
  • In case you missed it, last week we announced that we’re taking a podcasting hiatus – for a few reasons, but mostly because Rachel is having a baby later this year!

    If you’re new-ish to Clarity on Fire – or have been around for a while but want to introduce new people to us – that gives you an excellent opportunity to catch up on our over-400 episodes.

    Buuuut we also know that’s a LOT of content and you might be overwhelmed! 😅 So, we’re making it easy for you (or your friends) to know where to start.

    Here’s where we recommend starting if you’re new to Clarity on Fire:

    Before you do anything else, take (or re-take!) the Passion Profile Quiz. It’s designed to help you pinpoint the intersection between your career and passions in a way that LITERALLY NO ONE ELSE ever talks about. After that, if you want to dive in to Passion Profiles on a deeper level, sign up for our free on-demand workshop: 3 Steps to Take Your Career from Stuck to Clear, Using Your Passion Profile Listen to the podcast episodes we list below (in order, for the biggest impact)!

    If you’re new, have fun diving in! And if you’re a longtime fan, we’d love it if you forwarded this to someone who needs a little help getting unstuck and finding direction + fulfillment.


    We’ve got SO MANY podcast episodes, it’s hard to pick favorites. But if you’re looking for life and career fulfillment and you need to learn the fundamentals of how to get there, in a way that most people aren’t going to tell you, then look no further than these 13 episodes.

    We’ve broken them down by category. Start with whatever category you like, but we recommend listening to the episodes in the order listed, in each section:

    Life & Career Direction:

    Side Chat: 6 ways to love (& keep) your job for years and years (May 2022)

    Side Chat: 6 MORE ways to have a career you love (January 2023)

    Side Chat: Why obsessing over your career doesn’t work (March 2022)

    Why career coaching has (almost) nothing to do with your career (October 2020)

    Side Chat: The top questions to ask yourself when job searching, according to Passion Profile (April 2023)

    Cultivating Intuition & Feminine Energy:

    Side Chat: Honing your intuition (& knowing when it’s really fear) (June 2019)

    Side Chat: How to actually *do* feminine energy (June 2021)

    Side Chat: How to work like a woman (in a world that doesn’t want you to) (April 2018

    Bonus Book Club! Outrageous Openness by Tosha Silver (November 2018)

    Personal Growth Fundamentals:

    Side Chat: A deep dive into emotional maturity (February 2023)

    Bonus Book Club! Good Inside by Dr. Becky Kennedy (March 2023)

    Bonus Book Club! Attached by Amir Levine & Rachel S.F. Heller (March 2024)

    Side Chat: How attachment theory plays out at work (May 2023)


    Even though we won’t be podcasting for a while, we will still be coaching … but we won’t be back with another official coaching enrollment this year!

    So, if you’re feeling the urge to work with us 1-on-1, reach out to us directly!

    Fill out the form on this page at any time, and we’ll schedule an intro chat to talk about the possibility of coaching.

    And if you want to try out a little coaching before making a big commitment, then grab yourself a Power Hour! It’s a 75-minute coaching session where we’ll laser-focus on whatever issue is keeping you most stuck. Bonus, you can apply the cost of your Power Hour toward future 1:1 coaching!


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    Submit your question for a future episode of Dear Krachel

    Check out our YouTube channel

  • Yes, you read that subject line right — we’re taking another hiatus from the podcast … because one of us is having a baby! 🤰🏼👀

    So, without further ado, dive into this special episode where we share …

    ALL the details behind this baby announcement Our plans during the hiatus When you might hear from us on the podcast again And where you can find us in the meantime (because we’ve got new things cooking, in addition to the bun in the oven!)

    We’ll still be posting on Instagram occasionally while we’re away, so follow us @clarityonfire if you haven’t yet. You can also follow Rachel personally @racheleast18 and Kristen @whitestorkcoffeeco!


    Even though we won’t be podcasting for a while, we will still be coaching (until one of us starts maternity leave)!

    So, if you’re feeling the urge to work with us, you don’t wait for a nudge!

    Feel free to fill out the form on this page at any time, and we’ll schedule an intro chat to talk about the possibility of coaching.

