
  • In the past decade, China has ramped up its engagement in the Middle East, a region which is far from China geographically, but carries growing importance in China’s foreign policy. Economically, China is the biggest importer of the Middle East oil, particularly from Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Chinese state-owned enterprises have invested heavily in the region under the Belt and Road Initiative with an emphasis on physical and digital infrastructure, including telecommunications, 5G connectivity, submarine optic cables, and security information systems. Diplomatically, China played a role in brokering a deal between Saudi Arabia and Iran, two longstanding regional rivals. Beijing has also been instrumental in expanding the BRICS multilateral mechanism to include four Middle East countries.

    Securing access to vital natural resources is a key driver of Beijing’s intensified engagement in the Middle East. But China’s interests are broader and encompass economic, geopolitical and strategic considerations.

    To further discuss China’s interests and evolving role in the Middle East, Michael Schuman joins host Bonnie Glaser. Michael is a nonresident senior fellow at the Global China Hub of the Atlantic Council and an author and journalist with more than 25 years of on-the-ground experience in Asia. He is the co-author of a recently published report by the Atlantic Council titled China’s Middle East policy shift from ‘hedging’ to ‘wedging.’


    [00:00] Start

    [02:06] China’s Interest in the Middle East

    [04:23] Evaluating China’s Strategy of “Wedging”

    [06:51] Evaluating China’s Position of Neutrality

    [10:17] Factors Driving China’s Middle Eastern Strategy

    [13:46] Chinese Bilateral and Multilateral Engagement

    [16:08] China’s Energy Ties with the Middle East

    [19:41] Implications for the United States

    [24:19] Limits to Chinese Engagement

  • The Global South is a term that covers a broad swath of developing countries and emerging economies in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Oceania. It is a grouping of over 130 heterogenous countries that is pushing to enhance its voice in global decision making.

    China, which self-identifies as a leader of the developing world, has a long history of engaging with the developing world. Under Xi Jinping, Beijing has deepened its ties with Global South countries through economic investment, diplomatic engagement, and security cooperation. Meanwhile, developed countries from the wealthier and more industrialized Global North are stepping up efforts to counter Chinese influence and win support from Global South countries.

    What are China’s interests in the Global South? What are the key strategies and tactics that Beijing utilizes to influence and engage with those countries? How have countries in the Global South responded to China’s influence? And how will intensified Sino-American rivalry impact developing countries in the future?

    To discuss these issues, host Bonnie Glaser is joined by Mr. Masaaki Yatsuzuka, Senior Research Fellow at the China Division of the Regional Studies Department at the National Institute for Defense Studies in Japan (NIDS). He is the co-author of the recently published report titled “The Rising Global South and China.”


    [00:00] Start

    [01:55] Resurgent Interest in the Global South

    [04:28] Engaging Developing Countries

    [06:51] Economic Tools and Mechanisms to Exert Influence

    [08:55] Motivation for Expanding Military Presence

    [12:33] Perceptions of China in the Global South

    [15:07] Why does China’s involvement in the Global South matter?

    [17:39] US-China Competition Impacting the Global South

    [19:00] India, Brazil, and Other Rising Powers

    [20:35] Tokyo’s Concerns Over China’s Influence

    [22:41] Response to Increased Attention Paid to Developing Countries

    [24:37] China’s Reaction to the Trump Administration

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  • Space, once a distant destination, has become yet another battleground for great power competition. Since the early days of the People’s Republic of China, the country has been pursuing a series of ambitious space programs aimed to build up its space capacity as an essential element of its comprehensive national power. In recent years, under the Xi Jinping regime, Beijing has significantly increased its investment in its civilian space program efforts. It has a plan to send Chinese Taikonauts to the Moon before the US can return. As the US-China strategic competition continues to heighten, it is vital to assess China’s space policy and its role in China’s grand strategy.

    To discuss these issues, host Bonnie Glaser is joined by Dean Cheng, senior advisor to the China program at the U.S. Institute of Peace and a nonresident fellow with George Washington University’s Space Policy Institute. Dean focuses on China’s space program, Chinese military doctrine, and “dual-use” issues associated with China’s scientific and technical enterprises. He also recently published a book titled China and the New Moon Race.


