Welcome to the WeedSmart Podcast! Each fortnight we'll whip around the cropping regions, focusing on weed control and issues that have cropped up. Your hosts, Siobhon Eacott and Peter Newman, will deliver you snappy, informative updates on what matters in weed control, from the comfort of your tractor, ute, or wherever you may be on the road or farm.
The Australian Institute of Criminology's podcast series. In this series, we want to share with you some of the latest research on a range of contemporary crime and justice issues affecting Australia. We'll talk about some of the research we’re doing at the Institute, but also explore some of the research we’re funding our academic partners to undertake in universities across Australia.
Welcome to Melbourne Water’s Podcast Ag-Resilience. This series will provide information and conversation for farmers as the industry tackles some very big environmental and economic challenges. As agriculture peruses ambitious carbon neutral targets, we can also aspire towards a 2050 future that might be carbon and nature positive. But what do these terms mean? How does the agriculture sector make sense of all the emerging information and find the positive in carbon and nature positive? In this first season we will open up conversations with researchers and seek science based information that sets the scene for a thriving 2050 carbon and nature positive industry in the Port Phillip and Western Port catchment.
For more information, visit
Hosted by award-winning podcast creator, journalist & futurist Mark Pesce, The Next Billion Seconds is everything you need to know about the future — so you can make the best decisions today. The rate of change we are experiencing is the fastest humanity has ever seen. Stay informed as Mark simplifies the complex technological and societal changes we face. How we will work, connect, use money, drive, eat is all changing at a rapid pace. For more information on The Next Billion seconds with Mark Pesce, please check out
This podcast is produced by Ampel. To find out more, please visit If you are interested in sponsoring The Next Billion Seconds podcast, reach out to our GM, Michelle Lomas at [email protected] or Founder, Josh Butt - [email protected]
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There are a lot of fads, blogs and strong opinions, but then there’s SCIENCE. Science Vs is the show from Gimlet that finds out what’s fact, what’s not, and what’s somewhere in between. We do the hard work of sifting through all the science so you don't have to and cover everything from 5G and Pandemics, to Vaping and Fasting Diets.
The Data Skeptic Podcast features interviews and discussion of topics related to data science, statistics, machine learning, artificial intelligence and the like, all from the perspective of applying critical thinking and the scientific method to evaluate the veracity of claims and efficacy of approaches.
Reasonable Doubts takes an informative and humorous look at religion from a freethinking perspective; offering news and commentary of interest to skeptics, atheists, agnostics, humanists, courageous religious believers looking for a challenge and freethinkers of all persuasions. In addition to interviewing the top minds in skepticism (former guests include Christopher Hitchens, Susan Jacoby, Paul Kurtz, Edward Tabash, DJ Grothe) RD offers regular segments on counter-apologetics, biblical criticism, creationism intelligent design and church state issues. RD also examines the psychology of religion, reviewing recent and exciting research you won't hear about anywhere else. Tune in for a hard-hitting critique of religion balanced by plenty of humor, a fair-minded attitude and a commitment to critical thinking. Check out our website at for information, episode links or to email questions, comments and challenges. Reasonable Doubts...for those who won't just take things on faith.
Join host Stuart Gary for weekly explorations into Astronomy, Space, and Science News, featuring insights from 19 years on Australian Public Radio and industry experts.
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Ever get the feeling that your government is out to get you? They are, and we set about to uncover the century's long plan for world domination by the psychopaths that are running the planet. We laugh at how insane it all is and interview prominent guests that might have ideas on how to foil their plans on Macroaggressions with Charlie Robinson.
Carey Mae Parker has been missing from northeast Texas since 1991. People go missing every day, but there's something unusual about Carey's case. After two decades without answers, family members made a shocking discovery: Police never launched an investigation. We spent a year searching for clues about Carey's disappearance. And about the people who let it happen.