
  • It started out as an experiment, and now this podcast has audiences all over the world. Thank you so much for listening to this podcast and staying with me along this journey. 

    “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” -Mahatma Gandhi

    Thank you, and until next time.


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    Spotify - https://spoti.fi/2x5GM68

    Google Podcasts - https://reurl.cc/O1qaqy

    KKBOX - https://bit.ly/2FMDlpZ

    SoundOn - https://bit.ly/2JpGai0

    Anchor - https://anchor.fm/chatterboxislandenglish

    YouTube - https://bit.ly/3ea3KJT

    English Island 英語島雜誌臉書粉專 - https://www.facebook.com/Eisland.tw

    Visit our website for more information - https://englishisland.pse.is/eislandmagazine

    Check out our monthly magazine! - https://www.eisland.com.tw/P1.php?


    【Podcast 關鍵字】

    finale (n.) 結尾;終場

    initially (adv.) 起初;最初

    start from scratch (phr.) 從零開始

    subtitle (n.) 字幕

    in response to (phr.) 回應

    defeat the purpose (phr.) 違背目的

    overall (adj.) 整體的

    comprehension (n.) 理解

    believe it or not (phr.) 信不信由你

    memorize (v.) 記住

    tutoring (n.) 輔導

    catch up with (phr.) 跟上

    dub (v.) 配音

    switch (v.) 轉換

    incorporate (v.) 合併;包含

    tedious (adj.) 乏味的

    learning curve (n.) 學習曲線

    tough (adj.) 艱難地

    get the hang of something (phr.) 熟悉某事物的用法

    certificate (n.) 證書

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/chatterboxislandenglish/message
  • Are you struggling with small talk to strangers or coworkers? Do you often find yourself being awkward among a group of people? Social awkwardness is not something we can overcome easily, but that's okay! Researchers have found out that socially awkward people are often great listeners and can dive deep into conversations!

    In this episode, we're gonna talk about social awkwardness and how to deal with it if necessary.


    Listen to our podcast on:

    Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/2vq872z

    Spotify - https://spoti.fi/2x5GM68

    Google Podcasts - https://reurl.cc/O1qaqy

    KKBOX - https://bit.ly/2FMDlpZ

    SoundOn - https://bit.ly/2JpGai0

    Anchor - https://anchor.fm/chatterboxislandenglish

    YouTube - https://bit.ly/3ea3KJT

    English Island 英語島雜誌臉書粉專 - https://www.facebook.com/Eisland.tw

    Visit our Website for more information - https://englishisland.pse.is/eislandmagazine

    英語島雜誌1月號/2021第86期 - 30秒決戰Small Talk

    學習更多small talk技巧! - https://englishisland.pse.is/englishweekly

    Leave me a comment or ask me anything! - closed


    【Podcast 關鍵字】

    absence (n.) 缺席

    socially (adv.) 社交方面的

    awkward (adj.) 令人尷尬的

    unavoidable (adj.) 無法避免的

    social setting (n.) 社交環境

    awkwardness (n.) 尷尬

    desire (n.) 渴望;希望

    threatened (v.) 受到威脅的

    result from (phr.) 因…而發生

    cue (n.) 提示;暗示

    engage (v.) 從事;吸引住

    off (adj.) 無禮的;冷漠的

    work one’s way into (phr.) 逐步進入

    introverted (adj.) 內向的

    navigate (v.) 確定…的方向

    struggle (v.) 掙扎;搏鬥

    small talk (n.) 短暫聊天

    mindset (n.) 心態

    self-conscious (adj.) 侷促不安的;不自在的

    judge (v.) 評斷

    socialize (v.) 交際;社交

    impress (v.) 留下深刻的印象

    interact (v.) 互動

    subconsciously (adv.) 下意識地

    consciously (adv.) 有意識地

    trait (n.) 特徵

    oftentimes (adv.) 經常地

    pause (n.) 暫停;停頓

    finance (n.) 經濟狀況

    physically (adv.) 身體上的

    internally (adv.) 內在地

    breathing (n.) 呼吸

    externally (adv.) 外在地

    obvious (adj.) 明顯的

    introvert (n.) 內向的人

    right on the spot (phr.) 當下;立即

    conversational (adj.) 交談的;對話式的

    announcement (n.) 預告;宣布

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/chatterboxislandenglish/message
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  • Have you ever been in a long-distance relationship? Not being able to meet with each other face to face regularly is often the most difficult part of a long-distance relationship. However, studies have shown that couples who are not in the same place are MORE IN LOVE than those who live nearby or together.

    In this episode, we're gonna talk about some interesting findings of long-distance relationships, and we'll also have a SPECIAL GUEST share her experience of being in a long-distance relationship!


    Listen to our podcast on:

    Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/2vq872z

    Spotify - https://spoti.fi/2x5GM68

    Google Podcasts - https://reurl.cc/O1qaqy

    KKBOX - https://bit.ly/2FMDlpZ

    SoundOn - https://bit.ly/2JpGai0

    Anchor - https://anchor.fm/chatterboxislandenglish

    YouTube - https://bit.ly/3ea3KJT

    RadioRepublic - https://bit.ly/2Wq44P7

    Breaker - https://bit.ly/2IQzcz7

    English Island 英語島雜誌臉書粉專 - https://www.facebook.com/Eisland.tw

    Visit our Website for more Information - https://englishisland.pse.is/eislandmagazine


