Today Karim has the pleasure to have with him, Paul Rees.
Paul Rees works with scale-orientated business owners and corporate leaders who are open-minded to Up-designing themselves emotionally, mentally, productively, and above all change accountable towards their current business goals.
He is an established business performance coach and soft skills expert, with over eighteen years of experience. His client portfolio reaches into the USA, Canada, UK, and Europe. he also presents on Radio and Television specializing in the subject matter of business and human performance, author, and CEO of Paul Rees Business Coaching and Accolade Executive Business Coaching. His coaching style is unique and widely successful proven.
he has published article writing that has received recognition all over the world, influencing a change and understanding of the importance of individual and team peak performance business lifestyle, accountability, attitude, and soft skills in the workplace
His clients have ranged to the banking industry, manufacturing, service, and distribution all over the world. his business performance and business leadership soft skills formulas have been responsible for massive leaps in organic business owner and leadership performance in the work environment, as well as permanent advancements in productive mindset and person to people working attitude.
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When you're mentoring on your coaching, it's massively too important to know you're actually producing the energy. If your zoom audience has not got the energy, they will almost start scanning the information you're delivering, they will not absorb it and not take it in. What are the most important qualities that usually make the difference between a good coach and a great one? What makes the difference between a good coach and a great coach is actually the investment that the coach puts into themselves in order for them to be at the cutting edge of business tools, and business understanding.When you respect your clients, you're going to prepare for your session, when you're going to respect your clients, you're going to invest in yourself to develop yourself to provide them with the highest value. When you respect your client, you're going to respect his ability and capability in finding the right answers. Don't work with a client unless you're going to learn something from them. It's easy to work with clients, and then just drown them with your experience that becomes intimidatingThere's nothing worse than being drowned with experience and drowned with information from your coach.Mastering the art of connection is key to go from a good coach to a great one. When it comes to business coaching the minute’s count, and you're going to be evaluated at the end of the agreement, Connection for me, I think is one of the key characteristics and skills that make the difference between a good coach and a great coach.You are 100% immersed in this interaction whether it's one hour or the 45 minutes or a one and a half hour but listening at the highest level is something that makes a huge difference. You've got to be three ears, and one month.When you become four ears, and one mouth, then you're intentional listening.I'm very conscious of keeping detailed notes from every conversation that i have with my client.Our job is to build that person into a business, not build a business, then build the person.Authenticity is something that sometimes it's hard to see when we've not experienced it for ourselves in our life.Be true to yourself to be true to another.Resources from this episode:
Follow Paul Rees
Learn more about what Paul is doing on paulreesbusinesscoach.bizLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paul-rees-6167b920/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paul.rees.14019Twitter: https://twitter.com/paulbizcoachJoin our Facebook Group: Goal Getters Nation
Today Karim has the pleasure to have with him, Paul Rees.
Paul Rees works with scale-orientated business owners and corporate leaders who are open-minded to Up-designing themselves emotionally, mentally, productively, and above all is change accountable towards their current business goals.
He is an established business performance coach and soft skills expert, with over eighteen years of experience. His client portfolio reaches into the USA, Canada, UK, and Europe. he also presents on Radio and Television specializing in the subject matter of business and human performance, author, and CEO of Paul Rees Business Coaching and Accolade Executive Business Coaching. His coaching style is unique and widely successful proven.
he has published article writing that has received recognition all over the world, influencing a change and understanding of the importance of individual and team peak performance business lifestyle, accountability, attitude, and soft skills in the workplace
His clients have ranged in the banking industry, manufacturing, service, and distribution all over the world. his business performance and business leadership soft skills formulas have been responsible for massive leaps in organic business owner and leadership performance in the work environment, as well as permanent advancements in productive mindset and person to people working attitude.
