Drs. Adam Striker and Brooke Trainer discuss hot button issues facing the specialty today. Their lively conversation touches on the recent Anthem Blue Cross decision to propose and then rescinded a cap on anesthesia time, how the media covers anesthesiology, potential legislative solutions, and more. Recorded December 2024.
Dr. Adam Striker shares clips from ANESTHESIOLOGY 2024 in this special episode. Listen in as outgoing president Dr. Ronald Harter and incoming president Dr. Donald Arnold—along with Drs. Sean Runnels, Barrett Larson, Michael Hofkamp, Benjamin Houseman, Lois Connolly and Jonathan Gal—discuss commercial payer policies, Anesthesia Toolbox, Swimming with the Sharks, the specialty’s challenges, and more. Recorded by TopMedTalk in October 2024 at the ASA Annual Meeting in Philadelphia.
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Dr. Lalitha Sundararaman, guest editor of the January ASA Monitor, and Dr. Aaron Tebbs, Chair of the Committee on Late Career and Retired Members, join Dr. Zach Deutch to discuss retirement. This episode explores the stages of retirement, ways to stay involved with the specialty, considerations beyond finances, and more. Recorded November 2024.
Recorded live at ANESTHESIOLOGY 2024, Dr. Adam Striker discusses the opioid epidemic with accomplished journalist and ASA’s keynote speaker, Sam Quinones. Listen in as Mr. Quinones shares what he learned from his extensive research about the role of pain specialists, pharmaceutical companies, and Mexican drug cartels as well as the state of legislation today and how anesthesiologists can contribute to solutions. Recorded October 2024.
Dr. Muhammad Rafique, guest editor of December’s ASA Monitor, joins Dr. Zach Deutch for a conversation about what happens when bad things happen to good anesthesiologists. Learn how physicians and health care organizations can prepare for, or react to, bad outcomes, legal issues, personal challenges, and more. Recorded November 2024.
Recorded live at ANESTHESIOLOGY 2024, Dr. Jed Wolpaw, host of the ACCRAC podcast, interviews Dr. Valerie Arkoosh, anesthesiologist and secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services. Listen in as Dr. Wolpaw and the live audience ask Dr. Arkoosh about the intersection of anesthesiology and public service. Recorded October 2024.
Dr. Zach Deutch discusses palliative care with Dr. Sandra Sacks, guest editor of November’s ASA Monitor. Learn how palliative care differs from hospice; understand the aims of palliative care and its role outside of the ICU; get practical tips for prognosis, planning, and end of life discussions; and more. Recorded October 2024.
Dr. Ahmed Shalabi, member of the ACE editorial board, joins Dr. Adam Striker to discuss medical ethics in mass casualty situations, a topic highlighted in the 21B issue. Listen in as they discuss the role of ethics in managing mass casualties, what health care organizations can do to prepare, issues anesthesiologists face in a crisis, and more. Recorded September 2024.
Drs. Brian Brenner and Jeffrey Carness, medical officers in the United States Navy, share their unique experiences and knowledge with Dr. Adam Striker. Learn about the history and evolution of military medicine, as well as what it’s really like to practice anesthesiology in military settings today. Recorded September 2024.
Drs. Heather Nixon and Tracey Vogel from the Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology (SOAP) join Dr. Brooke Trainer for a no-holds-barred conversation about intraoperative pain during cesarean delivery. Listen in as they explore the consequences of painful birth experiences and consider how anesthesiologists can meaningfully address the problem. Recorded August 2024.
Dr. Zach Deutch speaks to Dr. George Tewfik, guest editor of September’s ASA Monitor, about the pivotal relationship between employees and employers. Listen in as they discuss the pros and cons of various practice models as well as workforce trends, contract considerations, unionization, the use of metrics to gauge clinician efficacy, and more. Recorded July 2024.
Dr. Adam Striker and Dr. Aaron Primm, editor for Summaries of Emerging Evidence (SEE), discuss recent studies included in the 40B issue of SEE that add to our understanding of ketamine. Learn how ketamine compares to electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) for the treatment of chronic depression and how intranasal ketamine might be used to treat refractory chronic migraines (https://www.asahq.org/see). Recorded July 2024.
Listen in as Dr. Ronald Harter, ASA’s president, speaks with Melina Davis, executive vice president and CEO of the Medical Society of Virginia, about ASA's new clinician well-being program, SafeHaven (asahq.org/safehaven). Learn about this unique partnership, how SafeHaven is helping anesthesiologists and their families, and more. Recorded July 2024.
Dr. Joseph Staggenborg, guest editor of the August ASA Monitor, shares his thoughts on anesthesiology’s most salient practice management topics with Dr. Keya Locke. Discover how practices have changed, how to prove value to hospital groups, the pros and cons of unionization, and more. Recorded July 2024.
Dr. Adam Striker interviews Drs. Steven Butz, Victor Davila, and Thomas Durick from the Society for Ambulatory Anesthesia (SAMBA) about common perioperative myths. Is hypercarbia preferable to hypocarbia? Is MAC best in ambulatory settings? Is propofol safe for patients with allergies? Learn answers to these questions and more in this informative episode. Recorded June 2024.
Dr. James Rathmell, the recently appointed Editor-in-Chief of the journal, Anesthesiology, joins Dr. Adam Striker to share his plans for the future. Discover how Anesthesiology will evolve, how the author experience will change, tips for anesthesiologists working to get published, and more. Recorded May 2024.
Drs. Monica Harbell and Emily Methangkool with Dr. Adam Striker about advancing patient safety in 2024 and beyond. From why anesthesiologists are so well suited to driving patient safety efforts, to the challenges facing the specialty, to how to think about “zero patient harm” and the differences between “patient safety” and “quality improvement,” this episode dives deep into this most essential topic. Recorded May 2024.
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