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  • These are the content hacks that took me from hacked to back on track ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    In this episode, I'm coming at you straight from the trenches after getting my Instagram account hacked and spending 12 hours straight getting it back. But even though I'm tired AF, I still showed up to serve my clients in the 10K Mastermind with some game-changing content critiques.

    From lighting to hooks to how often you should be sharing client wins, I'm dropping truth bombs left and right to help these coaches level up their content and start attracting more qualified leads. Because the truth is, if your content strategy hasn't evolved with the algorithm, you're going to get left behind. Period.

    So if you're ready to get your eyes on the prize and make the micro-shifts that will take your content from mediocre to viral, grab a notebook and tune in. It's time to learn from the best in the game (even if I do say so myself). ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Top Quotes:

    "If you want to get obnoxious results, you gotta be f****** obnoxious. Like, I'm obnoxious, bro. I'm like, win, win, win, win, win, win, win, win, win, win, win, win, win, win, win, win." (42:50)

    "What you were posting a year and a half ago to go viral as f***... that ain't working anymore." (50:10)

    "I promise you, Nick, in the next six months, you're going to go viral. And when you do, you're going to be like, I f****** knew it. Cause it's like, you've got the physique, you've got the mindset, you've got the content." (1:06:47)

    โฏ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
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    Facebook | Brian Mark

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  • How to fight off the enemy trying to kill your dreams ๐Ÿ˜ค

    In this episode, I'm diving deep into the REAL enemy that's holding you back from achieving massive success as an online fitness coach. And spoiler alert: it's not the haters, the trolls, or even your unsupportive family members.

    But here's the good news: once you become aware of the enemy, you can learn to fight it off with compassion and conviction. You can stand firm in your beliefs, even when everyone around you thinks you're crazy. You can respectfully disagree with the naysayers and keep moving forward, no matter what.

    So if you're ready to armor up and defend your dreams against the enemy, click play. It's time to go to battle. ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Top Quotes:

    "They don't understand it for themselves, and so they are casting those beliefs on you." (3:46)

    "If you aren't the person that is influencing your environment, you are the person being influenced by the environment." (10:42)

    "If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything." (11:32)
    โฏ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
    Instagram | @therealbrianmark
    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • The ONLY coaching program that guarantees your success (or your money back) ๐Ÿ’ฐ

    In this episode, I'm doing something I've never done before: putting my money where my mouth is and offering a GUARANTEE on my coaching program. That's right, if you don't generate at least $10k in revenue within 6 months of working with me, you don't pay a cent.

    Why am I so confident? Because after helping over 7,000 coaches scale their online businesses, I know my shit works. Period. This isn't some magic trick or get-rich-quick scheme. It's about following a proven blueprint, putting in the work, and having the best f****** mentor in the game by your side.

    So if you're an online fitness coach who's tired of spinning your wheels and ready to tap into the freedom, fulfillment, and financial abundance that comes with running a successful coaching biz... your opportunity is here. But you have to make a decision. Keep betting on yourself and investing in your growth, or stay stuck exactly where you are.

    The choice is yours. But I know which one I'd make. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Top Quotes:

    "Online fitness coaching is literally a cash cow in the sense that when you start your online fitness business, it's the amount that you can scale it to is practically unlimited." (4:08)

    "When you become an online fitness coach, you literally tap into actual freedom." (6:07)

    "I'm so confident that the Change Lives Academy is going to change your f****** life that if you do the program and you complete the modules... and it doesn't work and you don't generate $10,000 in revenue, I will send you back every single dollar that you paid." (9:35)

    โฏ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
    Instagram | @therealbrianmark
    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • The WORST mindset killing your content creation (and how to fix it) ๐Ÿšซ

    If you've been struggling to get views on your content lately, you might be tempted to blame the algorithm or believe you've been "shadowbanned." But in this episode, I'm calling bullshit on that limiting belief.

    The hard truth is, if your content isn't performing... it's because your content isn't GOOD enough. Period. It has nothing to do with Instagram secretly conspiring against you, and everything to do with the fact that you haven't evolved as a creator.

    But here's the good news: anyone can learn to create content that stops the scroll and captures attention. It just takes studying what's already working, putting in the reps, and being willing to try new things until you crack the code.

