In this week's episode of Capitalism Hits Home, Dr. Fraad delves into the striking parallels between the Trump administration's strategies and the tactics outlined in the Nazi playbook. The podcast also examines actionable ways to counter and halt this dangerous agenda.
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In this week's episode of Capitalism Hits Home, Dr. Fraad delves into the concept of "Love," coming just a few days after Valentine's Day. She examines how America has undergone a significant revolution in recent history—a transformation in the meanings and practices of love. Love and marriage no longer "go together like a horse and carriage," as Frank Sinatra's 1955 song once claimed. Today, most Americans are single, and the majority of marriages end in separation or divorce. This podcast explores the reasons behind this profound shift.
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In this week's episode of Capitalism Hits Home, Dr. Fraad explores the global shift in household structures, which stands in stark contrast to traditional marriage norms. As the fundamental unit for creating and sustaining human life, the family is undergoing profound transformations. Just as the nuclear family once replaced the feudal family, new and diverse family structures are now emerging in place of the nuclear model, as marriage declines and new patterns of child-rearing and family formation take root.
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In this week's episode, Dr. Fraad reflects on 2024, a year in which there were several high-profile sexual assault cases featured in mainstream media. Dr. Fraad will highlight four cases of brutal sexual assault allegations by men against women that gained significant media attention.
This week's podcast delves into the underlying reasons for these assaults, the increased media coverage surrounding them, and explores actionable steps to prevent future incidents of sexual violence.
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In this week's episode, Dr. Fraad discusses what the Trump administration means for the American people. All but the wealthiest American men, women, and children will suffer while billionaires Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy will lead the proposed agency, DOGE( the Department of Governmental Efficiency). They plan to cut government jobs, job protections, and aid for poor and working-class people, especially the most vulnerable members of our society. The cuts will protect the wealthiest from interference with their profits. However, we can fight back!
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In this week's episode, Dr. Fraad discusses the prevalence of sexual assault allegations and crimes committed by powerful and wealthy men. The news is filled with the names of famously accused rapists: Donald Trump, Puff Daddy, Weinstein, Cosby, Epstein, etc. The #MeToo movement allows them to be exposed. This podcast explores the question of why widespread rape is a perk of monied powerful men.
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In this week's episode, Dr. Fraad explores why and how a convicted felon who was found liable for sexual assault was chosen to lead America. Americans and particularly white American men are frightened. They have lost family wages and their wives as well. White women have lost the lifetime financial support of their domestic labor and child care. Americans have no Left Party to explain their lesser lives. Why not? This podcast begins to explain it.
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In this episode, Dr. Fraad discusses the history of childhood. To quote the most well-known historian of childhood, Lloyd deMause, "The history of childhood is a nightmare from which we have only begun to awaken." We all begin life as children. Our history must be claimed. Feudalism and capitalism cast children as private property to use, abuse, exploit, or love. This podcast explores our common history through a Marxist lens. In case we need the footnote it follows: Lloyd deMause The History of Childhood. Psychohistory Press, New York. 1974
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In this episode Dr. Fraad discusses how the American Empire is Falling. That truth which is recognized throughout the rest of the world and in U.S. financial circles, is denied across America. However, the evidence cannot be denied. Where the denial expresses itself most is in "Spirit Level Afflictions". Glaring economic and social inequality, distrust between people, addiction, mental illness, lowered life expectancy, birth rate decline, suicide, homicide, imprisonment rates, and much more. All signs of a society in deep turmoil.
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In this episode, Dr. Fraad juxtaposes our capitalist system with sexual assault. Capitalist exploitation, like rape, requires a lack of connection and empathy for the workers one exploits. Capitalism encourages domination and disconnection from workers' human needs and wants. The rapist does the same. Rapists refuse to see their victim as a fellow human but only as an object to be exploited and dominated. While the majority of rape victims are women 10 percent are men yet another remnant of patriarchy.
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American women are on a birth strike. The U.S. leads the developed world in reducing the global birth rate. Only well-funded government programs for families and children will change this phenomenon. U.S. women cannot be the national safety net. This week's episode explains why U.S. women are on a birth strike and what we can do to correct that.
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In 2009 Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett wrote their best-selling book, "The Spirit Level" which showed how economic inequality spawned extensive social suffering.
Recently those authors revisited the United States 15 years later, and every aspect of the social problems referenced in their work has increased with the increase of inequality. They elide capitalism's leading role in delivering misery. I do not evade it.
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Family was a mainstay of child development and emotional sustenance for both adults and children. US families are now falling apart. Today's episode asks the question: "What can be done to replace their sustaining power?"
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In Today's times, most marriages end in legal or extra-legal separation or divorce. Why is this happening? What are its social political and personal causes and effects? Today's show explores this phenomenon
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There is a worldwide revolution that is already happening. It’s in the family, the primary site of creating and sustaining human life. Just as the nuclear family replaced the feudal family, new family forms are replacing the nuclear family as marriage breaks apart and children are born.
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Donald Trump has morphed from a transgressive man into a "Totem", a symbol and embodiment of the rage of Americans at the erosion of white male privilege, and the economic and social devaluation of the their lives. He embodies the retribution for the ravages of capitalism.
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[S07 E12] Women with access to birth control are increasingly opting out of bearing children worldwide. Women are now economically forced into labor outside of the home. Thanks to persistent male chauvinism women are then expected to perform a "second shift" of housework and childcare.
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[S07 E11] What are the Skills and Strengths Learned In Performing Women’s Traditional Labor of Caring and Creating Order and Cleanliness? Why Are These Knowledges Unknown, No Less Uncelebrated?
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[S07 E10] The Family Does It Work? Did It Ever?
The family is a sacred cow, It is presented as instinctual, and eternal. It isn't. Family is breaking down. It's time to study it, question it, and create new alternatives and study the successful alternatives whose stories have been repressed. If we do, we can find ways to empower and free each other on every level.
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[S07 E09] "The UN World Happiness Report": Where Does America Stand and How Do We Raise Our Satisfaction With Our Lives?
The United States has lost its position in the top 10 happiest nations? We have lost on every marker of life satisfaction. How do we regain our joy and hope?
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