Chapter 11 is an amazing historical accord, and in this study Pastor Bill ells how this chapter contains one of the most fulfilled prophecies predicting history that spanned 375 years with amazing accuracy.
In chapter 10 of the Book of Daniel, we learn more about Persia and Greece and how there seems to be a magnifying glass on these two nations while continues to bealarmed by his visions. Pastor Bill explains how we should be growing in our own prayer life as we continue learning from Daniel’s example.
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The prophecy of the 70 weeks we learn about in this chapter shows us how Daniel's prayers to God bless his people and Jerusalem. We also learn how because of Daniel's faithfulness, he receives a detailed cryptic prophecy of "seventy weeks" from the angel Gabriel. Pastor Bill also provides two additional views of the 70 week prophecy in this study.
Persia and Greece are big topics in this teaching as we begin to get God's viewpoint of things, and we also see a type and antitype of Christ that points to its fulfillment. As you listen to this teaching Pastor Bill explains the type of Antichrist we see in this chapter.
This teaching includes the study that defines the book of Daniel: The Lions' Den. As you listen to this story you will discover how only God could provide what Daniel needed and how Christ wants to be seen in these stories.
In chapter five we get the contrast to king Nebuchadnezzar through the last king of Babylon, king Belshazzar. Although he had power and wealth, his kingdom was totally corrupt and could not withstand the judgement of God.
The writing was on the wall for Belshazzar. Sometimes, like Belshazzar, we think nobody sees our sins, forgetting or neglecting that God sees all. Be careful how you use what is God's.
As chapter four opens, we find Nebuchadnezzar looking back on a dream he had and telling about it after its fulfillment.
Like Nebuchadnezzar, we need to look at the events in our lives to see things that we might have missed where God is doing something. Remember, your pilgrimage with God is a time where God is always working in you and through you, causing transformation to allow His good plans to come to fulfillment.
Just as with the people in this story, as believers we have been instructed on how to handle those situations. Do you know what those situations are? Tune into thisteaching and discover them and how you can apply these behaviors to your life.
Note: Please be aware due to technical issues, part of the beginning of this study is missing. But don't worry! Pastor Bill did a quick recap to get everyone up to speed.
Thisteaching begins a five chapter lesson on God’s superiority over the greatest ofearthly kings. After being chosen for three years of training by theBabylonians, in chapter two we learn how Daniel was able to keep to the truthand not fall for the falsehoods from the pagan Babylonian brainwashing.
Pastor Bill kicks off our study in Daniel with a historical background that is revealed in chapter one and how we can consider our own lives before God.
You have heard the Christmas story over and over again. But, have you ever considered what Jesus’ birth and his death have in common? On Wednesday’s Mornings with Eric and Brigitte from Moody Radio, Pastor Bill Schott, Head of Bible Department at Calvary Christian Academy explains the correlations that reveal why He came and remind us that He is coming again.
What's the difference between wisdom and knowledge? You might have a lot of knowledge, but how much wisdom are you using? In our final teaching time for 2024, Pastor Bill teaches what the Bible states about wisdom and what Jesus' application of this was.
As our study in Second Corinthians comes to a close we find Paul still battling with problems that resulted from peddlers of the Word by giving the people a false gospel. Pastor Bill explains Paul's visions and revelations he received from the Lord and how when he returns to Corinth for the third time, he would not be lenient toward unrepentant sinners.
In this chapter we learn how the Corinthian's pure devotion to Christ was being threated by false teachings and Paul did not want the believers to loose their single-minded love for Christ. After being fed by peddlers of the Word, in this teaching Paul expresses his concern because people haven't been fed well.
As our study through the Psalms comes to a close, we do this with a psalm that does not offer us a title or an author. In this teaching Pastor Bill walks us through this psalm which is believed to have been sung by Jesus and the disciples in the Upper Room on the night of His death.
Haveyou ever noticed how sometimes people are bold and strong with what they write,but when speaking with them in person they come across very differently? We seethis very thing in chapter ten as Paul writes about weigher things, but speaksmuch differently in person. Why? Listen to this teaching and learn how you canbe both bold and meek at the same time.
In this teaching we begin with what may be the most well known Psalm, Psalm 23. But listen to this teaching and learn how Psalms 22, 23 and 24 come together to show the past, present and future reign of Christ.
In chapters eight and nine, Pastor Bill walks us through what Paul meant when he challenged the believers with an area of obedience that many Christians stumble with. Listen to this study and learn how being obedient with giving leads to more blessings from God.
How can people take a gift for granted without fully appreciating its significance? This teaching begins with just that as Paul administered God's grace to the Corinthian believers who would receive it, and pleads with them not to receive that grace in vain.
In this message, Pastor Bill teaches us how we have a cooperation with God, as He choses to cooperate with us to accomplish what He needs to accomplish.
As this study begins in Psalm 90, we learn about the shortness of life and some of the desperateness it breeds in mankind, and our desire to live forever. As this teaching continues you will see how an everlasting life can be achieved through the eye witness testimony of a risen Christ.
Note: This podcast also contains a brief Q&A session at the end of the study time.
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