Dr Harry Singh’s story is a reflection of how many dentists are looking to introduce facial aesthetics into their dental business. He started offering facial aesthetics 20 years ago in his very successful dental business. However, he became disappointed and lost his passion for aesthetics as he didn't know how to market and sell these aesthetics services to his patients. He tried every marketing strategy and it wasn’t working. He struggled for many years and he eventually gave up. He didn’t renewal his aesthetic indemnity and went back to Dentistry.
Then one day, he decided to educate himself on marketing, sales and human psychology and his aesthetics business skyrocketed. In fact, it went so well, he decided to quit Dentistry and solely focus on facial aesthetics, which he has been doing for the last 10 years. He realised that the one thing that stopped him was the incorrect ‘marketing mix’ which was different from the one he was using to attract dental patients.
The ‘Dentist Profit Playbook’ is truly focused to help dentists to grow their facial aesthetics business. He is now on a mission to help empower over 10,000 dentists to grow their facial aesthetics business. This Podcast is an opportunity to interview and bring to light experts, key people of influence and other thought leaders in this field. -
The SmartInjuryDoctors® podcast is the number one audio production aimed at professionals in the U.S. injury market. Doctors, attorneys, and other medical providers that want to deliver better injury services to the patients, clients, and insurers they serve tune in often to get the strategies that make a real difference in their practices.
Join Dr. Jeff Cronk is both a doctor and has a law degree specializing in this complex field. With a disarming style, Dr. Cronk brings 30 years of experience to the table, teaching you in short easy-to-digest segments that you can put into practice right away.
He continues to be the leading educator in the field of spinal ligament injury diagnosis. You can learn more by checking out his website at
You'll learn how to get your life back, all while delivering life-changing treatment to your injured patients. -
This is the Hidden Potential podcast and I am your host Sarah Saffari. I wanted to start this podcast with the intention of helping coaches, entrepreneurs and people who just want to become the creators of their life and not the victims of it, find a vehicle to illuminate their superpower and then use that to help themselves first so that they can help others next. I genuinely believe that limitation and circumstance is a state of mind, and once we are able to overcome this state, we are then, also able to pick a brush and paint our life exactly how we want it. I grew up in a family of 5 and immigrated to Canada from Iran at the age of 2, so money was a huge struggle growing up and so the poverty mindset carried with me until I was finally able to demystify wealth and turn around my world view by bridging the gap between science and spirituality and then using neuroscience as a vehicle to attain success and fulfillment. It wasn’t until I made the shift in my mindset that I was able to build two companies of 6 and 7 figures before the age of 27. All I ask from you, the listener on this podcast is to be curious. Listen with an open mind and an open heart, and adopt into your life only the things you feel will propel you forward. On your way to achieving everything you’ve ever wanted, you are indefinitely going to experience doubts, fears, and discomforts. But remember, this discomfort is the number one price of admission to a deeply meaningful life.
Changing the world is overwhelming and exhilarating. Join me Heather McDougall as I host bold leaders, entrepreneurs, artists and changemakers on the front lines of the world’s most pressing challenges, from planetary sustainability and human justice to the reformation of economic wealth and impact. Discover what it means to be empowered by your mission rather than consumed by the magnitude of the problem you’re trying to solve. Together, step by step, we stand on the legacy of others and create the world we dream about.
Dose of Dental is a dental podcast hosted by Stony Brook University pre-dental student Sooraj Shah. Inspired by his own pre-dental journey and fueled by the desire to discover what dental school is like, this podcast aims to provide firsthand information to prospective along with current pre-dental students about the vast field of dentistry. Through discussing different topics and paths to dentistry with current dental students and dental professionals, we hope to provide a useful resource to pre-dental students who seek to gain a deeper understanding of the various specialties and paths dentistry has to offer. These conversations will take place in a podcast format, and will be posted to our online social media platforms such as Instagram (@doseofdentalpodcast), Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and all other platforms.
Moi c'est Lola, je suis étudiante en communication, j'habite à Lille et je fais des vidéos sur youtube depuis (trop) longtemps.
On me demande souvent de quoi je parle sur mes réseaux et la réponse est toujours la même : "je raconte ma vie".
Alors bienvenue sur le podcast d'une meuf hyper égocentrée qui adore parler d'elle hihi :)))
me rejoindre sur instagram : @lolanannas
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Navigating the legal system after an injury can be a daunting and overwhelming task. Victim to Victory: The Personal Injury Playbook is here to guide you through the process, one step at a time. Each episode features interviews with top professionals in the field of personal injury law, including attorneys, medical experts, and financial advisors. These experts provide valuable insights and tips on how to navigate the legal system, build a strong case, and get the support you need. Hosted by seasoned personal injury lawyer, Lawrence LeBrocq of Garces, Grabler & LeBrocq, this podcast offers a wealth of information and resources to help you feel more confident and in control during this challenging time. Tune in and take the first step towards getting the justice you deserve.
