Through interviews with the protagonists, the podcast series focuses on the path and artistic production of Brazilian indigenous curators, artists and academics. The two episodes chronicle the rise of the Contemporary Indigenous Art movement in the Brazilian artistic scene over the past decade, and the beginning of their process of circulation and connection to indigenous struggles around the world for the recognition of identities and aesthetics of indigenous populations. They describe the characteristics that give uniqueness to these productions in the world of contemporary art.
Content production: Laura Burocco
Interviewed: Arissana Pataxó, Denilson Baniwa, Edson Kayapó, Graciela Guraní, Kassia Borges, Moara Tupinambá
Images: Denilson Baniwa, "Pajé-Onça Hackeando a 33ª Bienal de Artes de São Paulo", 2018, video performance HD video, colour, sound, 15'
This podcast received the support of the Italian Council Edition XI - Art Critic - DGCC