This episode includes:
John Calvin 'volunteers' to stay in GenevaWilliam Tyndale on the runTyndale captured by Harry PhillipsTyndale Trial & ExecutionNew Words & Phrases by TyndaleMelchior HoffmannMunster RebellionShow Notes:
William Farel spreads the gospel in GenevaJohn Calvin - Early Life and EducationAffair of the Placards (Nicolas Cop)Institutes of the Christian Religion
Show notes:
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In this episode we review the actions and beliefs of the Roman Catholic Church that were offensive to all of the reformers. In contradistinction to this we outline the key beliefs of the reformers. The 5 Solas, Perspicuity of Scripture, Iconoclasty, and more.
Show notes:
In this episode we review the key events in the Protestant Reformation from 1525 to 1532.
Class Notes:
After taking 8 weeks off from our class, a review was in order. In this episode we discuss the build-up to the reformation and key events through 1525.
Class Notes:
In this episode we discuss the following:
Ottoman Turks under Suleiman (Suleyman) move West and lay siege to Vienna Marburg Colloquy Schmalkaldic League Unification Efforts of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V Different Views of Eucharist Augsburg Confession Zurich Bible Second Kappel War Death of Ulrich Zwingli Zwingli's Final Works (Confession of Faith, Exposition of Faith) Heinrich Bullinger - Successor at GrossmunsterClass notes can be found here:
Continuing our series through the Protestant Reformation,this weeks episode covers the years 1526-1529 and includes:
• King Henry VIII pursues annulment from Catherine of Aragon
• William Tyndale translates the New Testament into English from Greek
• William Tyndale smuggles English New Testaments into England in bales of cotton
• The Roman Catholic Church unknowingly finances the 2nd edition of Tyndale’s work
• Printer Peter Quentell is raided by Johannes Cochlaeus
• Balthasar Hubmaier debates Zwingli on infant baptism
• Felix Manz is martyred by drowning in the Limmat River
• 1526 Baden Disputation
• 1528 Bern Disputation
• Schleitheim Confession of 1527 (Anabaptist)
• First Kappel War of 1529
• Scotland’s First Protestant Martyrs beginning with Patrick Hamilton
Class Notes can be found here:
Continuing our chronological walk through the reformation, here are the key moments discussed in this weeks episode:
1st Zurich Disputation 2nd Zurich Disputation Exposition of the 67 Articles (Zwingli) Iconoclasm in Zurich Runaway Nuns in Wittenburg Martin Luther's marriage to Katarina von Bora Luther's Magnum Opus, "On the Bondage of the Will" Luther's HymnodyLink to class notes:
The year 1522 was an extremely active time in thereformation. In this week’s class, we covered:
Luther at Wartburg Castle; The Luther Bible; Zwickau Prophets and the Revolution in Wittenburg; Jacques Lafevre (Jacobus Faber) and his French NT Translation; Guillaume Bricconet (France) and the Humanist group - "The Circle of Meaux"; William Tyndale (England); Zwingli and the "Affair of the Sausages"Class notes can be found here:
Continuing our chronological journey through the Protestant Reformation. This week's episode covers:
Luther's Reformatory Treatises (To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation, On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church, On the Freedom of a Christian) Background on 1401 Suppression of Heresy Act in England 1519 Lollard Burning in England 1520 White Horse Inn Henry VIII - Defender of the Faith, Assertio, Defense of the Seven Sacraments Diet of Worms Melanchthon's Loci TheologiciClass Notes:
Episode Highlights:
Luther & Cardinal Cajetan Zwingli begins preaching at Grossmunster Leipzig Disputation Luther's Tower Experience Leo X's Bull Exsurge Domine "Arise O Lord" Introduction of Philip Melanchthon Introduction of Martin BucerClass Handouts:
As we continue to discuss the foundations for the reformation in Germany and Switzerland we discuss the early years of Huldrych Zwingli.
Class Presentation:
Class Notes:
This episode is an overview of Martin Luther's life from his early years through the Heidelberg Disputation. Pope Leo X, Johann von Staupitz, and Johannes Tetzel are mentioned.
Class Notes:
This episode is a brief overview over the Five Solas of the Reformation, the Doctrine of Perspicuity, and an overview of what the reformers meant by "norma normans non normata" with regards to scripture.
This episodes discusses the events that lead up to the emergence of the reformation. We discuss Guttenberg's press, Johannes Oecolampadius, and Erasmus of Rotterdam.
Class notes: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/yiua5csm9758qw6bj56j1/Episode-38-Desiderius-Erasmus.pdf?rlkey=hsskjicqnr7n97anpqv2s8u26&st=1xguegi4&dl=0
In this episode we finish our discussion John Wycliffe, the Lollards, Jan Hus, Council of Constance, and the Defenestrations of Prague
Class Notes:
Short episode on Wycliffe's early life.
Class Notes:
This episode is a short response to a class question on the origins of the doctrine of purgatory and the concept of indulgences.
In this episode we discuss the beginning of the Avignon Papacy through the Council of Constance. Learn how the election of a Neapolitan lead to 3 flavors of popes!
Lesson Notes:
In this episode we cover many key events in the church between 70 and 1076 AD. This is a quick review for new class members.
Class Handout:
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