
  • In this episode of Childless and Moving Onward, I am joined by Niki Allinson, a creator, coach and childless woman. In our discussion, Niki shares her personal journey with endometriosis, infertility, and ultimately, acceptance of childlessness. She describes how creativity, particularly doodling, has kept her strong through childless grief and reminds her that she is more than her childlessness.

    Today we explore the importance of finding joy and fun through creative expression and how it can help redefine identity beyond motherhood. Tune in for insights, inspiration, and practical tips on navigating life without children.

    Key Episode Takeaways:

    Creativity comes in different forms, we can all find ways to be creative.How creativity can help us in our healing journey.Legacies are created from the heart not the womb.

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  • When people hear the word "legacy," they often think of passing down things to children. However, legacy extends far beyond that. It’s found in the lives you impact, the passions you pursue, and the work you do. Today, I want to discuss how we can redefine legacy beyond traditional norms.

    I'll share a few ways to redefine your legacy, such as through acts of kindness and taking on mentorship roles. I encourage you to seek meaningful ways to leave a lasting impact, emphasizing that legacy is not just about having children, but about the positive change and influence you bring to the world.

    Key Episode Takeaways:

    Legacy is more than just genetics and offspring.Your legacy is found in the lives you impact, the work you accomplish, and the passions you pursue.Legacy is as diverse and unique as each one of you.

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  • Coming to terms with the fact that you won't become a mother can be difficult and may leave you feeling like you've lost a part of your identity. You may not recognize yourself anymore. Today we are diving into the complex and difficult journey of rediscovering yourself and creating a fulfilling life for yourself.

    In this episode, I'll share practical steps to help you redefine your purpose and identity, such as finding a supportive community, acknowledging your feelings, and embracing your strengths. Tune in to learn how to turn pain into growth and discover fulfillment beyond the dream of motherhood.

    Key Episode Takeaways:

    Acknowledging your feelings is a necessary part of rediscovering who you are.Being involuntarily childless can take a toll on your self esteem. It's essential to prioritize self-care activities that nourish your physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

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  • Many of us have felt the isolating sense of invisibility as women who are childless not by choice. Conversations often revolve around children, making us feel excluded and out of place. Today, I’m sharing some personal experiences and insights around that feeling of invisibility.

    I’ll discuss various strategies to combat isolation, such as acknowledging your emotions, nurturing positive relationships, and seeking support. It's crucial to advocate for yourself and not allow others to treat you as if you are invisible. Tune in to learn how to reclaim your sense of worth and navigate life as a childless woman.

    Key Episode Takeaways:

    No one else is in your shoes, so don’t judge yourself by what society thinks.You don’t have to be a mom to matter.You are not alone in this. There are places to find support.

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  • Women who are childless not by choice often face endless stereotypes and judgments. A recent example of this was when a politician made hurtful remarks regarding childless women. The negative and hurtful reactions to this comment highlighted the ongoing challenges these women face.

    In this episode, my main goal is to start conversations with women without children in a safe and supportive environment. I encourage everyone to seek out a support system and invite you to join my free support group. It’s a safe place where you can express yourself and feel connected, rather than feeling like an outsider.

    Key Episode Takeaways:

    No one else is in your shoes, so don’t judge yourself by what society thinks.You don’t have to be a mom to matter.You are not alone in this. There are places to find support.

    Join the Support Group

    Steps to Overcome Self Doubt and Feel Worthy When Being Childless Isn't by Choice Guide

    Find full episode notes and transcript HERE.

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    Learn more or book a free, no-obligation call to talk about what a coaching experience could look like for you HERE.

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  • People use various terms to describe childlessness because no single term resonates with everyone. In this episode, we explore the term "childless by circumstance" and the many different situations that can lead to this beyond infertility.

    It's essential to recognize that pain is valid, no matter the cause of childlessness. It is critical to acknowledge your own experience without comparing your journey to others. I encourage women listening to find a supportive community as they navigate this challenging and unique journey. Tune in to learn about my safe, supportive and free community!