    And if you want to try out a little coaching before making a big commitment, then grab yourself a Power Hour! It’s a 75-minute coaching session where we’ll laser-focus on whatever issue is keeping you most stuck. Bonus, you can apply the cost of your Power Hour toward future 1:1 coaching!


    Rachel started a Substack account! Her newsletter is Half Agony / Half Hope: Content, community, & coaching for women navigating the perils and joys of singledom, dating, and relationships.

    Subscribe for FREE for access to new blogs and other fun content, like surprise podcast episodes, as well as to read Forever Alone in written form (and get season 2, when it releases)!

    Paid subscribers get access to everything included in the free subscription, PLUS access to the community, where you can post comments and get feedback in the group forum, and join monthly community Zooms with Rachel.

    And there’s also a special 1-on-1 coaching subscription! These members receive everything paid subscribers do, as well as six hour-long coaching sessions a year (one every 2 months)!

    Explore more and subscribe here!


    As you may already know, but definitely learned if you heard this episode, Kristen started another business! It’s called White Stork Coffee, and it’s a coffee & wellness company for women who are pregnant, trying to conceive, or generally wanting to balance their hormones for optimal health.

    She’s offering a limited number of people who fill out this form a totally free (shipping also free!) sample of her soon-to-be-released Fertility Spice Blend.

    Plus, get 25% off your first order of coffee here!

    And be sure to follow White Stork Coffee on Instagram @whitestorkcoffeeco.


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    Submit your question for a future episode of Dear Krachel

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  • In the last few years my client Susanne went from having a very normal, run-of-the-mill career to relocating to Italy, renovating a beautiful property, and opening a retreat space (she calls it a “thinker’s residence”) for creative people who long for peace and quiet to work on their most important projects.

    Getting to help Susanne take this dream from vision to reality has been a highlight of my last few years as a coach, and I’m so excited to finally get to share her story with all of you!

    Listen in to this month’s brand-new interview with a normal person, where Susanne and I get into…

    How she came up with such a big vision for her life, and how long she marinated on it before taking it seriously Why she blocked herself from acting on what she wanted for many years How she released some of her biggest, most debilitating limitations, and took huge risks (that clearly ended up paying off) The many ups and downs of turning her vision into a reality And what it’s like now, running a property in Italy for creative people (and how you can stay there!)

    Come leave a comment after you’ve listened to share how Susanne’s journey resonated with you!


    Spiritually confused, fearful of action and inaction, and utterly confused by life—what it means and how to live it—while maintaining a façade of "functioning" ... this was Susanne’s state of mind a couple of years ago.

    For way too long she tried to fit in, avoid mistakes, and attempt to act, be, and do what she thought others might find acceptable. Finally, she found the courage to cast off her debilitating fears and pursue what she truly wanted, and go all in on it. She allowed herself to dream—not bigger, but more aligned to who she is.

    She realized that once she let go of the fear of others' opinions, her life would no longer feel so exhausting. She discovered that she didn’t need to change herself as much as her environment to better suit her, leading her to finally feel happy, fulfilled, and in love with life.

    Susanne is the owner of Suflora, a sanctuary for thinkers, creators, and dreamers who want to rediscover their passion, dive deep into their work, and to emerge with something not just completed, but transformed into a masterpiece. Suflora's fully-equipped apartments are designed as your private think-tank, where you can work, cook, eat, rest, and create at your own pace, surrounded by the inspiring beauty of Umbria, Italy.


    A minor pivot into a major dream life with normal person V. (May 2023)

    Choose your own adventure with Austin Rose (April 2023)

    From the hood of despair to happiest you’ve ever been with Tiffanie Hoang (September 2022)


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  • Welcome to another episode of Dear Krachel, our monthly advice segment where we answer listener questions about life, career, relationships, existential angst, and anything that helps you become a more whole, fulfilled version of yourself.

    This month we answered questions from two listeners, who both happen to be teachers (but their issues are relevant to all of us)!

    Worry Worm, whose confidence takes a hit whenever her students don’t meet their expected results. Is she bad at what she does, or are the kids slacking off? Tired Thriver, an elementary school teacher in her late 20’s who likes a lot of the perks of teaching (predictable schedule, steady pay, job security, great benefits, and summers off to name a few), but who feels mentally and emotionally drained at the end of the work day. She doesn’t necessarily want to have to change careers, but how possible is it for a Thriver to make a demanding job like this work?