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Niche in, your business as an SME business owner, is one of the most personnel. Accountabilities you will do in your business ever.It tests your belief system, it tests your self-worth, it tests your imposter syndrome, it tests your belief in your marketplace.As a business owner tests what you are about in business.If anybody as a business owner cannot shout out their business avatar or their business client is in less than 10 seconds, they need to niche.99% of business owners niche so softly, that they remain within the noise of the market. They are promoting their business.People fail to niche, because they are nervous, if they niche, they're going to leave a market that they are currently in, even though the market is failing to bring into the business, the potential of the core value clients that resonate with their product business services99% of business owners in the SME market are in the low income, high maintenance market. We have to look at how we present our own insecurities into the doubt of our business. Very few businesses owners that I’ve met, can actually tell me within 60 seconds what their product is.We are scared to keep a piece of the cake without having a part of it.I'm not niching to a small value of people; I niche as an expert in a particular subject matter.Niching gives my business a higher profile, a higher interest, a greater interest. I will niche each individual, individually, but create a team from them. Not niching myself away from people and niching myself into people. So, they completely understand their mindset. When you niche, you increase your market. Because now people get the philosophy and the value of what you offer.Expanding, in one way or another is not in contradiction with the concept of niche. Your business should niche at least three times before you've even started niching correctly. It's an impossibility to become good at everything because it's too much for our emotional mind to take in and become efficient.Resources from this episode:
Follow Paul Rees
Learn more about what Paul is doing on paulreesbusinesscoach.bizLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paul-rees-6167b920/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/paul.rees.14019Twitter: https://twitter.com/paulbizcoachJoin our Facebook Group: Go High Ticket: Scale your coaching business to 6 Figures
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In today’s episode, Karim is continuing with his amazing guest,Brad Federman
who spent really, decades of his life exploring this area of coaching, personal development, communication connection, and how to get the best benefit out of it for individuals and organizations.
Every day, people wake up and trudge to work, resentfully working at a company that falls short of its promises and values. This is a problem, one that Brad has dedicated his career to resolving. He is dedicated to helping organizations engage employees and customers, build resilient and bulwark relationships, as well as creating collaborative and agile cultures.
As he puts it, his job is to ‘help organizations discover and live their possible’.
This mission has followed Brad throughout his career as an international author, speaker, coach, and consultant with more than 25 years of corporate experience.
As the founder of PerformancePoint, Brad works with organizations and leadership in various industries, including household names such as: Nordstrom, FedEx, Embassy Hilton, Mayo Clinic, Deloitte & Touche LLP, and Polo Ralph Lauren Corporation.
Prior to PerformancePoint, Brad was the EVP of Novations Group and has held leadership positions with Accenture and Humana Inc. He is a frequently requested featured speaker at conferences and business meetings worldwide. Some of his literary works include:
Employee Engagement: A Roadmap for Creating Profits, Optimizing Performance, and Increasing Loyalty, Cultivating Culture: 101 Ways to Foster Engagement in 15 Minutes or Less, and a contributing author to 101 Ways to Enhance Your Career. Additionally, Brad has also been interviewed for Fox Business News’ John Stossel Show and articles in numerous publications such as American Banker, Fortune Small Business, Los Angeles Times and HR Magazine.
Brad earned his B.A. degree in communications from University of Maryland and a M.Ed. degree in human resource development from Vanderbilt University. He is also a member of the Forbes Coaches Council and serves on several boards.
In today’s episode:
There are coaches or people who are interested to build a coaching career.
Karim’s question is very simple.
How to use the coaching techniques, this concept of helping others unleash their potential and to help them see things that in the normal days and the busy days, they can see it?
How we can use this, to implement a culture or to help an organization builds the culture within their business?
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You need to actually be very self-aware. All too often, coaches are interested in making a breakthrough. Coaches are interested in a process. Don't get caught up in the model, Get caught up in the curiosity. don't make it about you make it about them. If you do that, the rest comes much more naturally. Questions won't come unless you have that mindset.The more you are far from the industry you are coaching in, the more you are going to be successful.When you're coaching you typically are thinking about it from an individual perspective, how do I work with and help this person?We were teaching people how to have stand-ups in their puddles. You are developing the leaders to develop the organization.People don't have a reason to work here.Absenteeism went down, quality went way up, morale went way up, turnover stopped. Because they did the hard work to build a culture instead of trying to pick something up somewhere else, and drop it in.How do you link culture with belonging?I think cultures can create more belonging, and cultures can create less belonging. Culture can do both things. It can exclude, it can beat up, it can destroy, or it can build up, include and make you more profitable.Have a choice in that. And that choice is how you approach it.People succumb to culture.// Resources from this episode:
Follow Brad Federman:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bradfederman
You can get Brad’s Books from the link below:
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Go High Ticket: Scale your coaching business to 6 Figures.
In today’s episode, Karim is lucky to have an amazing guest,who spent really, decades of his life exploring this area of coaching, personal development, communication connection, and how to get the best benefit out of it for individuals and organizations.
