Attorney and Host Ellen Wright gives insight, perspective and coaching to individuals and families going through the family court and divorce process. Various topics surrounding divorce are discussed as well as news, tips and tricks that anyone going through divorce or the family court process will want to consider. Remember: Knowledge is power and you don’t have to go through this alone! -
The Successful Relationship Coach podcast is all about becoming wildly successful without having to work 24/7 so you can prosper, have the relationship you want and make an impact in the world.
In every episode I’ll share from the heart about how I’ve helped hundreds of relationship coaches become wildly successful. Every show highlights common mistakes Relationship Coaches make that will keep you from having the impact you desire and show you exactly what to do instead.
Listen as I interview successful relationship coaches about what they did to get unstuck and become wildly successful so you can do the same thing.
Whether you’re a new relationship coach who wants more clients, a seasoned relationship coach who feels stuck, or you want to become a relationship coach, this podcast will help you be successful at work, playful and passionate at home, and empower others to have lasting, thriving relationships.
Listen and subscribe to the Successful Relationship Coach podcast with Master Coach Kathy Murray, the world's best Relationship Coach, so you can stop feeling frustrated, unsuccessful and exhausted and start feeling empowered, fulfilled and authentic. -
An entertaining and revealing podcast, highlighting some of the most badass minority women in the fields of science, technology, engineering and math(STEM) today. You are going to laugh, cry, shout, be inspired, and gain new knowledge from these amazing women. Hosted by award-winning STEM advocate, educator, strategist, mechanical engineer, and motivational speaker, Dr. Natoshia Anderson (Dr. Toshia), join us for an engaging, invigorating, motivational, and inspirational journey.
Whether you are in or out of work currently, looking for a new role or a different role, slowing down - or speeding up! - then the podcast has lots of insights and information on how to be more successful in your quest - whatever direction you are thinking of taking.
Each episode only lasts about ten minutes - the time it takes to make a cup of tea!
Every week a new episode will be released for the aged 50+ professionals who have at one time or another experienced the trials and frustrations of finding a new role after redundancy, looking for a mid-life career change or re-joining the workplace and coming across the silent barrier that is age-discrimination.
The Old Man and the CV is not just for those in this situation currently but others outside it too so that you can understand the frustrations, maybe change how you approach experienced workers in the fifty plus age group, and realise that you will be in this age bracket one day too! Much of the content will resonate as there is always something to learn, whatever your age.
We’ll be speaking to a smorgasbord of guests to enable you to succeed so that this colossal reservoir of talent, knowledge and experience doesn’t go to waste just because you have reached a certain age.
There are four streams that we cover that we'll be mixing up throughout the series.
Stream 1 is practical advice and guidance from experts across HR, execs, agencies, charities, fellow sufferers, and so on.
Stream 2 is about some of the characteristics that you need to succeed such as focus, determination, resilience, optimism, confidence, etc. We’ll be talking to experts in each of these areas, plus others too.
Stream 3 is around supplementary knowledge around nutrition, exercise, mental wellbeing, etc.
Stream 4 are the entertaining and educational pieces just to learn something new, give ideas for conversations and spread some positivity.
Why the name? Well clearly a pun on the Hemingway novella but the main theme of the story clearly resonates. Ergo, Hemingway is making the point that Santiago’s determination and never giving up indicates what kind of human being one can be. But this podcast isn’t just for men obviously!
If you wish to contribute, have a story to tell or even want to sponsor the podcast please message me at [email protected]
Be kind and stay positive Santiago amigos until the next time.
Príbehy jednorožcov aj žralokov. Mali nápad a víziu, odvahu a dobrý timing, ale niekedy potrebovali aj trochu šťastia a súhru okolností. Dnes riadia veľké firmy s miliónovými obratmi, no museli si to poctivo odmakať. Biznisové príbehy zakladateľov a zakladateliek firiem, ktoré sa stali na Slovensku lovebrandom a dnes ich poznajú aj vo svete. Čo ich spája? Mentalita... Mentalita foundera.
The Success in Black and White ® podcast brings you a variety of topics from the lens of an interracial couple. Our ultimate focus is on bridging the gap between racial boundaries; which we discuss through practical topics such as leadership and management strategies, relationship tactics, and the process of personal development.
Čo je u vás na prvom mieste? Pre nás sú to ľudia s ich jedinečnými životmi a každodennými radosťami aj starosťami. Nie všetky príbehy však dostanú priestor na to, aby sa o nich hovorilo. Preto prichádza podcast Na prvom mieste. Rozhovory so zaujímavými ľuďmi, ktorí vás inšpirujú. Chcete sa dozvedieť o téme rovnosti platov mužov a žien či matkách samoživiteľkách? Aj týmito témami vás prevedie moderátorka Veronika Cifrová Ostrihoňová.
Budeme tu dve. Nika a Veronika.
A budeme hovoriť o živote, o láske, aj o tej seba-láske, o deťoch, ale to iba tak trošku, o práci, aj o vzťahoch v práci... vlastne budeme najviac hovoriť o vzťahoch a vzťahovosti. A bodka.
Nika pomáha ženám ŽIŤ cez svoje knihy, počas osobných mentoringových stretnutí so ženami. Je príkladom toho, že žiť život v plnosti sa oplatí.
Veronika je žena, ktorá sa rozhodla spoznať samú seba preto, aby bola zdravšia, aby sa viac usmievala a ponúkla sebe a svojmu okoliu naplnený život. -
Byť šťastný, po tom túži každý z nás. Ale ako to urobiť?
Ako mať radosť zo života? Ako si svoj život maximálne každý deň vychutnať? Ako žiť život svojich snov a žiť ho s ľahkosťou a maximálnou spokojnosťou? Ako nájsť riešenia na životné výzvy a vnímať súlad vo všetkých oblastiach?
To sú otázky, na ktoré Ti prinášame odpovede v podcaste Život na maximum.
V rozhovoroch s odborníkmi a inšpiratívnymi ľuďmi nájdeš myšlienky, ktoré ti dajú odpovede na tvoje otázky.
Vďaka rôznym uhlom pohľadu možno nájdeš tie správne kľúče k vlastnému šťastiu. Spoznáš to, kým si, pochopíš svoje tienisté a začneš si vážiť svoje svetlé stránky. Objavíš v sebe to, čo tebe dáva energiu žiariť a žiť.
Naučíš sa vychutnať si svoj život na maximum.
Podcast Život Na Maximum Ti prináša autorka bestsellerov a inšpirátorka Daniela Rau, NLP master kouč a mentor Jerguš Holéczy, v spolupráci s PODCAST_house, Panta Rhei a
Už teraz buď tým človekom, akým sa túžiš stať.
Neodkladaj svoj život na neskôr. Začni žiť tu a teraz. -
¿Te interesa el sector inmobiliario? ¿Te gustaría aprender más sobre este y no sabes cómo?
Tranquilo, soy Àlex Soler, un agente inmobiliario en la zona Vic y la comarca de Osona (Barcelona). Y en este podcast compartiré contigo todo lo que vaya aprendiendo sobre este apasionante sector. ¡Empecemos!
Si tienes alguna duda o sugerencia puedes contactarme a través de mi página web
¿Estás listo para resolver tus dudas sobre este apasionante sector? ¡Pues empecemos! -