    Come leave a comment after you’ve listened to share how our advice for these listeners resonated with you!


    Side Chat: The top question to ask yourself when job searching, according to Passion Profile (April 2023)

    Side Chat: 6 ways to love (& keep) your job for years and years (May 2022)

    Side Chat: 6 MORE ways to have a career you love (January 2023)

    Side Chat: Passion Profiles & the Scale of Ambition (October 2021)

    Side Chat: The 4 Passion Profiles (December 2018)


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    Submit your question for a future episode of Dear Krachel

    Check out our YouTube channel

  • It’s the fifth Friday of the month, which means this should be a “bonus book club” episode––it isn’t, but it’s also not NOT a book club episode, either. 🙃😂

    During our last book club conversation about Attached with Amanda Johnson – our friend, fellow coach, and all-around expert on attachment theory – we said that we wanted to have Amanda back on the podcast to have an episode devoted completely to the nervous system.

    So, that’s what we did!

    Amanda is back on the podcast this month to help us explore all facets of the nervous system, using one book in particular to guide the way.

    Listen in as we get into…

    What the nervous system actually is, and why it’s SO important to understand your own What’s happening in our bodies when we get triggered/scared/excited How to heal old, stuck issues that have been plaguing you for years (maybe even your entire life!) And soooo much more!

    We’re convinced that, at this point, there is NOTHING more important than understanding your nervous system. There’s something all of us can learn in this episode!

    And stay tuned until the end of the episode for a VERY generous offer from Amanda. 👀

    Leave a comment after you’ve listened to let us know what resonated most from this conversation.


    Amanda Johnson is the owner of Heartspark – a heart-centered life coaching and intuitive energy work practice based outside of Boston. Amanda's passion lies in the idea that each of our hearts is guiding the way to our most expansive lives – but that to live from the heart, we need to first get in touch with who we really are, not who we've been told to be. That requires a deep dive into how our emotions and energy are currently showing up, and identifying what shifts can be made to uncover the magic that exists within each of us. It also requires an understanding of how our bodies and minds work, so that we can bring ourselves into balance.

    Through Heartspark, Amanda combines her experience, education and interests (she loves an adhd tangent!) to offer a variety of session types – everything from energy-focused coaching to intuitive visioning to workshops on the nervous system. Amanda has an undergraduate degree in journalism, an MBA from Boston College, and is a Reiki Master and iPEC Certified Life Coach. She believes that all of the answers you are looking for are within you, and that having the support to listen to yourself to find your truth is the way to freedom, evolution and fully enjoying your life experience! Heartspark is dedicated to creating a safe space for anyone with a curiosity about themselves to deeply connect with their soul purpose and unique gifts, and take steps to reach alignment.

    You can find her at heartsparksoul.com and on IG @heartsparksoul

    And get $100 off of Amanda’s Nervous System Mapping Workshop with code CLARITYONFIRE throughout the entire month of June!


    Bonus Book Club! Attached by Amir Levine & Rachel S.F. Heller (March 2024)

    Bonus Book Club! Good Inside by Dr. Becky Kennedy (March 2023)

    Side Chat: How attachment theory plays out at work (May 2023)

    From totally shut down to feeling your feelings again with Amanda Johnson (June 2023)


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  • Need a little clarity, guidance, or just a fun pick-me-up?

    Then today’s your day, because we’re back (for the third month in a row, lucky you!) with another Message from the Universe episode. ✨🔮

    As usual, we pulled a few cards from The Enchanted Map deck by Colette Baron-Reid. One or all has a message for you — come find out what it is!

    Today’s message was SO interesting and on-point, if we do say so ourselves. 👀

    After you listen, leave a comment to share how this one spoke to you!


    Message from the Universe: Step aside and watch what happens next (April 2024)

    Message from the Universe: Resist second-guessing yourself (March 2024)

    Message from the Universe: Trust … and all will be revealed (January 2024)


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  • You know we can’t resist a good Instagram post—and maybe even ruthlessly tearing one apart on the podcast (and having a grand time doing it)!

    A friend DM’d us this reel recently from Caroline Middelsdorf, a coach and psychologist, about how your childhood trauma might be covertly influencing your career choices.

    Naturally, we decided to dissect our reaction to this theory on the podcast!