Brad Federman
Every day, people wake up and trudge to work, resentfully working at a company that falls short of its promises and values. This is a problem, one that Brad has dedicated his career to resolving. He is dedicated to helping organizations engage employees and customers, build resilient and bulwark relationships, as well as creating collaborative and agile cultures.
As he puts it, his job is to ‘help organizations discover and live their possible’.
This mission has followed Brad throughout his career as an international author, speaker, coach, and consultant with more than 25 years of corporate experience.
As the founder of PerformancePoint, Brad works with organizations and leadership in various industries, including household names such as Nordstrom, FedEx, Embassy Hilton, Mayo Clinic, Deloitte & Touche LLP, and Polo Ralph Lauren Corporation.
Prior to PerformancePoint, Brad was the EVP of Novations Group and has held leadership positions with Accenture and Humana Inc. He is a frequently requested featured speaker at conferences and business meetings worldwide. Some of his literary works include:
Employee Engagement: A Roadmap for Creating Profits, Optimizing Performance, and Increasing Loyalty, Cultivating Culture: 101 Ways to Foster Engagement in 15 Minutes or Less, and a contributing author to 101 Ways to Enhance Your Career. Additionally, Brad has also been interviewed for Fox Business News’ John Stossel Show and articles in numerous publications such as American Banker, Fortune Small Business, Los Angeles Times, and HR Magazine.
Brad earned his B.A. degree in communications from the University of Maryland and a M.Ed. degree in human resource development from Vanderbilt University. He is also a member of the Forbes Coaches Council and serves on several boards.
In today’s episode:
We have a lot of revolving doors in organizations, people leaving and trying to come in and when you ask people, Why they're quitting?
It has to do with things like flexible work hours or having a meaning and purpose in the work, having strong cultures.
But if you read about what's happening in the newspaper companies are trying to solve it with money, with compensation.
Ironically, you might attract people to come to your organization for a higher paycheck, but you will lose them very quickly if you do not create meaning in the work and create a culture that matters.
How important culture is today?
A quote that I came up with, is:
“Culture Is to Recruiting And Retention As Food Is To Hunger”.
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We always said values were important.The hierarchy is dead. We are now a network flat organization. We're in a diverse world, we got multiple generations.We might have a team of six people, but they're all in different parts of the world. What is culture? Culture is shared norms.If we don't have shared norms, then we don't have a way to work together.The more flat the more we are covering areas, and the more together we can create something big.Culture is defined as ‘’The Behaviours You're Willing to Accept Knowing It's Not About What Someone's Spouses Are, Says, It's Not About What Your Best People Are Doing. It's About the Behaviours You're Willing To Accept’’.You are as strong as your weakest link. And those weak links show up at difficult moments. That's Culture.Organizations focus on the wrong piece, what I say they focus on profitability, problems, and process when they should be thinking about people.When leadership and management want to discuss something and they want something to happen, they still take one direction, a one-way conversation approach.We value data numbers, practical information a lot. We've become a little bit more open to the whole emotions thing, but you still hear people say, business is business personal is personal, leave your emotions at the door. Leadership is all about removing barriers, being a servant to your people, opening up opportunities, coaching, facilitating.The more we are immersed with the WE, the more we are adding value.// Resources from this episode:
Follow Brad Federman:
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bradfederman
You can get Brad’s Books from the link below:
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Today Karim is going to be exploring one of the important stages in the coaching process and in the customer journey.
This is an initial stage, but it's a very, very important stage and many coaches miss giving it what is needed in terms of time and focus.
And later on, Unfortunately, things happen during the coaching program or package that we may be able to avoid. If we do properly the Initial session
In fact, this session needs to happen before confirming the coaching agreement or before confirming that you're going to get this customer.
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Are we a good match? Is this person partnering with us? Is our partnership with that person is going to lead to something good, a win-win situation?Are we going to be able to help them and fulfill what's his need and fulfill his expectation of this partnership? This is very important. It is important for us to explain, What is coaching? We are not going to give them advice.We are not going to mentor them.We are not going to give them solutions.We are not there to provide them with a step-by-step process to achieve their desired goal. We are doing coaching.One of the biggest confusions that we are facing today is the misunderstanding of the coaching, how the process is? And, how the partnership is your best? Clarify the ethical part of the industry. Highlight the type of partnership in coaching for the coachee. It is extremely important that this partnership will lead to something.We can coach you, to help you achieve what you are desiring to achieve. But it's about you.All of those areas need to be defined and clarified to the clients. And this is what we call the package details.It needs also to be clarified during this initial discovery session. It is important to understand the goal and what this client is hoping and expecting from this partnership.Join our Facebook Group:
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Today with Karim we're going to be talking about
One of the controversial questions and one of the controversial aspects in coaching now.
