Are you a busy mom running a creative business? Do you constantly feel like you’re drowning in the chaos of balancing your passion with the demands of motherhood? Do you ever find yourself wondering if it’s possible to stay organized without stifling your creativity? If so, you’re not alone. I’m Brittnie Renee, a fellow mom and creative entrepreneur who’s been where you are—overwhelmed, burnt out, and struggling to find harmony between my art and my life.
Welcome to ”The Organized Creative” podcast, where I share my journey of embracing life’s messiness while providing practical tips to create space for what truly matters. Join me for candid conversations, actionable advice, and real-life stories on managing time, purposeful planning, and growing your business without sacrificing peace of mind.
This podcast is your go-to resource for transforming chaos into clarity. Whether you want to streamline your daily routines, find inspiration in the midst of the everyday hustle, or connect with someone who understands, you’re in the right place.
Tune in each week as we explore topics such as time management for creatives, balancing business and motherhood, and using tools like the Capture The Chaos Planner to bring order and joy into your life. You’ll also hear from inspiring creative entrepreneurs who have found their own rhythm in the madness.
Let’s work together to build a life and business that you love. Subscribe now and connect with me on Instagram at @brittnierenee_co to keep the conversation going and get more support.
Instagram: -
The Bloom Boss podcast has a mission is to help aspiring and growing floral professionals to build successful businesses through the power of community and education.
Every day, you'll tune in to quickie episodes, daily mindsets, and conversations with event floral professionals in our floral community to learn something they do in their business that feeds their growth and find the support that we all need to BLOOM together. -
Je suis Isabelle, architecte d'intérieur et fondatrice de l'agence Beloucia.
Dans ce podcast, je vous invite à découvrir des histoires inspirantes de particuliers qui ont relevé le défi de la rénovation, ainsi que des conseils pratiques de professionnels pour vous aider à réussir vos propres projets.
Que vous soyez déjà en plein chantier ou que vous envisagiez de vous lancer, ce podcast est fait pour vous ! Nous aborderons la réalité des travaux, avec ses réussites, ses défis, et des astuces pour éviter les erreurs courantes.
Pour bien démarrer votre projet, je vous offre un eBook gratuit qui vous aidera à poser les bonnes questions avant de commencer.
Et si vous souhaitez soutenir ce podcast et accéder à des contenus exclusifs, rejoignez-nous sur Patreon
Votre soutien est précieux pour continuer à développer ce projet et vous offrir encore plus de ressources.
Merci de votre écoute et à très bientôt pour de nouvelles aventures au cœur de la rénovation !
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Billy Carson AKA 4biddenknowledge shares the untold truth about the worlds ancient past and how it relates to today’s technology and societies ways. From his own experience traveling around the world multiple times, visiting sacred sites, and interviewing natives, 4biddenknowledge has been able to uncover what actually took place in ancient times. He also delves deep into financial literacy, spirituality, metaphysics, and esoteric knowledge in this podcast series. Listen and learn about consciousness and our real history with Billy Carson and his expert guests. Support this podcast:
Wie kriegst Du es hin, am Monatsende mehr Geld übrig zu haben? Wie machst Du das mit Deiner Altersvorsorge? Was musst Du zu ETFs wissen? Welche Konten und Verträge brauchst Du überhaupt? Kurzum: Wie organisierst Du Dein Geld – und zwar auf einfache Weise und ohne Experte sein zu müssen?
Diese Fragen beantworte ich Dir in diesem Podcast. Ich bin Saidi von Finanztip und führe Dich Stück für Stück durch diesen Podcast-Kurs: Ganz praktisch lernst Du, wie Du Deine alltäglichen Geldgeschäfte organisiert, so dass es für Dich möglichst einfach, übersichtlich und kostengünstig ist. Und mit der Zeit werden wir uns auch an die großen Fragen des Lebens heranarbeiten: Wie z.B. entscheidest Du, ob Du Dir eine eigene Immobilie zulegen solltest – oder nicht?