    【Podcast 關鍵字】

    long-distance relationship (n.) 遠距離戀愛

    pandemic (n.) 大規模流行病

    minor (adj.) 次要的

    lockdown (n.) 封鎖

    grocery (n.) 食品雜貨

    light-hearted (adj.) 心情輕鬆的

    maintain (v.) 維持

    on a regular basis (phr.) 定期

    unpredictable (adj.) 無法預測的

    casual (adj.) 隨意的

    intimacy (v.) 親密關係

    dynamic (n.) 動力

    co-located (adj.) 共處在一地

    guarantee (n.) 保證

    paradoxical (adj.) 矛盾的

    tend to (phr.) 傾向於

    settle down (phr.) 定居;安頓

    chance (n.) 機率

    factor (n.) 因素

    paradox (n.) 悖論;矛盾

    idealize (v.) 把…理想化

    significant other (n.) 另一半;重要他人

    imagination (n.) 想像力

    fill in (phr.) 填補

    interact (v.) 互動

    in real time (phr.) 即時的

    eventually (adv.) 最終

    in terms of (phr.) 根據;以…來說

    regardless (adv.) 無論

    various (adj.) 各式各樣的

    handwriting (n.) 手寫;筆跡

    stream (v.) 用串流影音播放

    routine (adj.) 例行的

    check-in (n.) 取得聯繫

    spontaneous (adj.) 即興的

    on and off (phr.) 斷斷續續

    commit (v.) 承諾;保證

    drift apart (phr.) 漸行漸遠

    co-worker (n.) 同事

    specific (adj.) 特定的

    task (n.) 工作;任務

    time difference (n.) 時差

    for now (adv.) 目前

    postpone (v.) 延期

    in the long term (phr.) 從長遠的角度來說

    tone (n.) 聲調

    seldom (adv.) 很少地

    trigger (v.) 觸發

    spicy (adj.) 辣的

    optimistic (adj.) 樂觀的

    appropriate (adj.) 合適的;恰當的

    differ (v.) 不同

    golden rule (n.) 黃金準則;重要的原則

    consensus (n.) 共識

    secure (adj.) 安全的

    tangible (adj.) 有形的;實質的

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/chatterboxislandenglish/message
  • Have you heard of "bullet journaling"? Why are so many people obsessed with it? Is it really that useful?

    In this episode, we're gonna talk about the tips on bullet journaling, and whether or not you should start one!


    Listen to our podcast on:

    Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/2vq872z

    Spotify - https://spoti.fi/2x5GM68

    Google Podcasts - https://reurl.cc/O1qaqy

    KKBOX - https://bit.ly/2FMDlpZ

    SoundOn - https://bit.ly/2JpGai0

    Anchor - https://anchor.fm/chatterboxislandenglish

    YouTube - https://bit.ly/3ea3KJT

    RadioRepublic - https://bit.ly/2Wq44P7

    Breaker - https://bit.ly/2IQzcz7

    English Island 英語島雜誌臉書粉專 - https://www.facebook.com/Eisland.tw

    Visit our Website for more Information - https://englishisland.pse.is/eislandmagazine


    【Podcast 關鍵字】

    method (n.) 方法

    organization (n.) 安排;配置

    upcoming (adj.) 即將來臨的

    task (n.) 工作;任務

    habit tracker (n.) 習慣追蹤器

    log (n.) 日誌

    personalized (adj.) 個人化的

    system (n.) 系統

    customize (v.) 訂製

    format (n.) 格式

    index (n.) 索引

    rapid logging (n.) 快速紀錄

    symbol (n.) 符號

    indicate (v.) 表示

    dot (n.) 點

    bullet (n.) 彈頭

    cross (n.) 叉叉

    arrow (n.) 箭頭

    reschedule (v.) 改期;延後

    cross something out (phr.) 把…劃掉

    status (n.) 狀態

    template (n.) 模板

    spread (n.) 版面

    open-source (adj.) 開放資源的;開放源碼的

    productivity (n.) 生產力

    pros and cons (n.) 利弊

    aesthetics (n.) 美學;美感

    minimum (n.) 最低限度

    gradually (adv.) 逐漸地

    practicality (n.) 實用性

    artistic (adj.) 藝術的

    outlet (n.) 出口

    de-pressure (v.) 舒壓

    in advance (adv.) 提前

    flexible (adj.) 彈性的

    casual (adj.) 隨性的

    packed (adj.) 滿的

    stationery (n.) 文具

    washi tape (n.) 紙膠帶

    brush pen (n.) 水彩筆;毛筆

    water color (n.) 水彩

    artsy (adj.) 附庸風雅的;浮華的

    slack off (phr.) 怠惰

    skip (v.) 跳過

    presentable (adj.) 體面的;像樣的

    on top of something (phr.) 除此之外

    planner (n.) 記事本

    layout (n.) 設計;佈局

    therapeutic (adj.) 有療效的

    dedicated (adj.) 專用的

    doodling (n.) 塗鴉

    combine (v.) 結合

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/chatterboxislandenglish/message
  • Have you ever clicked on an ad on social media, and for the next weeks or months, you just kept on getting similar ads over and over on the Internet? Maybe it's time to keep an eye on your online data and privacy settings!

    In this episode, we're gonna discuss the importance of online privacy, the infamous Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal, and how to better protect your personal information online!


    Listen to our podcast on:

    Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/2vq872z

    Spotify - https://spoti.fi/2x5GM68

    Google Podcasts - https://reurl.cc/O1qaqy

    KKBOX - https://bit.ly/2FMDlpZ

    SoundOn - https://bit.ly/2JpGai0

    Anchor - https://anchor.fm/chatterboxislandenglish

    YouTube - https://bit.ly/3ea3KJT

    RadioRepublic - https://bit.ly/2Wq44P7

    Breaker - https://bit.ly/2IQzcz7

    English Island 英語島雜誌臉書粉專 - https://www.facebook.com/Eisland.tw

    Visit our Website for more Information - https://englishisland.pse.is/eislandmagazine


    【Podcast 關鍵字】

    Online privacy (n.) 網路隱私

    browser (n.) 瀏覽器

    feed (n.) 消息來源

    inbox (n.) 收件匣

    creepy (adj.) 令人毛骨悚然的

    track (v.) 追蹤

    merge (v.) 整合

    virtual (adj.) 虛擬的

    physical (adj.) 實體的

    access (n.) 存取

    destination (n.) 目的地

    data (n.) 資料

    advertise (v.) 投放廣告

    effectively (adv.) 有效地

    merchandise (n.) 商品

    intrusion (n.) 入侵

    shift (v.) 轉移

    form (v.) 形塑

    infamous (adj.) 惡名昭彰的

    Analytica (n.) 分析實驗室

    academic (adj.) 學術的

    purpose (n.) 目的

    respondent (n.) 回答者

    leak (v.) 洩漏

    acquire (v.) 取得

    analytical (adj.) 分析的

    assistance (n.) 協助

    fine (v.) 罰錢

    violation (n.) 違反

    spark (v.) 引發

    perspective (n.) 觀點

    benefit (n.) 利益

    two-factor authentication (n.) 雙重認證

    neglect (v.) 忽略

    verification code (n.) 驗證碼

    encrypted (adj.) 加密過的

    end-to-end (adj.) 端對端

    Internet server (n.) 網路伺服器

    transmit (v.) 發送;傳遞

    fishy (adj.) 可疑的

    personalization (n.) 個人化

    built-in (adj.) 內建的

    expert (n.) 專家

    invasive (adj.) 侵入性的

    block (v.) 封鎖

    pop-up (adj.) 彈出的

    offer (v.) 提供

    advanced (adj.) 進階的

    incognito (adj.) 匿名的

    mode (n.) 模式

    consent (n.) 同意

    sponsored (adj.) 贊助的

    freak someone out (phr.) 嚇到某人

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/chatterboxislandenglish/message
  • Have you ever watched "The Hunger Games" movie franchise? Or have you read any dystopian fiction? 1984 by George Orwell is one of the most classic dystopian fiction of all time.