Is coaching a way to influence people?
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Coaching is to change lives, interact with people and develop performance.We are not there to influence people; we are there simply to help them achieve or reach desired outcome or goals by just helping them find the right way themselves.We are there to help people unleash their potential and achieve their goals.We are there to help them and to walk with them through that journey.Coaching is about questions. It's going to be easy to find the right questions at the right moments. Coaching approach outside the coaching, partnership, in marketing, in sales, etc…. In fact, this is one of the most efficient ways. Coaching is about helping people discover the right thing to help achieve goals, dreams, and overcome challenges.What attract people more than questions? one of the best hooks is the question related to something that we went across, during our day-to-day life or in our work.Using the question approach in anything else to influence people. Yes. As long as it's ethical, as long as it's in line with our values.Join our Facebook Group:
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Today Karim is going to start by asking a simple question.
Imagine yourself running with an emergency to a hospital and when you reach the hospital, you're going to be looking for some help.
So, the first thing you're going to be looking for is someone with a white coat.
If you find each and everyone who are in casual clothes, it's going to be difficult for you to trust that they can help you. As we are wired that the doctor has to be in a white coat.
We trust people based on the way that we see them and we get credibility, of the credibility that they're having.
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It is important for us to know how to get that credibility, and to position ourselves.We need to find the things that can help us as coaches.What are the tools? And what are the methods that will help us position ourselves as an Authority in whatever we are doing in that niche that we are providing service?Showing the authority. For us as coaches, there are a couple of certifications, that can help position us as Authority. Certification doesn't differentiate a good coach from another less good coach. It gives authority to one coach and doesn't give authority to another coach. This process, this information, it will bring and give authority to that person.This authority automatically will lead to getting more clients.When we're talking about authority, we are not highlighting the concept that someone is better than another one. If you're going to refer someone to another person, the first thing that we are thinking about is that we want to refer to someone who is credible.Join our Facebook Group:
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Today’s episode is related to one of the very, very important topics, that is going to help us whether as coaches or any field.
In fact, it is related to Marketing. And this is something that Karim has learned from Russell Brunson.
Related to its a KIND OF MAGIC FORMULA. he is highlighting it in a very nice and clear way.
The concept is:
How we go from the first contact with someone to getting him as our customer and selling him something or adding him to our inner circle.
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It's a very simple formula, it is the attention story.Basically, the concept is the three phases that need to be well understood.The first one is the attention; you can find it considered as the hook or catch attention.This is the first interaction, whether with our leads or with anyone who may be interested.We need to find a way to catch the attention of whoever is scrolling his mobile. It's seconds and sometimes milliseconds to catch the attention of that person so he will stay with us to take him to the second phase.The second phase is where we're going to be sharing a story.The initial part is to catch the attention to hook that person to get him to stop and say oh yeah, you know, this is something interesting.The hook is it is something different than what's usually posted that will stop you, that will catch you.People they're always attracted to stories The second part is telling a story. The second phase is telling the story so that we engage those people emotionally with us.Stories are about emotions.This second phase is the emotional part.The third part is the offer. It's going to be your call to action, or it's going to be something that we’re going to sell them.It can be a piece of advice or a freebie.The concept is not new. It was there since ever, but what's new in it is how to put it in line with the existing technology with the existing social media.Things are going very fast. What was taking us before a couple of minutes or more to attract people, now we're talking about a few seconds.Join our Facebook Group:
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Today Karim is going to be exploring one of the questions that it's important for each one of us.
And it's important also for anyone who is interested in coaching or starting a coaching business?
The question is:
When is it going to be the end of this coaching industry?
We know very well that nowadays, and for a couple of years coaching has been one of the most growing industries, whether here in the North American market or in most of the world Markets.
It is growing very fast. But there's also another side that has shown that big questions, all the qualities and big questions related to the other development that it's happening at the new technology.