    [00:00] Start

    [01:54] Space Race 2.0

    [03:27] Space in China’s Grand Strategy

    [05:27] Achievements of China’s Space Program

    [07:18] Similarities and Differences in China’s Approach

    [09:14] Nature of Public-Private Cooperation in China

    [12:42] Implications of Landing on the Moon

    [15:30] A Chinese Incident in Space

    [17:00] International Lunar Research Station

    [18:50] Responses to China’s Space Ambitions

    [21:03] Problems in the US-China Civilian Space Race

    [23:20] Stars and Stripes on Mars

  • When this episode goes live four days from now, Donald Trump will have been sworn in as the 47th president of the United States, after having served as the 45th president from 2017 to 2021.

    Many countries around the world are closely watching to identify changes in US policy and assess their impact. China is one of those countries. As presidential candidate Donald Trump threatened to impose 60% tariffs on Chinese goods imported into the United States. He also proposed revoking China’s Most Favored Nation trading status and banning China from buying US farmland. He pledged to curtail Chinese espionage and theft of intellectual property. On some occasions Trump praised Chinese leader Xi Jinping, and predicted that they would get along very well. In the past few months, Trump and Xi have been in communication through their representatives.

    What approach will Beijing take toward Trump’s presidency this time around? Is China in a stronger or weaker position than it was in during Trump’s first term? What is the likely trajectory of US-China relations in the coming four years?

    To discuss these questions, host Bonnie Glaser is joined by Dr. Evan Medeiros, who is the Penner Family Chair in Asia Studies in the School of Foreign Service and the Cling Family Distinguished Fellow in US-China Studies at Georgetown University. He served seven years in President Obama’s NSC first as director for China, Taiwan and Mongolia, and then as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Asia.


    [00:00] Start

    [02:00] Lessons Beijing Learned from Trump’s First Term

    [04:11] Perceptions on the Balance of Economic Power

    [07:30] China’s Reaction to American Tariffs

    [09:39] China Hurting the United States without Hurting Itself

    [11:48] Starting Anew with the Trump Administration

    [13:38] An Early US-China Meeting

    [16:46] An Inverse Bilateral Relationship

    [18:56] China Helping with the War in Ukraine

    [25:18] Chinese Use of Force Against Taiwan

    [29:22] US Alliances Under the Trump Administration

    [35:00] What worries Evan Medeiros in the US-China relationship?

  • In June 2020, Indian and Chinese forces engaged in a deadly clash along their disputed border in the Ladakh region. It was the deadliest confrontation since the 1962 war. Subsequently, bilateral ties between India and China deteriorated to their lowest level in decades. In recent months, however, China-India ties have begun to thaw.

    Last October, India and China struck a border patrol deal. Indian Prime Minister Modi and China’s leader Xi Jinping subsequently met at the BRICS summit in Kazan—their first meeting in five years. That was followed by a round of talks by their top officials just a few weeks ago.

    To discuss the status and trajectory of India-China relations, including how the second Trump presidency and other geopolitical developments are likely to influence that relationship, host Bonnie Glaser is joined by Dr. Tanvi Madan. Tanvi is a senior fellow in the Center for Asia Policy Studies in the Foreign Policy program at the Brookings Institution. She is author of the book “Fateful Triangle: How China Shaped U.S.-India Relations During the Cold War.”


    [00:00] Start

    [01:45] October 2024 Border Patrol Deal

    [06:40] Impetus for Stabilizing the Sino-Indian Relations

    [10:50] Assessment of Wang Yi-Ajit Doval Meeting

    [15:26] Reviving Confident-Building Measures (CBMs)

    [20:30] Overstating the Thaw in Sino-Indian Relations

    [25:54] Bilateral Trade Volume and Economic Relations

    [31:58] India-China Relations Moving Forward

  • In China’s 14th Five-Year Plan that spans from 2021 to 2025, priority was assigned to development of emerging technologies that could be both disruptive and foundational for the future. China is now a global leader in AI technology and is poised to overtake the West and become the world leader in AI in the years ahead. Importantly, there is growing evidence that AI-enabled military capabilities are becoming increasingly central to Chinese military concepts for fighting future wars.

    A recently released report provides insights on Chinese perspectives on military use of AI. Published by Georgetown’s Center for Security and Emerging Technology (CSET), the report illustrates some of the key challenges Chinese defense experts have identified in developing and fielding AI-related technologies and capabilities.

    Host Bonnie Glaser is joined by the author of this report, Sam Bresnick, who is a Research Fellow at Georgetown’s CSET focusing on AI applications and Chinese technology policy.