    So if you're ready to take radical responsibility for your content and commit to the process of becoming a world-class creator, this episode will show you how. Let's f****** go. ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Top Quotes:

    "If you have low views, it's because your content isn't engaging, your content isn't shareable, your content isn't likeable. People are scrolling away from your video because when you post a video, this is exactly what happens." (6:43)

    "Get consistent first, then get good. So many of you guys are like, afraid of putting out shitty content, so you never even post in the first place. When you get consistent and you're posting every day, five days a week, you'll get to a point where you're frustrated about the fact that your content isn't performing well." (11:42)

    "One video can change your business forever. One short form video, that's all it takes. If you have one video that goes viral, gets 10,000, 50,000, 100,000 views... that one video can gain you 3 to 5,000 new followers of your ideal customer." (12:34)

    โฏ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
    Instagram | @therealbrianmark
    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • Are you acting like a winner or a loser? ๐Ÿค”

    In this hard-hitting episode, I'm challenging you to take a long, honest look in the mirror and ask yourself: do I see a winner looking back at me? Because the cold, hard truth is, the results you have in your life right now are a direct reflection of your self-perception.

    If you don't like what you see in your bank account, your body, or your relationships... guess what? You probably view yourself as a loser in those areas, even if you don't consciously realize it.

    But here's the good news: being a winner is a decision you can make RIGHT NOW. ๐Ÿ’ช

    So if you're tired of losing and ready to join the winner's circle, this is your wake-up call. Click play and let's get to work. ๐Ÿ˜ค

    Top Quotes:

    "If you currently look at your bank account and you don't like the amount of money that's in your bank account, it's likely to do with the fact that you perceive yourself as a loser, as somebody that does not win in their financial aspect." (2:00)

    "If you don't make the decision, on what type of person that you wanna be, then your mind will make the decision for you." (5:13)

    "Everything that you're experiencing in your f****** life right now is a result of how you feel about yourself. Period." (10:00)
    โฏ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
    Instagram | @therealbrianmark
    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • Settle in for a transformative Q&A session with my clients ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    In this episode we cover everything from sales objections to content creation to scaling past $10K months.

    First up, Simone shares a win about her content finally hitting on Instagram. But she's still struggling with sales calls when people start questioning her authority.

    Next, Miranda celebrates signing two new clients and getting paid to launch her own podcast. Her question is about finding the right video editor on Fiverr.

    Tune into this episode to hear the advice I gave them both.

    Top Quotes:

    "If I sense that hesitation, I know that I can just be like, pay now. But if I'm like, pay now, and they are hesitant, then it's just going to cause buyer's resistance." (6:35)

    "You need to post your client updates. Just do it." (22:20)

    "Entrepreneurs solve problems. You know what the f*ck to do." (50:41)

    โฏ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
    Instagram | @therealbrianmark
    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • The truth about success isnโ€™t as sexy as you might thinkโ€ฆ ๐Ÿšจ

    In this episode, I'm giving you the blueprint that I've used to achieve massive success in my life and business. And spoiler alert: it's not sexy, it's not glamorous, and it's not a quick fix.

    The truth is, success comes down to one simple thing. And if you want to achieve something different than 99% of people, you have to be willing to do what 99% of people won't do.

    So ask yourself: are you willing to put in the work EVERY. SINGLE. DAY? Even when you don't feel like it? Even when you're not seeing results? Even when it feels like you're moving backwards?

    If the answer is yes, then success is inevitable. But if you keep making excuses and taking days off, then you'll end up like everyone else.

    The choice is yours. Tune into this episode to find out how simple it can be.

    Top Quotes:

    "The unsexy truth about success that nobody wants to f*cking hear is that you need to do the f*cking work every single day." (2:45)

    "You have this 9-5 mindset when you come into entrepreneurship, and then you take that 9-5 mindset into entrepreneurship, and for some f*cking reason, you think that on the weekends, you shouldn't be doing anything to advance your life." (6:01)

    "There is not a single excuse on the f*cking planet for you not putting in the work every single day. Not one." (10:01)
    โฏ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
    Instagram | @therealbrianmark
    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • Want to go viral over and over again? ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    In this episode, I'm breaking down the science of creating viral content consistently. Once you learn this formula, you can't unlearn it.

    First, let's talk about why going viral is so important. It's not just about the views. It's about the fact that social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok allow you to market to the masses for FREE. One viral video can give you the same level of exposure as a TV ad that costs tens of thousands of dollars. ๐Ÿคฏ

    So how do you actually go viral? tune into this episode and find out!

    Remember, success leaves clues. You just need to know where to look.