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Before asking, when is it going to be the end of the coaching industry? It is important to ask, when did this industry start?Doing coaching the way it is defined, as helping people to unleash their potential and discover their strength and helping them achieve their goals by believing in them. Just helping them not mentoring them.Coaching is different than mentoring and different than counseling and definitely different than friends’ chats. In the 70s when Tim Galloway, was running his tennis team. And he figured it out that by asking them questions, their performance is getting better. And they started thinking about the inner game in addition to the outer game. Gradually he took this experience to golf and into the business.The idea of coaching when we did deep, we found that it is from 1000s and 1000s and 1000s of years and even the Greek philosophers and everyone who was thinking he was highlighting the concept of asking a question.If we're not asking those curious questions, we won't be able to see them despite the fact that we have them inside our minds.When we look at it from this angle, Coaching was there since the start of humanity, and it will definitely stay there till the end.The more we are growing, the more technology is growing, the more everything around us is going fast, the more we're going to need coaching to help us get the best of what is happening.Join our Facebook Group:
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Karim in today's episode will share with us and explore one of the questions that are frequently getting asked.
not only by coaching clients but also by people who know that we are in the coaching industry.
In fact, the same question is being asked to him and to Ihssen so many times.
The question is, How to use coaching to help our kids?
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Everyone who is having kids, knows very well that there are sometimes challenges and struggles in communication and connection.How to get the benefits of the coaching skill to help our kids?The first thing is just to listen when we are asking questions Whenever we are dealing with our kids and we are asking them questions, let us listen. Even when we are not asking questions. They're talking, they're asking, let us listen to them.Listening is extremely important for any interaction and most important in coaching.The more we train ourselves to pose and to reflect and to listen to this person who is in front of us. The more we will add value to the communication, and a lot of value to the output of this conversation. First thing is to listen when we ask them questions.Let us wire ourselves in a way that when we ask a question, we ask a question with a purpose, to get information that may help us help our kids.Ask a question that's going to help our kids see things that maybe they were not seeing This is the power of questions. Let us be intentional when we ask questions.Don't ask questions to blame or just to show that they are wrong. This is how we can use coaching with our kids. It's the power of questioning and the power of listening.Join our Facebook Group:
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Karim Today will be continuing talking with Aliv. In today’s episode, we will be talking about the funnels and the different types of funnels that coaches may use.
Funnels that will help you to get more leads, to get more clients, and to promote themselves and their different programs and products.
So today we are having our special guest Aliv,
Aliv is the Technical Support Specialist in Click Funnels. He usually troubleshoots issues and teaches the customers how to build funnels.
He is going to explain to us more and highlight the difference between Funnels and Websites.
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The business is in the listMaking a list and creating a list for any business, whether it is coaching business, or any other field is extremely importantIf you are building everything around Facebook, and Zuckerberg for reason or another is changing something or if he decided to sell Facebook to someone else with new restrictions. You will lose a lot of your audience, your clients may be or potential clients. Finding a way to convert those people who are in your tribe, on Facebook, Instagram, Tok-Tok, and LinkedIn, as a name into your list, getting their emails, and having continuous contact with them is extremely important for the business. One of the fastest ways and most efficient ways to get leads, and to create a list for your business is using funnels. Having that website with maybe dozens of pages is no more helpful, especially when we're talking about the coaching business.Creating an opt-in page that will take maybe 5 to 10 minutes for a normal person, it's now taking one or two minutes.The word secret, it's one of the most common words that attract people, people that always want to know, secrets, and the black book.You can easily make pdf and it is free. if you just simply google in a free pdf builder.There are a lot of tools to create pdf.When you ask for the email address only, the probability to get it is way higher than asking the people for their email address and other information like their phone numbers.Join our Facebook Group:
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Today Karim and his guest Aliv will elaborate more about Funnels and the way we present ourselves online.
We find that one of the best things to start is to explore the difference between a Funnel and a normal Website.
This is a question, as many of us are listening to the Word funnel without diving deep into the meaning of it.
What's the difference between the funnel and the website? Most of us used to use basically the word Website for so many years, and whenever we listen to the word funnel, it looks similar. But there's a huge difference.
So today we are having our special guest Aliv,
Aliv is the Technical Support Specialist in Click Funnels. He usually troubleshoots issues and teaches the customers how to build funnels.
He is going to explain to us more and highlight the difference between Funnels and Websites.
