Out Comes the Sun with Mariel Hemingway and Melissa Yamaguchi is a podcast for addressing mental, physical and spiritual wellness. Mariel and Melissa welcomes industry experts, professionals, laymen and women to her podcast to discuss and reveal products, treatments and stories both storied and new to help listeners navigate mental wellness and find the resources they need. Join Mariel Hemingway, Melissa Yamaguchi and their guests every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Reaguj! je nedeljni podcast serijal Nezavisnog društva novinara Vojvodine koji se bazira na novinarstvu zasnovanom na objašnjenjima i rešenjima. U ovom serijalu obrađuju se teme u vezi sa demokratijom i životom običnih građana kao i problemima sa kojima se susreću svakodnevno – institucionalnim, društveno-političkim, ali i socijalnim. Podcast u kom se traže rešenja na probleme ili ukazuje primere dobre prakse, kako u Srbiji tako i u svetu.
“Let’s talk about it.” Death and dying is one of those topics that’s just hard to talk about. We know that we will all have to face it one day, but we put that “difficult” conversation off until tomorrow. Or the day after… Well it doesn’t have to be that way.
The people we talk to on this podcast are people who do talk about it. They’re people who have learnt through personal experience how important it is to talk about our wishes before it’s too late, and they have a lot to say. Whether you’ve been bereaved, have a family member who’s approaching the end of life, want to support a friend, or just want to know how to start the conversation for yourself, this podcast is for you.
Dying Matters is a part of Hospice UK ( , the national charity for hospice care. Registered in England and Wales No. 2751549. Charity registered in England and Wales No. 1014851, and in Scotland No. SC041112. -
This special podcast series from the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship hears from leading social innovators who are fixing some of the world’s biggest problems.
In candid conversations with host Pavitra Raja, changemakers describe their experiences tackling challenges like the digital divide, climate change and racial inequity.
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Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Mi smo zajednica ambicioznih mladih, sa sjedištem u Zagrebu, kojoj je primarni cilj poticati mlade Hrvate u Hrvatskoj i iseljeništvu na: očuvanje hrvatskog identiteta, aktivnije uključivanje u političke procese i osobni rast kroz proaktivno zajedništvo po uzoru na život bl. Ivana Merza kako bismo izgradili Hrvatsku na zdravim i hrabrim mladim ljudima koji već jesu, ali i one koji će u budućnosti biti temelj naše domovine.
Zločini protiv divljih vrsta su razorni po prirodu i ljude, imaju katastrofalne posledice po biodiverzitet i mnoge vrste dovode do ivice izumiranja. Često su povezani i sa drugim oblicima kriminala poput pranja novca, korupcije, trgovine drogom i ljudima... #StopWildlifeCrime
WWF Adria i Dunja Jovanović razgovaraju sa stručnjacima iz oblasti ekologije i zaštite prirode i predstavnicima sudstva, policije i drugih institucija o ovim zločinima, kako izgledaju, šta ih motiviše, koje su njihove posledice, i najbitnije, kako ih uspešno suzbiti. Saznaj više: -
Mjesto na kojem se spajaju ljudi i rađaju ideje, kako bi zajedno stvarali dobro obrazovanje i čuvali radost djetinjstva za svako dijete.
❤ Besjede o obrazovanju su razgovori sa zaljubljenicima u obrazovanje. Domaćini u studiju, Nedim Krajišnik i Namir Ibrahimović do sada su ugostili profesionalce iz oblasti obrazovanja, nastavnie, učenike, pedagoge… Besjede nemaju granice. Centar za obrazovne inicijative Step by Step je profesionalna, nevladina organizacija osnovana sa ciljem da promoviše obrazovnu filozofiju usmjerenu na dijete, i pravo svakog djeteta na kvalitetan odgoj i obrazovanje na području cijele Bosne i Hercegovine
Acts Church is a place for everyone and where everyone has a place. We have services, age groups and ministries in Malaysia and internationally to help everyone experience the personal love of God.
Visit us at one of our services this weekend and allow us to entreat you to an unforgettable Actsperience! -
Dobro došli na Ekologika podcast! Logične odgovore na vaša ekološka pitanja daće vam sagovornici iz oblasti klimatskih promena, izvora obnovljive energije, zelenih biznisa kao i predstavnici lokalnih inicijativa.
Podcast vode Jovana Šesterikov, osnivačica portala i novinarka Milena Ilić Mirković -
IMPACTability: The Nonprofit Leaders’ Podcast is a dynamic and insightful series dedicated to helping nonprofit professionals navigate the challenges of leadership, fundraising, and organizational growth.
Season 1 was hosted by Joe Turner, followed by Josh Hirsch, MS, in Season 2. Now in Season 3, Sheryl Soukup, President of Soukup Strategic Solutions, takes the helm, bringing her extensive nonprofit experience and deep industry insights to each episode.
Sheryl engages with experts from across the sector to provide valuable perspectives and practical solutions for nonprofit professionals. From leadership and strategic planning to fundraising, operations, and more, IMPACTability delivers knowledge and inspiration to help nonprofits grow and make a lasting impact. Whether you’re looking to enhance your skills, discover fresh ideas, or tackle challenges with confidence, this podcast is your trusted resource for nonprofit excellence. -
"Développer une finance au service de la nature et de l'Homme (et non l'inverse)", telle est la mission que s'est donnée Jean-Benoît Gambet. Dans ce podcast, il invite des femmes et des hommes qui se battent quotidiennement pour changer les choses et qui mettent la préservation de l’environnement au coeur de leur décision d’investissement ou au coeur de leur mission. Jean-Benoît est convaincu que le secteur financier peut avoir un impact positif pour aider à protéger, à préserver, à conserver et à restaurer la nature et la biodiversité dans l’intérêt de la société toute entière.
Understanding how technology and innovation will change the way we work in the future. Airs every Monday at 5:00 p.m. on SiriusXM 132, Business Radio powered by the Wharton School.
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