Investigative journalists in several European countries have done their own research into JuicyFields. In this update, we talk about what they found out.
Hosts: Andreas Becker und Nicolas Martin
Feedback: cannabiscowboys@dw.com -
More than 400 police officers have raided homes and offices in various countries.
The suspects they arrested are the same people we’ve been talking about in Cannabis Cowboys – including the supposed mastermind of JuicyFields.
Hosts: Nicolas Martin and Andreas Becker
Feedback: cannabiscowboys@dw.com -
Saknas det avsnitt?
We had a legal dispute, but that's been solved.
We can now present episode 6 of Cannabis Cowboys without the annoying beeps, and with all the names and more details.
Hosts: Nicolas Martin and Andreas Becker
Feedback: cannabiscowboys@dw.com -
We keep you updated on what has happened since episode 8 of Cannabis Cowboys was released. What is law enforcement doing, and can victims hope they will ever get at least some of their money back?
And we have some exciting news to share: Cannabis Cowboys is now also available in German: dw.com/cannabis-cowboys
Hosts: Nicolas Martin and Andreas Becker
Feedback: cannabiscowboys@dw.com -
It's time to finally meet the man who's willing to lift the veil on the JuicyFields mystery. We meet in Helsinki, close to the Russian border. And what he tells us blows our minds. This is our final installment - for now. The JuicyFields story is far from over.
Hosts: Nicolas Martin and Andreas Becker
Feedback: cannabiscowboys@dw.com -
We now look at the other tribe within JuicyFields. Is it really a group of Russian criminals that controls the company and its website? Whoever they are – they are listening to Cannabis Cowboys. And they got in touch with us.
Hosts: Nicolas Martin and Andreas Becker
New episodes every Thursday
Feedback: cannabiscowboys@dw.com -
We take a look at one of the two tribes at war within JuicyFields. We travel to areas that smell of money, visit a castle, and are blinded by the allure of status and old money. We even considered taking an etiquette class. But as always with JuicyFields, all is not what it seemed to be.
Hosts: Nicolas Martin and Andreas Becker
New episodes every Thursday
Feedback: cannabiscowboys@dw.com -
We are now looking for where all the money went. Hundreds of millions, probably billions. We discover that scamming investors might have not been JuicyFields’ only goal. And we learn of a rift that ran through the company. Inside JuicyFields, there were two tribes at war with each other.
Hosts: Nicolas Martin and Andreas Becker
New episodes every Thursday
Feedback: cannabiscowboys@dw.com -
We try to find out if JuicyFields was a purely criminal project, a Ponzi, a scam without a real product. Did the medicinal cannabis really exist? For this, we get in touch with all the cannabis producers JuicyFields claimed to have partnered with. What emerged? The JuicyFields Gap.
Hosts: Nicolas Martin and Andreas Becker
New episodes every Thursday
Feedback: cannabiscowboys@dw.com -
We take you back to the crazy days in mid 2022 when JuicyFields stopped working. Days full of panic and anger, when thousands lost their savings, and some feared for their lives. Days full of rumors, confusion, hope and mystery, because what seemed like the end was just the beginning.
Hosts: Nicolas Martin and Andreas Becker
Feedback and new leads: cannabiscowboys@dw.com -
Parties in luxury hotels and airplanes, fancy sports cars and weed. In this episode, we meet key people of JuicyFields - and confront them with our doubts. We also learn about JuicyFields’ origin story, and its possible links to Russian cybercriminals. Plus: We earn money from the sale of our cannabis plant.
Hosts: Nicolas Martin and Andreas Becker
Feedback and new leads: cannabiscowboys@dw.com -
We introduce you to the business model of JuicyFields - and meet investors who trusted the startup with thousands of euros. With the promise of huge returns and the power of social media, the company created a perfect storm. Even we couldn’t resist and bought our own virtual cannabis plant.
Hosts: Nicolas Martin and Andreas Becker
Send us feedback, tips and new leads: cannabiscowboys@dw.com -
The Berlin-based company JuicyFields promised huge profits through investments in medicinal cannabis. Thousands of people worldwide trusted the company with their savings – and lost everything.
In this true crime investigation, DW asks whodunit. And the story gets stranger with every twist and turn.
New episodes every Thursday starting January 19th.