    Key Episode Takeaways:

    Childlessness that's unwanted can happen for a multitude of reasons that are not due to infertility.Pain is pain.No matter what path brought you to childlessness, it's a journey filled with unique challenges and emotions.

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    Steps to Overcome Self Doubt and Feel Worthy When Being Childless Isn't by Choice Guide

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  • We hear about triggers all the time, but what are they really and how can we effectively manage our responses to them? In this episode, we explore effective strategies for dealing with unavoidable emotional triggers. We also discuss what are some common triggers that women who are childless not by choice face.

    One important way to manage triggers is to set both emotional and physical boundaries. It’s okay to refrain from certain social situations that may cause you deep pain. The approach I suggest is about managing and not avoiding triggers to protect your emotional well-being.

    Key Episode Takeaways:

    A trigger is anything that evokes a strong emotional response.We can’t avoid triggers, but there are ways we can prepare for them.Boundaries are an important part of managing triggers.

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    Steps to Overcome Self Doubt and Feel Worthy When Being Childless Isn't by Choice Guide

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  • Today, we are honored to welcome Dr. Alexandra Stockwell, a dear friend of mine and a Physician turned relationship and intimacy coach. After spending twelve years in medicine helping others heal their bodies, Alexandra chose to study the science and art of emotional and sensual connection to help her patients heal their relationships.

    In our conversation, we explore the significance of prioritizing the relationship with ourselves. We discuss how the relationship we have with ourselves is the most crucial and influences all other relationships. Dr. Alexandra also shares valuable insights on how to navigate childlessness with our partners and offers strategies to maintain connection even in challenging circumstances.

    Uncompromising Intimacy by Alexandra Stockwell, MD

    Find full episode notes and transcript HERE.

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  • Self-love can be a challenging concept for women today, particularly for those who are childless not by choice. Societal pressure to become parents can make it difficult to recognize one's self-worth. However, it's crucial to understand that your worth isn't defined by whether or not you are a parent.

    In this discussion, I explore three fundamental components of self-love: self-acceptance, self-compassion, and self-care. Additionally, I provide five practical steps to help you rediscover self-love. Tune in to learn how to navigate these complex emotions and reclaim your sense of worth.

    Key Episode Takeaways:

    Your healing cannot begin until you find self-love.Steps to help you discover self-love.Your worth is not determined by you being a parent.Finding a sense of purpose enhances self-love.

    Find full episode notes and transcript HERE.

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  • Today’s discussion centers on the concept of acceptance for women who are childless not by choice. I share my personal journey of redefining acceptance, explaining that it doesn’t mean giving up, but rather acknowledging your reality with self-compassion and honesty.

    Through acceptance, you can discover new meaning and dreams beyond motherhood. This path allows you to find inner peace and a new purpose in life. Although this journey to acceptance is painful and far from easy, it ultimately helps you move forward and heal. Tune in to learn how to shift your focus from what you don’t have to what you do have.

    Key Episode Takeaways:

    Part of accepting childlessness means acknowledging your reality with honesty and compassion for yourself.Acceptance empowers you to redirect your focus in life.Our identity is not defined by childlessness.Acceptance is not giving up on your hopes and dreams.

    Find full episode notes and transcript HERE.

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    Learn more or book a free, no-obligation call to talk about what a coaching experience could look like for you HERE.

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  • Just like with many aspects of life, having too much of a good thing can be detrimental. This applies to positivity as well, often referred to as toxic positivity. Today we are exploring this concept and its impact on women who are childless not by choice. Excessively positive statements can minimize grief, create isolation, and hinder emotional healing.

    I offer listeners tips on identifying and managing toxic positivity, both for those who are childless and for those seeking to support a family member or friend. It is important to acknowledge pain, set boundaries, and validate emotions to provide genuine support and facilitate healing.

    Key Episode Takeaways:

    There comes a point when too much positivity can become harmful. Some positive comments can feel dismissive and invalidate your pain.Toxic positivity gets in the way of healing.

