Clean the living room, including under the couch cushions, as the host talks you through it. This guided cleaning session is ideal for kids but, of course, will work for anyone. Just follow the prompts, and your living area will look great by the end of the episode.
Support the show to unlock longer cleaning sessions: https://cleanwithmepodcast.com...
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Get your house "company ready" whether or not you're expecting anyone. The host will have you cleaning in order of priority so you don't get caught with a messy house. Between the prompts, you'll hear her thoughts on managing your household responsibilities based on your peak energy times. This is a typical episode geared toward adults, but the "How to" series for kids will continue on Thursday.
Visit our website for instructions on unlocking longer cleaning sessions: https://cleanwithmepodcast.com...
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Saknas det avsnitt?
Detailed step-by-step instructions for cleaning a bathroom: While anyone will get their bathroom sparkling clean by following these instructions, this cleaning talk through is mainly geared toward our younger listeners, which is why the host is talking to you like you're a kid in this one. Visit our website for instructions on unlocking longer cleaning sessions: https://cleanwithmepodcast.com...
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When you declutter your home, everything gets easier. In this session that focuses on your bedroom closet and dresser, the host encourages you to sort through your clothes and donate or toss items that no longer serve you. Be sure to listen all the way through because she gives lots of personal examples that will help you decide what you need and don't need. She'll also have you laughing at times and maybe even crying. After all, letting things go can be an emotional experience. Visit our website for instructions on unlocking additional episodes: https://cleanwithmepodcast.com...
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The host talks you through speed cleaning your kitchen. She also encourages you to avoid perfectionism and know when good enough is good enough. Need more cleaning motivation? Visit our website for instructions on unlocking longer episodes better suited for deep cleaning: https://cleanwithmepodcast.com...
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A relatable host talks you through doing your dishes and cleaning your bedroom. She also reveals three of her best tips for being productive around the house. Shoutout to Flylady, who was mentioned in this episode: https://youtube.com/@TheFLYLADY?si=ScvyWNrX3HOLjYsQ
Have more to do? Visit our website for instructions on unlocking longer cleaning sessions: https://cleanwithmepodcast.com...
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A relatable host talks you through cleaning your kitchen and bathroom and provides advice for getting more help from your husband and kids with housework. That said, stop making excuses because change starts with you! You are the only person you can fully control. Have a lot to do? Visit our website for instructions on unlocking longer cleaning sessions: https://cleanwithmepodcast.com...
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Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/clean-with-me--4574793/support. -
The host talks you through cleaning your kitchen and entryway or front room. She also reads a listener's comment and reacts to it. Have a lot to do?
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Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/clean-with-me--4574793/support. -
The host talks you through cleaning your kitchen and tells a story about a horrible mail carrier in her town. She plays a clip from the original 2020 episode to get you up to speed before giving you an update.
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Other ways to connect with Clean With Me:
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Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/clean-with-me--4574793/support. -
It's the cleaning podcast collaboration you've been waiting for - Clean With Me host, Raani Starnes interviewing fellow podcaster and decluttering expert, Dana K. White. This episode is a must-listen if you are often overwhelmed by dishes, laundry, and clutter. Dana is the host of A Slob Comes Clean and just finished her third book, Jesus Doesn't Care About Your Messy House. Order it here: Jesus Doesn't Care About Your Messy House - Dana K. White: A Slob Comes Clean
Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/clean-with-me--4574793/support. -
Raani makes an important announcement about the show and then talks you through a morning cleaning routine. Listen to the end to hear about an upcoming guest on the show! Find out how to unlock bonus episodes by visiting our website: https://cleanwithmepodcast.com...
Jessica’s new podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/...
Options for unlocking longer episodes:
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Other ways to connect with Clean With Me:
Watch the episodes on YouTube
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Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/clean-with-me--4574793/support. -
The host walks you through a deep cleaning of the bedroom of your choice.
Unlock bonus episodes: Clean With Me | Listen While You Clean
Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/clean-with-me--4574793/support. -
A relatable host talks you through quickly doing your dishes and then deep-cleaning your living room or family room and bathroom. More importantly, she talks about how to keep those areas clean going forward. Gain access to bonus content: https://cleanwithmepodcast.com/
Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/clean-with-me--4574793/support. -
The host walks you through a typical morning in her house while discussing a detailed kitchen step-by-step cleaning guide! Clean with us! Need longer cleaning sessions? Become a financial supporter and unlock bonus episodes that are often over an hour long! You can gain access to bonus content regardless of which type of phone you have. Visit Clean With Me's website to learn more. https://cleanwithmepodcast.com/link-in-bio/
Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/clean-with-me--4574793/support. -
The host talks you through doing your dishes and wiping down surfaces. More importantly, she gives you some tips and tricks for keeping up on dishes and keeping your kitchen clean. This is a raw unedited episode, but I think you will get a lot out of it! Gain access to bonus episodes: https://cleanwithmepodcast.com
Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/clean-with-me--4574793/support. -
The host walks you through a morning or closing shift cleaning walk-through of your living area, bathroom, and kitchen areas, while giving an update on a previous bonus episode where I discussed a bad pre-k teacher that was picking on my my daughter. (Understatement of the year) and what I did to address this new issue that she has caused. Unlock longer episodes: Clean With Me | Listen While You Clean
Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/clean-with-me--4574793/support. -
The host talks about how she has been struggling lately with being either super productive or bed rotting for days and how she has been looking up new ideas on how to combat these struggles so whether you have ADHD or depression or are going through something that is making it hard for you to get up and get motivated, This is the episode for you. Let’s clean our kitchen and outer areas while we talk about how to get back on track and take it one day at a time. Unlock longer episodes: Clean With Me | Listen While You Clean
Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/clean-with-me--4574793/support. -
Guided cleaning session chock-full of tips for the easily distracted. Find out how to unlock bonus episodes for even more cleaning motivation: https://cleanwithmepodcast.com/
Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/clean-with-me--4574793/support. -
The host walks you through some of her personal cleaning goals while encouraging you to make your own while we clean the outer areas together
Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/clean-with-me--4574793/support. -
A straightforward host encourages you to do your dishes and clean the kitchen, while she provides general housekeeping tips for keeping your home looking good between cleaning sessions. If you need an extra push to step up your housekeeping in 2025, this no-holds-barred episode is for you! Learn how to unlock bonus episodes: https://cleanwithmepodcast.com/
Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/clean-with-me--4574793/support. - Visa fler