    In this episode, we're gonna dive into the world of 1984 and see what's so fascinating yet horrifying about this dystopian social science fiction.


    Mentioned Quotes:

    "To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which canceled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself—that was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word—doublethink—involved the use of doublethink."

    "If one is to rule and to continue ruling, one must be able to dislocate the sense of reality. For the secret of rulership is to combine a belief in one's own infallibility with the power to learn from past mistakes."

    "Those who control the present, control the past, and those who control the past, control the future."


    【Podcast 關鍵字】 

    non-fiction (n.) 非虛構作品

    fiction (n.) 虛構小說

    sprinkle (v.) 撒

    bullet point (n.) 要點

    ramble (v.) 閒談

    dystopia (n.) 反烏托邦

    utopia (n.) 烏托邦

    dehumanized (adj.) 去人性化的

    tyrannical (adj.) 專制的

    adapt into (phr.) 改編成

    imagined (adj.) 想像的

    superstate (n.) 超級國家

    totalitarian (adj.) 極權主義的

    protagonist (n.) 主角

    ministry (n.) 部;內閣

    ration (v.) 配給

    distribution (n.) 分配

    goods (n.) 貨物

    domestic (adj.) 國內的

    identify (v.) 辨識

    monitor (v.) 監控

    torture (v.) 折磨;拷打

    convert (v.) 轉變

    inner (adj.) 內部的/outer (adj.) 外部的

    propaganda (n.) 政治宣傳

    prole (n.) 窮人;無產者

    poverty (n.) 貧窮

    narrative (v.) 陳述

    relevant (adj.) 相關的

    Newspeak (n.) 新語(大洋國官方語言)

    purpose (n.) 目的

    reduce (v.) 減少

    capacity (n.) 理解能力

    limit (v.) 限制

    lack (n.) 缺少

    telescreen (n.) 電幕(具電視及遠端監視功能的螢幕)

    antique (n.) 古董

    rebellion (n.) 反抗

    thoughtcriminal (n.) 思想犯

    unknown (adj.) 不知名的

    affair (n.) 情事

    forbid (v.) 禁止

    reproduction (n.) 生育

    underground (adj.) 地下的

    claim (v.) 聲稱

    philosophy (n.) 哲學

    slavery (n.) 奴隸制度

    capture (v.) 抓捕

    patriotism (n.) 愛國心

    manipulate (v.) 操縱

    imprison (v.) 監禁

    re-educate (v.) 再教育

    practice (v.) 實踐

    doublethink (n.) 雙重思想

    self-deceive (n.) 自我欺騙

    truthfulness (n.) 真實性

    simultaneously (adv.) 同時地

    cancel out (phr.) 抵銷

    contradictory (adj.) 矛盾的

    repudiate (v.) 否認

    morality (n.) 道德

    lay claim to (phr.) 宣稱有

    guardian (n.) 守護者

    promptly (adv.) 立刻地

    subtlety (n.) 奧妙之處

    consciously (adv.) 自覺地

    induce (v.) 促使;誘導

    unconsciousness (n.) 無意識

    hypnosis (n.) 催眠

    slogan (n.) 口號;標語

    be concerned with (phr.) 與…有關

    starvation (n.) 飢荒

    interrogation (n.) 審訊

    rule (v.) 統治

    dislocate (v.) 擾亂

    rulership (n.) 統治權

    combine (v.) 結合

    infallibility (n.) 無誤;絕對正確

    adjust (v.) 調整

    alter (v.) 改變

    favor (n.) 受惠

    contradict (v.) 抵觸

    depict (v.) 描寫

    dictatorship (n.) 獨裁

    totalitarianism (n.) 極權主義

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/chatterboxislandenglish/message
  • Have you ever read any self-help books? Do you find them helpful? Over the past decade, the self-improvement industry has become a multi-billion-dollar industry. Why are people so hooked on self-help books and videos?

    In this episode, we're gonna talk about some common critics about self-help books and why you probably don't need them!


    Listen to our podcast on:

    Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/2vq872z

    Spotify - https://spoti.fi/2x5GM68

    Google Podcasts - https://reurl.cc/O1qaqy

    KKBOX - https://bit.ly/2FMDlpZ

    SoundOn - https://bit.ly/2JpGai0

    Anchor - https://anchor.fm/chatterboxislandenglish

    YouTube - https://bit.ly/3ea3KJT

    RadioRepublic - https://bit.ly/2Wq44P7

    Breaker - https://bit.ly/2IQzcz7

    English Island 英語島雜誌臉書粉專 - https://www.facebook.com/Eisland.tw

    Visit our Website for more Information - https://www.eisland.com.tw/

    【Podcast 關鍵字】

     self-help book (n.) 心靈勵志類書籍 

    trend (n.) 潮流 

    intention (n.) 意圖 

    instruct (v.) 指示;指導 

    classify (v.) 分類 

    self-improvement (n.) 自我發展 

    ironic (adj.) 具有諷刺意味的 

    productive (adj.) 富有成效的 

    estimate (v.) 估計 motivational (adj.) 勵志的 

    inspiring (adj.) 鼓舞人心的 

    uplifting (adj.) 令人振奮的 

    illusion (n.) 錯覺 

    progress (n.) 進展 

    reinforce (v.) 加強 

    perception (n.) 看法;觀念 

    inferiority (n.) 自卑 

    shame (n.) 羞恥 

    contradictory (adj.) 矛盾的 

    have nothing against sth (phr.) 反對某事 

    fundamentally (adv.) 從根本上地 

    word-for-word (adj.) 一字不差的 

    instruction (n.) 指示;說明 

    toxic (adj.) 有毒的 

    quote (n.) 引用句 

    ups and downs (phr.) 起伏;盛衰 

    self-growth (n.) 自我成長 

    pep talk (n.) 鼓舞士氣的談話 

    self-explanatory (adj.) 無需解釋的 

    for the most part (phr.) 在大多數情況下 

    overrated (adj.) 被高估的

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/chatterboxislandenglish/message
  • Do you have an accent when you speak English? Do you try to sound as "correct" as possible when you learn a new language? The truth is, there's no such thing as a standard or a correct accent when it comes to speaking a language!