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A funnel would be like I'm controlling my visitors, where I want my visitors to go when they land on my landing page. In a traditional website, like a blog or e-commerce site, you can consider it as a whole and the funnels is a part of a websiteYou can actually nurture your leads; you direct them in a specific path so that you can just make them as a lead or a prospect. So that they can go through your target.The concept of the website is more like a catalog with a lot of things.“The distracted mind never buys”. For a funnel, it's not the choice of the visitor, where to go. it is the choice of you or me or anyone who builds the funnel to guide the customer or the visitor through a certain journeyBuilding a website, was a nightmare for regular people to build a website because it was costly. If you want to have a beautiful website, you need to hire a developer, then purchase hosting, buy a domain and find the right appropriate tool. Unless you hire an appropriate developer, and they suggest the appropriate thing to you, you can be messed up very easily, In terms of funnel building, there are different tools that will allow you to build the specific funnel may be an opt-in funnel simple within just two minutes or three minutes.There are highly converted templates out there that have different templates. You can promote your funnel in just 30 minutes depends on the funnel strategy.Join our Facebook Group: Goal Getters Nation
Karim in today's episode will be talking about the importance of acquiring leadership skills independently of whatever we are doing.
We know that we are speaking basically to a tribe of coaches. but it works for each and every one.
Whatever we are doing, either working by ourselves or just doing something in Solo.
Whether we are working in a team or working in coaching.
Leadership is a skill that makes a difference in each and every situation.
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Developing the leadership skill, as coaches, it's going to be in fact a way to take us out from the crowd.When leadership can make a difference in each and every one of our client’s life.Leadership can help him achieve his goals.Leadership can help him overcome the challenges that he is facing.Leadership can help him build good connections.Leadership will help him to improve his performance at work.Leadership will help him to achieve better results in his entrepreneurial life.Considering and mastering leadership, as coaches, is a key for the success of any partnership we have with our clients.Developing your leadership will help you to lead the niche that you are working on and will help you to lead the market.Leadership will help you to go out of the crowd and develop creativity. This is something that's going to make a big difference in dealing with your clients and dealing with your partner around you and in leading the show in your area and in your niche.Join our Facebook Group:
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Today's episode is one of the most important episodes since we started as Karim has elaborated on the same subject in the previous podcast,
The topic is touching in fact, not only in coaching, but it's touching each and every area of our life.
Today's episode is going to be about THE ONE THING.
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There's a lot of books that was exploring the importance of The One Thing. There were a lot of books that explored this area, and it's impacting our life and our business. How important is it to focus on one thing? In whatever we are doing in order to have the best productivity, the best results, the best outcome in general. It is important that we focus on one thing, it may look simple. but in fact, it's not at all. What's the one thing that by doing it, everything else is going to be easy or unnecessary. this is a question that I got from the one thing book. I applied and it's really, really magic. Automatically, this is in line with the 80/20 law.20% of those tasks that are having 80% of impacts whether in your business or in your lifeThis is where the focus needs to go. Now the concept of the one thing is to narrow it more. There will be always one thing that by doing it, everything else is going to be easier or unnecessary.Join our Facebook Group:
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Karim was exploring, a couple of weeks back when writing with the team in the Forbes Coaching Council publication.
About a topic which was really interesting. So he decided to explore it more and to highlight it in today's episode.
Which is How to lead more efficiently? Or, How to lead efficiently and with the best way our team's remotely?
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Whether we like it or not today, either because of the covid, technology or because of so many things that are happening in our life, working remotely at least during a certain period of time is no more optional. Many people have switched to 100% working remotely, many companies, and many organizations.It is important to consider it, because even client-wise, they prefer to attend sessions remotely.The goal is how we can get the best collaboration with our team, our partners, or those who are working with us remotely.In the online setting, everyone is sitting at home. Okay, there's a couple of zoom meetings that are happening. But we don't know what's happening in the backend. We don't know what's happening outside this one hour.It is important to highlight that communication and connection, are very important.It is important to intentionally focus on building the highest level of connection and the highest level of rapport so, that together we will keep the best atmosphere and synergy at work towards better results.Join our Facebook Group:
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We are wrapping up 2021.
In today’s episode, Karim was thinking about what topic and what idea we can explore so that it is important to consider it.
We are sure that each and everyone is focusing on how to get the best of 2022. It's how to reflect and analyze what was the wins, what was the challenges in 2021.
