This final step calls us to return—to come back home. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to different ways, but now it is time to return. The Father awaits our return with love beyond all-telling. We are invited to come home and surrender to the Father by falling into his open arms. His arms are ever open, and he keeps waiting for our return.
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This step calls for renunciation. St. John of the Cross teaches that renunciation is the key to liberation. The more we practice renunciation, the deeper we go into the joy of the liberation of the children of God. Fr. Alex and Dr. Susan lead us through this conversation.
Books on Carmelite Saints and Carmelite Spirituality can be found at: http://carmelite.org.uk
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Saknas det avsnitt?
We always pray: Come, oh Holy Spirit, and fill the hearts of the faithful, and enkindle in them the fire of your love. We greatly require this prayer in our lives, particularly during challenging and cold moments in our journey. These difficult times are aided and rekindled by the flame of God’s love. What is more on this step? Kindly join Fr. Alex and Dr. Susan as they explore this step.
Books on Carmelite Saints and Carmelite Spirituality can be found at: http://carmelite.org.uk
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Welcome to the fourth step, ‘Rejoice’. After coming away with the Lord for a retreat, we can only rejoice and be full of thanksgiving. Fr. Alex and Dr. Susan take us on a journey that traces a link between rejoicing, prayer, giving thanks, and gratitude. When we rejoice, we are also praying, giving thanks, and expressing gratitude. This step reminds us of Paul’s invitation: Rejoice in the Lord always; again, I will say, rejoice. What else does it mean to rejoice? Kindly listen to this uplifting conversation.
Books on Carmelite Saints and Carmelite Spirituality can be found at: http://carmelite.org.uk
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This episode invites us to come away, pause and get refreshed. We may have treated ourselves to different things, but now the Lord wants to treat us to something different, extraordinary and more refreshing. This is a time to pause, and seek intimacy with the Lord who is present to us. Retreat is not a timeout on this pilgrimage, but one of the steps on the pilgrimage of prayer.
Books on Carmelite Saints and Carmelite Spirituality can be found at: http://carmelite.org.uk
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In this episode, our watch word is “Rejuvenate.” Whilst still guided by John of the Cross, we have many instances of when he was rejuvenated. During and after his prison experience, he was rejuvenated. This experience is seen in the light of coming out of the bitterness of the crucifixion into the joy of the resurrection. On this pilgrimage of prayer, we are looking forward to the Paschal Mystery when we will be rejuvenated by the Risen Lord.
Books on Carmelite Saints and Carmelite Spirituality can be found at: http://carmelite.org.uk
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In this series, there is a beautiful ensemble formed by the Sacred Scripture and the Sayings of Light and Love of St. John of the Cross. Fr. Alex and Susan take hold of the riches in these two holy resources to help us as we pilgrimage to God in prayer. It is consoling to hear John of the Cross say that as we search for God, God is searching for us even more than we can imagine. We seek God to be renewed and God seeks us to renew us. Both God and we are on this pilgrimage, moving towards each other. The heavenly story of the Lover and the Beloved is summed up in the renewal that brings the beloved ever closer to listening to the heartbeats of the Lover.
Books on Carmelite Saints and Carmelite Spirituality can be found at: http://carmelite.org.uk
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The Prayer to the Trinity is famous, inspiring, but always accessible. This fourth episode on Elizabeth of the Trinity shows us that the ideals for which she asks God for help are common to all Christian prayer: a longing to pray more deeply, in peace and tranquillity; to have greater intimacy with Christ; and to grow in his likeness and let him live in us fully. The Prayer also shows us a way to enter into a deep personal relationship with each of the three divine Persons and with the Trinity itself.
The Two Volume work by Dr. Joanne Mosley on St Elizabeth of the Trinity and other books on Carmelite Spirituality can be found at: http://carmelite.org.uk
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The Greatness of Our Vocation and Let Yourself Be Loved could well be called “letters of encouragement”. In the first, which Elizabeth addressed to a young friend in September 1906, she invites a teenage girl, full of ideals, to aim for the heights with her life – for holiness. The second letter, written for Elizabeth’s prioress the following month, is an invitation to believe that God loves us to excess, and to respond with our whole heart.
The Two Volume work by Dr. Joanne Mosley on St Elizabeth of the Trinity and other books on Carmelite Spirituality can be found at: http://carmelite.org.uk
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In August 1906, Elizabeth wrote Heaven in Faith, a short work outlining her main ideas on prayer, as a gift for her sister, Guite, who was a wife and mother – teachings which can be lived out fully, whether inside or outside the cloister. Our second episode explores the practical ways in which we can live with God in our daily life; Mary as model of a contemplative-in-action; and how to let ourselves be guided by the Holy Spirit.
The Two Volume work by Dr. Joanne Mosley on St Elizabeth of the Trinity and other books on Carmelite Spirituality can be found at: http://carmelite.org.uk
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In this first episode, we are introduced to St Elizabeth Catez (1880-1906) – a young woman with a rich and vibrant personality, and an accomplished musician – and to some of the main themes of her message on prayer which are helpful for all of us today: the indwelling of God in the soul, relationship with the three Persons of the Trinity, and the ways in which the great teachers of Carmel, Sts Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross, can help form our life of prayer, just as they did for Elizabeth.