    Top Quotes:

    "Every famous person that you know, every single one of them, takes inspiration on some level from other people." (2:40)

    "Once I figure out what's doing well, AKA it's performing better than my average view volume, I'll study them." (6:24)

    "If a video goes viral, your audience is literally like, 'Hey, we like this. Let's do more of that.'" (9:48)

    โฏ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
    Instagram | @therealbrianmark
    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • What do YOU want to be known for? ๐Ÿค”

    In this episode, I'm challenging you to take a hard look at your brand and ask yourself this question. Most online fitness coaches are just posting random content without any real intention behind it. And as a result, they're not in control of how their brand is perceived.

    So how do you avoid this trap and create a brand that truly represents who you are and what you stand for? It all comes down to understanding your core values and the message you want to share with the world.

    Let's create a brand that we're f*cking proud of and inspires people to chase their dreams. ๐Ÿ™Œ

    Top Quotes:

    "What ended up happening was I grew this account to like 60,000 followers on TikTok and I literally was known as the protein CEO, which doesn't seem like a big deal. However, I was trying to become a business coach for online fitness coaches and I'm trying to be the best in the game." (1:29)

    "Everything exists in a contrast. There's left, then there's right. There's the north pole, then there's the south pole. There's hot and then there's cold. And when we take that concept and we apply it to our core message, what it really means is it's what do we stand for and what do we stand against." (6:08)

    "What are the associations that you have with your brand? Like where you're filming, if you're a fitness coach and you're not filming in the gym, what are you f*cking doing?" (12:34)
    โฏ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
    Instagram | @therealbrianmark
    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • The mindset for maximum growth: how to 10X your online fitness business ๐Ÿš€

    In this episode, I'm diving deep into the mindset shifts you need to make if you want to achieve exponential growth in your online fitness business. Most people are playing way too small. They hit a little success and then take their foot off the gas. But if you want to reach that next level, you've got to be hungry for more.

    I break it down into three key steps throughout this episode.

    So if you're ready to stop settling and start playing to your full potential, this episode will light a fire under your ass. Let's go!

    Top Quotes:

    "Unless you get to a point where you can't stand the person that's looking back in the mirror because you start being brutally f****** honest with yourself, you're never going to transform your life." (8:38)

    "You want the mindset for maximum growth. As soon as you hit that goal, you get excited about it. You let yourself celebrate it. You f****** give yourself a pat on the back for being an absolute and total f****** badass. And then, you're like, yo, how do I expand this vision? Like, how can I take this to the next level?" (15:03)

    "The mindset is the decision that you make on what type of thoughts, behaviors, patterns, and actions that you tolerate for yourself." (17:56)
    โฏ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
    Instagram | @therealbrianmark
    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • Lean into the discomfort and be your authentic self on social media.

    In this episode, I'm diving deep with my 10K Mastermind clients on what it really takes to grow your online fitness business. And spoiler alert: a big part of it is getting uncomfortable and showing up as your true, authentic self.

    We cover everything from changing the name of your challenge to appeal to your audience, to sharing the REAL story of your fitness journey (even the hard parts), to pushing yourself to create video content that converts.

    Because the truth is, if you want to build a loyal following that trusts you, you can't just post funny videos or hide behind a keyboard. You've got to let your personality shine through and give your audience the whole picture - the good, the bad, and the ugly.

    So if you're ready to step outside your comfort zone and start attracting your dream clients, this episode is for you. Tune in and let's get real. ๐Ÿ’ฏ

    Top Quotes:

    "The audience is voting with their likes, their views, their comments, their engagement. They're telling you what they want. You gotta give them what they want." (46:23)

    "I feel like so there's one thing about my story that's just like exhausting is just that I've lived like 10 different lifetimes. And so there's so many different parts to my story that I can share and I just don't want people to think that I'm the person who's like doesn't have my shit together and is like constantly going through stuff." (1:20:17)

    "Reels is a new skill. And it's gonna make you feel dumb while you're doing it. But it's actually making you smarter." (1:23:40)

    โฏ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
    Instagram | @therealbrianmark
    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • If you're an online fitness coach who's still stuck at your 9-5, listen up! ๐ŸŽง

    In this episode, I'm breaking down the 5 limiting beliefs that are holding you back from going all-in on your dreams and building a successful online coaching biz. And spoiler alert: they have nothing to do with your certifications or how many followers you have.

    Because the truth is, ANYONE can build a profitable online fitness business if they're willing to put in the work and invest in the right mentorship. I'm living proof of that. So stop telling yourself these bullshit stories and start taking massive action towards your goals. Your dream life is waiting on the other side of your belief!

