
  • Reports that a college student pursuing a master's degree in physics enrolled to work as a janitor at a secondary school in Suzhou, Jiangsu province, have ignited heated debate online about whether he has made the best career choice.


    According to a notice issued by the Suzhou High School Affiliated to Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the 24-year-old is expected to work as a janitor at the school.

    A previous notice issued by the school did not list any requirements for a candidate's academic background, and only said it was looking for a male under age 50.

    The master's student, Li Yongkang, told the Gusu Evening News that he had previously obtained a job offer from the school to work as a teacher.

    However, he was unable to get his master's degree as he had not published enough academic papers during postgraduate study, so he could not work at the school as a teacher.


    Meanwhile, he was satisfied with the school's work environment while doing an internship there, so he applied to become a janitor at the school and got the job.

    "Becoming a teacher is my dream, and I will start my new job while also waiting for the next opportunity to realize my teaching dream," he said.


    Wang Jian, Party secretary of the school, said it had consulted with Li and will arrange for him to become a teaching assistant on the school's physics teaching team.

    The news sparked heated discussions online and became a trending topic on social media platforms, with many saying that his choice was a waste of education resources. Others said Li's choice should be respected and some said that given the current tough job market, he was lucky to find a job.

    Due to the long-held belief among Chinese people favoring white-collar work over labor-intensive work and the apparent salary gap between the two, most people in the country still prefer office work to blue-collar work.


    According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the unemployment rate of young people age 16 to 24 excluding students stood at 18.8 percent in August, up 1.7 percentage points from a month earlier.


    The country is expected to have 11.79 million new college graduates this year, 210,000 more than a year earlier, according to the Ministry of Education.


    Hu Xunhan, a senior undergraduate student in journalism at Changsha University of Science &Technology, said she has chosen to pursue a master's degree because she wants to study at a better university and defer entering the job market for a few years because it is too competitive.


    Tao Yongfeng, director of the student enrollment and employment guidance office at Xiangtan University, said it is normal for college graduates to choose jobs that are "not-so-decent" from a traditional viewpoint nowadays and, in fact, it has become a new trend.


    "It has become more evident that 'looking fancy' is not the top concern for college graduates looking for jobs," he said. "They are more focused on finding something they are interested in and suitable for, which I believe is the best choice for them."


    As college graduates born after 2000 are less concerned with financial burdens, salary also becomes less important, and they place more value on interest, room for growth, the work environment and workplace culture, Tao said.


    They are taking more time to carefully make the best choice for themselves. While many students have chosen stable jobs in government institutions, an increasing number of students are also starting their own businesses or working in new industries, he said.



    adj. 看门的;清洁部门的

    labor-intensive work


  • Analysts say decisive policy stance bodes well for investment inflow


    The renminbi rallied to its strongest level in more than a year and Chinese equities continued their rebound on Wednesday, after a potent policy package lifted investors' confidence in the Chinese economy, which is expected to sail through headwinds.


    Economists, investment banks and asset managers said that policymakers' more decisive stance to shore up the economy, a global interest rate cut cycle, and low asset valuations have combined to make it a potentially good time to invest in Chinese financial assets, which are expected to attract more foreign inflow in the months ahead.

    However, they cautioned that the forecast may be contingent upon the implementation of further policy support to address economic challenges, with the most urgent priorities being additional fiscal spending to bolster domestic demand and direct funding to alleviate property sector woes.

    On Wednesday, the renminbi, or Chinese yuan, rose to 6.9951 against the US dollar in the offshore market, up 158 basis points from the previous close and past the 7-per-dollar milestone for the first time in 16 months.
    25日,离岸人民币对美元汇率升至 6.9951,较前一交易日收盘价涨158个基点,16 个月来首次升破7.0元关口。

    Guan Tao, global chief economist at BOCI China, said that the renminbi's rally is attributable to both Tuesday's policy release, which strengthened investors' confidence in China's economy, and the US Federal Reserve's interest rate cut last week, which narrowed the yield spreads between US and Chinese bonds.


    Looking ahead, Guan said the renminbi is likely to register two-way fluctuations against the dollar, with limited possibility of one-sided, drastic appreciation because uncertainties remain surrounding the Fed's pace of rate cuts, including that the Fed might even reconsider rate hikes if the US economy turns out to be overheated.

    Moreover, the People's Bank of China, the country's central bank, is expected to take measures to prevent any renminbi exchange rate overshooting if needed, and has accumulated rich experience in this regard, said Guan, who had served as head of the Balance of Payments Department at the State Administration of Foreign Exchange.

    Guan added that in the base case scenario, in which the United States achieves a soft landing while the Fed continues rate cuts, foreign institutions may continue to boost holdings in renminbi-denominated bonds, especially treasury bonds.

    As of August, overseas institutions' holdings in China's interbank bond market had risen for 12 consecutive months, an increase in foreign holdings of as much as 1.34 trillion yuan ($190.7 billion), according to the PBOC's Shanghai head office.


    Upbeat sentiment


    The upbeat sentiment was seen in the A-share market as well. The Shanghai Composite Index went up 1.16 percent to Wednesday's close of 2,896.31 points, extending a jump of 4.15 percent on Tuesday, the biggest rise in about four years.


    "I believe that this may be a good time to revisit Chinese stocks," said David Chao, global market strategist for the Asia-Pacific region (excluding Japan) at Invesco, a global investment management company.


    Chao said China has fired off a meaningful monetary stimulus salvo, which may potentially usher trillions of renminbi in liquidity if fully implemented, sending a strong signal that the government is responding to economic headwinds.


    Major package


    On Tuesday, China's top financial regulators unveiled a set of measures that some analysts said might be the country's biggest monetary stimulus package following the pandemic.


    This includes a 20 basis point reduction in the seven-day reverse repo rate, a key policy benchmark of interest rates, as well as a 50 basis point cut to rates on existing mortgages and another 50 basis point cut to the reserve requirement ratio, apart from other steps supportive of the property and stock markets.


    The PBOC started to put the package into action by lowering the one-year medium-term lending facility rate, a policy rate, by 30 basis points to 2 percent on Wednesday.


    A Goldman Sachs report said on Wednesday that the latest stimulus package would be strong enough to catalyze a policy-induced rally in shares listed in Hong Kong and on the Chinese mainland, though it would be unlikely to "turn things around fundamentally".


    The report said a relending program unveiled on Tuesday will allow listed companies to borrow inexpensive money to shore up stock prices and boost investor sentiment, while the stock stabilization fund that is under policy study, if launched, might help fend off systemic risks in the stock market, as indicated by experiences in other markets.


    While the PBOC introduced two new policy tools aimed at boosting stock market liquidity, the China Securities Regulatory Commission released a guideline on Tuesday to encourage mergers and acquisitions and a draft rule to strengthen listed companies' market capitalization management.


    Yet more could be done, with Goldman Sachs saying that "we would turn more aggressive on A shares when signs of property market stabilization emerge or policy momentum further strengthens".


    Ding Shuang, chief economist for Greater China and North Asia at Standard Chartered Bank, underlined the importance of beefing up fiscal support, as "monetary easing would be less effective without proactive fiscal policy".


    It is likely that the government will increase bond issuance to accelerate government spending, Ding said, adding that investor sentiment could improve if policymakers decide to broaden the use of bond proceeds, especially to reduce home inventory.


