Why can we all survive and preserve civilization in the Creative Society? What are certain conditions under which people’s unification on creative terms will be able to mitigate the strike of the climate crisis?
Videos with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov: https://creativesociety.com/video-categories/interviews-im-danilov-about-creative-society?page=1
"Life After Death. Fiction and Facts | International Online Conference, May 22, 2021":
💠 The Creative Society International Project: https://creativesociety.com
📩 Email: info@creativesociety.com
Each of us wants to live in a world where there are no enemies and there is no one to fear, where there is no inflation or other negativity. How can we transition to the Creative Society, and what should each of us do for that?
What does a global unity of people mean? Is there anything we can guarantee for our descendants nowadays? Authority and politics in the Creative Society: will they exist?
Why are we afraid to talk about the benefits of the Creative Society format for every human? Why is it so important to inform everyone in your environment about the Creative Society? How can this be easily done?
Everyone has the right to know about such an amazing opportunity — the only Chance for our humanity to survive and build a wonderful future for ourselves and our descendants.
⏯ Watch the full version of the video “Creative Society Unites Everyone”, an excerpt from which is presented herein.
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We are pleased to welcome to the international discussion the speakers of the Forum, as well as scientists and eyewitnesses, who will share their experience.
🎤 Denis Fabrichkin — Marine Engineer (Russian Federation)
🎤 Taliy Shkurupiy — IT Specialist (USA)
🎤 Elizaveta Khromova — Geologist and geophysicist (Russian Federation)
🎤 Olga Kotik — IT manager (Türkiye)
We’ll discuss the following:
🔹 What was going on in Türkiye and Israel. Why were people not warned about the disaster?
🔹 How was this earthquake different from others?
🔹 Why did it cause a series of earthquakes all over the planet?
🔹 Why don’t seismologists from different countries work together?
🔹 Lies about the earthquake in Türkiye. Who benefits from it?
🔹 What will happen in the near future? What should we be prepared for?
🔹 The main goal of science in the Creative Society
🔹 What can each person do to save all of humanity and build the Creative Society?
🌍 International Online Forum "Global Crisis. Our Survival Is In Unity" with simultaneous interpreting into 150 languages: https://creativesociety.com/global-crisis-our-survival-is-in-unity
Why is it so important to inform as many people in the world as possible about the possibility of building the Creative Society? Can a person be confident about tomorrow nowadays?
What prevents us from talking about the Creative Society?
How can the example of LGBT people make it clear that it is possible to ensure one's rights?
What difficulties await a person and his or her family in the consumer society in the event of a severe illness?
What is the qualitative difference between healthcare in the Creative Society and present-day healthcare?
Counterfeit medicines in the consumerist format: how is that possible?
Harmful food is a norm in contemporary society. What will be the situation with the quality of food products in the Creative Society?
Are the Creative Society and political power over a human compatible?
What is the danger of power and authority for any person, even the most spiritual one?
Why is it necessary to be aware of and take into account negative human qualities when building the Creative Society?
Power or responsibility in the Creative Society: who is responsible for what?
Why is corruption an indispensable attribute of the consumerist format?
Informing as the first stage in building the Creative Society.
How many people in the world choose to live in the Creative Society?
A simple way to join in building the Creative Society: how to do that?
Why is the number of people who sign up and support the Creative Society so important?
The electoral platform as a basis for the second stage of building the Creative Society.
What is the essence of the interaction between the electorate and politicians?
What does the first law on the electoral platform include?
Integration of the 8 pillars of the Creative Society into the Constitutions of various countries is the second mandatory law.
Why is it impossible to build a Creative Society in one country?
Online voting for major laws: is it realistic?
How can the majority of countries that support the Creative Society idea unite, and in what timeframe is that possible?
In order to implement the first stage, it is important to inform all people about the Creative Society. There is a simple example of what each of us can do right now. All people have the right to live well, to live a life worthy of a HUMAN!
Watch the full version of the video “Creative Society Unites Everyone” with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov, a fragment of which is presented herein.