    Top Quotes:

    "A limiting belief is a thought that you think that holds you back from your goals, period." (0:25)

    "If limiting beliefs are just thoughts that you keep thinking, what that means is that if you start thinking new thoughts, you can start creating new beliefs." (1:37)

    "If you could have done it on your own, you would have already f*cking done it." (14:07)

    โฏ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
    Instagram | @therealbrianmark
    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • From outcast to online empire: the untold story of my rise to the top ๐Ÿš€

    In this episode, I'm pulling back the curtain and sharing my FULL origin story - the good, the bad, and the downright ugly. Because the truth is, my journey to becoming a successful entrepreneur was anything but smooth.

    Since then, it's been a wild ride of building my brand, growing my team, and scaling to multiple 7-figures. But the biggest lesson I've learned? Well, youโ€™ll get to hear it when you tune into the episode.

    So if you're going through some shit right now and wondering if you have what it takes... trust me, you do. Use that adversity as fuel to go all in on your dreams. Because if a regular dude like me can make it to the top, anyone can.

    Top Quotes:

    "I literally f*cking built this shit dude. I f*cking built this character, I built this person. And like, that's a decision that anyone can make." (33:04)

    "Every adversity that you're going through right now and all the shit that you're going through right now that is like, holding you back, should be the actual f*cking reason that you commit and go all in." (33:59)

    "If you just got that f*cking dog in you, like if you just get that f*cking 'I will do whatever the f*ck is necessary to achieve success,' that's all you need dude." (32:01)

    โฏ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
    Instagram | @therealbrianmark
    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • From the trailer park to the big stage, my journey to becoming a personal branding powerhouse

    I'm coming at you live from Vegas, where I just had the incredible opportunity to share the stage with some of the biggest names in the game, like Bradley Lea and Ryan Pineda. And as I'm standing there, shoulder to shoulder with these guys I've looked up to for years, it hit me: all the hard work I've put into building my personal brand has paid off in a MASSIVE way.

    Just a few short years ago, I was living in a trailer park with nothing to my name. But I made a decision to go all-in on my dreams and never look back.

    If a regular dude like me can do it, SO CAN YOU. Listen to the episode to find out how ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Top Quotes:

    "You just need to have a f*cking personal brand. Like you need to have something where you can capture your authentic message. You need to have something where you're able to put yourself out there online." (1:09)

    "How far could you go if you went all in for the next 1, 2, 3, 5 years and you literally just never quit? How far could you go if you were consistent?" (1:40)

    "If I'm just a regular dude from a trailer park that can start speaking on stages with guys like Bradley and Ryan Pineda as an equal, any single person listening to this podcast could achieve anything that they wanted to in the next one, two, three, five years if you just made the decision." (2:22)

    โฏ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
    Instagram | @therealbrianmark
    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • Commitment is EVERYTHING if you want to achieve massive success ๐Ÿ’ฏ

    In this episode, I'm coming at you from the airport on my way to speak at Bradley's event - my biggest speaking gig yet outside of the fitness industry. And I'm not gonna lie, I'm exhausted. I haven't had a day off in 21 days, and this is my THIRD time recording this podcast because of technical difficulties.

    But here's the thing: I made a commitment to show up for you guys with 5 episodes every week, no matter what. And when I make a promise, I keep it. That's the power of integrity and consistency over time. It's not about the short-term wins, it's about the long-term reputation you build.

    So let me ask you this: what are YOU not doing right now that you know you need to be doing to reach the next level?

    Because the truth is, you already know what you need to do. You're just not doing it.

    But if I can push through the adversity and keep showing up, even when I don't feel like it, so can you. It's time to recommit to your dreams and do the damn work. No more negotiating with yourself. Let's go! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Top Quotes:

    "When opportunity knocks, you answer the door regardless of whether or not you're tired or not." (1:56)

    "What are you not doing right now that you know you need to be doing? What are you not doing? You know what you need to do to be successful. Me and you both know that you know." (5:51)

    "When you truly admit what you want, that you want to be successful, you want to make more money, you want to transform more people's lives, you want to make a bigger impact on this planet, you want to be able to provide for your family... when you admit that you want these things and you allow yourself to have desire, that desire will lead to work ethic." (7:27)

    โฏ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
    Instagram | @therealbrianmark
    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • The 10K Mastermind just got even better with the addition of Podchats! ๐ŸŽ™๏ธ