    So, listen in as we chat about…

    Three major career fields, and the childhood backstory you might have if you ended up in those industries How much credence you should give to this theory, and when it might not be impacting you Why feeling bored and unstimulated in your job might actually be a sign of health

    This one might spark some strong opinions, one way or the other, so come leave a comment after you’ve listened to share your reaction!


    Side Chat: The 8x8x8 Rule … and why we hate it! (March 2024)

    Bonus Book Club! Attached by Amir Levine & Rachel S.F. Heller (March 2024)

    Side Chat: How attachment theory plays out at work (May 2023)

    Side Chat: How to tell if you have career trauma (November 2021)


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    Submit your question for a future episode of Dear Krachel

    Check out our YouTube channel

  • You know what I’m tired of?

    Neat, tidy stories of success that tie everything in a bow by the end and make life look a little too simple.

    To be fair, we’ve published our fair share of stories like that on this podcast! But this year, we’ve made a big effort to showcase “normal person” stories that are very much still unfolding–because when it comes to your actual life, the story is never done. There’s always a new twist, a new drama, or something else you haven’t achieved yet.

    Which is why I’m really excited to share my client Sarah’s story with you!

    Sarah has been through some major highs and lows in the last year, and the plot twists keep coming. Listen in as Sarah and I get into…

    Working through her fears that she wasn’t capable of making a big career transition How we created a list of non-negotiable needs she must get met in a new job (and how she ended up with a job that checked EVERY box) How she gave the Universe a deadline about finding a job, and the nail-biting process of trusting that it would come through in time The surprise twist that unfolded after she got her ideal job

    Come leave a comment after you’ve listened to share how Sarah’s journey resonated with you!


    Sarah's life story is a rich blend of unexpected twists and turns. Spending many of her formative years overseas as an expat, she developed a love of diverse cultures and people, which led her to seek beauty in the world around her. From immersing herself in the beauty and medical aesthetics industry to creating one-of-a-kind charcuterie boards that she sold in West Elm, and even working in media & public relations, she's embraced creative and diverse paths.

    Sarah's career journey has taken her from department and specialty store settings to clinical environments, where she's witnessed the transformative power of self-care. Still, despite her past roles in various industries, Sarah's true passion lies in helping others discover their inner and outer beauty while embracing their true identity and living wholeheartedly. With an all-in commitment to relinquishing control and allowing her faith in God to guide her, Sarah's story serves as a beacon of hope for those seeking to navigate life's uncertainties. So, to anyone feeling weary and overwhelmed, take heart—Sarah's experiences demonstrate that with hope, courage and openness, remarkable transformations are within reach. Dream BIG.


    Bonus Book Club! Outrageous Openness by Tosha Silver (November 2018)

    Overcoming fear of literally everything with Mary Cardenas (January 2024)

    Getting what you want even when it feels impossible with Kayla Neitzel (February 2024)


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  • Welcome to another episode of Dear Krachel, our monthly advice segment where we answer listener questions about life, career, relationships, existential angst, and anything that helps you become a more whole, fulfilled version of yourself.

    This month we answered questions from:

    Blue Millennial, who is still only just scraping by financially after 10 years in the working world. The hobby that brings her joy is traveling, but she can’t afford it very often. She doesn’t have the energy to take on a side gig for extra income, and she doesn’t want to switch jobs yet again (which never solves her problems, anyway). How can she possibly improve her life under such confining circumstances? Renee, who works in large organization with a pretty rigid hierarchy. Her boss’ boss is rude, condescending, abrasive, and judgmental to almost everyone, Renee included. Except she needs this higher-up to at least kind of like her if she wants to get promoted. How do you build a relationship with someone who wants nothing to do with you? Maddy, who in recent years has worked on developing her intuition and has gotten better at following nudges and signs. But now she’s wondering, does she need to act on every nudge? How do you tell which intuitive hits are worth acting on, and what might just be shiny objects you’re mistaking for intuition?

    Come leave a comment after you’ve listened to share how our advice for these listeners resonated with you!


    If you’re relating a little too hard to this episode – maybe you’re burned out and need a change but can’t imagine how you’d find the energy or know-how to make it happen on your own –well, that’s what 1:1 coaching is for!