⏯ "Creative Society Unites Everyone": https://creativesociety.com/videos/creative-society-unites-everyone
⏯ Videos with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov: https://creativesociety.com/video-categories/interviews-im-danilov-about-creative-society
💠 The Creative Society International Project: https://creativesociety.com 📩 Email: info@creativesociety.com
👉 Join a team of volunteers of Creative Society: https://creativesociety.com/join-us
👉 Join our Telegram Channel & Stay up to date: https://t.me/creativesociety_en
🔷 ️Did you know that free energy is the solution to many problems in society? And THIS IS absolutely real already at the transition stage to the Creative Society.
📍 Opportunity to introduce the latest technologies that already exist
📍 Solution of the food crisis problem despite the climate situation
📍 Use of vertical farms
You can learn more about free energy and the prospects for using it in the Creative Society by watching the International Online Forum "Global Crisis. Our Survival Is in Unity" with the choice of viewing language: https://creativesociety.com/global-crisis-our-survival-is-in-unity
📍 Barbara Namubiru — Human rights defender and partner of the Creative Society (Uganda)
📍 Sparsh Sumani — CEO of ALAGS, the partner of the Creative Society (India)
Dear friends, please share this video and the link to the Forum on your social media, with your friends and acquaintances. Take the chance to change your life and the future of your children for the better!
📌 In the current format of society, what stops us from developing those technologies that already exist and can improve people's lives?
📌 How can the latest technologies help us solve the financial and economic situation?
🌍 International Online Forum "Global Crisis. Our Survival Is in Unity" with simultaneous interpreting into 150 languages:
Human safety is the third pillar on which a society of people’s peaceful, happy and secure life — the Creative Society — is built.
➡️ How to ensure the economic safety of people's lives?
➡️ Why should there be no private banks in the Creative Society?
➡️ What is the primary condition for the existence of crime in society, and how to eliminate it?
➡️ Is it possible to work 4 hours a day, 4 days a week?
➡️ Does a human deserve to live in a world of freedom and safety?
The safety of a human and his life is ensured by a unified security service on planet Earth.
▶️ Exclusive interviews with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov about the Creative Society:
▶️ Information about the Creative Society project and how to become its participant:
👉 Join the Creative Society project: https://creativesociety.com/join-us
🌐 Official website of the Creative Society international project: https://creativesociety.com
➡️ How many days have we lived without armed conflicts?
➡️ How many lives have been lost in milit@ry conflicts?
➡️ What is the main goal of the consumerist format that is destroying our lives?
➡️ 10 Principles of Milit@ry Propaganda
Now we realize that the modern format of society has reached a dead end of self-destruction. Lust for power and profit prevails over common sense. No one trusts anyone. We have entered the age of global crises. But it is today that we can change the situation. To do this, it is necessary to change the conditions, that is to switch to a creative format of relations, in which human life will be of the highest value.
This is our only chance to save humanity from destruction.
🌏 International Online Forum "Global Crisis. Our Survival Is in Unity" with language selection:
USA Presidential Candidate 2024 Robby Wells discusses the example of the US civil rights activist Rosa Parks and her lifelong dedication to challenging racial violence and discrimination. Mr. Wells notes that the work of individuals like Mrs. Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. remains unfinished despite their brave efforts, as systemic racism and prejudice continue to harm communities worldwide.
Robby Wells highlights the importance of a Creative Society, in which people work together to overcome these longstanding challenges and build an equal and prosperous world for all. By coming together and addressing the root causes of discrimination, Mr. Wells believes that we can build a society that honors the legacy of activists like Rosa Parks and paves the way for a brighter future.
🌏 International Online Forum "Global Crisis. Our Survival Is in Unity" with language selection:
📢 THIS IS INEVITABLE! All the media must be shouting about it, but people's attention is diverted to other things! The exact date of the end of our planet's existence has been announced. How much time do we have? What will happen on that day in the Mariana Trench area?
📍 The planet has entered a 24,000-year cycle of cataclysms. What is already known about it?
📍 Why does INACTION today equal the DESTRUCTION of civilization tomorrow?
📍 What awaits the world economy in the near future due to the progression of climate disasters?
❗️ Caution! All information on the International Online Forum "Global Crisis. Our Survival Is in Unity" is provided for non-commercial purposes and in the interest of the entire society. Permission is granted for the free use, reproduction and distribution of this Forum, in part or in whole, by any means, without distortion of the information transmitted and while preserving the links to the sources.
🎥 👉 https://creativesociety.com/global-crisis-our-survival-is-in-unity
Do we control our own lives? Are we able to pay the ever-increasing bills for electricity and heat? Can we stop wars and revoke inflation?