    [00:00] Start

    [01:33] Impetus for the Georgetown CSET Report

    [03:34] China’s Assessment of the Impacts of AI and Emerging Technologies

    [06:32] Areas of Debate Among Chinese Scholars

    [09:39] Evidence of Progress in the Military Application of AI

    [12:13] Lack of Trust Amongst Chinese Experts in Existing Technologies

    [14:25] Constraints in the Development and Implementation of AI

    [18:20] Chinese Expert Recommendations for Mitigating AI Risk

    [23:01] Implications Taken from Discussions on AI Risk

    [25:14] US-China Areas of Discussion on the Military Use of AI

    [28:50] Unilateral Steps Toward Risk Mitigation

  • China’s push to revise the international security order entered a new phase with the launch of the Global Security Initiative (GSI) in April 2022. A few months after Xi Jinping proposed GSI, host Bonnie Glaser did a podcast episode with Manoj Kewalramani to discuss the drivers behind GSI and analyze the initial statements outlining its content.

    More than 2 ½ years have elapsed since then, and scholars have begun to investigate how China is implementing GSI in various regions around the world. A new report from the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) examines how GSI is being operationalized and received in two priority regions of Chinese foreign policy: mainland Southeast Asia and Central Asia. The study draws on field research in both regions. The report is titled “China’s Global Security Initiative Takes Shape in Southeast and Central Asia.” The report has three authors: Bates Gill, Carla Freeman and Alison McFarland. Bonnie Glaser is joined by Bates Gill for this episode to discuss the report’s findings.

    Bates is a senior fellow with the National Bureau of Asian Research, a Senior Associate Fellow with the Royal United Services Institute, and associated with USIP.


    [00:00] Start

    [01:53] Objectives of China’s Global Security Initiative

    [04:22] GSI as an Additive or a Replacement

    [07:21] Fieldwork in Southeast and Central Asia

    [12:06] Concerns about China’s Intentions and Influence

    [15:24] GSI Initiatives and Sources of Funding

    [19:58] GSI and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation

    [23:55] Moscow’s View of GSI

    [29:27] Implications of GSI for the United States

  • The BRICS+ summit was held in the Russian city of Kazan this past October. The original BRICS comprised four countries: Brazil, Russia, India, and China. The first meeting that they held was in 2009. South Africa joined in 2011. BRICS has now grown to include Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, and the United Arab Emirates. The recent summit also invited 13 countries to the group as partner states. Countries that have expressed interest in joining BRICS include Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand (which is a U.S. treaty ally), and Turkey (which is a member of NATO).

    As countries in the Global South flock to form an increasingly significant geopolitical bloc in which China has assumed a leading role, it is important to understand how BRICS+ fits into China’s foreign policy strategy and the role that the BRICS mechanism is likely to play going forward. To discuss these issues, host Bonnie Glaser is joined by Alexander Gabuev, director of the Carnegie Russia Eurasia Center which is based in Berlin. His research focuses on Chinese and Russian foreign policy.


    [00:00] Start

    [01:37] Behind the Creation of BRICS

    [04:08] BRICS+ in China’s Foreign Policy Objectives

    [06:20] Domination of China in BRICS+

    [09:13] Russian and Chinese Interest in BRICS+

    [14:16] China and the Expansion of BRICS

    [18:07] Noteworthiness of the Kazan Declaration

    [21:10] Possibility of a BRICS Currency

    [28:11] BRICS+ and U.S. Policy Under Donald Trump

    [30:26] Responding to BRICS+ and a Multipolar World

  • China is the world’s largest energy consumer and carbon emitter, accounting for one-third of global CO2 emissions. One of its biggest sources of emissions is coal, which plays a central role in China’s economy. At the same time, however, China is the world’s leading supplier of renewable energy, largely due to significant government investments in green technologies, including solar manufacturing, batteries, and minerals. In September 2020, China’s leader Xi Jinping announced the goal of achieving peak CO2 emissions before 2030 and carbon neutrality before 2060.” This ambitious pledge, if realized, will be an important step in global efforts to limit global warming.