    Find full episode notes and transcript HERE.

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  • Many of us feel uneasy or anxious about visiting the doctor, but this discomfort is often worsened by the insensitivity and lack of awareness about involuntary childlessness. Today, we will be discussing some personal experiences and observations of how women without children encounter insensitivity and misconceptions from healthcare providers.

    Unfortunately there is a significant lack of understanding within the medical community about the emotional and physical impacts of infertility and pregnancy loss. I am offering a few tips for childless women on how to advocate for themselves in medical settings. There is an immense need for healthcare workers to show empathy and sensitivity when discussing reproductive status.

    Key Episode Takeaways:- Compassionate and empathetic communication is sadly often missing in healthcare.- Examples of common insensitivities and misconceptions faced by childless women during healthcare visits.- It is ok to advocate for yourself.

    Steps to Overcome Self Doubt and Feel Worthy When Being Childless Isn't by Choice Guide

    Find full episode notes and transcript HERE.

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  • In this episode of Childless and Moving Onward, I delve into the social exclusion faced by childless women, sharing my own personal experiences. Childless women frequently find themselves treated as outsiders in both social and professional settings, leading to feelings of isolation and judgment.

    The pervasive societal belief that motherhood is integral to womanhood often results in childless women feeling inadequate. Part of this is due to the fact that many social gathering discussions are often centered around motherhood. I provide some tips to help combat these feelings of isolation.

    Key Episode Takeaways:

    Feelings of isolation and inadequacy are common in women who are childless not by choice.Social gathering discussions are often centered around motherhood and children.The constant exposure to motherhood's idealization can leave childless women feeling less accomplished.Childless not by choice women often experience ongoing grief.

    Find full episode notes and transcript HERE.

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    Learn more or book a free, no-obligation call to talk about what a coaching experience could look like for you HERE.

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  • Today we are discussing the tendency people have to ask intrusive and personal questions about women’s fertility status. Such questions can cause people significant pain and awkwardness. Often, people asking these questions are completely oblivious to the discomfort they are causing.

    Questions like this cross personal boundaries in so many ways. Therefore, I am giving you some tips and strategies for handling intrusive questions when they arise. One of these tips is setting boundaries and communicating those boundaries to others. I also encourage those who ask such questions to reflect on their impact and urge you to consider more meaningful and considerate conversations.

    Key Episode Takeaways:

    Asking about someone's fertility status is never ok!Intrusive fertility questions can trigger pain and conflict in people's lives.Boundaries are healthy, not selfish.

    Find full episode notes and transcript HERE.

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    Learn more or book a free, no-obligation call to talk about what a coaching experience could look like for you HERE.

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  • Navigating life without children has its own unique challenges, including facing stereotypes and negative assumptions from society. One such misconception, which I came across on social media, is the belief that women without children are less capable than those with children. However, empathy, problem-solving, and other positive attributes are not exclusive to mothers.

    It is important that we recognize the diverse experiences and contributions of all women and try to combat the stereotypes that depict childless women as less capable. By fostering open dialogue on this issue, I hope to help shift societal perceptions.

    Key Episode Takeaways:

    None of us is less capable because we are not mothers.The contributions that women who don't have children make to society are so frequently overlooked or undervalued. Fertility status doesn't play a role in a woman's value or in a woman's abilities.

    Find full episode notes and transcript HERE.

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    Learn more or book a free, no-obligation call to talk about what a coaching experience could look like for you HERE.

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  • Today I am addressing the often misunderstood concept of disenfranchised grief associated with involuntary childlessness. This type of grief occurs when a loss isn’t openly acknowledged or socially validated. I will explore how the lack of societal recognition and support makes this grief particularly unique and challenging.

    By exploring the specific difficulties faced by individuals dealing with involuntary childlessness, I will provide strategies for coping with the grief and highlight the importance of self-compassion and seeking professional help. My aim is to provide empathy, validation and guidance for women navigating the path of involuntary childlessness in this episode.