    Ding said that Standard Chartered Bank analysts retain the base case forecast that the renminbi will stay within the range of between 7 and 7.1 against the dollar by the end of the year.





    v. 反弹,振作;重整;团结


    n. 波动,涨落

    soft landing


    fiscal policy


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  • Beijing has reiterated its appeal to speed up efforts in de-escalating the Ukraine crisis and facilitating peace talks, as the Russia-Ukraine conflict has dragged on for more than two years with no immediate resolution in sight.


    The international community should work together to build stronger consensus on a cease-fire and promote a political settlement, Foreign Minister Wang Yi said at a United Nations Security Council high-level meeting on Tuesday in New York.


    The prolonged crisis "adds to the suffering of the people, inflicts further damage on the region, and brings greater instability to the world", Wang said.

    The top priority is to follow the three principles of "no expansion of the battlefield, no escalation of fighting and no provocation by any party", which were put forward by China and Brazil in a consensus document on the political settlement of the Ukraine crisis in May, the foreign minister said.

    Parties involved should avoid using weapons of mass destruction and refrain from attacking civilians, civilian facilities and peaceful nuclear facilities, such as nuclear power plants, he said.


    "The more weapons are delivered to the battlefield, the harder it will be to achieve a cease-fire—this is a reality we must confront," Wang said, urging all parties to abandon Cold War confrontational thinking and play a constructive role in de-escalating tensions.

    Pointing out that holding dialogue and negotiations is the only way out of the crisis, he warned that if peace talks fail to happen in time, misunderstanding and misjudgment would accumulate, risking a greater crisis.

    More and more countries in the Global South are working together to create favorable conditions for restoring peace, Wang said, adding that the Global South has suffered seriously from the ongoing crisis, which has made the world economy even more sluggish.


    The spillover effect of the crisis must be managed, Wang said. He repeated China's call for concerted international efforts to maintain a stable and smooth global supply chain and protect the interests of developing countries.


    He said the international community should strengthen cooperation on energy, finance, trade, food security and the protection of key infrastructure, such as oil and gas pipelines.


    "No party should abuse illegal and unilateral sanctions and crack down on normal trade under the pretext of the crisis, let alone divide the world and create exclusive blocs," Wang said.


    China is neither the creator of nor a party involved in the Ukraine crisis, he said, adding that the country has played its due part in addressing the issue by maintaining communications with Russia, Ukraine and other parties and working continuously to advocate peace and bring about dialogue.


    The senior diplomat is in New York, as the special representative of President Xi Jinping, to attend the UN Summit of the Future and the general debate of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly, while taking part in a series of other events.


    Wang's participation in Tuesday's high-level meeting came two months after he met with then Ukrainian foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba in China, where both sides voiced their hopes for addressing the crisis through negotiations.


    Zhao Huirong, a researcher at the Institute of Russian, Eastern European and Central Asian Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said the chances of a resolution of the crisis remain "slim" due to a lack of trust between Russia and Ukraine.


    China has persisted in its efforts to promote peace talks, and its position and efforts are gaining recognition from an increasing number of countries, Zhao said.


    In another development, Wang also attended the eighth Dialogue of Foreign Ministers of China and the Quartet of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States at the UN headquarters on Tuesday.



    v. 重申;反复地说


    v. 缓和,逐步降级


    n. 停火


    adj. 萧条的

  • Rate cuts set to boost market confidence|降准降息提振市场信心

    Policy package expected to put economy on‘more favorable growth trajectory’


    China's top financial regulators, in a move that went beyond market expectations, unveiled a potent combination of monetary easing measures on Tuesday, aimed at anchoring market confidence and underpinning economic recovery amid domestic and global headwinds, analysts said.


    The forceful one-two punch, including cutting the reserve requirement ratio, key policy interest rates and existing mortgage loan interest rates, will foster a more enabling climate for the world's second-largest economy to hit this year's growth target, they added.

    "Recent macroeconomic data pointing to a tepid recovery in domestic consumption and weak inflationary pressures have created space for policymakers to ramp up efforts to bolster the economy," said Ming Ming, chief economist at CITIC Securities.

    "The gradual release of the policy package will help shore up market sentiment, unleash pent-up consumer demand, and drive a pickup in prices, putting the economy on a more favorable growth trajectory," he added.

    Pan Gongsheng, governor of the People's Bank of China, the nation's central bank, said at a news conference on Tuesday that the reserve requirement ratio — the amount of cash that banks are required to have on hand — will be reduced by 0.5 percentage point in the near term, which will free up about 1 trillion yuan ($142.2 billion) for new lending.


    This marks the second time that the central bank has lowered the RRR this year, after implementing a 0.5 percentage point reduction in February, indicating that Chinese policymakers are proactively tapping into the policy space provided by the US Federal Reserve's interest rate cut last week, experts said.

    Following the latest reduction, the average reserve ratio for the banking sector will drop to around 6.6 percent. This level still leaves considerable flexibility to further lower the RRR if needed, when compared with other major global economies, Pan said.
    潘功胜表示,降准政策实施后,银行业平均存款准备金率将降至6.6% 左右。与全球其他主要经济体相比,这一水平仍有相当大的灵活性,可在必要时进一步降低存款准备金率。

    China's central bank will not shy away from further RRR cuts of 0.25 to 0.5 percentage point this year, depending on the prevailing market liquidity conditions, Pan added.

    The central bank also announced a reduction in its seven-day reverse repo rate — the short-term policy benchmark of interest rates — by 0.2 percentage point from the current 1.7 percent to 1.5 percent.


    This move is expected to drive down the medium-term lending facility rate by around 0.3 percentage point, with the loan prime rates also projected to follow suit, declining by 0.2 to 0.25 percentage point, Pan added.


    A new set of policies aimed at further stabilizing the real estate market was also unveiled at the news conference, including a 0.5 percentage point reduction in average existing mortgage rates and lowering the minimum down payment ratio from the current 25 percent to 15 percent on second homes, among others.


    Guan Tao, global chief economist at BOCI China, said that Tuesday's policy package was more proactive and comprehensive than expectations and indicated policymakers' intention to deliver timely policy support, helping strengthen society's confidence in achieving the economic growth target of about 5 percent for the year.


    Guan said fiscal policy should synergize with accommodative monetary measures. Measures such as expanding this year's government deficit to boost fiscal spending and optimizing the fiscal spending structure to improve people's livelihoods are worth consideration, especially in light of households' reluctance to consume and invest due to debt burdens.


    China's stock and foreign exchange markets reacted positively to the policy release, with the benchmark Shanghai Composite Index jumping 4.15 percent to Tuesday's close at 2,863.13 points, the biggest rise in about four years.


    Wang Qing, chief macroeconomic analyst at Golden Credit Rating International, said the policies will provide much-needed support to homeowners by alleviating their debt burden and boosting consumer spending.


    Wang said the higher level of existing mortgage interest rates compared with new mortgages has triggered a notable wave of early loan repayments, posing a drag on household consumption.


    According to a central bank report released in July, the average monthly early repayment volume reached 387 billion yuan from September to December last year, which translates to an annualized early mortgage repayment of around 4.6 trillion yuan.


    While the mortgage rate cuts, on the other side, will have a tangible impact on bank earnings, the authorities are likely to take a balanced approach, such as orderly adjustments to deposit rates to ensure the banking sector's resilience, Wang said.




    reserve requirement ratio



    n. 轨道

    market liquidity



    n. 房贷,抵押借款

  • China has issued 300 billion yuan ($42.5 billion) in treasury bonds to support equipment upgrades andtrade-in deals for consumer goods, significantly boosting the growth of consumption and economic momentum, said the country's top economic regulator.


