Centered is an exploration of spiritual practices for everyday life. We are so glad you are here. No matter your experience with God, faith, prayer, or spiritual practice, this is a podcast designed for anyone who would like to live life with a little more balance and health, a little more centeredness and less distraction, a little more compassion, and less anxiety.
Welcome to the Talk It Out podcast with Joyce Meyer, Ginger Stache and Erin Cluley! To learn more, visit our website at or download the Joyce Meyer Ministries app.
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Sarah R. Adams has decided to interview gifted people in the spiritual and awakened community as she wants to get the healing and truth out to as many people as possible. She has incarnated with the life mission to emanate her knowledge to people of their divine power and that everyone can heal and ascend into Christ consciousness. Sarah has appeared on Gaia TV, Vice TV and the BBC and has now launched her own podcast where she interviews people of influence and spiritual leaders in the awakened community about important subjects such as healing, health, wealth, and connecting to the spirits and realms. Learn about health and well-being, diet and superfoods, alternative realities and dimensions, energy work, astral travel, karma and how to become more multidimensional.
Ik ben Ellen D’hondt en toen mijn intuïtie enkele jaren geleden zei mijn ontslag te geven na een succesvolle carrière en om voortaan mijn eigen weg te gaan, was ik bang om mijn man en mijn gezin te verliezen.
Ik wou heel graag mijn vrijheid maar ik wou ook rekening houden met mijn man en ik wou mijn huwelijk niet op het spel zetten. Lang dacht ik dat ik moest kiezen en zag ik niet hoe ik de 2 kon combineren.
Ik kan je nu vertellen dat de 2 mogelijk zijn en ondersteun je graag tijdens dit proces.
Wij ondersteunen je bij het proces van vrouwelijk & spiritueel ontwaken en het leven van je waarheid, verlangen en unieke levensweg terwijl je in een langdurige relatie zit en heel graag samen met deze relatie verder wil ontwikkelen en het leven leiden waarvoor je (jullie) hier bent.
Hier vind je alles over zelfheling, bewustzijn, vrouwelijke energie, spiritueel ontwaken, vrouwelijke lifestyle en relaties
Trang podcast Giảng Luận Kinh Thánh cung cấp cho các tín hữu và tôi tớ Chúa người Việt những bài giảng chọn lọc của các diễn giả “kinh điển” khác nhau, trong những thời đại khác nhau. Đó là những diễn giả và bài giảng đã được hội thánh chung công nhận, và được thử nghiệm qua thời gian.
Tính Kinh Thánh sẽ là ưu tiên hàng đầu trong việc lựa chọn.
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기독교대한감리회 청파교회(담임 김기석) 주일예배 설교입니다.
<b>[공지] 설교 업데이트 중단 안내 (2024-05-12)</b>
안녕하세요. 청파교회 팟캐스트 담당자입니다.
청파교회가 세 곳의 교회로 더 넓어진 시점에서, 제 개인적인 사정으로 설교 오디오 업데이트는 중단하게 되었습니다.
앞으로는 아래 주소에서 청파교회의 새 설교를 들으실 수 있습니다.
팟캐스트의 기존 설교들은 2024년 12월 14일까지 들으실 수 있습니다.
그동안 이용해주셔서 감사드립니다.
청파교회 팟캐스트 담당자 드림
Bishop Gideon Titi-Ofei is a behaviourial leadership coach, a strategist and a high-impact contemporary preacher with a dynamic teaching ministry. Since 2004 Bishop Titi-Ofei has been at the forefront of leadership development in Ghana culminating in the establishment of the TITI-OFEI GROUP, a group of top-flight educational and leadership development organizations including Graduate School of Governance and Leadership(GSGL) a post graduate christian university accredited in Ghana to offer globally recognized postgraduate and professional qualifications, Almond Institute, The African Leadership Company, Leadership Crew, Boardroom Institute and the International Organization for Capacity Building (IOCB). Since 2004 Bishop Titi-Ofei has shaped the character and sharpened the leadership skills of over 20,000 leaders in Ghana from varied backgrounds including leaders from politics, business, commerce, industry and religion. He was consecrated a bishop by Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams and presides over a multifaceted ministry known as the TITI-OFEI MINISTRIES which comprises the Pleasant Place Church, Pastors Mentoring Pastors, League of Pastors and the Pastors Academy. His mission is to develop leaders from the church to the market place and win leaders from the market place to the church. Bishop Titi-Ofei is a member of the National Peace Council Board, Ghana and the General Secetary of the National Association of Charismatic and Christian Churches.