    In the past few years, the increasingly competitive and fraught relationship between the United States and China has spilled into the climate domain, threatening the potential for both countries to work together to address climate change. That is the topic of a recent commentary co-authored by Margaret Pearson and Michael Davidson. The paper is titled, “Where are the US and China on addressing climate change?”, and it can be found on the Brookings Institution website. In this episode of China Global, host Bonnie Glaser speaks with one of the authors, Michael Davidson, who is an assistant professor at the School of Global Policy and Strategy and the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department of the Jacobs School of Engineering at the University of California San Diego.


    [01:57] China’s Approach to Addressing Climate Change

    [04:26] Considerations Behind China’s Climate Policy

    [07:37] Doubling Down on Coal Domestically

    [10:34] Evaluating China’s Progress Toward Carbon Neutrality

    [14:42] Security and China’s Climate Change Policy

    [19:13] China’s International Climate Cooperation

    [22:45] US-China Working Group on Enhancing Climate Action

    [30:27] The Green Belt and Road Initiative

  • For many years, China’s nuclear doctrine was widely described as “minimum nuclear deterrence,” which essentially means that it relied on a limited number of nuclear weapons to deter an adversary from attacking. China’s authoritative defense white papers asserted that China sought to maintain a lean, effective and credible deterrent force, was committed to the policy of no first use of nuclear weapons, pursued a defensive nuclear strategy and would never enter into a nuclear arms race with any other country.

    In recent years, however, China has begun to expand and modernize its nuclear forces. Beijing is not transparent about its nuclear arsenal or its doctrine, however, which creates uncertainty for the United States and its allies.

    To help us decipher Beijing’s rapid nuclear expansion, host Bonnie Glaser is joined by John Culver, a nonresident senior fellow with the Atlantic Council’s Global China Hub and a former CIA senior intelligence officer. He is a co-author of a recent report published by the Atlantic Council titled “Adapting US Strategy to Account for China’s Transformation into a Peer Nuclear Power.”

    Episode Highlights

    [1:55] Key identifiable changes in China’s nuclear forces

    [3:49] China’s nascent nuclear triad

    [6:51] The drivers of China’s nuclear expansion

    [11:00] The recent ICBM test and its implications

    [14:50] How China might use its nuclear weapons

    [18:43] Will China change its nuclear declaratory policy

    [24:59] How China’s relationship with Russia could shape Beijing’s calculous

    [27:45] How the U.S. and its allies should respond

  • There are many writings by Western scholars on Chinese foreign as well as domestic policy. Yet few have ventured to analyze the internal intellectual debates in China that, either partly or significantly, shape Chinese policymaking. A recent book from the European Council on Foreign Relations titled The Idea of China: Chinese Thinkers on Power, Progress, and People, intends to fill that gap. Written by Alicja Bachulska, Mark Leonard, and Janka Oertel, the book presents some of the leading Chinese perspectives on a range of contemporary global as well as domestic issues.

    To help us further understand Chinese thinking and its significance, host Bonnie Glaser is joined by Alicja Bachulska, one of the co-authors of the book and a policy fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations.


    [01:22] Significance of Intellectual Debates in China

    [04:31] Gauging the Candor of Interview Responses

    [06:35] Who are the China solutionists?

    [08:25] Examining the “Great Changes” Taking Place

    [11:52] Strengthening China’s Discourse Power

    [15:22] Where is China successfully shaping narratives?

    [18:05] China on the Defense or Offense

    [22:36] Rising East, Declining West

    [28:49] Responding to Chinese Discourse in the Global South

  • The Forum on China–Africa Cooperation, or FOCAC, was established in 2000 as a platform for facilitating multilateral cooperation between the People’s Republic of China and countries in Africa. A FOCAC summit is held every three years and is the occasion to issue joint declarations and a three-year China-Africa program plan. The 2024 FOCAC took place in Beijing from September 4th to September 6th under the theme “Joining Hands to Advance Modernization and Build a High-Level China-Africa Community with a Shared Future.” Heads of state and delegations from 53 African countries attended the forum, which made it the largest diplomatic event held by China this year.

    To discuss the recent FOCAC meeting and Chinese interests in Africa, host Bonnie Glaser is joined by Mr. Paul Nantulya who is Research Associate at the Africa Center for Strategic Studies at National Defense University. His research interests center on African security issues, and China-Afro-Asia engagements.