    The special treasury bonds fund has been fully allocated, and the upgrading and trade-in policy has been implemented in various regions across the country, the National Development and Reform Commission said on Monday.

    "The policy has effectively helped release consumption potential in the country, driving sales growth of related products such as automobiles and household appliances," said Zhao Chenxin, deputy head of the commission.

    "China is a giant that consumes a large amount of durable consumer goods, with the inventory of household appliances exceeding 3 billion units and cars over 300 million units. Improving the energy efficiency level of those existing products through trade-in deals will also help reduce China's overall energy consumption and carbon emissions," Zhao said.

    In August, retail sales of passenger vehicles in China reached 1.91 million units, an increase of 10.8 percent compared with July. Sales of new energy vehicles hit 1.03 million units, a 17 percent increase over July, according to the China Automobile Dealers Association.


    The penetration rate of NEVs in China has exceeded 50 percent for two consecutive months, and 2 million high-emission cars are expected to be phased out by the end of the year, the NDRC said.

    For consumers who scrap and replace polluting automobiles, subsidies of 20,000 yuan will be provided for the purchase of NEVs and 15,000 yuan for buying fuel-efficient passenger vehicles with displacement of 2.0 liters or below, according to the latest policy.


    "With the continuous promotion of the trade-in deals, a large amount of waste materials are expected to be generated in the near future. The NDRC will work with relevant departments to accelerate the building of a waste recycling system, covering various fields," Zhao said.

    Fu Yifu, a researcher at the Star Atlas Institute of Finance, said the trade-in deals are expected to boost household consumption while expanding domestic demand, and promote the upgrade of traditional industries and the high-quality growth of the economy.

    "A series of such subsidy policies can help lower the consumption threshold for residents and stimulate their willingness to trade in the old products for new ones," Fu said.


    He added that this will also help drive the upgrade of the whole industrial chain, from raw materials and parts to after-sale services.


    The policy has also helped lift the retail sales of household appliances and audiovisual equipment. In August, sales in those categories edged up 3.4 percent year-on-year, according to the National Bureau of Statistics.


    For home appliances, older ones can be exchanged for new and better ones via e-commerce platforms and brick-and-mortar stores, and sales involving trade-in deals have grown rapidly. During Mid-Autumn Festival in mid-September, the home appliance market embraced a consumption peak.


    On Chinese e-commerce platform JD.com, between Aug 26 and Sept 21, the sales value of air conditioners surged 240.5 percent year-on-year, with televisions up 130.6 percent and refrigerators 128.8 percent.


    JD said it is confident that the favorable policies will encourage more than 20 million consumers on its platform to participate in trade-in deals this year.


    trade-in deals


    treasure bond



    v. 分配;拨出


    n. 津贴;补贴

    after-sale service


    brick and mortar store


  • China is working on serving a more diverse range of food options for future deep-space exploration missions, according to the Second Frontier Forum of Space Medicine held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province in East China.


    During the recently concluded Mid-Autumn Festival, a cherished tradition symbolizing family reunion, the Shenzhou XVIII crew aboard China's orbiting space station enjoyed "space mooncakes" stuffed with lotus paste as well as their personal favourites such as spicy lamb and braised pork chops, which had been prepared in advance by the ground support team.

    "We have developed technologies to bring Chinese cuisine to the 'space dining table', allowing astronauts to enjoy 'home-cooked flavors'," said Li Yinghui, a researcher at the China Astronaut Research and Training Center.

    Li added that China has advanced precision nutrition control technology and built accurate standards for space flight nutritional supplies that can help astronauts address physiological issues caused by weightlessness and radiation and stay healthy during missions lasting over 180 days.

    "Various functional space foods featuring antioxidant effects, immune support, fatigue relief and gut microbiome regulation have been developed to enhance astronauts'in-orbit adaptability," said Li.


    With an eye on future deep space missions, China is also working on technologies such as in-orbit cooking that can sustain long-term living beyond Earth, said Zang Peng, another researcher at the China Astronaut Research and Training Center.

    deep-space exploration


    lotus paste




    antioxidant effect


  • The fire that led to 39 deaths and nine injuries at a complex building in Jialeyuan community in Xinyu, Jiangxi province, on Jan 24 was caused by illegal construction of a cold storage facility in its basement, according to an investigation report released on Saturday.


    Polyurethane foam sealant was used during construction at the first floor underground, releasing flammable gases that accumulated to reach combustible conditions. While laying plastic film on extruded polystyrene boards, static electricity was generated, igniting the gases, the foam and other flammable materials. It created a large amount of toxic smoke, according to the report approved by an executive meeting of the State Council.

    The smoke quickly spread to the second floor as the fire separation in the shared evacuation staircase between the basement and the ground floor was missing. On the second floor, students and teachers were having classes organized by a training institute. Because of the security nets and advertising boards outside the classrooms, they failed to escape on time, resulting in an increase in casualties.

    The accident, which happened in the afternoon of Jan 24 caused a direct economic loss of more than 43.52 million yuan ($6.17 million).

    An investigation team was established by the Ministry of Emergency Management, the Ministry of Public Security, the National Fire and Rescue Administration, the All-China Federation of Trade Unions, and the Jiangxi Provincial People's Government afterwards.


    The team found that the owner of the building illegally rented the basement floor, where construction of the cold storage facility was illegal. The building had significant deficiencies in fire prevention. The educational training institute and a hotel were operating in violation of regulations. The relevant local authorities failed to carry out supervision.

    In an interview with Xinhua News Agency, the team suggested enhancing safety management of cold storages by regulating planning, site selection and on-site construction. It also asked for strengthened management of major places where multiple businesses operate.

    Efforts should be made to promote installation of "one-click alarm" devices in crowded areas and near evacuation routes, enabling a single press to trigger building-wide alarms and prompt responses from all occupants, it said.

    It also addresses issues such as congested safety evacuation routes, poorly maintained fire safety facilities, inadequate safety exits, and potential hazards such as unauthorized security nets and advertisement boards.


    cold storage facility




    evacuation route


    potential hazard


  • After decades of urbanization that have brought remarkable progress, propelling China to become the world's second-largest economy, the government is ramping up efforts to achieve more balanced, coordinated development to narrow the gap between urban and rural areas amid the nation's modernization drive.

    On the eve of the seventh Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival, which fell on Sunday, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee,reiterated the nation's commitment to building a more prosperous countryside.

    He also extended festive greetings and sincere regards on behalf of the CPC Central Committee to farmers and comrades working on agricultural and rural fronts across the country.

    Xi, who is also Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, called on Party committees and governments at various levels to make every effort to enhance the economic benefits of agriculture, increase farmers' incomes and inject greater vitality into the countryside, in order to bring tangible benefits to farmers.

    Furthermore, he said it is imperative to persistently consolidate the foundation of agriculture and promote comprehensive rural vitalization to advance Chinese modernization, and he urged farmers and people from other sectors to take actions to transform the blueprint for rural vitalization into reality.

    Meanwhile, despite the recent increase in rural income resulting from extensive poverty alleviation efforts, rural residents continue to lag economically.

    According to the National Bureau of Statistics, the per capita disposable income of rural residents was 21,691 yuan ($3,076) last year, approximately half the national average.

    Wu Haitao, a researcher of poverty issues at Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, said, "The urban-rural disparity is also reflected in the access to various social welfare benefits."