Incredible Health CEO Iman Abuzeid, M.D. interviews the healthcare industry's key players on current events, their successes, their failures, and healthcare trends. Learn how healthcare’s most successful leaders navigated their career-defining decisions and the ever-changing US healthcare market. Incredible Health is an award-winning, rapidly-growing hiring marketplace that helps hospitals hire permanent, experienced nurses in 20 days or less. Learn more at
Nous n'avons pas besoin de plus d'informations. Nous avons besoin de transformation, et tout commence dans notre esprit. Changer de paradigme, c'est changer de monde. "Paradigme" va flouter vos frontières mentales. Explorez des perspectives inattendues qui ont tout changé pour mes clients et découvrez comment elles changeront aussi votre vision du monde. Une simple prise de conscience peut changer votre univers. C'est le jeu auquel nous jouons ici. Rejoignez-moi chaque semaine et redéfinissez votre réalité avec "Paradigme".
Welcome to the Datasets Podcast. Be well prepared to Learn and Share Insights about Entrepreneurship, AI, Wealth, Biohacking, Cultivating Relations, Surviving & Thriving In The Next Crisis, etc.
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We're glad to have you join this community! -
The E-commerce Queen Podcast is a podcast for all things E-commerce, online business, and self-development.
The host of the podcast, Sara Lampela is a 22 year old E-commerce entrepreneur who has 3 years of experience in selling products internationally with Amazon FBA as well as building her own E-commerce brands on Shopify.
The goal of The E-commerce Queen is to inspire other ambitious women to step into the world of E-commerce, help them to start and grow their own online businesses and bring the feminine essence into the E-commerce space.
New episodes every Sunday! -
Présentation de la chaire
Créée en partenariat avec l'agence nationale Santé publique France, la chaire annuelle Santé publique est destinée à encourager l'excellence de la recherche et le débat intellectuel au meilleur niveau sur les questions de santé publique.
Chaire Santé publique 2022-2023
Prévention nutritionnelle des maladies chroniques : de la recherche à l'action de santé publique
Au cours d'une vie, nous ingérons environ 30 tonnes d'aliments et 50 000 litres de boissons. Les milliers d'études épidémiologiques, expérimentales et cliniques publiées ces cinquante dernières années ont permis de lever – en partie – le voile sur l'impact de ces aliments et leurs composés bioactifs sur notre santé. La nutrition, englobant au sens large l'alimentation et l'activité physique, est aujourd'hui reconnue comme un des principaux facteurs modifiables intervenant dans le déterminisme des maladies les plus répandues dans le monde industrialisé : obésité, cancers, maladies cardiovasculaires, diabète… Au niveau mondial, une alimentation déséquilibrée est un des principaux facteurs de risque de mortalité, avec environ 1 décès sur 5, et des problématiques nutritionnelles très contrastées selon les pays du globe. La nutrition regroupe un ensemble de facteurs de risque ou protecteurs modifiables, autant de leviers actionnables au niveau individuel et collectif pour améliorer la santé des populations et contribuer à réduire les inégalités sociales. Ce cycle de conférences aborde les concepts et enjeux actuels en nutrition de santé publique : comment sont établis les niveaux de preuve ? Quels sont les apports scientifiques des grandes études épidémiologiques françaises de ces dernières décennies ? Au-delà des connaissances établies (sur l'alcool, le sel, les fibres, etc.), de nombreuses questions demeurent quant à l'impact sur la santé à long terme, de l'homme et de la planète, de facteurs de risque émergents (procédés de transformation industriels ou domestiques, mélanges d'additifs alimentaires, résidus de pesticides, jeûne, compléments alimentaires…) Comment démêler le vrai du faux entre réelles connaissances scientifiques et « fake news », dans un domaine qui fait couler beaucoup d'encre et qui fait l'objet d'importants intérêts économiques. Une fois identifiés les facteurs et comportements nutritionnels à promouvoir ou éviter, comment les surveiller au niveau des populations, et quelles mesures de santé publique (étiquetage, politiques de prix, régulation de la publicité…) mettre en place pour améliorer efficacement la prévention des maladies chroniques ?
Listen to Medscape InDiscussion: Myasthenia Gravis, a podcast series where thought leaders and clinical experts share their diverse insights and practical ideas for optimizing patient care. Relevant disclosures can be found with the episode show notes on Medscape ( The topics and discussions are planned, produced, and reviewed independently of advertisers. This podcast is intended only for US healthcare professionals.