Geld – muss nicht kompliziert sein. Sondern geht ganz einfach. -
Meld je aan voor de dagelijkse nieuwsbrief:
Het laatste nieuws over de beurs, financiële wereld, economie, politiek en ondernemen vind bij De Belegger!
De inzichten op dit kanaal zijn voor educatieve doeleinden. Geen financieel advies hier – altijd zelf onderzoek doen voor je belegt. Beleggen kent risico's, dus beslis wijs! -
The Private Equity PErspectives podcast serves as a forum for private equity dealmakers to discuss navigating today’s dynamic investment environment, while preparing for challenges and opportunities on the horizon. In each episode, BDO’s Private Equity practice connects with leaders in the industry to talk deal activity, fund strategies, and portfolio company optimization.
Over historische plekken en kunstenaars aan de Côte d'Azur.
Hoezo, het liedje 'La Mer' van Charles Trenet gaat niet over de zee? En hebben wij daar echt een Belgisch eiland? Kunstjournalist Eric Rinckhout reist langs de Cote d’Azur met verhalen over de iconische plekken en beroemdheden die daar woonden of flaneerden. Aan de Middellandse Zee vond Grace Kelly haar Prins Rainier van Monaco, en ballerina Isodora Duncan... de dood. Tijdens een ritje in een cabrio draaide haar sjaaltje in de wielen. Maar ook over het zuiderse verblijf van violist Paganini, de filosoof Nietzsche en Guy de Maupassant weet Rinckhout alles. -
Een maandelijkse podcast over de sterke mensen achter merken.
De beste communicatie lokt reacties uit als “Zo had ik het nog niet bekeken!” en “Dat zou nu eens echt over mij kunnen gaan”. Onze missie is dan ook: merken menselijker maken door hun verhalen te vertellen op een manier die hun doelpubliek ráákt.
In onze maandelijkse podcast trekken we die lijn resoluut door. We praten met interessante gasten uit de sector over hun kijk op het leven, en hoe ze die aanwenden om unieke (merk)boodschappen te creëren. -
Typography Dojo is the place where we explore the traditions and techniques in the practice of type and typography with lessons and insights from visual design masters. Join me to learn more about typesetting, readability, hand lettering, editorial design, type design, Calligraphy, logo design and how they improve graphic communication.
A music business show made for artists who are looking for clear information, inspiration, and application for their careers. Ideas are broken down into steps that musicians can use to advance their career. The show is written and hosted by Simon Tam, an industry professional who is the founder of The Slants Foundation, author of multiple books, and longtime mentor/speaker at SXSW, the DIY Musician Conference, and other major events.
Want to take your art based biz to the next level or quit your day job to adventure into creative entrepreneurship? Heidi Fahrenbacher and Alyssa Westenbroek-Koster have walked the walk, and they are talking the talk in each episode of Boldli! Follow along as they interview movers and shakers who are both making art and making a living following their passion. Listen in as these two artist/business owners have real talk around the good, the bad, and everything in between surrounding being your own boss and following your art into a sustainable career. Get inspired, get tools to move your business forward, and know that you are not alone on your creative journey.
Podcastul antreprenorilor din tehnologie, cu Sergiu Biriș, antreprenor în serie, investitor și mentor pentru diverse startup-uri tech. Este un podcast despre poveștile antreprenorilor români care au fondat startup-uri de succes, au reușit și au inovat în tehnologie sau cu ajutorul ei. L-am denumit "Neascultătorii" deoarece un lucru pe care îl au în comun antreprenorii care au reușit cu adevarat este acela că au știut când să NU asculte de cei care le-au zis că nu vor reuși. Au știut când să ocolească regulile, și nu s-au mulțumit cu cariere predictibile, lipsite de rollercoaster-ul specific antreprenoriatului în tehnologie. Îmi doresc de la acest podcast sa fie unul care inspiră alți viitori antreprenori și din care să descoperim împreună povești și lecții despre ce înseamnă să construiești un business de succes în Tehnologie.