    In this episode, we're gonna talk about whether or not having an accent matters, and some misconceptions about accents!


    Listen to our podcast on:

    Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/2vq872z

    Spotify - https://spoti.fi/2x5GM68

    Google Podcasts - https://reurl.cc/O1qaqy

    KKBOX - https://bit.ly/2FMDlpZ

    SoundOn - https://bit.ly/2JpGai0

    Anchor - https://anchor.fm/chatterboxislandenglish

    YouTube - https://bit.ly/3ea3KJT

    RadioRepublic - https://bit.ly/2Wq44P7

    Breaker - https://bit.ly/2IQzcz7

    English Island 英語島雜誌臉書粉專 - https://www.facebook.com/Eisland.tw

    Visit our Website for more Information - https://www.eisland.com.tw/


    【Podcast 關鍵字】 

    accent (n.) 口音 

    Mandarin Chinese (n.) 中文(漢語) 

    in a broader sense (phr.) 從廣義上來說 

    Hakka (n.) 客家話 

    Cantonese (n.) 廣東話;粵語 

    dialect (n.) 方言 

    aspect (n.) 方面 

    linguistics (n.) 語言學 

    local (adj.) 地區性的 

    variety (n.) 不同種類 

    publicly (adv.) 公開地;輿論地 

    social institution (n.) 社會制度 

    obsess (v.) 著迷於 

    concept (n.) 概念 

    refer to (phr.) 提到;談及 

    ideology (n.) 思想;意識形態 

    prestige (n.) 聲望;威信 

    form (n.) 形式 

    valid (adj.) 合理的;有效的 

    in terms of (phr.) 就…而言 

    clarity (n.) 清晰 

    irrelevant (adj.) 不相關的 

    sociolinguistic (n.) 社會語言學家 

    repeated (adj.) 重複的 

    available (adj.) 有空的;可用的 

    judge (v.) 判定 marker (n.) 標誌 

    racial (adj.) 種族的 

    ethnic (adj.) 民族的 

    trait (n.) 特徵 

    undesirable (adj.) 令人討厭的;不受歡迎的 

    bias (n.) 偏見 

    prestigious (adj.) 有聲望的 

    suitable (adj.) 合適的 

    high status (adj.) 有地位的 

    workplace (n.) 工作場所 

    play along (phr.) 順從 

    reinforce (v.) 加強;強化 

    stereotype (n.) 刻板印象 

    stigmatized (adj.) 污名化的 

    on an individual level (phr.) 個人層面

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/chatterboxislandenglish/message
  • Have you ever rushed your assignment or report right before the deadline? Have you just started to study for an exam at the last minute? We often think people who procrastinate are just being lazy and have no self-control. But is that the only reason? 

    In this episode, we're gonna talk about two types of procrastination, the causes behind it, and how to stop procrastinating!

    Listen to our podcast on:

    Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/2vq872z

    Spotify - https://spoti.fi/2x5GM68

    Google Podcasts - https://reurl.cc/O1qaqy

    KKBOX - https://bit.ly/2FMDlpZ

    SoundOn - https://bit.ly/2JpGai0

    Anchor - https://anchor.fm/chatterboxislandenglish

    YouTube - https://bit.ly/3ea3KJT

    RadioRepublic - https://bit.ly/2Wq44P7

    Breaker - https://bit.ly/2IQzcz7

    English Island 英語島雜誌臉書粉專 - https://www.facebook.com/Eisland.tw

    Visit our Website for more Information - https://www.eisland.com.tw/


    【Podcast 關鍵字】 

    procrastination (n.) 拖延 

    assignment (n.) 任務;作業 

    procrastinate (v.) 拖延 

    self-control (n.) 自制力 

    active (adj.) 主動的 

    passive (adj.) 被動的 

    on purpose (phr.) 故意地 

    spread (v.) 分配 

    throughout (adv.) 在各處 

    deny (v.) 否認 

    submit (v.) 提交 

    intentionally (adv.) 有意地;故意地 

    essential (adj.) 必要的;主要的 

    perfectionist (n.) 完美主義者 

    outcome (n.) 結果 

    put something off (phr.) 延後;拖延做某事 

    overwhelmed (adj.) 不知所措的 

    transfer (v.) 轉換;轉移 

    naturally (adv.) 理所當然地 

    imperfect (adj.) 不完美的 

    process (n.) 過程 

    relate (v.) 相關;與…有關 

    performance anxiety (n.) 演出焦慮 

    bottom line (n.) 最關鍵的事 

    strategy (n.) 策略 

    aim for (phr.) 設定…為目標 

    tub (n.) 浴缸 

    brainstorm (v.) 腦力激盪 

    warm up (phr.) 暖身 

    dedicated (adj.) 專用的

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/chatterboxislandenglish/message
  • Have you ever felt guilty refusing people's demands? Have you ever felt uncomfortable talking about your personal life with a distant relative, but still went along with the conversation? Maybe it's time to set up your personal boundaries! 

    In this episode, we're gonna talk about personal boundaries, what they are, how they came from, and how to set new ones! 


