How do you plant yourself in deliverance? Why is assembling together important? Join guest speaker, Rabbi Dr. Bruce Tucker of Beth Judah in Ormond Beach, Florida, as he spurs us to action by pointing out that light can be shown more powerfully when we are together and all-in for G-d. If we can grasp a vision for the L-rd, He can lift us all forwards to something greater than before. Be encouraged this Shabbat!
Exodus 35.1-4; Exodus 35.10-14; Exodus 35.21-22; Exodus 35.29; Exodus 36.4-6; Psalm 113.2-3; Psalm 115.1; Psalm 116.7-8; Psalm 117.1-2; Psalm 118.29; 1 Kings 7.51; Ezekiel 36.24-28; Ezekiel 36.35-36; Acts 17.16; Acts 17.33-34
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How do you depend on G-d in uncertain times? Are you invested in community? Join our special guest speaker, as he recalls the story of Esther to commemorate Purim, and urges us to stay together since G-d does mighty things when we move as one. We must be united and vulnerable with the L-rd and each other, as G-d lifts us up when we lean on Him. Chag Purim Sameach and Shabbat Shalom!
Esther 4.7-17; 2 Corinthians 12.9-10; 1 Corinthians 15.9-10; 1 Corinthians 15.57-58; Esther 9.16; Esther 9.2; John 17.20-21; Psalm 133.1-3; Esther 9.29
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How do you handle things that are difficult? Are you ready to carry G-d’s light to others? Join guest speaker, Rabbi Dr. Bruce Tucker of Congregation Beth Judah in Ormond Beach, Florida, as he highlights the support G-d can provide even when we are not in the easiest or most stable situations, because His light can have a deeply felt impact in any circumstance. Seek the light of the L-rd whether you are in a plentiful or scarce season so He can guide your steps. Be blessed this Shabbat!
Exodus 27.20-21; Exodus 30.7-8; Ezekiel 43.1-2; Psalm 27; Ezekiel 43.6-7; Acts 9.1-9; Acts 9.17-20
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Why is being willing to give important? How is the Tabernacle relevant to us? Join guest speaker Rabbi Todd Lesser of Congregation Adon Olam in Greenville, South Carolina, as he recollects his journey with Beth Hallel and Rabbi E, and how we can learn from the Tabernacle’s role with the Israelites. G-d will dwell with us, so we can gratefully approach Him in our times of both need and abundance, and He will be there for us. Shabbat Shalom!
Exodus 25.2; 2 Corinthians 9.7; James 1.17; Psalm 37.25; Exodus 25.8-9; Romans 11.28; Romans 1.16; Exodus 25.22; Hebrews 4.16; Leviticus 17.11; Revelation 21.3-4
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How do you take root in G-d’s ways? Does G-d have a purpose for you? Join guest speaker, Rabbi Dr. Bruce Tucker of Congregation Beth Judah in Ormond Beach, Florida, as he spotlights the importance of G-d’s design and how we can find great purpose when we seek to follow His order. Working towards G-d’s vision allows us to unite in ways that would not be possible without the L-rd. This message will encourage you!
Exodus 21.1-6; Exodus 23.14-17; Exodus 24.3-11; Exodus 24.15-18; Jeremiah 33.23-26; Jeremiah 30.1-3; Jeremiah 31.9; Jeremiah 31.37-39; Hebrews 13.20-21
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Do you ever count your days? Would you say you have lived life with purpose and meaning? Join guest speaker Pastor Matt Johnston from North Metro Church as he reflects on Rabbi E's legacy, along with life, death, and the best use of breath during our journeys on Earth. Remember G-d’s many blessings, and since we cannot count our days, we must make our days count, with the L-rd in mind. Be blessed this Shabbat!