    Urban areas outperform rural regions in almost every aspect, including infrastructure, public services and social security provisions, such as elderly care and the pension fund system.

    In August, authorities set a goal to increase the proportion of urban residents to 70 percent of China's population within the next five years, and to reform the two-track urban-rural household registration system as part of the country's "people-centered" urbanization initiative.

    Without local household registration documents, known as hukou, tens of millions of rural migrants often face limited access to public services in the cities where they work.

    The commitment to advance new urbanization was emphasized at the third plenary session of the 20th Central Committee of the CPC, held in Beijing from July 15 to 18.

    Traditionally pivotal in the decision-making of the CPC leadership, the third plenary sessions are considered to be "steering wheels" in China's economic reforms and serve as a crucial platform for adjusting top-level decisions and building consensus.

    The communique from the recent third plenary session described the integration of urban and rural areas as essential to the country's modernization goals.

    Jiang Quanbao, a professor of demography at Xi'an Jiaotong University, said the integration was proposed to narrow the gap in the living standards between urban and rural areas while preserving the unique characteristics of rural regions during the merging process.

    "This aims to enable residents in both areas to gradually lead a different but equal life," he said.

    The communique emphasized the importance of aligning "new industrialization, new urbanization, and comprehensive rural vitalization", and it called for the enhancement of urban-rural planning, construction and governance integration.

    It also stressed the necessity of equal resource exchanges and two-way flows between urban and rural areas to reduce disparities, foster common prosperity and promote development.

    Jiang noted that barriers remain to establishing a unified national market, such as the enduring spatial isolation between urban and rural areas, which obstructs the smooth two-way flow of resources.

    "At the macro level, the State must eliminate institutional barriers and focus on breaking down the urban-rural binary structure," he said.

    For a long time, cities have been drawing resources, particularly labor, away from rural areas. Wu, the researcher, said that instead of this one-way flow, capital, technology and management expertise from urban regions should also be directed toward rural areas.

    "The purpose is to achieve optimal resource allocation and promote the overall coordinated development of the urban and rural economy and society," Wu said.

    While migrant workers primarily work in cities, their needs for social support such as elderly care and child-rearing are predominantly rural concerns.

    Jin Xiaoyi, a professor at Xi'an Jiaotong University's School of Public Policy and Administration, said the old approach had equated urbanization solely with urban construction.

    "It neglected the transformation of rural migrants in aspects such as employment, social security and public services as they move from the countryside to the city," she said.

    Jin highlighted the mismatch of two sets of figures.

    Between 2006 and 2019, the annual growth of land in urban areas was about 1.7 times the growth of permanent residents, which the professor said was proof that old-fashioned urbanization was more "land-centered".

    While 63.89 percent of China's population were permanent urban residents in 2020, only 45.4 percent held urban hukou. This indicates that hundreds of millions of rural migrants have yet to receive equal treatment compared with urban residents.

    The third plenary session held in July called for enhancing institutional mechanisms to advance new urbanization.

    Jiang, the professor of demography, said: "The new urbanization model focuses on people and quality improvement. The key is to effectively address issues such as the education of children of rural migrant workers, housing and social security."

  • China's central bank may soon opt for more easing moves as the United States is poised for an interest rate cut cycle, as headwinds are emerging amid efforts to stabilize domestic economic momentum, analysts said on Wednesday.


    Possible measures include a reduction in the reserve requirement ratio — the proportion of deposits banks must keep as reserves, or a cut in lending rate benchmarks and mitigation in financial burdens of outstanding mortgages, they said.


    "We anticipate that China is entering a key period for monetary policy, in which the probability of cuts in the RRR and interest rates as soon as possible is increasing," said Wu Chaoming, deputy director of the Chasing International Economic Institute.


    "Measures such as intensified use of structural tools and reduction of existing home loan rates are also worth looking forward to," Wu said.


    The US Federal Reserve's shift in policy stance will create more favorable conditions for China to cut interest rates, Wu said, adding that domestic factors also point to the rising possibility of rate cuts, including insufficient demand, weakening momentum of month-on-month economic growth and elevated real interest rates.


    He added that the necessity has significantly increased for an RRR cut in the near term, which would coordinate with strengthening fiscal support, alleviate pressure on commercial banks and mitigate the impact of a large volume of maturing medium-term lending facilities on market liquidity.


    The Fed held its latest Federal Open Market Committee meeting from Tuesday to Wednesday and had yet to disclose interest rate decisions of the meeting up to the deadline for this story's publication.


    Analysts, nevertheless, said it was a foregone conclusion for the Fed to cut rates on Wednesday, either 25 basis points or 50bp, as US inflation has eased while the labor market softened.


    Mark Haefele, chief investment officer of UBS Global Wealth Management, said that in a base case forecast scenario in which the US economy will achieve a soft landing, there is room for 100bp of interest rate reductions this year and another 100bp in 2025.


    Yang Delong, chief economist at First Seafront Fund, said the Fed entering a rate cut cycle has provided a firm foundation for the People's Bank of China, the country's central bank, to implement of a relatively loose monetary policy.


    This is because the renminbi has started to appreciate against the US dollar upon anticipations of narrowing US-China interest rate spreads, Yang said, adding that August data, especially lukewarm retail sales growth, indicated that China's economic growth still needs consolidation.


    Retail sales, an indicator of consumption, grew by 2.1 percent year-on-year in August, down from 2.7 percent in July, official data showed. Industrial output and fixed-asset investment also decelerated last month while the expansion in broad money supply remained steady.


    The PBOC said last Friday it will introduce additional policy measures to reduce financing costs for enterprises and households and maintain reasonable and sufficient liquidity, after a PBOC official acknowledged room for further RRR cuts.


    On Friday, China is scheduled to release the latest loan prime rates, or market-based lending rate benchmarks. China last cut the LPRs in July, with the one-year and over-five-year LPRs both down 10bp to 3.35 percent and 3.85 percent, respectively.


    Lou Feipeng, a researcher at Postal Savings Bank of China, said it may be "good timing" to further cut the LPRs on Friday, adding that additional policy support is needed to achieve the annual economic growth target of about 5 percent.


    "The pace of interest rate cuts should be accelerated in accordance with the principle of sooner rather than later. September is good timing for this move. Timely rate cuts will help reduce financing costs and achieve better policy effect in the fourth quarter."


    Lou added that it is also necessary to reduce housing provident fund loan rates proportionally if the over-five-year LPR, on which lenders base their mortgage rates, is lowered.






    outstanding mortgage




  • Zhao Shengliang, a lifelong scholar of Dunhuang art, stood side by side with President Xi Jinping as they carefully inspected caves, sculptures and paintings that date back more than 1,600 years.

    It was Zhao's second time accompanying Xi on such a cultural inspection, yet the moment struck him just as profoundly as the first time, as it reaffirmed the president's unwavering dedication to preserving China's rich heritage.As part of Xi's four-day trip to Gansu province last week, Zhao accompanied the president on a fact-finding trip to the Maijishan Grottoes, one of China's four major grottoes sites. The other three are the Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang, Gansu; the Yungang Grottoes in Datong, Shanxi province; and the Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang, Henan province.

    Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, encouraged cultural heritage professionals to remain dedicated to safeguarding the nation's treasures and to contribute greater efforts to the preservation and innovation of China's rich cultural heritage, while strengthening China's cultural influence on the global stage.