So we're going to explore what we can do in order to have the best out of this 2022 year and we're going to explore today the concept of what you need to develop in ourselves?
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We know that in order to develop the business, it is important to develop the leader of this business. Many of you have been working on your goals for 2022. Listing their previous wins, which is something important.Reflecting, getting some time to reflect on all the different aspects, not only the business ones but everything, related to personal life, and our activities within our community and family.We're going to explore the area we need to develop in ourselves. We may have new goals.We need not miss the point of identifying what do we need to develop in ourselves and put them as goals same as the other goals. In fact, they are way more important than the other goals because this is what is going to help us achieve this other list. We can have the opportunity to get advice from mentors, coaches, people around us who advise us or give us some guidance on what to develop in terms of skills.Development can happen whether, through books, we can read, whether through, a couple of new challenges that we want to follow.We are not only getting the piece of information, or the piece of advice related to a certain topic, in fact, we are getting the life of experience and adding to our personal life. This is why I’m a big fan of reading books. And if we're not able to read them, we can listen to them.The information is accessible everywhere and valuable good information, we just need to learn and to know from whom we are getting this information.The main goal of today's episode is to highlight that it is important to put a list of the goals of 2022. Remember developing the leader to develop the businessHappy new year with all the best of success achievements and growth for 2022.Join our Facebook Group:
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What to do and what not to do when it comes to tasks?
Now the tasks are what your clients agreed to do, after each and every session, you may finish the session without tasks, this can happen.
But usually, in most cases, you're going to finish the session with a couple of actions, that the client has agreed that he is going to do them.
Before coming to meet you during the next session, or maybe immediately. So those are the actions that your clients he committed that he got to do them.
During today's episode, Karim will talk about an important part of your role as a coach.
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The actual log sheet, it is a good idea to have a couple of templates.It's important to have a kind of template, a kind of a framework, a kind of a sheet, or maybe an Excel sheet, where the client is going to after each and every session. He's going to mention what are the actions that he agreed to do after the session.This is something you can implement with your clients and help them achieve their tasks. There's another thing, which is the ACCOUNTABILITY.This is something extra in terms of cost, in terms of effort, and in terms of time.If you're going to commit as a coach, to play the accountability partner, you need to be very aware that to do this role properly, you need to allocate specific time. that you will need to update your schedule accordingly.We can advise them to look for an accountability partner, maybe a colleague, a friend.It is important to know this point, ACCOUNTABILITY is not part of your daily tasks. ACCOUNTABILITY is not something granted, We can help our clients implement this kind of tracking sheet, mentioning the actions that you agreed to after each and every session.Join our Facebook Group:
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How many times did you start your coaching session with your clients and when you ask him, What do you want to achieve from this session?
Or What’s in your mind for this session?
And the client just shared with you that, unfortunately, He doesn’t have something in his mind.
So you find him not ready and not coming with something, with no clear goal for the session.
In today’s episode, Karim is going to elaborate more about How to get your coaching client ready for the session?
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Preparing for the session and sending the session preparation form before the session itself, 24 hours or 48 hours.We know that personalities are different.It is worth keeping on reminding your clients at least once because at the end you are partners and your win depends on his win. And his win depends on your win and you are on this journey together.It is worth it to keep reminding him about the importance of the coaching session preparation.Make sure you implement this session preparation form.The most important thing in this form is that the client is coming, knowing what he wants to elaborate on and what he wants to achieve from the session with you.You need to explain to the client how important it is and how important it is to achieve their desired final goal.Make sure not to go into any other area discussing any other subject, before the client identify what he wants to achieve from this session.Join our Facebook Group:
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In today's episode with Karim, we're going to be talking about how to deal with small tasks.
We have been exploring in the previous episode, the importance of focusing on one thing whenever we are in work, whatever we are doing in our personal life or in our business,
In this episode, we're going to deal with those small tasks when you sit in the office in the morning, or by the end of the day. You have a list of tasks, you are preparing them, maybe for the next day, or to do them during the same day.