    It takes you from doubt, confusion, and burnout to confidence, clarity, and fulfillment in a matter of months.

    And the best part? You don’t have to think about how to get from Point A to Point B – we already know how.

    If that sounds like a massive relief, then let’s chat!

    We’re accepting applications for new 1:1 coaching clients –– something we only do a few times per year –– until the end of TODAY, Friday, May 3rd.

    We have very limited space, so apply ASAP if you don’t want to get wait-listed. This is for people interested in getting started in the next 4-6 weeks. We’re offering both 3-month & 6-month options. You can explore the difference here. You don’t have to know for sure that you want to move ahead with coaching. You just have to be serious enough about it to want to have a conversation.

    Fill out the interest form here and one of us will be in touch ASAP to schedule a chat with you!

    Found us after May 3rd? Fill out the form and we’ll add you to our waitlist and let you know when we have availability. 😄


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  • Need a little clarity, guidance, or just a fun pick-me-up?

    Then today’s your day, because we’re back (only a month after our last MFTU episode––surprise!) with another Message from the Universe episode. ✨🔮

    As usual, we pulled a few cards from The Enchanted Map deck by Colette Baron-Reid. One or all has a message for you — come find out what it is!

    Today’s message felt kind of feisty, but in a great way. 👀

    After you listen, leave a comment to share how this one spoke to you! And don’t forget…


    If you’re burned out and need a change but can’t imagine how you’d find the energy or know-how to make it happen on your own … well, that’s what 1:1 coaching is for!

    It takes you from doubt, confusion, and burnout to confidence, clarity, and fulfillment in a matter of months. And the best part? You don’t have to think about how to get from Point A to Point B – we already know how.

    If that sounds like a massive relief, then let’s chat!

    We’re accepting applications for new 1:1 coaching clients –– something we only do a few times per year –– until next Friday, May 3!

    We have very limited space, so apply ASAP if you don’t want to get wait-listed. This is for people interested in getting started in the next 4-6 weeks. We’re offering both 3-month and 6-months options. We’ll walk you through the difference when we have an intro call with you. You don’t have to know for sure that you want to move ahead with coaching. You just have to be serious enough about it to want to have a conversation.

    Fill out the interest form here and one of us will be in touch ASAP to schedule a chat with you!


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  • A few weeks ago, one of Rachel’s clients asked a GREAT question (well, series of questions) that was immediately deserving of its own podcast episode. We love when that happens.

    When is it okay to NOT have goals? Is it ever acceptable? If so, under what circumstances??

    So, listen in as we chat about…

    How to figure out if feeling aimless/directionless is actually a problem, or maybe something you should be letting happen (for now) When it’s best to set goals and when it’s okay to let them slide The difference between goals and intentions How goal-setting ties into masculine/feminine energy …and a lot more!

    We also spent a very solid chunk of this episode giving you some major life updates about what’s been happening behind the scenes for both of us. 👀

    And read on for one more major alert!


    If this episode hits home – maybe you’re feeling aimless and need a vision for your life, OR maybe you’ve got too many goals and no idea which to pursue – then we’ve got good news for you:

    We’re CURRENTLY accepting applications for new coaching clients!

    We officially open doors for new clients just a few times per year, so if now feels like the right time, let’s talk.

    We have space for maybe 10 clients this time, and some of those spots are already gone! This is for people interested in getting started in April or May. We have two tiers of options when it comes to 1:1 coaching (3 or 6 months), and we can discuss which is best for you in an intro conversation. You don’t have to know for sure that you want to move ahead with coaching. You just have to be serious enough about it to want to have a conversation.

    Ready to talk about it? Fill out the form on this page, and one of us will schedule an info session with you!


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  • Welcome to another episode of Dear Krachel, our monthly advice segment where we answer listener questions about life, career, relationships, existential angst, and anything that helps you become a more whole, fulfilled version of yourself.

