This week in our "Miracles Vol.1" series we dive into the life of Jonah, and into the miracles that happen in his life. Most of us are familiar with the story of Jonah, but do we see the true miracle that is often overlooked by the miracle of the Big Fish? Pastor Brandon teaches us through Jonah's story that running from God never makes things any better; Jonah ran away from God but learned quickly that there is nowhere we can go that is away from Him. Then, after being swallowed by the Big Fish, Jonah teaches us by example that even in our lowest moments we can cry out to God and be heard. God can get us where He wants us to go, even if we take a detour along the way. But the biggest miracle Pastor Brandon shows us from the scriptures is that God still had mercy and compassion for the Ninevites after they repented! Jonah missed it though, showing that sometimes we can feel so right that God's grace feels wrong. But Pastor Brandon encourages us, that you shouldn't limit God's love, because if you do it will then limit your life.
Key Verses // Jonah 1-4
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We dive into the Story of Naaman this week in our "Miracles Vol. 1" series! A soldier who struggled with leprosy secretly. But when a little girl said that he could be healed by a prophet in Samaria, he went off to get healed. When he found the house of the prophet after speaking with the king of Israel, he expected the miracle to take place how he wanted it to; with a grand gesture, and unction of heaved and a wave of the hand. But he was told to bathe in the Jordan seven times. After going off in a rage because the miracle wasn't going to happen how he wanted, and being convinced by a servant of his, he finally did as the Prophet had instructed. And Naaman was healed to a state better than anticipated. Through Naaman's story, Pastor Brandon teaches us that Miracles only happen when we connect with the Author of Life; and though we often look for miracles in the wrong place, if we choose to follow God's direction for us then we will get where He wants us to go.
Key Verses // 1 Kings 5:1-14
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Saknas det avsnitt?
Continuing in our "Miracles Vol. 1" series, we look into the miracle of provision for a widow and her son. When Elijah stopped the rains and caused a draught, He promised to a widow who had given up that she would not run out of flour or oil until the rains began again. Through this story, Pastor Brandon teaches that our private life should be affected by our relationship with God. It should impact others and lead them to be closer with Him. Because when we trust God together, big things happen.
Key Verses // 1 Kings 17:1-16
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This week we start a new series "Miracles", going through the Bible and looking at just some of the many miracles performed throughout the Scriptures. We start by looking at the miracle of manna, the provision provided by the Lord that the Israelites had in the wilderness before the promised land. With this miracle, we learn that God's miracles happen every day! God provided manna for the Israelites every day, except for the Sabbath, for forty years! While it is easy to lose sight of the everyday miracles that God performs, the story of manna reminds us that today's blessing are supposed to be enjoyed today, regardless of how big or small they may be. To enjoy God's goodness every day, we must choose to see God's goodness every day. Because His miracles show His heart.
Key Verses // Hebrews 13:7-8, Exodus 16
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In the last part of our "Table for Three" series, Pastors Brandon and Krista dive into how to properly communicate in a marriage, and how to do so in a way the honors God and your spouse. The foundational concept of this series is knowing that the relationships we kindle need to flow from the love that God has for us. With God at our table we can share our joy, our hopes and our pain. When we include the Lord at our table we learn that sharing brings caring. Because God is always at our table, and we either include Him or we don't.
Key Verses // 1 John 4:19, Philippians 2:1-4
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This is the second week out of our 3 week series "Table for Three". Where we are going into depth about how our relationships should look as Christians. We have to invite God to the table and acknowledge Him, because He is where true love flows from. Knowing that there is an enemy out there that hates our relationships and wants us to miss the signs of love, should encourage us to not be silent with love. God was not silent about His love, neither should we. Because a love unshown is a love unknown.
Key Verses // 1 John 4:19, Mark 1:9-11
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We open up our new series "Table for Three" this week, Its a short series where we will talk in depth about what is looks like to allow God to guide our relationships. Through this series we'll learn about how every relationship must flow out of the Love that God has for us. Today, Pastors Brandon and Krista lead us specifically in how that looks within marriage. Through biblical examples, they will teach us that we are made complete in God's love and not in the love of our spouse or anyone else; we cant let work substitute for love; and a healthy marriage is built and sustained on God's love. See, God's love should be the source of our love.
Key Verses // 1 John 4:19, 9-12
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We wrap up our "Ruts or Rails" series this week with Pastor Brandon talking about what it looks like when the ruts in your life have been caused by your own choices. Teaching us that God wants us to go to Him for wisdom, even when we are the cause of our problems. Wisdom requires a heart that is open to correction, and godly correction changes our direction. Allowing us to live a life on God's rails. Guiding us safely to the places He wants us to go.
