Join us as we go beyond the statistics to explore the human impact of one of the greatest health crises of our time. Over 350 million people are living with viral hepatitis worldwide. The Hep-cast is about the people whose lives have been changed by viral hepatitis and those fighting to eliminate it as a public health threat by 2030. Guests include people living with viral hepatitis, healthcare professionals, policymakers, and activists. They will expose the human cost of this cruel virus and explore what can be done to win the fight against it. The Hep-cast is a collaboration between the World Hepatitis Alliance and Gilead Sciences. The Hep-cast is fully funded by Gilead Sciences Europe Limited.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Ajudar pessoas a acordarem todos os dias com motivação, alegria e energia para criarem a vida feliz e abundante que desejam é a missão de vida de Márcia Melo.
É a fundadora do Desperta o teu Poder, dos programas de desenvolvimento pessoal ”CRIA o teu Plano de Vida”, ”VIVE a tua Vida de Sonho” e do grupo de mentoria ”Tribo Cria”.
Licenciada em psicologia, coach e especialista em física quântica e lei da atração, apresenta-nos o Desperta o teu Poder. Um podcast de desenvolvimento pessoal sustentado ciência, onde se pretende, de forma descomplicada e descontraída criar mentes abundantes, ricas e omnipotentes. -
Paulo Moreira é um dos principais impulsionadores do conceito da Inteligência Emocional em Portugal.
É autor do best-seller "Inteligência Emocional - uma abordagem prática", CEO da empresa EQ-TRAINING, fundador da marca Treino Inteligência Emocional, Doutorando em Psicologia das Emoções e Bem-Estar, criador de Jogos e co-criador da Banda Desenhada Emoty, que fala sobre emoções.
Neste podcast, Paulo Moreira explora o mundo da Inteligência Emocional e também entrevista alguns convidados. -
Podcast interviews with genius-level (top .1%) practitioners, scientists, researchers, clinicians and professionals in Cancer, 3D Bio Printing, CRISPR-CAS9, Ketogenic Diets, the Microbiome, Extracellular Vesicles, and more.
Subscribe today for the latest medical, health and bioscience insights from geniuses in their field(s). -
Podcast de filosofia, política e psicanálise. Produzido na Alemanha por Glauber Ataide, mestre e bacharel em Filosofia. Links para nossos cursos, livro e redes sociais:
“Faz Bem à Saúde” é um podcast mensal da Médis que esclarece as principais dúvidas sobre temas de saúde relevantes.
Em cada episódio, um grande tema é abordado com uma linguagem simples e acessível, por um especialista de referência no panorama nacional de saúde. A informação é o primeiro passo para a prevenção. -
The Dr. Gabrielle Lyon Show promotes a healthy world, and in order to have a healthy world, we must have transparent conversations. This show is dedicated to such conversations as the listener; your education, understanding, strength, and health are the primary focus. The goal of this show is to provide you with a framework for navigating the health and wellness space and, most importantly, being the champion of your own life. Guests include highly trustworthy professionals that bring both the art and science of wellness aspects that are both physical and mental. Dr. Gabrielle Lyon is a Washington University fellowship-trained physician who serves the innovators, mavericks, and leaders in their fields, as well as working closely with the Special Operations Military. She is the founder of the Institute of Muscle-Centric Medicine® and serves patients worldwide.
Um podcast que pretende ser um lugar de diálogo sobre a vida e a morte e sobre as relações que criamos no intervalo. Falaremos sobre o luto, as perdas, a doença e a morte nas diferentes perspetivas ética, estética, clínica, cultural, filosófica, artística e as demais que a vida contém.
Promovido pelas Irmãs Hospitaleiras | Casa de Saúde da Idanha no âmbito Projeto de Intervenção Precoce e Apoio no Luto, com o apoio da Fundação La Caixa. -
The American Society of Pediatric Nephrology is an organization of pediatric nephrologists and affiliated health care professionals. Our primary goals are to promote optimal care for children with kidney disease through advocacy, education and research; and to disseminate advances in clinical practice and scientific investigation.
This podcast is for people who love yoga, are intrigued by psychology, & enjoy nourishing their soul and body (but like, 80/20). Hosted by a psychotherapist & yoga teacher in Boston pursuing her best life, you’ll get cozy and personal with brilliant professionals ranging from integrative medicine to yoga, and learn accessible ways to live an authentic, ethical, and nontoxic lifestyle.
Autoimmune Adventures is a podcast dedicated to helping people with autoimmune disorders reclaim their health and their life. The mission is to share cutting edge information and tools for people living with chronic illness and to create a community of support. Episodes will inspire you to say yes to the call to adventure of an autoimmune diagnosis, motivate you to take action to improve your wellness, encourage you on your path, and empower you to recognize the truth of who you are. Topics and themes include healing as a transformative journey, living well with autoimmunity, taking back your power, healing separation from self, healthcare approaches to autoimmune disorders, recreating balance in your life and immune system, nutrition and diet, self-care and stress reduction, and emotional and mental approaches to healing.
NeuroRestorative staff and participants discuss issues related to brain and spinal cord injury rehabilitation. NeuroRestorative is a leading provider of post-acute rehabilitation services for people of all ages with brain and spinal cord injuries and other neurological challenges. Hosted by Tommy Tredway.
A refreshing take on old challenges, coach and author Randi Buckley shares Sideways Truth, a different way of thinking to offer you something more. Inspiring and refreshing unconventional wisdom with an irreverent and unpretentious twist. From Healthy Boundaries for Kind People, to depression, ambivalence, discernment, mamahood, and nuance, join me as we untangle it together.