We're reimagining Happiness via Astrology and Science. Join us!
But first...
Why am I doing this?
Because on October 1, 2017, I was staying on the 23rd floor of the Luxor hotel in Las Vegas, with a front row seat to the mass shooting unfolding below.
It changed me and caused me to question what I’m doing with my life and how I’ve allowed fear and doubt to run the show more often than I care to admit.
I’m Lori Randall Stradtman. I’m creating this podcast as an experiment.
It’s an exploration, research, and true stories about how this HAPPINESS thing works and how we can cultivate more of it every day.
This podcast experiment is happening for a year, starting on March 15, 2018. My mission is to create podcasts, culminating in what I hope is a massive shift in the way I look at the sometimes wildly tumultuous, unexpected curve balls that Life can pitch one’s way.
Interestingly, just preparing for this podcast has me happier than I've been in years, so I hope it will be delightfully contagious!
Note: Since I created this podcast I've "come out" spiritually as an Astrologer! Will be adding Astrological forecasts in tandem with interviews of people who are spreading individual and collective happiness all around the world!