Key Verses // Psalms 127:1-2, Proverbs 14:12, Hebrews 12:11
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As we continue our "Ruts or Rails" series, we look at what it's like to trust God with our stuff. It's no secret that financial worries can be one of our biggest ruts, with this in mind we dive into the scriptures to look at what the Word has to say about money and how to trust God with our stuff. When we trust God with our stuff and with our finances, we see how it changes us for the better. Recognizing that God has been faithful to provide for us so far, gives us confidence that we will continue to be faithful to provide for us in the future. Pastor Brandon teaches us that loosening our grip on stuff, tightens our grip on peace.
Key verses // Psalms 127:1-2, Proverbs 14:12, Matthew 6:19-21
For Sermon Notes, the Connect Card, and our other online resources:
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As we continue our "Ruts or Rails" series, Pastor Brandon teaches us how to enjoy the journey as we remain in the rails God has for our lives. Showing that our true joy comes from God; not from the external circumstances that happen by chance, but by the internal choice that our joy is based on Christ. Our journey should be constantly filled with joy because we know that God is faithful to move us forward in Him. For in Christ, we are bound for boundless joy!
Key Verses // Psalms 127:1-2, Romans 15:13
For Sermon Notes, the Connect card, and our other online resources:
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This week we continue our "Ruts or Rails" series by diving into what good timing looks like. Pastor Brandon Teaches us that letting God build your life means letting him direct your time as well. By allowing God to direct your time you will se the relationships in your life flourish. Relationships with God, family and others. Following God's direction for your time will allow others to feel loved by you, because time is a love language!
Key Verses // Psalms 127:1-2, Ecclesiastes 3:1
For Sermon Notes, the Connect Card, and our other online resources:
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For the new year we started a new series, "Ruts or Rails". As Christians, we know that our choices will either take us forward or hold us back. Rails, though confining, keep us on track and lead us to our destination safely. Through this series we want you to be encouraged with the Word to be on track with where God wants you to be. This week, Pastor Brandon teaches us how to identify what is a rut and what is a rail, by seeing if God is in it and by asking "Would we want our loved ones to follow the same path?". Ultimately, to stay on track, we need to choose to let God guide our choices.
Key Verses // Psalm 127:1-2
For Sermon Notes, the Connect Card, and our other online resources:
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As we wrap up the last part of our "The Hope of Christmas" series, we look at the life of Simeon. Pastor Brandon leads us through how Simeon had to have hope when nothings was changing, we can have patience and faith in Him who made the promise; we can hope in God's faithfulness. Through the faithfulness of God we can have hope in every season!
Key Verses // Luke 2:25-35
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Welcome to Celebration Church!
This week in our "The Hope of Christmas" series we take a look at the hope of Zechariah. Pastor Brandon leads us through the account of the birth of his son, John the Baptist. Teaching us that even when we have given up on things prayed for, or when things don't go the way you want, God is still faithful to bring His purposes around. Pastor Brandon explains that hope will bring about new responses in your life to what God is doing, even when we don't have the full picture; and our faith is not in material things but rather in God's faithfulness to bring about what He has promised.
Key Verses // Luke 1:5-15
For Sermon Notes, the Connect Card, and our other online resources:
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This week in our series "The Hope of Christmas", we look at how to have hope in situations that we didn't choose. Pastor Brandon leads us through the story of Joseph, and how he chose to look at the bigger picture in a tough moment. Recognizing that our calling is not about what we do, but rather, its about the people we love. Our hope is found in trusting God, and loving those who He loves.
This week we start a new series, "The Hope of Christmas", where our hope for Christmas teaches us that we can trust God in every season. Pastor Brandon looks at the story of Mary in this sermon, going through her life and the things that she had hope in, and uses it to teach us that we can face the toughest situations when we trust that God is faithful to do what He said. Because nothing is impossible with God.
Key Verses // Romans 15:13, Luke 1:26-38
For Sermon Notes, the Connect Card, and our other online resources:
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In this last segment of our "Staying the Course" series, Pastor Brandon teaches us that following IS leading. That, by staying the course, you show others how to stay the course as well.
Key Verses // Galatians 6:1-15
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We dive into Galatians 5 in this part of our "Staying the Course" series. Pastor Brandon instructs us to stand firm for this faith. That because of Jesus, and His work on the cross, we have freedom to live a sinless life; free from bondage to any sin. Pastor Brandon explains that to stay on course we have to stay focused on grace. Because of Jesus, let us keep in step with the Spirit!
Key Verses // Galatians 5
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As we continue in our "Staying the Course" series, Pastor Brandon Clark takes us through Galatians 4. Teaching us that we are heirs to God's kingdom, and in staying the course we are a part of His family.
Key Verses // Galatians 4
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