    The Maijishan Grottoes feature 221 caves connected by elevated walkways and house more than 10,000 clay sculptures. Known as the "Oriental Sculpture Museum", it is a significant landmark along the ancient Silk Road.China's vast landscape is home to nearly 6,000 cave temples, and the Chinese president lauded the nation's major grottoes as "treasures of Chinese civilization" that hold significant historical and cultural value.

    Xi previously visited the Mogao Grottoes in August 2019, a trip for which Zhao also served as part of the entourage, and the Yungang Grottoes in May 2020.Zhao, who is also Party secretary of the Dunhuang Academy, said: "The strongest impression I have is President Xi's deep respect for China's outstanding traditional culture.

     He has shown great concern for cultural heritage sites that represent Chinese civilization, such as the Mogao and Maijishan grottoes, and he has dedicated considerable attention to the preservation of these cultural relics."

    The president was also very attentive as he visited with art workers who were restoring the cave paintings at the complex, Zhao said."I believe it is essential for more people today to learn about the Maijishan Grottoes, especially artists, who can draw inspiration from its sculptures to create new works that contribute to modern socialist culture," he added.

    Ning Qiang, dean of Beijing Foreign Studies University's School of Art and Research, said that the grottoes stand as a testament to the cultural exchanges between China and other civilizations, and they embody the spirit of inclusiveness, adaptation and innovation of Chinese culture, another key factor underlying the president's keen interest in cultural heritage.The Maijishan Grottoes site is one of those on the UNESCO World Heritage Site "Silk Road: Chang'an-Tianshan Corridor Road Network", which spans China, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan."

    It was the shared beliefs and lifestyles of the people in these regions that led to the creation of the caves as a common cultural achievement," Ning added.Since being elected general secretary of the CPC Central Committee in 2012, Xi has issued more than 170 important directives on cultural relics, archaeology and intangible cultural heritage, and has conducted on-site investigations of over 100 historical and cultural heritage sites.

    "Historical and cultural heritage is a valuable resource that is neither renewable nor replaceable, and its protection should always be given top priority," Xi said when visiting the Yungang Grottoes in Shanxi.During the inspection of Gansu last week, Xi expressed his support to the Dunhuang Academy in building an example of world cultural heritage protection and a center of Dunhuang studies.

    Zhao, the scholar, highlighted the need to understand the distinctive features of the Maijishan Grottoes."In order to enhance the influence of the Maijishan Grottoes, the key is to adhere to the approach of using culture to shape tourism and tourism to highlight culture," Zhao said.

    The conservation efforts applied to Dunhuang culture have been extended to the Maijishan Grottoes, Zhao said, adding that a complete monitoring and early warning system has been put into place, with each grotto being monitored for air quality, temperature and humidity. Nationwide, China is also making major strides in the preservation of its grottoes and other similar cultural heritage.

    Digital collections have been completed for eight cave temples of the Maijishan Grottoes, and many murals and colored sculptures have been restored, with conservation efforts still underway, he said.The Dunhuang Academy, which boasts cutting-edge technologies in preserving cave paintings, is backed by strong funding and staff support from the government.

    "We are now applying the method to cultural heritage sites beyond the local boundaries. We believe that the ideas and technologies employed to protect the caves will offer valuable insights for tourism development and the rational use of cultural heritage sites worldwide," Zhao said.

    Reporter: Ma Jingna, Xu Wei and Zhao Jia 

  • A man suspected in an apparent attempt to assassinate former US president Donald Trump at his Florida golf course hid out for nearly 12 hours beforehand, according to a court complaint.

    根据一份法院诉状,一名男子涉嫌暗杀美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普。该男子在特朗普位于佛罗里达州的高尔夫球场事先躲藏近 12 个小时。

    The suspect, Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, was charged with two federal gun crimes on Monday.
    嫌疑人瑞安·韦斯利·劳思现年58 岁,16日受控两项联邦涉枪罪名。

    The incident Sunday afternoon raised questions about how an armed person was able to get so close to Trump, the Republican presidential candidate in the Nov 5 election, two months after a gunman fired at Trump during a July 13 rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, cutting his ear with a bullet.
    这场发生在15日下午的事件引发疑问:7月13日,一名枪手在宾夕法尼亚州巴特勒市的竞选集会上向特朗普开枪,子弹擦伤了他的耳朵。两个月后,一名持枪者又为何能如此接近 11 月 5 日将参与大选的美国共和党总统候选人特朗普?

    Trump's visit to his golf course in West Palm Beach was not on his public schedule, US Secret Service Acting Director Ronald Rowe said Monday.


    A Secret Service agent who was "walking the perimeter" of the course, according to the criminal complaint, opened fire after seeing a rifle barrel poking out of bushes a few hundred yards away from Trump, who was on the fifth hole fairway.


    The gunman fled in a Nissan sport utility vehicle "at a high rate of speed", according to the complaint filed in US District Court in West Palm Beach. Officers found a loaded SKS assault-style rifle with a scope, a digital camera and a plastic bag of food.


    Records show a phone associated with Routh was located at the golf course starting at 1:59 am on Sunday EDT, according to the complaint. Federal agents had requested Routh's location data from his wireless provider.


    The suspect was on the public side of a fence along the course's boundary, Rowe said.


    Routh was arrested about 40 minutes after the incident, driving north on Interstate 95. The license plate on his vehicle had been reported stolen from a Ford truck. Bodycam footage of Routh's arrest was released by the Martin County Sheriff's Office.


    "There have been previous individuals who have taken pictures of the former president while he's golfing," Dave Aronberg, the state attorney for the district that covers Palm Beach County, told Fox News. "They've gone through the shrubs and been able to poke a camera through the fencing. You would think that perhaps maybe they would consider someone scoping the perimeter."


    A 2019 tip to the FBI alleged that Routh was a convicted felon who illegally possessed a firearm, Jeffrey Veltri, the agent in charge of the FBI's Miami field office, told reporters.


    In court on Monday, Routh was charged with possession of a firearm as a convicted felon and possession of a firearm with an obliterated serial number. He is expected back in court for a bond hearing on Sept 23 and an arraignment on Sept 30.


    In 2002, Routh pleaded guilty to possession of an unregistered fully automatic gun, which in North Carolina is defined as a weapon of mass destruction, according to the county district attorney's office. He was sentenced to probation.


    Routh is a staunch supporter of Ukraine and has traveled there, seeking to recruit foreign fighters in the country's military conflict with Russia.


    Social media accounts linked to Routh's name showed posts on Ukraine as well as claims that Trump is a threat to American democracy.


    On April 21, Routh directed a post on X to Elon Musk, owner of X and founder of SpaceX: "I would like to buy a rocket from you. I wish to load it with a warhead for Putins Black sea mansion bunker to end him. Can you give me a price please."


    In another X post, Routh wrote to US President Joe Biden: "@POTUS Your campaign should be called something like KADAF. Keep America democratic and free. Trumps should be MASA ...make Americans slaves again master. DEMOCRACY is on the ballot and we cannot lose."


    Public access to the Facebook and X profiles has been removed.


    Trump has questioned the amount of aid the United States has provided to Ukraine and has vowed to end the war immediately if elected.


    Vice-President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential candidate, has promised continued support for Ukraine.


    Trump claimed that Routh was acting on Democrats' "highly inflammatory language".


    "Their rhetoric is causing me to be shot at, when I am the one who is going to save the country, and they are the ones that are destroying the country — both from the inside and out," he said, according to Fox.


    Biden and Trump had a "cordial conversation" on Monday, White House Senior Deputy Press Secretary Emilie Simons posted on X.


