My guest on this episode is a serial cheater and exhibitionist who watches porn, pays for sex acts, sleeps with other women, and regularly lies to his wife. Dr. Roland Cochran was once this cheating husband, before he confronted his addiction, transformed his mindset and changed his life. If you have ever experienced a cheater or witnessed a cheater, you may ask yourself the question:
How could they possibly do this? On this episode, Roland might just give you the jarringly candid, raw, real explainations you’ve been waiting for. Be a guest on the show:
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You're a husband. A good guy, a strong provider and a very present father. Despite that, your wife is not satisfied and has an affair with a man who has substance abuse issues, an unstable job history and troubles with the law. Guided by your faith, you manage to hold your marriage together and your wife ends the affair. But several years later you start to notice some uncomfortable changes in your wife's behavior. Should you simply trust that she is remaining faithful, or investigate these red flags? This episode's guest, Harrison Scott Key answers these questions in his book "How To Stay Married-The Most Insane Love Story Ever Told." Find out what happens when a devoted husband struggles with how to move forward after his wife is unfaithful, not once but twice. Be a guest on the show: [email protected]. Find @cheatingwhenloveslies on IG for highlights from the shows.
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Saknas det avsnitt?
Imagine that your husband has cheated on you with more than five different women (that you’re aware of) and that one of those affairs was while you were pregnant. Time after time you take him back, and then you realize your husband has been unfaithful for almost two decades of marriage. This is what happened to my guest whom we’ll call Cheetah. At the end of our interview Cheetah reveals what reasons her husband gave for cheating on her and for living his life as a flagrant philanderer.
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Beth Miller, Marriage coach and Founder Soulifywellness
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What if you're often the side piece - time after time the other woman. First you have an affair with your husband's work colleague. Then you cheat on your husband with someone you meet in an alcohol recovery group. Next you find yourself sleeping with the husband of a couple that hosting you in their home as a guest. And on and on. What's going on here? My guest whom we'll call Jen has actually lived through all of this. Jen shares her long history as an affair partner whether she was cheating on her own husband or (when divorced) with someone else's. It an adult life spent as the other woman. Join me to hear Jen's story. Be a guest on the show: [email protected] IG @cheatingwhenloveslies for highlights from all the shows. Please subscribe, like and share with anyone whose life has been upended by infidelity. Thank you!
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What is micro cheating and are you doing it? Micro cheating describes behaviors that may be considered infidelity, but the boundary between micro cheating and a full blown affair isn't clear. My guest today-we'll call her Connie, blames her micro cheating for bringing her marriage to the brink of divorce. But is how Connie's husband behaves with the ladies behind her back even worse? Is there even such a thing as micro cheating? Or is it cheating just - cheating? Join me to find out if Connie's micro cheating sparked the demise of her marriage or if what her husband hasn't yet revealed will be what years them apart. Be a guest on the show: [email protected] IG @cheatingwhenlovelies for highlights from the show. Tik Tok: Jillianhamilton23
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No one is immune to relationship betrayal. Anyone can be deceived and lied to by their partner. Do you believe that? My guest today, Kathi Miner PhD and author of “The Committed Professor. A Memoir: My Fall from the Lectern to the Psych Ward” says “yes”.
What’s shocking about this cheating story is that Kathi’s lifelong commitment to feminism and feminist values couldn’t protect her from the narcissistic abuse she suffered in her marriage to her husband whom we’ll call Seth.
Join us to hear how betrayal trauma took Kathi her to the brink her sanity, and to the brink of her life. Be a guest on the show:
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IG @cheatingwhenloveslies for highlights from all the shows.
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There are times when your partner's lies, deception, and gaslighting are so carefully crafted and meticulously masked, he not only fools you, he hoodwinks multiple women and your professionally trained relationship counselors. What happens when the full extent of his deception is revealed? Is it just another bad breakup, or are the implications much greater than that? My guest whose real name is Samantha experienced this level of deception. Samantha says the deception changed her outlook on life and deeply affected her family and friends. Has this happened to you? Could this ever happen to you? Be a guest on the show: [email protected] IG @cheatingwhenloveslies for highlights from all the shows. Please subscribe, like and share with anyone whose life has been upended by infidelity. Thank you!