    This month we answered questions from:

    Guilty Thriver, who’s 4 months pregnant with her first baby and wants to be a stay at home mom. Her husband makes plenty of money and is happy to support her desire, but she can’t get over her guilt for “only” contributing to the family on the domestic front. How can she embrace this decision and fully enjoy a new phase of life? Sensational Quitter, who had a very traumatic “break up” with a job a couple of years ago. Since then she’s had two other jobs and has quit both of them, too! She lives with regret of how she handled herself at the first job, and wonders if she ruined her chance at something great. How can she leave the past behind, break the cycle of crappy jobs, and secure a role that finally feels right? Skyler, a woman in her 30s who’s recently gone through the process of freezing her eggs. She knows her true desire is to meet a man, fall in love, get married, and have biological kids together. But if that doesn’t happen, should she plan on becoming a single mother? Or is planning for that somehow going to block her from getting what she truly desires?

    Come leave a comment after you’ve listened to share how our advice for these listeners resonated with you!


    Dear Krachel: I quit my job and have huge regrets! I can’t go back, so now what? (June 2023)

    Bonus! Let’s talk about quiet quitting (September 2022)

    From quitting with no plan to dream job with Sonya Shen (May 2022)


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  • Calling all fellow bookworms, library nerds, and general lovers of literature — it’s time for another book club episode of the podcast!

    Whenever there are five Fridays in a month, we devote the extra Friday to a book that we can’t get enough of.

    It was WAY overdue for us to dedicate a book club episode to attachment theory, considering how much we’ve talked about it on the podcast in the last year.

    So, this month, we’re cracking open Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment And How It Can Help You Find––And Keep––Love.

    But wait, there’s more!! 😂

    We love this topic, but our friend (and fellow coach, and former podcast guest!) Amanda Johnson is OBSESSED with it. She’s become our go-to expert on not just the book Attached, but all things attachment theory. So, naturally, we invited her to lead our book club discussion this month!

    So, join us for an incredibly education, fascinating, important episode of the podcast! You’ll hear us get into …

    What attachment theory is, and how it connects to your nervous system––this is so overlooked by a lot of “experts” and couldn’t be more important! A thorough breakdown of each of the 4 main attachment styles (secure, anxious, avoidant, and disorganized) Plenty of stats and examples (both from the book and our personal lives) of how our attachment style impacts our relationships and day-to-day lives How to heal an insecure attachment style, having healthier relationships, and become more secure

    And stayed tuned until the end of the episode for TWO incredibly generous offers from Amanda. 👀

    Leave a comment after you’ve listened to let us know what resonated most from this conversation.


    As you’ll hear if you listen to the end of the episode, Amanda has paired her talent as a coach and energy healer with her passion for healing attachment trauma and created a brand-new group coaching experience!

    Join her for an 8-week journey where you’ll gather together over Zoom to learn about attachment theory and get curious about how your individual attachment style is impacting your life. Part information sharing, part open discussion & coaching, and part energy work, think of this as a supportive group discovery experience.

    In each session 1.5 hour long session, you will deeply explore the many facets of attachment and its connection to your energy so you walk away feeling confident in understanding your style and knowing how to recognize when it shows up. You can expect to work with your body, energy and mind to understand and heal how attachment affects your relationships and life.

    The group coaching experience begins on April 22! And for all listeners of Clarity on Fire, enjoy a 20% discount (applied automatically) on this page: Heartspark Group Experience: Attachment Theory


    Bonus Book Club! Good Inside by Dr. Becky Kennedy (March 2023)

    Side Chat: How attachment theory plays out at work (May 2023)

    From totally shut down to feeling your feelings again with Amanda Johnson (June 2023)


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  • Need a little clarity, guidance, or just a fun pick-me-up?

    Then today’s your day, because we’re back with another Message from the Universe episode!

    We pulled a few cards from The Enchanted Map deck by Colette Baron-Reid. One or all has a message for you — come find out what it is!

    Annnd we also took a little tangent at the end to discuss Rachel’s new obsession with Love Is Blind. 👀

    After you listen, leave a comment to share how this one spoke to you!


    Message from the Universe: Trust … and all will be revealed (January 2024)

    Message from the Universe: You’re free to be yourself (May 2023)

    Message from the Universe: Success is yours if you follow the signs (March 2023)


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  • A while back I was scrolling on Instagram and came across a post by a well-known personal development guru. What I read ENRAGED me.

    So much so, in fact, that my ensuing rant lasted for almost an hour – and now you get to hear it on the podcast. 👀😅

    Buckle up for this month’s brand-new Side Chat, where Kristen and I break down (and take down!) this post, and allllll of the reasons why advice like this—be it well-meaning or not—ends up being incredibly harmful to most people reading it.

