In this improvised comedy podcast, Liz Cackowski and Emily Spivey satirize the true crime genre as podcast hosts Donna and Jobeth. Each episode, the duo digs into a juicy murder case, interviewing guest witnesses, experts, and suspects to get to their whodunnit. Donna can be convinced of just about anything, but Jobeth is always on high alert for the truth… and Donna’s safety. Guest stars include Amy Poehler, Maya Rudolph, Lisa Gilroy, Will Forte, Paula Pell, and Jason Schwartzman.
The perfect podcast for bass players - Giving you the low-down on the low-end!
Totally average bassist/YouTuber Jonny Dibble and session player Chris Horrocks and (sometimes) joined by guests to talk all about the latest bass news, answer audience questions and breakdown some killer bass guitar tones.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Stock Hypers are amateur investors talking about stocks, wall street, business and the markets from a completely uninformed, unprofessional, sometimes nonsensical perspective. Danny and Bryan both are not recommending or pressuring you to buy any stock. If you take their advise you may loose money, your reputation and all your friends. This is meant for pure entertainment and listening pleasure. (Even if all our stocks go skyrocketing in value and we become zillionaires it's best that you, the listener, keep your money in your pocket. We may sound like geniuses but we are just regular Joes) You are forewarned.
Feel free to contact the Stock Hypers at -
Two Montreal-based women in their 20s trying to navigate their way through life! Join Afiyat and Katherine while they chat about anything and everything - from starting their careers, to their dating lives, to self-improvement chats, to unexplained tangents.
It'll be just like chatting with the gals! Follow us on Instagram: -
In what the kids are calling a 'podcast', beloved Manhattan Beach influencers Chris Parish (Michigan alum) and Tommy Reid (The Ohio State alum) put aside their rivalry to chat with local thought leaders about a plethora of local and national events. Topics include fitness, finance, romance, child-rearing, and if you are still reading this we also discuss beer, bourbon, beef, and tequila and we throw in some dad wisdom and stuff usually
Žiga in Peter iščeta neznane ljudi, predmete, dogodke, kraje, dosežke, presežke, ki jih bodisi poznamo bežno, bodisi jih sploh ne poznamo. So pa vplivali in še vedno vplivajo na naš vsakdan. Segata globoko v njihovo ozadje in osvetljujeta genialnost, presežek in pogum. Iščeta navdih za današnji čas in prihodnost.