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The emotional trauma that follows heartbreak after an affair can be devastating. We can experience sadness, depression and isolation. But how does an affair also affect your physical well-being? Can it damage your physical body? My guest Adele Stratton says “yes,” because as a BioDynamic Cranial Sacral Therapist, she’s seen it in her patients. Adele is the owner and founder of Phoenix Rising Healing Centre. Join us as we discuss how an affair cannot only cause physical dis-ease but can be the gateway to revealing developmental and even generational trauma. Adele is fascinating … join us!
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You're having an affair and you think your kids don't know it? Well think again. My guest today is an extraordinary young woman who wrote in to share her story after listening to an earlier Cheating: When Love Lies episode called "When Your Kids Find Out You Cheated." In that episode a woman in her 50s, told us how in her teens, she discovered her mother was having an affair. This episode's guest (we'll call her Tina) lived a similar situation when she discovered her own father was having an affair.
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Do you really know your partner? After years together as a couple, can you confidently say you know everything about them—everything they do and everything they’re truly capable of? My guest, Megan, was shocked to uncover her husband’s cruelty and deception. Join me to hear how he destroyed their trust and tried to create chaos and division in her family with lies and manipulation. Be a guest on the show:
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IG @cheatingwhenloveslies for highlights from all the shows.
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Turn your mess into your message. My guest today also named Jillian did just that. Her boyfriend cheated on her from the beginning of their relationship to the bitter end. He had dozens of lovers (yes dozens) and is a self confessed sex addict-both of which shocked my guest and tore her world apart. But Jillian Romero Chaves, founder and CEO of the relationship app Clara for Daters took that mess and turned it into her message. Join me to hear her journey of turning heart break and betrayal into a unique and thriving relationship app. Clara for Daters is an app that you can use to radically transform and enhance how you date and evaluate your romantic relationships. Clarafordaters.com @clarafordaters Be a guest on Cheating: When Love Lies: [email protected] IG @cheatingwhenloveslies for highlights from all the shows. Please subscribe, like and share with anyone whose life has been upended by infidelity. Thank you!
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A woman comes into your husband's life and captures his heart. Your husband and his new lover share emotional and physical intimacy and he can't seem to leave this other woman's side. His affair threatens your marriage, family, peace and serenity. This is what happened to my guest whom we'll call Karen, whose hated for the other woman became enormous. How would you handle that hatred? Would you seek revenge, become depressed, or find a way to forgive? Join me to find out why Karen couldn't live in hatred one day longer, and what she did to turn it all around. Follow me on IG @cheatingwhenlovelies. Want to be a guest? [email protected] Find relationship coach and Owner of Soulify Wellness Beth Miller at: http://www.facebook.com/soulifywellness/ http://www.facebook.com/soulifywellness/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiHRjsv0neY3wWVlHLlMJJw
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What if you suspected your partner had a secret lover. You could just feel in your gut. Something in your relationship changed, and you're convinced your partner is seeing, or even worse, having sex with someone else. Maybe you start snooping and sniffing around to see what this could-be cheater is up to. You might try to get into their phone and their computer, or do some low-key stalking. But what if this lover was right there in plain sight? Maybe your spouse's secret lover is your best friend, your neighbor, or your cousin. As horrible as that sounds unfortunately it's not sooooo uncommon. What if your spouse moved their lover right into your OWN house? You think it's impossible, then you need to hear my guest today! (My guest's name and voice has been changed to protect her identity)
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Imagine if you could change your thinking and behavior in such a way to prevent your significant other from cheating on you. What if you could partially control whether or not your partner would be faithful by demonstrating some self respect. My guest today, Trevor Justice is a relationship coach and author of “Change Who You Attract & How You’re Treated.” Join me as I learn Trevor’s method on how to communicate in a troubled relationship and stave off cheating and affairs. Trevor shares success stories of his coaching at Attractloveandrespect.com. And for our listeners Trevor has set up a link at Attractlovegift.com to download the audio book and pdf.
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Deception, lies, and gaslighting. Are they the most hurtful part of an affair, or is it the sex and knowing that your partner may be madly in love with someone else? It's different for every betrayed partner, but for my guest today whom we'll call Lisa - she was tortured her husband's lying. Lisa found out about her husband's affair, and after she nabbed him, he promised to work on their marriage. What he said sounded great, but Lisa kept observing suspicious behavior and red flags that made her question if what her husband was saying was in fact was he was doing. Join me and relationship coach and founder of Soulify Wellness, Beth Miller to talk about what happens when a cheating partner says they're committed to fixing the marriage, but acts with the same suspicious, inconsistent, red flag behavior they've always had. Lisa is here to share her story. Be a guest on the show: [email protected] IG @cheatingwhenloveslies for highlights from all the shows. Please subscribe, like and share with anyone whose life has been upended by infidelity. Reach Beth: @soulifywellness www.soulifywellness.com www.freemarriageguide.com
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This week we are bringing back another favorite episode.