    [00:00] Start

    [01:38] History of the Forum on China–Africa Cooperation

    [03:56] FOCAC and Chinese Interests in Africa

    [06:46] Africa in China’s Hierarchy of Relationships

    [10:28] Sino-American Competition in the Global South

    [13:20] Takeaways from the Recent FOCAC Summit

    [18:27] Chinese Military Assistance in Africa

    [24:27] FOCAC Engagement with Non-Governmental Entities

    [27:52] African Perceptions of the Efficacy of FOCAC

  • New Caledonia is a French territory comprising dozens of islands in the South Pacific. It possesses 25% of world’s nickel resources, a mineral critical in the development of weaponry. Several referenda on full independence from France have been held, but none have passed. In recent years, China has paid growing attention to the region, and New Caledonia is one of its targets of interest.

    A new report from the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), titled “When China knocks at the door of New Caledonia,” explains China’s interests, intentions, and activities in New Caledonia. It calls for greater attention to the territory and makes recommendations for the US and other regional actors to address the growing Chinese interference.

    To discuss Beijing’s approach to New Caledonia, host Bonnie Glaser is joined by the report’s author, Anne-Marie Brady, Professor of Political Science at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand. She specializes in Chinese domestic politics and foreign policy, polar politics, China-Pacific politics, and New Zealand foreign policy.


    [00:00] Start

    [01:46] Introduction to New Caledonia

    [04:20] China’s Interest and Involvement

    [07:22] Expansion of the International United Front

    [11:48] Manifestation Within New Caledonia

    [16:22] The Belt and Road Initiative in New Caledonia

    [21:34] Establishing Diplomatic Relations

    [25:29] China’s Relationship with France

    [28:29] Recommendations for Outside Powers and Others

  • Most observers of China’s relations with the world maintain that China’s foreign policy started becoming more assertive beginning in the 2010s. The label “wolf warrior diplomacy” was coined by Western media to describe the aggressive language used by Chinese diplomats. The term “wolf warrior” comes from the title of the Chinese action film Wolf Warrior 2 and describes a more combative approach used by many Chinese diplomats, especially in social media and in interviews.

    Explanations for China’s increased diplomatic assertiveness vary, ranging from rising military and economic might to the personal leadership style of General Secretary Xi Jinping. A recently published book titled “China’s Rising Foreign Ministry,” investigates the role of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in shaping and implementing Chinese foreign policy. In the words of a Southeast Asian diplomat who was interviewed by the book’s author, “China has a bigger international influence in the last five years—and it is the PRC foreign ministry that is pushing and driving it" (114).

    Host Bonnie Glaser is joined by the book’s author Dylan Loh Ming Hui, Assistant Professor of Public Policy and Global Affairs at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. His research focuses on Chinese foreign policy, Southeast Asian regionalism, and Asian conceptions of the international order.


    [01:57] What questions was the book seeking to address?

    [04:29] What do observers get wrong about China’s foreign ministry?

    [08:22] China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Policy Formulation

    [13:30] Characteristics of Chinese Diplomacy in Southeast Asia

    [16:50] Relationship Between the Chinese MFA and PLA

    [20:10] The Role of the International Liaison Department

    [22:22] Interview Example from Dylan’s Publication

    [25:04] Policy Implications and Lessons to be Learned

    [28:43] Changes Since the Publication of the Book

    [32:15] Predictions for the Future of the China MFA

  • The waters, as well as the rocks, reefs and submerged shoals of the South China Sea are a major source of friction in East Asia. In recent months, tensions have flared between two of the claimants – China and the Philippines – over Second Thomas Shoal, a submerged feature in the Spratly Islands, which the Chinese call Ren Ai Jiao. In 1999, the Philippines intentionally grounded a Philippine Navy transport vessel called the Sierra Madre on the reef and since then the outpost has been manned by a small contingent of marines.

    In 2016, an arbitral tribunal established under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea ruled that Second Thomas Shoal is a low-tide elevation located within the exclusive economic zone of the Philippines and therefore sovereignty belongs to the Philippines. No other country can legitimately claim sovereignty over the feature or the waters around it. Beijing doesn’t recognize the ruling, even though it was legally binding on both China and the Philippines.

    Late last year, Chinese Coast Guard and maritime militia vessels began aggressively interfering with the Philippines’ routine missions to deliver supplies to the Filipino forces on the Sierra Madre. On several occasions, Chinese ships have used high-pressure water cannons and rammed Filipino boats. The most serious confrontation took place in mid-June, when the Chinese used axes and knives to damage multiple Philippine vessels. A Filipino navy sailor lost his thumb in the skirmish. Negotiations between Beijing and Manila in early July produced a provisional arrangement, and the Philippines subsequently successfully conducted a resupply operation. It is uncertain whether the understanding will hold, however, since Beijing and Manila publicly disagree about what has been agreed upon.