    Listen to our podcast on:

    Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/2vq872z

    Spotify - https://spoti.fi/2x5GM68

    Google Podcasts - https://reurl.cc/O1qaqy

    KKBOX - https://bit.ly/2FMDlpZ

    SoundOn - https://bit.ly/2JpGai0

    Anchor - https://anchor.fm/chatterboxislandenglish

    YouTube - https://bit.ly/3ea3KJT

    RadioRepublic - https://bit.ly/2Wq44P7

    Breaker - https://bit.ly/2IQzcz7

    English Island 英語島雜誌臉書粉專 - https://www.facebook.com/Eisland.tw

    Visit our Website for more Information - https://www.eisland.com.tw/


    【Podcast 關鍵字】 

    boundary (n.) 邊界 

    fence (n.) 圍欄

    trespass (v.) 侵入 

    principle (n.) 原則 

    hesitation (n.) 猶豫;遲疑 

    strict (adj.) 嚴格的 

    material (adj.) 物質的 

    intellectual (adj.) 智力的 

    suggestible (adj.) 耳根子軟的 

    hold onto (phr.) 堅持住 

    irritated (adj.) 惱怒的 

    imaginary (adj.) 想像的 

    force field (n.) 力場 

    unwanted (adj.) 不需要的 

    take something personally (phr.) 認為某事針對自己 

    spiritual (adj.) 心靈上的 

    demand (n.) 要求 

    ruin (v.) 破壞 

    violate (v.) 侵犯 

    reenact (v.) 重演 

    dynamic (n.) 動態 

    permission (n.) 許可 

    distant relative (n.) 遠房親戚 

    disrespect (v.) 不尊重 

    define (v.) 定義 

    intimate (adj.) 親密的 

    assertive (adj.) 堅定的 

    offensive (adj.) 冒犯的 

    stand one’s ground (phr.) 堅定某人的立場 

    respectful (adj.) 體面的;尊敬的 

    intrude (v.) 進犯;侵入 

    voice (v.) 表達 

    ignore (v.) 忽視 

    offend (v.) 冒犯 

    right (n.) 權利 

    obedient (adj.) 服從的

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/chatterboxislandenglish/message
  • Did you have any New Year's resolutions before? How did it go? What's your plan for this year? New Year's resolutions sound like something very serious and tough, but you can always take little baby steps to achieve them.

    In this episode, we're gonna talk about the 5 steps that can help you REALLY achieve your goals in 2021!


    Listen to our podcast on:

    Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/2vq872z

    Spotify - https://spoti.fi/2x5GM68

    Google Podcasts - https://reurl.cc/O1qaqy

    KKBOX - https://bit.ly/2FMDlpZ

    SoundOn - https://bit.ly/2JpGai0

    Anchor - https://anchor.fm/chatterboxislandenglish

    YouTube - https://bit.ly/3ea3KJT

    RadioRepublic - https://bit.ly/2Wq44P7

    Breaker - https://bit.ly/2IQzcz7

    English Island 英語島雜誌臉書粉專 - https://www.facebook.com/Eisland.tw

    Visit our Website for more Information - https://www.eisland.com.tw/


    【Podcast 關鍵字】

    New Year’s Resolution (n.) 新年目標

    follow through (phr.) 完成;堅持到底

    likely (adv.) 或許

    fever dream (n.) 惡夢

    broad (adj.) 廣泛的

    cut back on (phr.) 減少

    achieve (v.) 達到;實現

    attainable (adj.) 可達到的

    achievable (adj.) 可實現的

    break down (phr.) 分解

    keep track on (phr.) 記錄

    realistic (adj.) 現實的;切實的

    approach (v.) 著手處理

    analyze (v.) 分析

    go about (phr.) 著手做;開始做

    random (adj.) 任意的;隨意的

    motivation (n.) 動機

    from time to time (phr.) 有時

    track (v.) 記錄

    checklist (n.) 清單 

    lose track on (phr.)失去…紀錄

    motivating(adj.) 激勵的

    segment (n.) 片段

    benchmark (n.) 基準;標準

    motivated (adj.) 有動力的

    throughout (adv.) 從頭到尾

    consistency (n.) 一致性

    day by day (adv.) 每天

    year-round (adj.) 一年的

    consistent (adj.) 連貫的;一致的

    overnight (adv.) 一夜間的

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/chatterboxislandenglish/message
  • Have you ever heard a sentence that goes along the lines like, "That person is canceled."? Why does it really mean to "cancel" someone? 

    In this episode, we're gonna talk about the original meaning of "canceling someone," the consequences of cancel culture, and whether it does more harm than good. 


    Listen to our podcast on:

    Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/2vq872z

    Spotify - https://spoti.fi/2x5GM68

    Google Podcasts - https://reurl.cc/O1qaqy

    KKBOX - https://bit.ly/2FMDlpZ

    SoundOn - https://bit.ly/2JpGai0

    Anchor - https://anchor.fm/chatterboxislandenglish

    YouTube - https://bit.ly/3ea3KJT

    RadioRepublic - https://bit.ly/2Wq44P7

    Breaker - https://bit.ly/2IQzcz7

    English Island 英語島雜誌臉書粉專 - https://www.facebook.com/Eisland.tw

    Visit our Website for more Information - https://www.eisland.com.tw/


    【Podcast 關鍵字】 

    cancel culture (n.) 取消文化 

    term (n.) 詞 

    concept (n.) 概念 

    definition (n.) 定義 

    celebrity (n.) 名人 

    well-known (adj.) 有名的

    figure (n.) 人物

    form (n.) 形式

    group shaming (n.) 集體羞辱

    ambiguous (adj.) 含糊的

    jokingly (adv.) 開玩笑地

    consequence (n.) 後果

    phenomenon (n.) 現象

    boycott (v.) 杯葛;抵制

    ultimate (adj.) 最終的

    diminish (v.) 減少;削弱

    social movement (n.) 社會運動

    sexual abuse (n.) 性侵害

    harassment (n.) 騷擾

    commit (v.) 犯下

    prominent (adj.) 著名的

    call out (phr.) 戳破;挑戰

    abuse (v.) 濫用

    take advantage of (phr.) 利用

    director (n.) 導演

    cut ties with someone (phr.) 斷絕關係

    controversial (adj.) 有爭議的

    standup comedian (n.) 單口喜劇演員

    drop out (phr.) 退出

    homophobic (adj.) 恐同的

    backlash (v.) 強烈反對

    severe (adj.) 嚴重的

    condemn (v.) 譴責 

    insincere (adj.) 虛偽的

    criticize (v.) 批評

    spotlight (n.) 聚光燈

    hold someone accountable (phr.) 追究某人的責任

    get away with (phr.) 未被懲罰的

    equivalent (adj.)相等的

    fate (n.) 命運

    lead to (phr.) 導致

    reputation (n.) 名聲

    income (n.) 收入

    recover (v.) 恢復

    silence (v.) 不進行交流或討論

    racial justice (n.) 種族公正

    LGBTQ 女同性戀、男同性戀、雙性戀、跨性別等性少數者

    justification (n.) 理由

    bring up (phr.) 提出

    improve (v.) 改進

    oftentimes (adv.) 經常

    hate train (n.) 集體仇恨

    trend (n.) 趨勢;流行

    maintain (v.) 維持

    acknowledge (v.) 認知

    shut someone down (v.) 禁止某人說話

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/chatterboxislandenglish/message
  • Have you ever tried any online dating apps? With technology and the Internet becoming more and more advanced, online dating seems to become a more efficient way for people to find new dates.

