たとえその生き方が、世間の常識であっても、違っていても。 自分だけの世界観をもって、まるで子供のようにイノセントに、純真な気持ちで、その道を真っ直ぐいく。 「こよなく愛すること」「こだわり」「好き」をひたすら追求し、行動している人々。 この番組では、その突出した偏愛力が世界を変えるのではと感じさせる、そんな人々をインタビューしたり、関連するエピソードを紹介します。偏愛力を持った方々は、心の底から溢れる、愛のこもった想いを持っています。その本質部分をお節介ながらも、多くの人に届けたくて仕方がないのです。 同時に、リスナーの皆さんが、自分の「こよなく愛すること」「こだわり」「好き」に気づき、「私もありのままの自分でいいんだ」「本気の想いそのままで羽ばたいていいんだ」と、一歩踏み出すきっかけになるような番組にしていくことが私の願いです。 インタビュアー 稲垣ヴィエラ プロフィール: 人々・サービスの唯一無二の価値を引き出し、音声で伝えるコミュニケーター。インタビュアー。 幼少期からマイノリティーとして育ち、数多くの転校、転居、転社、海外居住と変化の多い人生を歩んできた体験や通訳経験から、あらゆる境界を超え、世界のヒト・コト・モノを横断的に繋げることを得意とする。関係者全体にベネフィットを価値提供するバウンダリー・スパナーとして活躍。 企業・個人の本気の想いを引き出し、形にする企画〜運営を支援。関わる人々がさらなる一歩踏み出し、実現する勇気を与え続けている。
Hello Colour is a podcast for colour lovers and the colour curious. A bite-sized listen each episode delves into a different aspect of colour. You’ll learn about the powers and meaning of colours, we’ll explore technicolour topics like the healing properties of colour, the significance of favourite colours, the joy of rainbow hunting and how you can use colour in to boost your mind and mood.
The show is hosted by Modern Colour Theorist and Colour Therapist Momtaz Begum-Hossain, Author of the book Hello Rainbow - Finding Happiness in Colour ( . -
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Laugh and learn w/ Susie Meister PhD & Sarah Rice MFT from MTV's The Challenge as they cover psychology, pop culture, human interest, and science, and make everything from Kardashians to quantum physics accessible to all.
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If you're a single woman who loves her single life, yet desperately wants to get married, then tune in! Join Starr Burroughs, author of "The Ineligible Bachelorette" and Love Coach to single women, as she uncovers the truth behind why so many women are single AND what they can do about it. Married now for 9 years, she brings insight into our current dating culture (especially Christian culture) and empowers the single woman to live life confidently and boldly.
Surviving The System is a podcast created to shed light on the hypocrisy and injustice of “the system” in our nation today. I founded this podcast after first hand experience of how the system works - the shady tactics by law enforcement, the blatant disregard for the law by the legal system, the ever increasing attempts to crush the human spirit by the prison industrial complex and so called “re-entry” efforts. All of it appearing to be designed to keep people beat down, with no opportunity to learn and grow from their past mistakes. Since my experience with the system, I’ve learned that things are almost never cut and dry, right or wrong. So called “criminals” are some of the most compassionate, talented and intelligent individuals this world has to offer. On the flip side, there are some people who appear to lead the perfect life are all too often miserable human beings who are simply better at hiding their crimes from the rest of the world. My goal by starting Surviving The System is to reach as many people as possible who have been through the system, or are currently going through the system, and remind them that they are not defined by their worst mistake! You are a being of incredible power who has been conditioned by the system to forget. You can have the life you want, you can be the person you’ve always wanted to be. Throw off the shackles and remember who you are!
For 58 years, The ACCJ Journal has chronicled the activities of the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan and supported its advocacy efforts. Now the magazine of the ACCJ is available in audio format so that you can keep up with what’s happening in Japan’s global business community no matter where you are or what you are doing. Listen to narrated version of Journal stories and enjoy podcast-first content as well.
語学は耳から! Chocolat!(ショコラ)は、フランス語圏に関する様々なトピックや文化情報、生のフランス語インタビューなどを紹介する日仏語podcast番組を配信しています。 フランス語ビギナーの方は、まずは気軽に番組を繰り返し聞くことで徐々にフランス語の音に耳をならしていきましょう。中級レベル以上の方はこれまでに身につけたフランス語力キープのため、また、さらなるレベルアップを目指してChocolat!を利用してみてはいかがでしょうか。 Chocolat!サイトでは、podcast番組をもとに制作した、フランス語オリジナル学習教材「Chocoテック」を提供しています。今までに配信した600回以上の全番組音声、全Chocoテックにアクセスできます。(月額1,280円) フランス語初心者から上級者まで、楽しくフランス語を学べます! 詳しくはChocolat!サイトをご覧ください。 Chocolat! フランス語:
Are you confident you can reason clearly? Are you able to convince others of your point of view? Are you able to give plausible reasons for believing what you believe? Do you sometimes read arguments in the newspapers, hear them on the television, or in the pub and wish you knew how to confidently evaluate them?
In this six-part course, you will learn all about arguments, how to identify them, how to evaluate them, and how not to mistake bad arguments for good. Such skills are invaluable if you are concerned about the truth of your beliefs, and the cogency of your arguments. -