    In this special episode, Iโ€™m diving deep into the unique challenges and opportunities that come with scaling your online fitness business to the next level. From client retention strategies to content creation tips, Iโ€™m answering all your burning questions and sharing my top insights. ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    If you're in the 10K Mastermind, get ready for next-level growth and support. And if you're not, what are you waiting for? It's time to step up and join the big leagues. Let's go! ๐Ÿš€

    Top Quotes:

    "The bigger that your dream is, the more effort that you will have to put in." (1:10)

    "If your retention rate is over 80%, it's good. If it's below 80%, you have a problem. If it's above 90%, it's great. If it's above 95%, it's phenomenal." (47:04)

    "The more that you post, the more that you'll make." (1:13:41)

    โฏ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
    Instagram | @therealbrianmark
    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • You want to achieve massive success? It's time to wake the f*ck up and put in the work! ๐Ÿ’ช

    In this episode, I'm going off on the haters who criticize my 3:30 AM wake-up time and sharing the REAL secret to achieving your wildest dreams. And spoiler alert: it's not some magic formula or get-rich-quick scheme.

    So if you're ready to stop making excuses and start putting in the f*cking work, this episode is for you. But if you're looking for someone to coddle you and tell you it's okay to be average, look elsewhere. I'm here to push you to be the hardest worker in the room, because that's what it takes to win. ๐Ÿ†

    Top Quotes:

    "The bigger that your dream is, the more effort that you will have to put in." (1:10)

    "What separates the people that are good and the people that are great over an extended time horizon is the f*cking tiny little details stacked up day after day after day after day." (5:42)

    "In life, there's winners and there's losers. And if you want to win, then it requires sacrifice. It requires you to put in the f*cking work." (12:14)

    โฏ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
    Instagram | @therealbrianmark
    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • It's event day and I'm feeling ALL the manifestation vibes! ๐Ÿ™Œ

    In this episode, I'm sharing my pre-game thoughts just one hour before the sixth PT Domination All Access event kicks off. With 200 people flying in from all over the world and 4,700 registered for the virtual experience, this is about to be our biggest and most impactful event yet. ๐ŸŒ

    My intention for this weekend is simple: to show my clients what's possible when you go all in. I want them to connect with each other, have breakthrough moments, and walk away with a clear roadmap to hitting their income goals. Whether you're just starting out or already making $50k+ per month, there will be massive value for you. ๐Ÿ“ˆ

    I'll be breaking down the exact steps to scale to $150k/month (and beyond), so get ready to take notes. And with speakers like Evan Carmichael and Kirsten Titus on the lineup, you know it's going to be ๐Ÿ”ฅ.

    So if you're tuning in, I cannot WAIT to serve you. And if you missed out this time, don't worry - the breakthroughs will be mind-blowing. Catch the recap and get yourself to the next one. This is just the beginning! ๐Ÿš€

    Top Quotes:

    "Like I f*cking manifested this. Like if you guys saw my house, I literally have photos of me standing in front of an audience of 25,000 people all over my f*cking house." (0:56)

    "My entire life's purpose is to show people what happens when you go all in on your dreams and you never f*cking quit." (2:14)

    "Once you see something, you can't unsee it... Just like that, it unlocks something in you." (5:36)

    โฏ See the Life of a 7-Figure Entrepreneur on My YouTube Channel:


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    YouTube | @therealbrianmark
    Instagram | @therealbrianmark
    Facebook | Brian Mark

  • It's event week and we're ready to blow your mind! ๐Ÿคฏ

    In this episode, Brian and Cole are giving you a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to put on the biggest fitness business conference for personal trainers EVER. With 200 people attending in person and over 5,000 registered for the virtual event, the PT Domination All Access Experience is about to be next level. ๐Ÿ“ˆ

    From humble beginnings in Brian's basement to selling out arenas, these events just keep getting bigger and better. And this time around, we've got some incredible speakers lined up, including content king Evan Carmichael and the one and only Kirsten Titus. ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Top Quotes:

    "This event we've got 200 people that are coming to the event and the entire room is going to be f*cking jam packed. Like it's going to be completely full." (2:02)

    "Tomorrow's gonna be lit. Because it's all gonna be about content creation. One of my favorite things to do is pull individuals out of the comfort zone and make them actually do this shit that we teach." (3:04)

    "If you want to change more lives, you want to make more money, you want to transform your online fitness business, you want to step into your power and make a bigger impact on the planet, then register for the virtual event." (7:35)

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