    To discuss the situation at Second Thomas Shoal and China’s approach to the South China Sea, host Bonnie Glaser is joined by Zhang Feng, a visiting scholar at Yale Law School’s Paul Tsai China Center. His research focuses on Chinese foreign policy, international relations theory, and international relations in East Asia.


    [00:00] Start

    [02:31] Why is the South China Sea so important to China?

    [05:30] Has China overstepped in the South China Sea?

    [08:54] Reasons for Deepening Sino-Filipino Confrontation

    [12:05] Beijing’s Reaction to a Reinforced Second Thomas Shoal

    [13:30] Beijing’s Perception of the US-Philippines Mutual Defense Treaty

    [16:44] Miscalculating American Willingness to Intervene

    [21:32] Beijing-Manila Provisional Agreement

    [25:00] Chinese Deadline for the Philippines vis-à-vis the Second Thomas Shoal

    [27:38] Gauging the Risk of Escalation or Conflict

    [30:25] Stabilizing and Resolving the Second Thomas Shoal Issue

  • Founded in 2001, the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) is a Eurasian political, economic, and security forum led by Russia and China. And on July 4, 2024, the 24th summit of the SCO was convened in Astana, Kazakhstan. The summit resulted in the Astana Declaration that reaffirmed cooperation among the member states.

    This year’s summit was particularly notable due to Belarus’s accession as the SCO’s first European member state and the tenth member of the SCO. The continuous enlargement of the SCO seems indicative of the organization’s shifting role, evolving from a regional cooperative forum to a broader, perhaps counter-western bloc.

    This episode will focus on China’s strategy in the SCO, its intentions, and its objectives. Host Bonnie Glaser is joined by Dr. Eva Seiwert, an analyst at the Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS). Her research interests include China-Russia relations, China’s central Asian relations, and China’s behavior in international organizations.


    [01:39] Shifting Focus of the SCO

    [03:32] Enlargement of the SCO

    [05:25] SCO and China’s Foreign Policy

    [07:22] July 2024 SCO Summit

    [09:46] Implementation of Agreements

    [11:38] Sino-Russian Sideline Meeting

    [13:09] Sino-Russian Competition or Coordination

    [15:14] Sino-Belarussian Joint Military Drill

    [16:56] SCO and the War in Ukraine

    [19:04] Controversial Issues in the SCO

    [20:26] Tensions Between China and India

    [21:29] New SCO Member States

    [23:07] SCO and Chinese Institution Building

    [25:40] The impact of SCO: Why does it matter?

  • Quantum computing uses quantum mechanics to perform fast and complex calculations. It is often defined as a disruptive technology and is among the advanced technologies at the forefront of US-China competition. Although the US has been in the lead in the development and applications of quantum technology, China is making rapid strides. Earlier this year, China’s independently developed quantum computer, Origin Wukong, named after the Monkey King (a famous character from Chinese mythology) made the country the third in the world to develop this state-of-the-art machine.

    Quantum computing has many potential applications, including financial modeling, artificial intelligence, scientific research, as well as in defense areas, such as undersea warfare and military communications networks. A new report from the Center for a New American Security (CNAS), titled “The Quest for Qubits: Assessing U.S.-China Competition in Quantum Computing” explains the quantum strategies being pursued by the US and China. It makes recommendations for the US to strengthen its position in its competition with China in quantum computing.

    Host Bonnie Glaser is joined by the report’s author, Sam Howell, an adjunct associate fellow, with the Technology and National Security program at CNAS. Her research interests include quantum information science, semi-conductor STEM workforce issues, and the use of emerging technologies to enhance human performance.


    [02:00] What is quantum computing?

    [04:10] Quantum Computing in US-China Competition

    [05:58] American and Chinese Strengths and Weaknesses

    [09:36] Possibility of Working with Other Actors

    [11:56] Status of US-China Scientific Collaboration

    [14:30] Chinese Technological Self-Sufficiency

    [17:58] Building a Quantum Technology Supply Chain

    [22:05] Fostering a Quantum Technology Workforce

    [25:52] Key Variables of US-China Competition

  • On May 27th, China, Japan, and the Republic of Korea concluded their Ninth Trilateral Summit in Seoul. Leaders of the three countries resumed their highest-level annual meetings for the first time in over four years. At the conclusion of the meeting, they issued a joint declaration that includes six priority areas of cooperation, ranging from sustainable development to economic collaboration and trade.