    The Secret Service has been under scrutiny since the July shooting. The agency needs more help, including possibly more personnel, Biden told reporters on Monday, adding: "Thank God the president's OK."



    n.嫌疑犯  v.怀疑;猜想

    presidential candidate



    n.囚犯  v.宣判有罪


    n.范围;视野  v.调查



  • Chinese people have shown strong spending power during the Mid-Autumn Festival, with many sectors such as tourism and postal services marking vigorous growth during the three-day vacation.


    The latest figures from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism show that domestic tourism spots received about 107 million visits over the holiday, up 6.3 percent from that of 2019—before the COVID-19 epidemic.

    The celebrations that lasted for three days, from Sunday to Tuesday, was one of China's major four traditional festivals, while the other three are Spring Festival, Tomb-sweeping Day and Dragon Boat Festival.

    Diversified celebrations including making and eating mooncakes, guessing lantern riddles and watching the full moon are organized by families for amusement during the festival that concluded on Tuesday.

    Among the industries closely related to people's livelihood, tourism shows tremendous performance though Typhoon Bebinca landed in Shanghai on Monday, and disrupted travel plans of some travelers.


    Travelers' expenses reached over 51 billion yuan ($7.19 billion), rising by 8 percent compared with 2019 when the holiday was celebrated in mid-September. Last year, the holiday coincided with the National Holiday.

    Travelers opted for short-distance or night tour events considering the shorter duration of the holiday and as the main activity of the celebration is enjoying the full moon in the company of loved ones. East China's Fujian province said that the tourist visits to its scenic spots per night was around 2.06 million over the holiday, with the number increasing by 19.5 percent compared with that in 2019.

    Domestically, destinations with heavy Chinese cultural vibes and various folk amusement events marked "travel craze", such as lantern fairs and Chinese opera performance, said the ministry.

    The inbound and outbound tourism market is not inferior to the domestic market in any respect. The National Immigration Administration announced on Wednesday that mainland's border inspection offices recorded about 5.25 million entries and exits for both Chinese and foreign individuals over the three-day holiday, marking a year-on-year rise of 18.6 percent.
    出入境旅游市场毫不逊色于国内市场。国家移民管理局18日通报,今年中秋节期间,全国边检机关共查验出入境中外人员约525万人次,同比增长 18.6%。

    Among them, mainland residents made around 2.63 million entries and exits, up 15.1 percent year-on-year, while the number of foreign individuals jumped by 62.2 percent year-on-year to 554,000. Residents from Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions and Taiwan totaled 2.07 million entries and exits over the holiday, marking a 7.3 percent year-on-year increase.

    Residents' strong spending power also spilled over to other sectors during the holiday. Beijing, one of the nation's major cities with dense population and strong consumption power, recorded the sales volume reached around 4.7 billion yuan over the holiday, including shopping malls, supermarkets, restaurants and online sales, the China Central Television said citing figures from the Beijing Municipal Commerce Bureau.

    假日期间,居民旺盛的消费能力也蔓延到其他行业。中国中央电视台援引北京市商务局的数据称,北京作为人口密集、消费能力强的全国主要城市之一,百货、超市、餐饮和电商等行业在此次假期的销售额达到约47 亿元。

    The postal and courier industry also saw a surge in parcel deliveries across China during the holiday.

    The State Post Bureau of China said on Wednesday that courier companies collected approximately 1.31 billion packages during this year's three-day holiday, marking a 35.4 percent increase in daily collections compared to last year's Mid-Autumn Festival. Meanwhile, deliveries surged to around 1.407 billion packages, reflecting a remarkable 45.7 percent year-on-year growth.

    国家邮政局18日表示,今年中秋节放假期间,快递公司共揽收约 13.1 亿件快递包裹,比去年中秋假期日均增长35.4%。与此同时,快递包裹投递量激增至约14.07 亿件,同比大幅增长 45.7%。

    spending power


    guess lantern riddles


    Typhoon Bebinca




    enjoy the full moon


    courier company


  • Chinese authorities have slapped 441 million yuan ($62.1 million) in penalties and imposed a six-month business suspension on PwC's auditing unit in the country, after the entity was found to have "covered up and even condoned" fraud at Evergrande Real Estate Group.


    The China Securities Regulatory Commission said on Friday that PwC Zhong Tian LLP had failed to exercise due diligence in its audit of Evergrande Real Estate Group, the flagship subsidiary of Evergrande Group.


    In May, the CSRC had fined the troubled real estate developer some 4.18 billion yuan for fraudulent bond issuances and false statements.


    Based on China's Securities Law, the commission confiscated the auditing unit's revenue involved in the Evergrande case of 27.74 million yuan and fined it 297 million yuan — totaling about 325 million yuan, which, according to the commission, was a "record-breaking" punishment against auditing firms.


    The Ministry of Finance also said on Friday that, in accordance with the law of certified accountants, it had decided to impose a six-month business suspension on PwC Zhong Tian and fined it 116 million yuan, while closing down its Guangzhou office.


    CSRC and the Finance Ministry have examined PwC's role in the Evergrande fraud, in which the developer was found to have engaged in five fraudulent bond issuances based on false statements in the annual reports of 2019 and 2020.


    CSRC said PwC Zhong Tian had violated multiple audit standards with inaccurate working papers and ineffective on-site inspections, failed to detect Evergrande's fraud and issued unqualified audit reports.


    "PwC's actions were not merely simple audit negligence or failure. To some extent, it covered up and even condoned Evergrande Real Estate's financial fraud and fraudulent bond issuances.


    "The actions severely eroded the foundation of law and integrity, significantly harmed the legitimate rights and interests of investors, seriously undermined market confidence and should be severely punished according to the law," said CSRC.


    Citing the case, the Finance Ministry said it will continue to enhance supervision and inspection.


    "For any discovered cases of accounting and auditing fraud, we will investigate and punish them severely to ensure that regulation has 'teeth and thorns'."


    PwC issued a statement on its global website to say that PwC Zhong Tian's work in Evergrande's case fell unacceptably below expected standards. It said it respects the regulators' decisions and that it would fully comply with the administrative penalties.


    Dai Guanchun, a senior capital markets lawyer, said the punishments indicate that Chinese regulators are intensifying their crackdown on violations by capital market intermediary institutions according to law.


    The case could help deter other institutions from misbehavior as it would result in not only financial losses but reputational damage to PwC's China business, Dai added.


  • US President Joe Biden has proposed removing a trade exemption that allows goods made in China and shipped by popular companies such as Shein and Temu to bypass import duties if they are worth less than $800.


    A US trade association said such changes would also affect American companies and consumers who enjoy buying the low-cost goods.


    The "de minimis'' exemption permits such packages to be flown into the United States without levies or processing fees.


    The Biden administration wants the packages to no longer be exempt from tariffs if they fall under Sections 201 or 301 of the Trade Act of 1974, or Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, according to a statement released by the White House on Friday.


    But the administration's changes will not go into effect right away, The New York Times reported, adding that the proposal will be subject to comment by industries before being finalized in the coming months. There also is a presidential election on Nov 5.


    More than 1 billion de minimis packages from across the globe came through US customs in 2023, up from 134 million in 2015, according to Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data.


    China is the biggest source of retail packages entering the US daily, with around 3 million falling under de minimis, CBP data shows.


    Z. John Zhang, a professor of marketing at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, told China Daily that Chinese fast-fashion brands are so successful because they offer international consumers several perks.