    We get into…

    What the “8+8+8 Rule” is and why it makes NO SENSE for 99.9% of people The difference between advice that’s coming from a place of masculine energy vs. feminine energy How to go about finding balance in your daily life that doesn’t feel unrealistic and impossible to achieve

    You may be expecting a lot of rage (and you’ll get it!), but you’re probably not expecting to hear how much we CRACKED UP while tearing this terrible advice to pieces. I don’t think Kristen and I have ever laughed so hard on any episode, ever!

    Come leave a comment after you’ve listened to share how this one resonated with you!


    Side Chat: How to actually DO feminine energy (June 2021)

    Side Chat: What to do when you’re tired of being tired (July 2022)

    Side Chat: Please care a little less about your career (February 2024)


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  • I was on the phone recently with my and Kristen’s friend Joanna (who’s appeared on the podcast a time or two before!), who was telling me about exhausted and demoralized she’s been about her career lately.

    Joanna’s Passion Profile is Collaborator, which means the thing she values above everything else is connection and, well, collaboration. Except she’s been trying for 5 years to run a business … by herself.

    It became clear as we were talking that her career woes are almost certainly a result of working out of alignment with her Passion Profile for so long.

    Before we hung up she said, “If you ever want me to come on the podcast to talk about this, I totally would!” And hey, I’m not one to turn down a good guest!

    So, listen in to this month’s brand-new episode with a normal person, where Joanna and I get into:

    How she got tunnel vision around her career, and blocked out signs that the path she was going down might not be right for her Why having the freedom to whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted day after day – a dream come true for some people – actually made her miserable The difference between career problems and “alignment problems,” and how to recognize when you’re out of alignment

    Come leave a comment after you’ve listened to share how this conversation resonated with you!


    Joanna Platt is the creator of The Joy of Enough Method, a system that helps high-achievers break out of the cycle of burnout so they can have more “life’s good” moments.

    Joanna coaches high-achievers who are on a never-ending treadmill of obligations and to-dos and burn themselves out again and again. She helps her clients create and implement a Burnout to Balance Blueprint so that they can be present with their people, take care of their health and wellbeing, and be an A-player at work.

    You can further connect with Joanna through her podcast, The Joy of Enough, available on Apple Podcasts and Spotify, or on Instagram @joanna_platt.


    Emotional Constipation with Joanna Platt (April 2018)

    A best friend’s roundtable on people pleasing with Stacy Campesi & Joanna Platt (August 2019)

    The top questions to ask yourself when job searching, according to Passion Profile (April 2023)

    Dear Krachel: Will I regret pursuing a career that’s not aligned with my Passion Profile? (December 2020)


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  • Welcome to another episode of Dear Krachel, our monthly advice segment where we answer listener questions about life, career, relationships, existential angst, and anything that helps you become a more whole, fulfilled version of yourself.

    This month we answered questions from:

    Pondering in CA, who’s worked in corporate marketing for 15 years and dreads going to work every day. She wants to pivot into real estate … but should she be wary of making such a big transition this far into her career? Val, who will have the opportunity to leave a stressful job and retire – but not for another 5 years. She wants to have a plan for what to do with her life once she reaches that milestone, but how and when does someone start planning for something so far down the road? Lisa, a textbook Side Hustler who’s been contemplating a transition into a wide array of paths, from data analytics, to yoga instructor, to math teacher, to medical doctor, to therapist. Should she pick a direction and run with it, or is there a better way to make this decision?

    Come leave a comment after you’ve listened to share how our advice for these listeners resonated with you!


    Bonus Book Club! Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert (June 2018)

    Side Chat: How to actually DO feminine energy (June 2021)

    Ending up back where you started with Kristen Kalp (June 2021)

    Side Chat: The top questions to ask yourself when job searching, according to Passion Profile (April 2023)


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  • If you’re looking for a job right now, there’s no way it’s escaped your notice that it’s rough out there.

    We keep hearing stories from friends and clients about how the current job market is unlike anything they’ve ever seen before.

    From applying to hundreds of jobs and getting ZERO interviews, to being completely overlooked despite being incredibly qualified, to seeing literally thousands of people apply to a job you’re interested in … it’s feeling REALLY difficult and demoralizing right now.