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Tasks that can be done in two minutes or less. Small tasks that won’t take from your time a lot.Ex: Text your supplier, your sales manager to inform him that you won't be able to conduct the weekly meeting, or text your admin assistant for important information.So that's the concept. The idea is most of those small tasks, look like a lot, but maybe five, or six, or eight of those tasks can be finished in 10 minutes or less. The impact is way more important than finishing the task itself. It is going to clear your mind from this foggy area of having those tasks as something to be done in the future.If they are not completed and closed, they're going to stay in your mind They're going to make you always feel that there's something not completed.If you allocate just 10,15 minutes within the morning or by the end of the day, you're going to finish at least eight or nine tasks.Join our Facebook Group:
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In today’s episode, Karim is lucky to have one of the most important guests, as she will add to us a lot of value when it comes to coaching. We are having someone who was in this industry for so many years, who’s in this industry, not only practicing but practicing properly, and helping people to practice properly at the highest standards. Today we have Mónica Albuja.
Mónica Albuja, defines herself asBusinesswoman,Change Maker,Futurist advancer, and LeadershipExecutiveCoach.
She has MCC (Master Certified Coach) by ICF (International Coaching Federation) Mentor and Supervisor Coach, Official Credentialing Assessor (by ICF), and Professor of Coaching in an ACTP Coaching Program
With an excellent balance between her Marketing Mix Career, her Executive Coaching and Leadership background with a proven track record in Organization Development, Talent Management, Capability Building, Change Leadership, and Effective Communication.
She has a deep passion for exploring how on the intersection of communication, neuroscience, and coaching belongs the human transformation to modify, transform and improve the way we work, communicate, and relate with each other in other to lead our lives, jobs and companies.
With previous experience in the business world for more than 20 years holding senior positions as Director of Marketing and developing a professional career in companies like Coca-Cola, Procter & Gamble, Campari Group, and Melia Hotels, she founded her own company 10 years ago.
As the Founder of her own Company created to upgrade human values, she provides clients with in-depth research and reflections to understand very quickly strategic opportunities to improve their business while growing culture, values, talent, and wealth.
Her professional experience has been primarily focused on driving large-scale transformation, strategic Organizational Development, Leadership, and Talent Management initiatives.
She also provides neuroscience, leadership development programs, and coaching consulting to many other corporations and non-profits designing enhanced high-impact training and motivational programs, talent branding plans, management coaching seminars, and workshops.
She has spent the past 10 years working effectively with many top companies and CEOs, Directors, Team Leaders, and Executive Teams. Her coaching clients verify a qualifying increase of their professional and personal lives, demonstrating an expansion in accountability, leadership, efficiency, productivity, happiness, and a well-balanced state of mind.
Clients include P&G, Chanel, Google, Carrefour, Microsoft, or Amazon Qualifications.
In today’s episode:
In our previous episode, we've been exploring a couple of important features, to be successful whenever we are doing business coaching, or even coaching in general.
And we explored the areas of how a coach can get the maximum output from any partnership, having with the clients by connecting more by respecting him by helping the client lead the show and explore the agenda and help him achieve his desired goals.
Today, we're going to be talking about another area of the coaching industry, which is the Certification part.
The different types of certifications. And how certain certifications can help better the positioning of coaches in the mind?
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Differentiation is everything as a coach because there are three major trends that will shape the future of coaching. It is very important to understand how important is to be different in the coaching world.There is an increased demand for coaching services in the business world and into the personal world. There are more clients interested in hiring a coach, for example, in 2022, the estimated volume of the coaching market will be more than 20 billion dollars. Coaching market growth around 7% each year.ICF, the international coaching federation, is the most important because it has the most important group of coaches who define and follow all the ICF standards.It's very important to understand that we have to have this Training hour or this credential.It's not only about the certification, but also about from whom you are certified, that is what matters.It's important that we investigate, so we know from where we're going to learn if you're looking for the certifications.As you grow your business, as many clients you will have, as many hours you will get.You have to be specialized in one niche and grow in hours and in expertise in that niche.Your training means you're getting your responsibility and your performance.Train yourself on that in terms of gaining expertise, and also in terms of gaining better performance.People don't like being rejected and when they are rejected, they get to spread the word. It's very, very important to understand that leaders from organizations and companies have finally understood that coaching is a great tool to get better performance.I know how coaches, can really transform organizations.Using coaching skills, to train leaders or managers to help them to become better leaders, that are the future leaders.You can only change when you're being prepared for that.// Resources from this episode:
Follow Mónica Albuja:
Website: https://www.monicalbuja.com/LinkedIn: https://es.linkedin.com/in/monicaalbuja/esInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/monicalbuja/?hl=enJoin our Facebook Group: Goal Getters Nation
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