    In this episode, we're gonna talk about the good side & the bad side of online dating, and why it might not be for everyone!


    Listen to our podcast on:

    Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/2vq872z

    Spotify - https://spoti.fi/2x5GM68

    Google Podcasts - https://reurl.cc/O1qaqy

    KKBOX - https://bit.ly/2FMDlpZ

    SoundOn - https://bit.ly/2JpGai0

    Anchor - https://anchor.fm/chatterboxislandenglish

    YouTube - https://bit.ly/3ea3KJT

    RadioRepublic - https://bit.ly/2Wq44P7

    Breaker - https://bit.ly/2IQzcz7

    English Island 英語島雜誌臉書粉專 - https://www.facebook.com/Eisland.tw

    Visit our Website for more Information - https://www.eisland.com.tw/ 


    【Podcast 關鍵字】

    sponsor (v.) 贊助

    neutral (adj.) 中立;中性

    risky (adj.) 有風險的

    undeniably (adv.)

    potential (adj.) 潛在的

    advanced (adj.) 先進的;進步的

    efficient (adj.) 有效率的

    somewhat (adv.)

    aside from (phr.) 除了…之外

    catfishing (n.) 用網路虛假身份欺騙他人

    absolutely (adv.) 完全地

    fake (v.) 造假

    identity (n.) 身份

    in person (phr.)

    sugarcoat (v.) 美化;加以包裝

    base on (phr.) 基於;憑藉

    judgment (n.) 判斷

    precaution (n.) 預防措施

    a sense of (phr.) …的感受

    love interest (n.) 心儀對象

    friends with benefits (n.) 炮友

    upfront (adj.) 直率的;坦白的

    go on (phr.) 繼續

    no hard feelings (idiom.) 別放在心上

    acceptable (adj.) 可接受的

    mutual (adj.) 共同的

    casual (adj.) 隨性的

    click (v.) 成為朋友

    fade out (v.) 淡出

    hint (n.) 提示;暗示

    proceed (v.) 繼續

    option (n.) 選項

    real-life (adj.) 現實生活的

    interaction (n.) 互動

    develop (v.) 發展;培養

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/chatterboxislandenglish/message
  • Do you read E-books or physical books? With digital products taking over all kinds of media industries, it might be surprising to know that physical books still outsell E-books.

    In this episode, we're gonna talk about the features of E-books and why they might not appeal to those who still love physical books!


    Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/2vq872z

    Spotify - https://spoti.fi/2x5GM68

    Google Podcasts - https://reurl.cc/O1qaqy

    KKBOX - https://bit.ly/2FMDlpZ

    SoundOn - https://bit.ly/2JpGai0

    Anchor - https://anchor.fm/chatterboxislandenglish

    YouTube - https://bit.ly/3ea3KJT

    RadioRepublic - https://bit.ly/2Wq44P7

    Breaker - https://bit.ly/2IQzcz7

    English Island 英語島雜誌臉書粉專 - https://www.facebook.com/Eisland.tw

    Visit our Website for more Information - https://www.eisland.com.tw/


    【Podcast 關鍵字】

    E-book (n.) 電子書

    purchase (v.) 購買

    differ (v.) 不同

    invest (v.) 投資

    E-book reader (n.) 電子書閱讀器

    take over (phr.) 接管

    format (n.) 格式

    revenue (n.) 收入

    decade (n.) 十年

    function (n.) 功能

    portable (adj.) 輕便的

    dozen (n.) 一打;許多

    on the go (phr.) 隨時隨地

    anthology (n.) 文選;選集

    volume (n.) 卷;冊

    a pain in the ass (phr.) 討厭的人事物

    appeal (v.) 吸引

    out of stock (phr.) 缺貨

    shallow (adj.) 膚淺

    vain (adj.) 愛慕虛榮的

    paperback (n.) 平裝書

    version (n.) 版本

    light-weight (adj.) 輕的

    hardback (n.) 精裝書

    sturdy (adj.) 堅固的

    luxurious (adj.) 豪華的;奢侈的

    academic (adj.) 學術的

    feature (n.) 特色

    bookmark (n.) 書籤

    instant (adj.) 立即的

    hardcore (adj.) 死忠的

    preference (n.) 偏好

    appealing (adj.) 吸引人的

    old-school (adj.) 老派的;舊式的

    audiobook (n.) 有聲書

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/chatterboxislandenglish/message
  • Do you remember how you "learned" to speak your native language? When did you start learning your second language? Scientists have found out that there is actually a critical age for human brains to learn a new language!

    In this episode, we're gonna talk about how we "acquired" our first language, and when the best time for humans to learn a new language is!


    Listen to our podcast on:

    Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/2vq872z

    Spotify - https://spoti.fi/2x5GM68

    Google Podcasts - https://reurl.cc/O1qaqy

    KKBOX - https://bit.ly/2FMDlpZ

    SoundOn - https://bit.ly/2JpGai0

    Anchor - https://anchor.fm/chatterboxislandenglish

    YouTube - https://bit.ly/3ea3KJT

    RadioRepublic - https://bit.ly/2Wq44P7

    Breaker - https://bit.ly/2IQzcz7

    English Island 英語島雜誌臉書粉專 - https://www.facebook.com/Eisland.tw

    Visit our Website for more Information - https://www.eisland.com.tw/-

    【Podcast 關鍵字】

    native language (n.) 母語

    part of speech (n.) 詞性

    instinct (n.) 本能;直覺

    linguistic (n.) 語言學

    acquire (v.) 取得;學到

    expose (v.) 暴露

    infant (n.) 嬰兒

    language delay (n.) 語言發展遲緩

    unintentionally (adv.) 無意間地

    distinguish (v.) 區分

    selective course (n.) 選修課程

    psycholinguistic (n.) 心理語言學

    code-switching (n.) 語碼轉換

    automatically (adv.) 自動地

    cognitive (adj.) 認知的

    advantage (n.) 優勢

    fluently (adv.) 流利地

    native-like (adj.) 道地的;像母語的

    critical (adj.) 關鍵的

    acquisition (n.) 取得;學習

    neurological (adj.) 神經學的

    mechanism (n.) 機制

    factor (n.) 因素

    motivation (n.) 動機;意志

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/chatterboxislandenglish/message
  • When was the last time you walked into a record store and bought a CD, cassette, or even a vinyl record? With digital music and streaming service becoming more and more popular and accessible, do you still buy physical albums?