Your husband has an affair which leads you to ask for a divorce. But it's what you discover after you file for divorce that shocks you and has you facing a moral dilemma. Your husband's been unfaithful and now you're divorcing him, so what's the use in trying to learn even more about his philandering ways - why torture yourself? My guest whom we'll call Gail uncovered disturbing facts about her husband after his affair destroyed their marriage. Now Gail is facing a dilemma: should she warn her husband's new girlfriend about his abusive and toxic behavior? Once you file for divorce are the effects of infidelity really over?Answer this episode's listener question on IG @cheatingwhenlovelies. Find relationship coach and Owner of Soulify Wellness Beth Miller at: http://www.facebook.com/soulifywellness/ http://www.facebook.com/soulifywellness/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiHRjsv0neY3wWVlHLlMJJw Find me @CheatingWhenLoveLies and JillianHamilton.online
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For years the buzzword was attracting, as in "you attract the partner you have in your life." Then the term "manifesting" took over, and suddenly everyone was trying to manifest everything from a dream job to a faithful partner. But what if deep down your subconscious was on overdrive pulling you toward that person who awakens your childhood abandonment issues, triggers your trauma bond, and then eventually cheats on you! My guest today is relationship pattern expert, Dr. Sajad Vahedi. He helps clients to stop acting out toxic behaviors in a promising relationship by using what he calls a Schema Framework. This Schema Framework ends the toxic patterns, freeing clients to build healthy, intimate, infidelity free relationships. Dr. Vahedi wants to celebrate 2024! Go to his Instagram @drsajadvahedi to find out about limited complimentary sessions he's making available to Cheating: When Love Lies listeners. Be a guest on the show: [email protected] IG @cheatingwhenloveslies for highlights from the shows. Please subscribe, like and share with anyone whose life has been effected by infidelity. Thank you!
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Josh and Sharon are two formerly married people whose spouses cheated on them. Before they were married, Sharon's husband covered up the truth about his debts and failing finances. Then after they married, her husband started an affair with a woman he invited to Sharon's baby shower. Josh's wife had an affair after 17 years of marriage. He was devastated and disillusioned by this infidelity, and yet his marriage counselors told him he had no grounds to leave the mariage. Josh and Sharon both lived through the pain of an affair, but just like the blessings of the Holiday season, they unexpectedly found joy and hope after one of the most heartbreaking experiences of their lives. Their stories are a true holiday inspiration! Be a guest on the show: [email protected] IG @cheatingwhenloveslies for highlights from all the shows. Please subscribe, like and share with anyone whose life has been upended by infidelity. Thank you!
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My guest today whom we’ll call Victoria, was emotionally and physically abused by her boyfriend. What began as incidents of grabbing and pushing escalated into violent beatings. But it wasn’t until Victoria eventually married this boyfriend ( oh yes she did) that she became aware of his cheating. Join me to find out what helped Victoria emerge from this nightmare to restore her life as a healthy, independent mom. Be a guest on the show:
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IG @cheatingwhenloveslies for highlights from all the shows. Please subscribe, like and share with anyone whose life has been upended by infidelity. Thank you!
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About two years ago, a guy friend said to me "I know my best friend and he would never cheat on his wife. He just wouldn't do it." Because of this podcast I'm sworn to secrecy, so I couldn't tell him that his best buddy was a flagrant philanderer who had cheated many times with many different women in both emotional and sexual affairs. As wives, husbands, partners, family members, and best friends, we can't imagine that someone we know would ever have an emotional or physical affair. This is why it is not uncommon that I hear from betrayed partners, "I was blindsided when I found out!" This is what happened to my guest Shea. Shea is her real name because with the support of Shea's husband, they decided together that appearing on Cheating: When Love Lies would be a part of Shea's healing. Beth Miller, relationship coach and owner of Soulifywellness is back to share her relationship expertise. Do you think that your partner would never ever cheat on you? Well, so did Shea. @cheatingwhenlovelies @soulifywellness https://www.facebook.com/groups/infidelityaffairsupportforwomen/?ref=share_group_link (https://www.facebook.com/groups/ infidelityaffairsupportforwomen/?ref=share_group_link)
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