The maximum we have the right to do is to choose who will make decisions instead of us.
What does the self-governing society give to each person?
✅ Real equality of rights
✅ The opportunity to initiate and participate in making key decisions
✅ The ability to monitor the execution of decisions and receive reliable information about the state of affairs in society
✅ Stability and confidence in the future
Learn more about the prospects for each person that opens up during the implementation of the Creative Society project by watching the International Online Forum "Global Crisis. Our Survival is in Unity" with the option to select the language to view:
❗ Attention. All information at the International Online Forum "Global Crisis. Our Survival Is in Unity" is presented for non-commercial purposes and for the benefit of the entire society. Free use, reproduction and distribution of this Forum by any means, in part or in whole is permitted provided that the information is not distorted and the Forum is cited as the source.
⏩ "Benefits for a Human in the Creative Society":
🌍 Creative Society International Project: https://creativesociety.com
📩 info@creativesociety.com
Who needs wars and revolutions? Who arranges them? How do revolutions affect society, and is it possible to build a new model of society — the Creative Society — peacefully within a short period of time?
Over the last 5,600 years, there have been 14,500 wars in the world, where 4 billion people died. This is the slaveholding format of the society that we live in.
Can this be changed? Easily! It all depends on us!
These and many other topics are discussed in excerpts from the videos "The Precedent" and "Creative Society" with the participation of Igor Mikhailovich Danilov.
⏯ Video "Creative Society": https://creativesociety.com/videos/creative-society
⏯ Videо “The Precedent”: https://allatra.tv/en/video/the-precedent
👉 Join the Creative Society project: https://creativesociety.com/join-us
🌐 Official website of the Creative Society international project:https://creativesociety.com 👉📧 info@creativesociety.com
⏯ Video "Creative Society": https://creativesociety.com/videos/creative-society
⏯ Videо “The Precedent”: https://allatra.tv/en/video/the-precedent
👉 Join the Creative Society project: https://creativesociety.com/join-us
🌐 Official website of the Creative Society international project:https://creativesociety.com 📧 info@creativesociety.com
🌋 Yellowstone is one such supervolcano.
In the fragment of the video "Hope and Reality", Igor Mikhailovich Danilov answers the following questions:
❓ Why is Yellowstone's caldera going to be of great concern to Americans and beyond in the coming years?
❓ How is this related to the core of our planet and other climatic disasters around the Earth?
❓ What is the relationship between earthquakes in the United States and China at the level of potential consequences for the entire planet?
❓ Will there be a planetary-scale catastrophe and on whom does it depend?
➡️ "In the near future, the Yellowstone caldera will hold the whole world in fear" excerpt from "Hope and Reality": https://youtu.be/HnfxEU1z6bM
➡️ A report on the true causes of climate change was presented at the International Online Forum "Global Crisis. Our Survival Is in Unity" in 150 languages:
Human safety is the third pillar on which a society of people’s peaceful, happy and secure life — the Creative Society — is built.
How to ensure the economic safety of people's lives?
Why should there be no private banks in the Creative Society?
What is the primary condition for the existence of crime in society, and how to eliminate it?
Is it possible to work 4 hours a day, 4 days a week?
Does a human deserve to live in a world of freedom and safety?
The safety of a human and his life is ensured by a unified security service on planet Earth.
Exclusive interview with Igor Mikhailovich Danilov about the Creative Society.
❇️ Information about the Creative Society project and how to become its participant:
👉 Join the Creative Society project: https://creativesociety.com/join-us
➡️ Hydrocarbon, nuclear and green energy
➡️ Benefits of a fuel-free generator
➡️ Types of open systems of fuel-free generators
➡️ What is the cause of crises?
➡️ How to change the format of society?
➡️ What will ouг world be like in the Creative Society?
The information, which was voiced at the International Online Forum “Global Crisis: Our Survival Is in Unity”, will be interesting to every person ⏯https://creativesociety.com/global-crisis-our-survival-is-in-unity . The sooner people learn about their prospects in the transition to the Creative Society, the earlier this will happen.
Please 🙏, share this information with your friends and family.
You can join the Creative Society Project at the link 👉 https://creativesociety.com/join-us
watch the video ▶️ https://youtu.be/PwZK51CG1kk
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