    What were Beijing’s interests and motivations in reviving this trilateral mechanism?

    To discuss China’s participation in the trilateral summit, host Bonnie Glaser is joined by Yun Sun, a Senior Fellow and Co-director of the East Asia program and Director of the China program at the Stimson Center in Washington.


    [01:18] Reestablishing the Trilateral Leadership Mechanism

    [06:14] Outcomes and Deliverables of the Trilateral Summit

    [10:37] 2019 Chengdu Denuclearization Agreement

    [13:38] China’s Import Ban on Japanese Seafood

    [18:07] China on US-Japan-ROK Trilateral Cooperation

    [23:58] Warming Russian-North Korean Relations

    [29:30] Would Xi Jinping express his concerns with Vladimir Putin?

  • On May 17, Russian President Vladimir Putin concluded a two-day visit to China for his 43rd meeting with Xi Jinping. Based on public readouts, Putin emphasized the economic benefits that the Sino-Russian partnership could bring to both countries. Economic integration between Russia and China has accelerated dramatically, with total trade between them reaching $240 billion US dollars in 2023. Beijing’s decision to increase trade with Moscow after the February 2022 invasion of Ukraine has kept the Russian economy afloat.

    Western sanctions have failed to cripple Russia’s economy or its war effort. After the European Union halted the import of Russian oil, China stepped in and has since become Russia’s top energy buyer. Moreover, China has become Russia’s top goods supplier, having surged its sales of machine tools, microelectronics, and other technology that Moscow uses to produce weaponry in its ongoing war with Ukraine.

    To discuss China’s trade with Russia, host Bonnie Glaser is joined by Yanmei Xie. Yanmei is a Geopolitics Analyst at Gavekal Research, where she analyzes the implications of rising geopolitical and geoeconomic risks on trade, investments, and supply chains. Yanmei recently published a report on China’s economic support for Russia, which was titled “How China Keeps Russia in Business.”


    [02:00] China’s Economic Support of Russia

    [05:29] Areas of Success for Western Sanctions

    [07:11] A Surge in Chinese Exports After the Invasion of Ukraine

    [09:54] Chinese Playbook for Circumventing Sanctions

    [13:36] Chinese Provision of Crucial Materials

    [15:17] Incentive to Capture the Russian Energy Market

    [19:17] Impact of Western Industrial Policies on Sino-Russian Trade

    [20:20] Possibility of Increased Sanctions to Deter China

    [23:24] China’s Toolbox of Retaliatory Measures

    [26:48] Plateauing Economic Support for Russia

  • China’s rate of economic growth has slowed markedly in recent years. According to Chinese government statistics, the economy grew by 5.2% in 2023. There are numerous challenges: weak consumer confidence, mounting local government debt, and a real estate market that used to fuel the economy, but is now in a prolonged downturn.

    Many economists, including some in China, advocate that the government stimulate consumer spending. It is clear, however, that Xi Jinping is pursuing a different strategy. And this was quite clear when Chinese Premier Li Qiang delivered the Government Work Report last March.

    Host Bonnie Glaser is joined by Tanner Greer, who argued in a recent article published in Foreign Policy and in his blog, The Scholar’s Stage, that Xi Jinping and the Politburo believe that science and technology are the answer to China’s problems. To quote from the article: “the central task of the Chinese state is to build an industrial and scientific system capable of pushing humanity to new technological frontiers.” Tanner is the director of the Center for Strategic Translation. As a journalist and researcher, his writing focuses on world politics and history.


    [01:43] Historical Narrative Informing China’s Belief in Techno-Industrial Policy

    [03:47] How does China’s own history fit into this narrative?

    [06:36] Evidence that Xi Jinping Believes in a Technological Revolution

    [09:37] How does China assess the global balance of power?

    [12:26] Three Premises Behind China’s Techno-Industrial Drive

    [14:08] Influence of Intensifying US-China Technology Competition

    [17:12] Acceleration of New Quality Productive Forces

    [19:32] Skepticism of China’s Strategy

    [26:43] Chinese Intellectuals Writing on Techno-Industrial Policy