    "Prices are lower, helped by a significant extent by zero tariffs that the US is levying on small parcels of less than $800 in value," Zhang said.


    Shein and Temu have defended their businesses.


    "Since Temu's launch in September 2022, our mission has been to offer consumers a wider selection of quality products at affordable prices," a Temu spokesperson told arstechnica.com, a technology news website. "We achieve this through an efficient business model that cuts out unnecessary middlemen, allowing us to pass savings directly to our customers. Temu's growth does not depend on the de minimis policy."

    “自Temu于2022年9月推出以来,我们的使命一直是为消费者提供更多物美价廉的商品。”Temu发言人告诉科技新闻网站arstechnica.com,“我们通过高效的商业模式来实现这一目标,这种模式剔除了不必要的中间环节,使我们能够将节省下来的成本直接惠及顾客。Temu 的发展并不依赖‘小额豁免’政策。”

    A Shein spokesperson told arstechnica that the company "makes import compliance a top priority, including the reporting requirements under US law with respect to de minimis entries".

    Shein发言人告诉arstechnica,该公司 “将进口合规性作为重中之重,包括美国法律规定的有关‘小额豁免’包裹入境的报告要求”。

    The National Foreign Trade Council (NFTC), a trade association based in Washington, said the changes to the rule won't affect only Chinese fast-fashion brands, but also American companies and consumers who enjoy buying the low-cost goods.


    In a letter dated March 6, the NFTC wrote to Jake Sullivan, national security adviser, and Lael Brainard, director of the National Economic Council of the US, on behalf of several US trade organizations.


    The trade body had urged the government to "protect an essential component of America's economic health and supply chain efficiency: de minimis treatment of low-value goods entering the US".


    The letter was backed by the Consumer Technology Association, the Express Association of America (EAA), the National Association of Manufacturers, the National Foreign Trade Council TechNet and the US Chamber of Commerce.


    "De minimis has benefitted thousands of American small businesses across all sectors," the letter said. "For example, de minimis allows businesses to obtain inputs for domestically manufactured products into the US more efficiently and with fewer unnecessary administrative requirements.

    “‘小额豁免’使各行各业数以千计的美国小企业受益。” 信中说道,“比如,它使企业能够更有效地获得对美国国内制造产品的投入,减少不必要的行政要求。

    "It has also made purchasing goods online more affordable and accessible for consumers at a time of inflation and supply chain challenges."


    Earlier this year, US lawmakers called on the federal government to amend or shut down the de minimis exemption. A group of 40 lawmakers asked Homeland Security Secretary Alexander Mayorkas in a February letter to explore amending the use of the rule.

    今年早些时候,美国国会议员就呼吁联邦政府修改或取消“小额豁免”政策。2月,40 位美国国会议员写信要求美国国土安全部部长亚历杭德罗·马约尔卡斯探讨修改该规则的使用。

    The NFTC estimates that changes to the de minimis rule will more than double the price of a $50 package based on a processing fee of $31.67 and a brokerage fee of $20 after it arrives in the US.


    It also could lead 88 other countries with de minimis policies to adjust their rules, which could hurt American exporters.


    The de minimis exemption, Section 321 of the Tariff Act of 1930, was created in 1938. Its aim was to help facilitate global commerce and allow for small packages valued at less than $5 ($160 in today's dollars) to get to customers quickly and efficiently.


    The value of the packages allowed under the rule has gone up steadily over the years from $200 in 1994 to $800 in 2016, per person, per day.


  • Do you ever get that feeling that there aren't enough hours in the day? That time is somehow racing away from you, and it is impossible to fit everything in. But then, you step outside into the countryside and suddenly everything seems slower, more relaxed, like time has somehow changed.


    It's not just you – recent research showed nature can regulate our sense of time.


    For many of us, the combined demands of work, home and family mean that we are always feeling like we don't have enough time. Time poverty has also been exacerbated by digital technologies. Permanent connectivity extends working hours and can make it difficult to switch off from the demands of friends and family.


    Recent research suggests that the antidote to our lack of time may lie in the natural world. Psychologist Richardo Correia, at the University of Turku in Finland, found that being in nature may change how we experience time and, perhaps, even give us the sense of time abundance.


    Correia examined research which compared people's experiences of time when they performed different types of tasks in urban and natural environments. These studies consistently showed that people report a sense of expanded time when they were in nature compared to when they were in an urban environment.


    For example, people are more likely to perceive a walk in the countryside as longer than a walk of the same length in the city. Similarly, people report perceiving time as passing more slowly while performing tasks in natural green environments than in urban environments. Nature seems to slow and expand our sense of time.


    It's not just our sense of time in the moment which appears to be altered by the natural world, it's also our sense of the past and future. Previous research shows that spending time in nature helps to shift our focus from the immediate moment towards our future needs. So rather than focusing on the stress of the demands on our time, nature helps us to see the bigger picture.


    This can help us to prioritise our actions so that we meet our long-term goals rather than living in a perpetual state of "just about keeping our head above water".


    This is in part because spending time in nature appears to make us less impulsive, enabling us to delay instant gratification in favour of long-term rewards.


    Why does nature affect our sense of time?


    Spending time in nature is known to have many benefits for health and wellbeing. Having access to natural spaces such as beaches, parks and woodlands is associated with reduced anxiety and depression, improved sleep, reduced levels of obesity and cardiovascular disease, and improved wellbeing.


    Some of these benefits may explain why being in nature alters our experience of time.


    The way we experience time is shaped by our internal biological state and the events going on in the world around us. As a result, emotions such as stress, anxiety and fear can distort our sense of the passage of time.


    The relaxing effect of natural environments may counter stress and anxiety, resulting in a more stable experience of time. Indeed, the absence of access to nature during COVID-19 may help to explain why people's sense of time became so distorted during the pandemic lockdowns.


    In the short term, being away from the demands of modern day life may provide the respite needed to re-prioritise life, and reduce time pressure by focusing on what actually needs to be done. In the longer term, time in nature may help to enhance our memory and attention capacity, making us better able to deal with the demands on our time.


    Accessing nature


    Getting out into nature may sound like a simple fix, but for many people, particularly those living in urban areas, nature can be hard to access. Green infrastructure such as trees, woodlands, parks and allotments in and around towns and cities are essential to making sure the benefits of time in nature are accessible to everyone.


    If spending time in nature isn't possible for you, there are other ways that you can regain control of your time. Start by closely examining how you use time throughout your week. Auditing your time can help you see where time is being wasted and to identify action to help you to free up more time in your life.


    Alternatively, try to set yourself some boundaries in how you use time. This could be limiting when you access emails and social media, or it could be booking in time in your calendar to take a break. Taking control of your time and how you use it can help to you overcome the sense that time is running away from you.

    或者,在如何使用时间方面为自己设定一些界限。这可以是限制您访问电子邮件和社交媒体的时间,也可以是在您的日历中预定休息时间。控制好自己的时间和使用方式,有助于克服 “时间正在离你远去”的感觉。

    来源:The Conversation、Science Alert、煎蛋网

  • The successful 10-kilometer vertical takeoff and vertical landing test flight of Zhuque 3 or Rosefinch 3 VTVL-1 test rocket from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwestern China's Gobi Desert on Wednesday marks a breakthrough in the nation's commercial space industry.


    This way of launching and getting back a reusable rocket involves five stages, namely ascent, engine shutdown, unpowered gliding, in-flight engine restart to control speed of descent, and, lastly, soft landing. By successfully conducting this test twice, the Zhuque 3 team has proved its ability to recycle rockets for use, thus lowering costs.