    Key Episode Takeaways:

    Disenfranchised grief is a type that occurs when somebody experiences a loss that is not openly acknowledged or socially validated.Pain from involuntary childlessness is unique because it is chronic. Everyone's journey with this grief is unique. There's no one size fits all to dealing with it.

    Find full episode notes and transcript HERE.

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    Learn more or book a free, no-obligation call to talk about what a coaching experience could look like for you HERE.

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  • Women who are childless by circumstance and not by choice face unique challenges on a daily basis, but especially around Mother’s Day. This holiday can accentuate the pain and isolation felt by women in these scenarios. So today I am sharing some of my personal experiences, reflections, and observations of how and why being childless not by choice can feel so lonely.

    I am offering insights on how to navigate this sense of loneliness, emphasizing the importance of community support, reevaluating life's priorities, and finding fulfillment outside of traditional family structures. I encourage you to use your experiences of grief and loneliness as opportunities for personal growth and to discover new paths to meaning and satisfaction in life.

    Key Episode Takeaways:

    The loneliness experienced by those who are childless not by choice can be really profound.Involuntary childlessness can lead to a sense of disconnection, even from those you are closest to.There is a strength and resilience that comes with these unique challenges.Being childless is not your identity. It doesn’t define you.Grief and loneliness of childlessness are incredibly challenging, but they can also be transformative.

    Find full episode notes and transcript HERE.

    Learn more or book a free, no-obligation call to talk about what a coaching experience could look like for you HERE.

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  • As a woman experiencing involuntary childlessness, I have encountered numerous negative reactions due to my situation. In this episode, I am addressing the common misconceptions, insensitive reactions, and societal pressures experienced by women in similar circumstances. I’ll dive into why these hurtful comments and reactions are so common.

    When faced with these insensitive comments, it is vital to know your worth and understand that your pain is valid, no matter your circumstance. I strive to shed light on the pain, challenges, and resilience of those who are childless not by choice. By doing so, we can promote empathy, and support for individuals on this challenging journey. I hope to create a more inclusive and compassionate world where every story is acknowledged and every journey is honored.

    Spoken from the Heart by Laura Bush

    Steps to Overcome Self Doubt and Feel Worthy When Being Childless Isn't by Choice

    Find full episode notes and transcript HERE.

    Learn more or book a free, no-obligation call to talk about what a coaching experience could look like for you HERE.

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  • Being told to "just get over it" can be incredibly painful and minimizes our grief and pain. Unfortunately, this phrase is frequently directed towards women experiencing involuntary childlessness. Statements like this not only fail to provide support but also invalidate one's feelings and impede the healing process.

    In this episode, I discuss several factors that make moving past childlessness challenging, if not impossible, including societal pressure, lack of closure and triggers. Additionally, I conclude with advice for women navigating this challenge, offering suggestions on how to handle dismissive attitudes and manage emotional responses effectively.

    Key Episode Takeaways:

    If you resist emotions, they tend to grow and cause more stress.Involuntary childlessness is a loss, and the pain from that is valid.There is not a clear sense of closure when it comes to involuntary childlessness.It is ok to grieve the loss of the future you had planned.

    Find full episode notes and transcript HERE.

    Learn more or book a free, no-obligation call to talk about what a coaching experience could look like for you HERE.

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  • Today we are diving into the complex topic of being childless not by choice. I will outline key differences between being childless by choice and childless by circumstance. We will explore the complexity behind the factors leading to childlessness, including societal pressure, relationship dynamics, health issues, and financial constraints.

    In this episode, my goal is to validate your grief and pain, regardless of your situation. Do not compare your situation to others and minimize your pain. I want to empower you to define your experience on your own terms without internalizing societal judgment.

    Key Episode Takeaways:

    If you are childless, there is nothing less about you.Decisions that lead to involuntary childlessness are often complex.Whatever situation you are in, your pain is valid. Pain is pain.Don’t compare your situation to others and minimize your pain.

    Find full episode notes and transcript HERE.

    Learn more or book a free, no-obligation call to talk about what a coaching experience could look like for you HERE.

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