Psalm 90.1-2; Psalm 90.12-17; Ecclesiastes 1.1-3; Ecclesiastes 3.10-14; James 4.13-15; Genesis 2.7
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What holds you back from walking towards G-d? What fears can derail your calling? Join our guest speaker as he reflects on the life of Beth Hallel’s founding rabbi, Rabbi Robert Solomon, and reminds us to be resolute in our pursuit of G-d’s callings for us. Be vigilant of fears or other struggles that can alter your pursuit of G-d’s will, and instead push forward with the help of the L-rd. May Rabbi E’s memory be a blessing.
Exodus 13.17-22; Hebrews 11.22; Genesis 50.24-26; Exodus 14.10-13; Exodus 16.25-27; Exodus 16.3; Exodus 5.6-7; Exodus 6.9; Exodus 15.11; Jeremiah 16.14; 1 Corinthians 10.1-4; Exodus 14.31; John 5.46
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How do you deal with hurt? Do you let things go, or hold on too much? Join Rabbi Kevin Solomon of Congregation Beth Hallel as he encourages us to take the high road and be forgiving even when people may treat us unfairly or wrong us, and that we in turn must be responsible and quick to make things right towards others, as well. This grace and kindness is what the L-rd gives us, and we must take this example and reflect it to others. Shabbat Shalom!
Ephesians 4.31-32; Genesis 13.2; Genesis 13.5-9; Colossians 3.12-13; Luke 14.7-11; Genesis 50.19-21; Luke 6.31
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Do you compromise in certain scenarios? Do you shine G-d’s light consistently? Join Rabbi Kevin Solomon of Congregation Beth Hallel as he spotlights the importance of doing our part in a full-hearted and willing way, no matter how big or small, because even a few doing so can change much. Reflecting the light of the L-rd can be seen by many from a great distance in a world of darkness. Be encouraged today!
1 Corinthians 5.6-8; Leviticus 23.17; Luke 13.20-21; Matthew 5.14-16; 1 Corinthians 3.6-9
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How much do you value life? What are you willing to sacrifice for others? Join Rabbi Kevin Solomon of Congregation Beth Hallel as he reflects on the preservation of life heavily prioritized by Israel, along with how much Yeshua also valued this by giving up everything to free us from captivity. As we mourn the loss of Aviel Wiseman and his fellow soldiers defending Israel and the Jewish people, we also remember the price Yeshua paid to save us and bring us life everlasting. Please continue to pray for the hostages, and may Aviel’s memory be a blessing.
Leviticus 18.5; John 3.16; Isaiah 35.10; Psalm 126.1-6; Mark 10.42-45; Luke 4.17-21
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How is G-d present in your life? Is He central to you? Join guest speaker Rabbi Tim Hyslip of Congregation Baruch HaShem in Phoenix, Arizona, as he calls attention to the importance of G-d being central in our lives, and how His presence can always be strongly impactful. Focus on keeping G-d at the center of your life, and you will feel great fulfillment and stability throughout your journey. Shabbat Shalom!
Exodus 25.22; Exodus 40.34-35; 1 Samuel 7.2-4; 2 Samuel 6.1-4; 2 Samuel 6.8-10; 1 Chronicles 15.12-15; 1 Chronicles 16.1-2; 2 Samuel 6.20-23
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How often do you think about G-d? Are you all in for the L-rd? Join Rabbi Kevin Solomon of Congregation Beth Hallel as he welcomes 2025 with a message alerting us to the dangers of compartmentalizing G-d in our lives rather than having Him present in every facet. No matter the area, do not be two-faced, and let G-d be with you and guide your steps closer to Him and His will. Shabbat Shalom and Happy New Year!
Revelation 22.12-13; Isaiah 44.6-8; James 3.10; 2 Timothy 4.7-8
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What went right this year? Can you be honest about what could have gone better? Join Rabbi Kevin Solomon of Congregation Beth Hallel as he looks back on the year and encourages us to do some self-evaluation of where we are spiritually, and to turn away from any darkness you find towards the light of the L-rd instead. Hanukkah is a time of rededication, so seek the truth, receive it, then spread that light to others. Happy Hanukkah, and have a blessed new year!