    It's true that the Chinese have a long way to go in the field of recycling rockets, compared with the US-based SpaceX, which announced on Tuesday a fifth orbit test flight for Starship in November, in which they will attempt to recover the rocket booster by capturing it with the launch tower.


    However, the 10-km vertical takeoff and vertical landing test flight proves that the technology Zhuque 3 employs is reliable and now that it has cleared the test flight it will be ready for long-distance flights in the future.


    That the test rocket was manufactured by LandSpace, a private rocket maker in China, adds value to the achievement. In fact, out of 30 launch missions conducted by China's space sector in the first half of 2024, commercial carrier rockets were responsible for five. The domestic commercial space industry is flourishing.


    As an important new engine for economic growth, the industrial scale of the commercial space sector is expected to exceed 2.3 trillion yuan ($323.05 billion) this year. It is just a matter of time before ordinary people travel to space as conveniently as taking a flight today. And Chinese people could be among the first to realize that dream.






  • Chinese lawmakers on Friday voted to adopt a decision on gradually raising the statutory retirement age in the country, marking the first adjustment in the arrangement since 1950s.


    According to the decision adopted at the 11th session of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress, the statutory retirement age for men will be gradually raised from 60 to 63 in the course of 15 years starting 2025, while that for women cadres and women blue-collar workers will be raised from 55 to 58 and from 50 to 55, respectively.


    Starting 2030, the minimum year of basic pension contributions required to receive monthly benefits will be gradually raised from 15 years to 20 years at the pace of an increase of six months annually.


    Meanwhile, people will be allowed to voluntarily retire by no more than three years in advance after reaching the minimum year of pension contributions. But it is not allowed to retire earlier than the previous statutory age.


    The new policies will also allow individuals to postpone retirement to an even later date if they reach an agreement with employers, but such a delay should be no more than three years.


    The decision also specifies measures to refine the old-age insurance incentive mechanism, implement the employment-first strategy, ensure the basic rights and interests of workers who have passed their statutory retirement age, and improve elderly care and childcare services.


    The document includes specific provisions on welfare for unemployed old-age workers and on earlier retirement for those in special professions.


    The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the third plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee made clear arrangements on gradually raising the statutory retirement age in the country.


    The plan passed by lawmakers on Friday was formulated on the basis of a comprehensive assessment of the average life expectancy, health conditions, the population structure, the level of education and workforce supply in China. 








  • US Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump faced off for the first time Tuesday night in a 2024 US presidential debate in the city of Philadelphia.


    The debate, hosted by ABC News, started at 9 pm Eastern Time Tuesday (0100 GMT Wednesday) at the National Constitution Center.


    Harris shook hands with Trump after they were introduced on stage. During their over 90-minute debate, they clashed over key issues, including the economy, abortion, immigration, and US foreign policies, aiming to appeal to voters across the country.


    Both Harris and Trump touted plans to strengthen the economy and bring down the cost of living. Harris vowed to build an "opportunity economy", citing plans to make housing more affordable and expand the child tax credit. Trump repeated his claim that he would put tariffs on other countries and also criticized the high inflation rates under the Biden-Harris administration.


    Abortion is a vital issue for both candidates in the debate. Trump emphasized his position that abortion should be a state issue. Harris criticized what she referred to as the "Trump abortion bans" since Roe v. Wade fell. She also highlighted cases where women have been unable to get abortions after being raped or struggled to get miscarriage care


    They also sparred over US foreign policies regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict, the Russia-Ukraine conflict, and the US withdrawal from Afghanistan.


    Trump repeatedly mentioned US President Joe Biden during the debate, and Harris reminded him, "You're not running against Joe Biden; you're running against me."


    The fiery debate also included personal attacks.


    "The back-and-forth at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia was riddled with false and misleading comments, including on job growth and a baseless claim about Haitian immigrants," NBC News reported.


    The debate was the second presidential election debate of the 2024 election, following the first one between Biden and Trump in June.


    Biden bowed out of the race in July due to concerns over his age, health, and debate performance. He passed his torch to Harris, who secured the Democratic presidential nomination in August.


    Tuesday's debate was critical as polls show a tight race with election day just two months away.


    Pennsylvania is one of the key battleground states that could significantly impact the election. Surveys of the key battleground states show that Trump and Harris are within a few points of each other and the polls' margins of error.


    face off






  • Experts have estimated that China's inbound tourism market will maintain its continuous recovery for the rest of the year and could return to the pre-COVID level reached in 2019, in view of its good performance in the first half of the year.


    The latest figures from the National Immigration Administration showed that foreigners made about 14.64 million trips to the Chinese mainland in the first six months of 2024. The China Tourism Academy estimated that about 11 million of those trips were for tourism purposes — a number that is roughly 70 percent of the figure for the same period in 2019.


     In 2019, foreign tourists made 31.88 million visits to the mainland, and the total number of inbound visits was 145 million, including trips from the Hong Kong and Macao special administrative regions and Taiwan.


    The results were due to factors including the optimized visa policy, the addition of international flights and China's positive tourism image in the world, the China Tourism Academy said in a report released on Tuesday.


    According to the report, China has so far implemented a unilateral visa-free policy for 16 countries and regions, and has mutual visa exemption agreements with 24 countries. In addition, the extended 144-hour visa-free transit policy allows travelers from 54 eligible countries, including Austria, Belgium and Canada, to stay for six days in certain Chinese cities without a visa by entering and exiting at 37 Chinese ports such as Beijing, Shanghai and Changsha, the capital of Hunan province.


    International flights have continued to resume. The report said that in the first half year of 2024, the Chinese mainland operated flights with 73 countries and regions and the Hong Kong and Macao SARs, matching that of 2019. As of late June, the number of the nation's regular international flights had recovered to about 70 percent of the level in 2019.


    The report also noted that foreign travelers have increasingly shown a preference for individual trips rather than group tours, and they also have greater interest in experiencing the down-to-earth life of local Chinese people or getting involved in traditional cultural activities.


    It added that social media has played the role of a trendsetter by shaping foreigners' travel preferences, with more foreign bloggers sharing their experiences in China and turning "China travel" into a global tourism bandwagon.


    Wang Wei, chairman of HiSEAS International Tourism Group, which is based in Chengdu, Sichuan province, said: "Chongqing, in southwestern China, is very popular on TikTok, bringing us a large number of customers from Southeast Asia."


    Wang said that the company began channeling its efforts into the inbound tourism business last year and has so far handled around 400,000 trips by foreign travelers.


    “The number of travelers from Southeast Asia to the mainland is experiencing impressive growth, and the number from Europe is seeing a steady recovery. We've also seen that Central Asia is a new market with greater potential," Wang said.


    Dai Bin, president of the China Tourism Academy, estimated that, based on the flourishing market and optimized entry policies, China's inbound tourism might recover in the second half of the year to the same level of that in 2019, entering a new period of prosperity.


    Yang Jinsong, director of the academy's international institute, said he is confident about the development of China's inbound tourism market, adding that more professional and effective advertising to the world and creative tour products and services will help China win the hearts of more foreign travelers.


    "We've found that in addition to those traditionally popular domestic destinations such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou in the southern province of Guangdong, with (the nation's) higher global reputation, foreign travelers have set their sights on exploring other niche places or second- and third-tier cities in China, thanks to these cities' popularity on social media and China's sound transportation network for traveling," he said.