    In this episode, we're gonna talk about how streaming services influence the music industry, both the artists and the consumers!


    Listen to our podcast on:

    Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/2vq872z

    Spotify - https://spoti.fi/2x5GM68

    Google Podcasts - https://reurl.cc/O1qaqy

    KKBOX - https://bit.ly/2FMDlpZ

    SoundOn - https://bit.ly/2JpGai0

    Anchor - https://anchor.fm/chatterboxislandenglish

    YouTube - https://bit.ly/3ea3KJT

    RadioRepublic - https://bit.ly/2Wq44P7

    Breaker - https://bit.ly/2IQzcz7

    English Island 英語島雜誌臉書粉專 - https://www.facebook.com/Eisland.tw

    Visit our Website for more Information - https://www.eisland.com.tw/


    【Podcast 關鍵字】

    cassette (n.) 卡帶;錄音帶

    Walkman (n.) 隨身聽

    vinyl (n.) 黑膠唱片

    streaming platform (n.) 串流平台

    consume (v.) 花費;消耗

    physical (adj.) 實體的

    digital (adj.) 數位的

    album (n.) 音樂專輯

    industry (n.) 產業

    transition (n.) 轉變;過渡

    subscription (n.) 訂閱

    fee (n.) 費用

    permanently (adj.) 永久地

    accessible (adj.) 可得到的;可接近的

    efficient (adj.) 有效率的

    pirate (v.) 盜印

    illegally (adj.) 非法地

    contribute (v.) 貢獻

    recommend (v.) 推薦

    regularly (adv.) 經常地;有規律地

    base on (phr.) 以…為基礎

    in other words (phr.) 換句話說

    algorithm (n.) 演算法

    consumption (n.) 消費量

    marketing resource (n.) 行銷資源

    expand (v.) 使…擴大

    consumer (n.) 消費者

    potentially (adv.) 潛在地;可能地

    demand (n.) 需求

    merchandise (n.) 商品

    drop (n.) 減少的數量

    record label (n.) 唱片公司

    concentrate (v.) 集中

    membership (n.) 會籍;會員資格

    ad (advertisement) (n.) 廣告

    speak against (phr.) 反對

    concept (n.) 概念

    valuable (adj.) 有價值的

    catalog (n.) (商品的)目錄

    have a soft spot for (phr.) 鍾情於

    from time to time (phr.) 有時

    collector (n.) 收藏者

    record store (n.) 唱片行

    make a comeback (phr.) 捲土重來

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/chatterboxislandenglish/message
  • Trigger Warning: This episode contains content about depression, suicide behavior, and mental illness. If it is triggering or upsetting to you, please click off this episode.

    In this episode, I want to spend some time discussing the common misconceptions about mental illness, my personal experience, and what you can do if someone around you is struggling with depression.


    I can only speak from my experience, and I didn't go into details because I know everyone is fighting their own battle and because this is something that I'm still dealing with. But I hope by sharing a little bit of my story,  I can help open the conversation and let some of you know that you're not in this alone. You are not weak or weird; you are not wrong or worthless. It's okay to not be okay. —Elise 


    Resources for mental health (in Taiwan): 





    Listen to our podcast on:

    Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/2vq872z

    Spotify - https://spoti.fi/2x5GM68

    Google Podcasts - https://reurl.cc/O1qaqy

    KKBOX - https://bit.ly/2FMDlpZ

    SoundOn - https://bit.ly/2JpGai0

    Anchor - https://anchor.fm/chatterboxislandenglish

    YouTube - https://bit.ly/3ea3KJT

    English Island 英語島雜誌臉書粉專 - https://www.facebook.com/Eisland.tw

    Visit our Website for more Information - https://www.eisland.com.tw/


    【Podcast 關鍵字】

    spontaneous (adj.) 自發的;即興的

    disclaimer (n.) 免責聲明

    trigger warning (n.) 敏感內容警告

    depression (n.) 憂鬱症

    suicide (v.) 自殺

    mood disorder (n.) 情緒障礙

    triggering (adj.) 觸發強烈情緒反應的

    light-hearted (adj.) 心情輕鬆的

    casual (adj.) 休閒的

    attempt (v.) 嘗試

    high-end (adj.) 上層的;高端的

    institution (n.) 機構;團體

    mental illness (n.) 心理疾病

    specifically (adj.) 明確地;具體地

    debate (v.) 斟酌;考慮

    awareness (n.)意識

    hopefully (adv.) 但願;希望

    misconception (n.) 誤解

    clinical (adj.) 臨床的

    diagnose (v.) 診斷

    psychiatrist (n.) 精神科醫師

    cough (v.) 咳嗽

    apply to (phr.) 適用於

    stress resistance (n.) 抗壓性

    capability (n.) 能力

    vary (v.) 變化

    mild (adj.) 輕微的

    severe (adj.) 嚴重的

    symptom (n.) 症狀

    appetite (n.) 食慾

    fatigue (n.) 疲倦

    worthless (adj.) 無價值的

    guilty (adj.) 有罪惡感的

    concentrate (v.) 專注

    functioning (n.) 工作;運行

    diagnosis (n.) 診斷

    psychologist (n.) 心理學家

    trauma (n.) 創傷

    medical condition (n.) 身體病況

    substance use (n.) 酒精、藥物使用

    circumstantial (adj.) 間接的

    treatment (n.) 治療方式

    medication (n.) 藥物

    antidepressant (n.) 抗憂鬱劑

    psychotherapy (n.) 心理諮商

    intimidating (adj.) 令人畏懼的

    assure (v.) 向…保證

    permission (n.) 許可

    expense (n.) 費用

    deny (v.) 否認

    hurtful (adj.) 傷人的

    devastating (adj.) 令人絕望的

    comprehend (v.) 理解

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/chatterboxislandenglish/message
  • Most people already know the term "FOMO." (Fear of Missing Out) But have you heard of "JOMO"? In the world of constantly connecting with others and keeping up with the trend, maybe it's time to slow down and enjoy the moment.