    Which is why we knew we had to bring our friend and job search coach Emily back on the podcast (for the fourth time!) to get her take on job searching in 2024.

    So, listen in as Emily and the two of us dive into …

    Why so many SUPER qualified candidates are being overlooked The discrepancy between what the media is reporting – There’s a labor shortage! It’s so hard to find good employees! – versus how hard it is for most job seekers to actually get hired How AI and ChatGPT are affecting your chances of being noticed during your job search When to bother applying for jobs on job boards, and when to let them go How to access the “hidden job market” and guarantee more visibility, even for super competitive jobs

    Come leave a comment after you’ve listened to share how this one resonated with you!


    Emily Liou is a career happiness coach and job search expert at CultiVitae who helps professionals make wildly successful career transitions - even when they don't have all the skills, experience, education, or go-to network. As a former recruiter and HR professional for Fortune 500 Companies and Silicon Valley startups, she knows exactly what allows professionals to stand out, get visible, and get hired. Emily strongly believes life is too short to not wake up happy on Mondays and has been featured as LinkedIn's Top 10 Voices to follow in Career & Job Searching for 2022. As the creator of her ultimate job search course, Happily Hired Formula, Emily not only provides the strategies to make any career transition possible but also coaches them through building a positive self-image to go after their biggest dreams.

    Check out her free masterclass training: How to land your dream job with more income and impact ... without applying online and wasting time

    Follow her on Instagram @cultivitae


    All of your job search & career pivot questions answered with Emily Liou (September 2022)

    Finding a job with less force, more ease, and amazing results with Emily Liou (February 2022)

    A former recruiter tells all (and helps you get hired) with Emily Liou (September 2018)


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  • It’s quite possible you saw the title of this episode and immediately started to sweat. 😅

    Our perspective on the whole concept of a career – what it even is, how to have an enjoyable one, what it takes to keep one going – has evolved SO much over the last decade and beyond.

    What we believe now versus what we believed when we first started out as career coaches … whew, it’s completely different. So much so that we wanted to bring you up to speed with where we stand now, in 2024!

    So, hang in there with us as we make a case for why you might need to care a little less about your career. We get into…

    Why our absolute obsession with our careers, especially in our 20s, was probably unhealthy Why we, and so many others, fixated on needing our career to be a 10/10 on the fulfillment meter Our take on how much fulfillment you actually need in your career Bolstering the satisfaction you get out of ALL the areas of your life (not just your career)

    Come leave a comment after you’ve listened to share how this one resonated with you!


    Side Chat: How career trauma plays out at work (May 2023)

    Side Chat: Passion Profiles & The scale of ambition (October 2021)

    Side Chat: Problem Transfiguration (November 2019)


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  • I’ve loved every minute of every interview with a normal person I’ve ever had the pleasure to do – there’s something so gratifying about getting to share the trials and tribulations that everyday people have overcome, as well as the revelations and breakthroughs they’ve had (that can hopefully help inspire other people on a similar journey).

    But every once in a while a normal person interview comes along that I’m practically itching for you to hear … and that’s this one, with my client Kayla!

    Kayla and I had a conversation that you’re going to deeply relate to AND I predict will give you hope.

    Listen in as Kayla and I talk about …

    Getting to the bottom of a decade-long pattern of terrible burnout and even more terrible bosses Why understanding her attachment style helped her heal her unhealthy relationship to her career Being convinced that things were never going to work out … and how nice it was to be proven wrong about that, in the end

    Come leave a comment after you’ve listened to share how Kayla’s journey resonated with you!


    Kayla is a Thriver through and through (five Passion Profile Quizzes taken over the last 7 years have confirmed this). She’s also an INFJ, Highly Sensitive Person, Enneagram Type 2, and a Pisces - she’s got a lot going on. Professionally, she works in Human Resources, helping people make informed decisions about important aspects of their lives. She spends her very precious free time either with her husband and their little circus of animals, or out hiking in the Mt. Hood Wilderness and Columbia River Gorge.


    Bonus Book Club! Outrageous Openness by Tosha Silver (November 2018)

    Overcoming fear of literally everything with Mary Cardenas (January 2024)

    From totally shut down to feeling your feelings again with Amanda Johnson (June 2023)


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