case.
Catch us in the corky cave socials!
Welcome back to the corky cave this week! We are here for miniseries melodrama. This week we talk about Pam Hupp from the thing about Pam and the girl from planesville Michelle Carter. So welcome or Welcome back. Can't wait to talk about these cook banana cases with you!
This is the story of Mr. cruel an Australian child rapist that is a wild story we have never heard of. ;Grab your bevys and meet us in the corky cave!
In the corky cave today we are discussing embezzlement and what crazy crimes come along with it. Come talk to us as we discuss Robert Lee Vesco and the Girl Scouts of America!
This week we carry the roadside strangler and the freeway killer buckle up this episode makes sure you know not to be on a highway alone. Michael ross and William Bonin.
Join us in the corky cave as we talk about Duane the dog bounty hunter. We discuss his beginnings as well as well known cases.
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We are back this week with wild wild witches! Mother shipton and the Paislee witch trials.
We are back soon for spooky season
We are here back at you to have some fun here in Greeley Colorado! You're gonna like this one, its uncharacteristically of us.
Were in the Corky cave today talking about two of our fave topics! Football and true crime. We talk about the I-5 killer Randall woodfield and Robert Roizer this week with some funny crimes at the end. Tune in to get your fill of these two sisters!
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Welcome to this weeks episode in the Corky Cave. We are discussing the lucrative trade of body brokers. Taylor talks about Arthur Rathburn and Nice talks about some wicked statistics.
Ig- Corkycrimesisters -
We are here with a minisode this week! This case has baffled me from the get go. Who Put Bella in The Witch Elm??
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