    In this episode, we're gonna talk about the mentality of JOMO, and how to practice implementing it into our daily life!


    Listen to our podcast on:

    Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/2vq872z

    Spotify - https://spoti.fi/2x5GM68

    Google Podcasts - https://reurl.cc/O1qaqy

    KKBOX - https://bit.ly/2FMDlpZ

    SoundOn - https://bit.ly/2JpGai0

    Anchor - https://anchor.fm/chatterboxislandenglish

    YouTube - https://bit.ly/3ea3KJT

    English Island 英語島雜誌臉書粉專 - https://www.facebook.com/Eisland.tw

    Visit our Website for more Information - https://www.eisland.com.tw/


    【Podcast 關鍵字】

    binge-watch (v.) 追劇

    attend (v.) 參加

    isolated (adj.) 孤立的

    glamorous (adj.) 有魅力的;豔麗的

    leave out (phr.) 忽略

    relevant (adj.) 相關的

    implement (v.) 實行

    marketing (n.) 行銷

    tactic (n.) 策略;手法

    limited (adj.) 有限的

    intentional (adj.) 故意的

    priority (n.) 優先

    asset (n.) 資產;財產

    tech-free (adj.) 零科技的

    norm (n.) 常態

    freshman (n.) 一年級新生

    sophomore (n.) (大學)二年級

    junior (n.) (大學)三年級

    sociable (adj.) 善於交際的;社交的

    delicate (adj.) 細膩的;精巧的

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/chatterboxislandenglish/message
  • Do you speak two or more languages? Have you ever noticed that when you speak a different language, your personality also changes? Researchers say that people can have different personalities in each language. But why? Does that mean speaking more foreign languages makes you become a different person?

    In this episode, we're gonna explore the possibilities of this weird phenomenon!


    Listen to our podcast on:

    Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/2vq872z

    Spotify - https://spoti.fi/2x5GM68

    Google Podcasts - https://reurl.cc/O1qaqy

    KKBOX - https://bit.ly/2FMDlpZ

    SoundOn - https://bit.ly/2JpGai0

    Anchor - https://anchor.fm/chatterboxislandenglish

    YouTube - https://bit.ly/3ea3KJT

    RadioRepublic - https://bit.ly/2Wq44P7

    Breaker - https://bit.ly/2IQzcz7

    English Island 英語島雜誌臉書粉專 - https://www.facebook.com/Eisland.tw

    Visit our Website for more Information - https://www.eisland.com.tw/ 


    【Podcast 關鍵字】

    assume (v.) 假設

    Mandarin Chinese (n.) 中文(漢語)

    outspoken (adj.) 直言不諱的

    straightforward (adj.) 率直的

    native language (n.) 母語

    subtle (adj.) 敏感的;精巧的

    psycholinguistic (n.) 心理語言學家

    Telugu (n.) 泰盧固語

    dialect (n.) 方言

    tone (n.) 聲調

    scientific (adj.) 科學的

    bilingual (adj./n.) 雙語的;講兩種語言的人

    multilingual (adj./n.) 多語言的;講多種語言的人

    conflict (v.) 衝突

    multicultural (adj.) 多文化的

    occasion (n.) 場合;時機

    behave (v.) 表現

    context (n.) 語境;背景

    trigger (v.) 觸發

    assumption (n.) 假設;臆測

    argument (n.) 論點

    vice versa (phr.) 反之亦然

    fluency (n.) 流暢度

    fluent (adj.) 流暢的

    blunt (adj.) 粗魯的;直截了當的

    expression (n.) 表達;詞句

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/chatterboxislandenglish/message
  • HAPPY HALLOWEEN! The spooky holiday is coming! Maybe you've never seen a ghost in your life, or you don't even believe in ghosts. But there is one kind of "ghost" that perhaps most of us have met in our lives.

    In this episode, we're gonna talk about "ghosting" and how to deal with it!


    Listen to our podcast on:

    Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/2vq872z

    Spotify - https://spoti.fi/2x5GM68

    Google Podcasts - https://reurl.cc/O1qaqy

    KKBOX - https://bit.ly/2FMDlpZ

    SoundOn - https://bit.ly/2JpGai0

    Anchor - https://anchor.fm/chatterboxislandenglish

    YouTube - https://bit.ly/3ea3KJT

    RadioRepublic - https://bit.ly/2Wq44P7

    Breaker - https://bit.ly/2IQzcz7

    English Island 英語島雜誌臉書粉專 - https://www.facebook.com/Eisland.tw

    Visit our Website for more Information - https://www.eisland.com.tw/ 


    【Podcast 關鍵字】

    supernatural (adj.) 超自然的

    ghosting (n.)/ghost (v.) (在一段關係中)突然消失

    partnership (n.) 合夥關係

    consequence (n.) 結果;後果

    unpleasant (adj.) 不愉快

    traumatic (adj.) 痛苦難忘的

    lack (v.) 缺少

    closure (n.) 解脫;寬慰

    ambiguity (n.) 模稜兩可;意義含糊不清

    silent treatment (n.) (情感上的)冷戰

    emotional cruelty (n.) 精神虐待

    hurtful (adj.) 令人傷心的

    self-esteem (n.) 自尊

    figure out (phr.) 理解;想出

    take something upon oneself (phr.) 負起責任

    rejection (n.) 拒絕

    activate (v.) 啟動

    neurological (adj.) 神經系統的

    pathway (n.) 一連串化學反應

    physical (adj.) 具體的;身體上的

    declare (v.) 宣布

    approach (v.) 交涉;著手處理

    delicate (adj.) 精細的

    mature (adj.) 成熟的

    situation (n.) 情況

    to put it simply (phr.) 簡而言之

    damage (v.) 傷害

    sacrifice (v.) 犧牲

    appreciate (v.) 欣賞;重視

    handle (v.) 處理

    --- Send in a voice message: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/chatterboxislandenglish/message