The Two Volume work by Dr. Joanne Mosley on St Elizabeth of the Trinity and other books on Carmelite Spirituality can be found at: http://carmelite.org.uk
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John of the Cross, the great mystic, inspires his brothers and sisters to embark on the journey of the ascent to Mount Carmel. At the top of the mountain is God, and it is fitting that we journey to the summit to encounter God. However, he proposes that we desire nothing as we journey through the narrow and rough path that leads to God. He teaches that detachment is necessary for this ascent. The union with God is the goal of our prayer life, and John of the Cross inspires us and urges us on.
Books on Carmelite Saints and Carmelite Spirituality can be found at: http://carmelite.org.uk
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St Teresa of Avila, the teacher of prayer, as some may call her was once a student of prayer. She had the ardent desire to pray, but she experienced difficulties in prayer during her early years. However, the Lord granted her that gift, made her advance in her life of prayer and she shared it with us. St Teresa is a great gift and inspiration to many who are on the way to perfection.
Books on Carmelite Saints and Carmelite Spirituality can be found at: http://carmelite.org.uk
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Mary is the mother of our Lord and our mother. Interestingly, Mary has a special place for the Carmelites because she is an inspiration, a mother, and a sister. This plays out strongly because we are the "Brothers of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel." Through her, the gospel of prayer and intercession continues to resound. Fr. Matt brings out clearly how contemplative disposition and acceptance of the message of the angel serve as a foundation of prayer for all Christians. She is a great inspiration and a true guide to her Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Books on Carmelite Saints and Carmelite Spirituality can be found at: http://carmelite.org.uk
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Fr. Matt Blake and Fr. Yamai Bature are Discalced Carmelite Friars. In this series, they are taking us to the very origins of the Carmelite prayer. This series is named "Inspiration Series" because we will be exploring what inspired the Carmelite Saints and all Carmelites in their approach to prayer. This episode explores the figure of Elijah in the Scriptures, in the history of the Carmelites, and in our lives this day. He highlights Elijah's zeal and thirst for a deeper encounter with God. We are inspired by his zeal. To this day, it has inspired our unrelenting efforts to strive for holiness.
Books on Carmelite Saints and Carmelite Spirituality can be found at: http://carmelite.org.uk
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Bishop Greg, yet again, highlights a few more helpful tips on what we make of our own prayer experience. This time, it is not just about our prayer and our experiences, but also about Christ’s prayer and experiences. Bishop Greg takes us into a deeper understanding of what St. Teresa of Avila meant when she constantly referred us to the humanity of Christ.
He highlights that the humanity of Christ ought to be the foundation of our prayer experience because, as we are united with Christ in his prayer to the Father, we also yearn to have that experience of a son and daughter with the Father.
Teresa points us to Christ because her prayer is anchored in Christ’s experience with the Father.
Finally, Bishop Greg emphasises: The way you pray is the way you are; pray the way you are, and find God in your present experience.
Books of St Teresa of Avila and St John of the Cross can be found at: https://carmelite.org.uk/
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Bishop Greg Homeing opens up this series with a few consoling words. Drawing from the rich Carmelite tradition, he said, "When we pray, the Trinity prays in us." What a great privilege it is that we are in the Trinity, and the Trinity is in us. This grounds St. Teresa's description of prayer as a friendship with God.
One of the ways we invite the Trinity into our lives is by making the sign of the cross. Bishop Greg says that "The Sign of the Cross is just an expression of an experience; it is a profound experience of the Most Holy Trinity."
Books of St Teresa of Avila and St John of the Cross can be found at: https://carmelite.org.uk/
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We have come to the end of our conversation on the Lord's prayer. It is a most consoling thing to know that Jesus uses the word 'us' while teaching this prayer. Furthermore, He included Himself in this last petition, 'Deliver us from evil'. This is one of the most profound moments when Jesus shows solidarity with human reality, which is plagued with pain and evil. From all evil, He asks the Father to deliver us. St. Teresa reassures us that it is the will of the Father to free us from evil. Likewise, Teresa, let us ask the Father to deliver us from evil and bring us into his kingdom of peace, love, and joy. That He may lead us to that for which our souls yearn, ultimate union with Him.
The Way of Perfection can be found at: https://carmelite.org.uk/
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In our world today, many seem to be more scared of being tempted than falling into sin. St. Teresa always teaches that when we look to Christ, we are better off than going alone. Christ, our Lord, was tempted; we are too being tempted. We become better if we can learn from Christ's disposition towards temptation. Equally, Teresa proposed some practical ways of not yielding to temptation. Practicing the virtues of detachment from our desires, asking the Lord for grace in humility, and keeping vigilant against the subtle ways the devil attacks the soul are very helpful. As much as we are wary of the near occasions of sin, we should jump onto any near occasion of grace. God's grace is a huge means of resisting the devil and temptation.
The Way of Perfection can be found at: https://carmelite.org.uk/
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St Teresa counsels us in this petition to seek the Lord and ask for pardon for the many times we have sinned against Him. She added, that forgiving others who have sinned against us opens us up to the Lord's grace of mercy and pardon. What is more? This petition is rooted in the previous ones as they have built on each other. Pride has no place in the heart of Christians; only the humble of heart can approach such a good Lord and ask for pardon while we grant pardon to others who have sinned against us. As a community of believers, let us implore the Lord's pardon on us, our loved ones and our world as we chant Psalm 51 at the end of the conversation.
The Way of Perfection can be found at: https://carmelite.org.uk/
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