Isaiah 60.1-3; Luke 2.25-32; John 3.19-21; John 10.22-24; Matthew 5.14-16
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How can you make a difference? Do you enjoy blessing others? Join guest speaker Rabbi Stewart Winograd of Reach Initiative International as he provides an update on the endeavors of Reach Initiative and how they, utilizing contributions from Beth Hallel and beyond, have been able to bless Israel and the Jewish people. You can be a blessing to others by loving others and reflecting Yeshua in how you treat people. Be blessed today!
Isaiah 9.2; Matthew 5.14-16
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Why is it still important for Jewish people to remain distinct? What is your favorite holiday? Join guest speaker Rabbi David Schneier of Congregation Beth Hallel in Birmingham, Alabama, as he reflects on the interaction between Jew and Gentile in a body of believers united by Yeshua the Messiah. It is imperative to take action and build bridges between these distinct groups to strengthen G-d’s kingdom. Shabbat Shalom!
Romans 3.1-4; Romans 1.1-4; Romans 1.16; John 10.14-16; Romans 11.1-2; Romans 11.12; Romans 11.18-21; Romans 11.25-26; John 17.20-23
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Can you recall a time where something unexpected happened? How did you react? Join Rabbi Kevin Solomon of Congregation Beth Hallel as he reminds us about how G-d delivered the Israelites from seemingly certain doom despite such difficult and surprising circumstances. It is important to know that, when we are lost, the L-rd is there to guide us through even if we do not yet fully understand the plan. Be encouraged today!
Exodus 14.10-12; Exodus 14.1-4; Isaiah 45.9; Isaiah 55.8-9; Matthew 16.21-23; Exodus 14.13-14
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What are you thankful for? What does a thankful heart have to do with a good smell? Join Rabbi Kevin Solomon of Congregation Beth Hallel as he emphasizes the importance of frequently thanking G-d for things that we are granted every day, not just the extreme cases. We must humbly recognize the L-rd, and that aroma offered to Him can bring us further benefit, as well. Happy Thanksgiving and Shabbat Shalom!
Genesis 6.5-8; Genesis 8.18-21; James 1.16-17; Psalm 100.4; 2 Corinthians 4.15-17
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How do you represent G-d? Do you think about the power of your belief? Join guest speaker, Rabbi Eric Lakatos, of Congregation Tikvat Yisrael in Cleveland, Ohio and the chairman of the IAMCS as he reminds us of the strength we have as followers of Yeshua, and that we should build on this relationship to shine G-d’s light to others. It is integral to abide in Messiah’s love so that you can cultivate this fruit-bearing relationship. Shabbat Shalom!
Genesis 23.6; John 8.56; John 8.42; Psalm 113.4-6; 1 Corinthians 2.1-15; John 15.5; John 15.9-11; John 15.16-17
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What are areas in your life that you have difficulty overcoming? Is it hard to begin that journey? Join Rabbi Kevin Solomon of Congregation Beth Hallel as he encourages us to be bold and make that first stride towards the L-rd, despite obstacles from the adversary. Even if you face adversity and may fail, continually trying to take another step out of the boat is necessary to grow your walk with G-d. May this message strengthen you this Shabbat!
Matthew 14.28-31; Matthew 10.1; Mark 9.17-18; Mark 9.28-29; Acts 5.14-16; Proverbs 24.16
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What is it like to be on guard? What is important to keep safe? Join Rabbi Kevin Solomon of Congregation Beth Hallel as he warns us to keep our heart safe by allowing the L-rd to watch over it, as it is integrally important to your life in so many ways. Keeping your heart safe allows you to pursue what G-d has for you with fewer internal obstacles. May you be blessed this Shabbat!
Proverbs 4.20-23; Joshua 22.5; Jeremiah 17.9-10; Genesis 4.7; Genesis 6.14; Ephesians 6.16; Deuteronomy 6.5; 1 Corinthians 13.4-7
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