We start off this week by discussing a fan-made Norse godly parent quiz (link below!) and having some deep self analysis. Then Blitz has a crafting contest and wins, thanks to Sam's animorphing powers. The gang escapes the angry dwarves, and in the process, they discover that the Sword of Summer can talk! We have PTSD because of the Arrow of Dodona. Erin proposes a theory about Rick's fixation on speaking objects in 2015. Magnus gets to see Loki again via dream, and then we meet our new favorite character, Otis the goat. Otis is the GOAT. They head to find Thor and figure out where Fenris wolf is.
Viktoria's quiz: https://uquiz.com/CTb68e
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We are running out of references, folks. Somehow we bring up Spongebob, Lord of the Rings, Taylor Swift, Rudolph, Jimmy Neutron, and Stardew Valley, all in one episode. Magnus and friends navigate the world tree and face the giant squirrel. They end up in Folkvanger, and meet Freya, Blitz's mom. Magnus lowkey has a crush on his aunt, but we aren't going to think about that too much. They get what they need for their quest, and finally get to Nidavellir, where all the dwarves hangout. Apparently, dwarves love Taylor Swift. Blitz finds himself entered into a crafting contest to save the world against his arch-enemy, a dwarf named Junior.
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Saknas det avsnitt?
This week, Magnus and pals set sail with a strange man named Harold to see a goddess about a sword. Rick pulls his favorite trick to get two characters alone to bond. Rick also attempts to teach us about diversity. We meet Ran and get the Sword of Summer (which has yet to begin speaking). We find out who Big Boy is, and deep dive a little on Utgard-Loki. Erin talks about her Sims-induced psychosis. Then Magnus, Sam, Hearth, and Blitz find a way to the World Tree through some cute lil duck statues!
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This week we are joined by repeat guest, Mal from Demigod Debut podcast (@demigoddebutpod)! We discuss childhood shows and Mal's brother's Wiggles T-Shirt. Magnus has to face his dead body (which subsequently makes us bring up The Haunting of Hill House for the 5000th time). Annabeth finds Magnus at his own funeral. If she had a nickel for every time she's attended a funeral where the dead person shows up, she'd have two nickels... Magnus then makes a deal with Mirmir, and then gets his falafel stolen by an eagle. Mal helps us out with the timeline. Much like Rick, we do not understand the timeline of this universe. Manasa reveals her Boggle-related trauma.
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Magnus dies for the second time in this book on the battlefield, and has then has his second encounter with Loki. Manasa might actually be a child of Loki, based on her penchant for mischief. Magnus gets a tour of Hotel Valhalla from Gunilla, who we don't like. Blitz and Hearth show up to rescue Magnus and take him back to the human world, but they must hurry! Or else The Squirrel will get them! Magnus gets back to the mortal world, and heads in the direction of his own funeral. Manasa and Erin both spiral out about attending their own funeral.
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Magnus learns all about Valhalla this week. We reveal just how late in life we learned that Davey Crockett and Leif Erikson were real people. We deep dive on the Norns, and compare them to the Fates in Greek mythology. Sam, who we have already grown attached to, is removed from the Valkyries. Magnus gets to know his floormates more and then prepares for battle.
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It's time for Magnus to die -- yay! Magnus dies heroically (or not so heroically, depending on who you ask...) and wakes up in a magical afterlife hotel. We meet a whole new cast of characters and deep dive into Norse Mythology. The Nanny Goat breaks our brains a bit. Is it mead? Or is it actually yogurt? Asking the important questions. Magnus meets Sam, who is already a favorite of ours, and learns about Hotel Valhalla.
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We are thrilled to be back and finally starting Magnus Chase! We hope this episode can bring you some joy amidst whatever is going on in your life/the world/etc. We admit it -- we didn't believe all of you about Magnus Chase. But these books are GOOD. We meet our hero, Magnus and get to see our fav, Annabeth Chase. We learn a bit about Norse mythology (something neither of us knew much about) and then watch Magnus get kidnapped by his crazy uncle to save a rusty sword.
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CONTENT WARNING: In this episode, we are discussing the adult novel, Blood of Hercules, after it went viral on PJO/mythology twitter. This book contains mature adult sexual themes, so if you are a younger listener or are uncomfortable with said themes, this episode is not for you (and we'll see you when we do Magnus Chase!).
BLOOD OF HERCULES by Jasmine Mas went viral on Twitter. We're discussing what it's about, using our Greek myth expertise. We...did not like this book. At all. Topics in this book somehow include mathematician fanfiction, forced marriage, a misogynistic invisible talking snake, and being so hot four (4!!!) different chiseled men fall in love with you. We're breaking down everything that happens in this book so you don't have to read it, from the inaccurate portrayals of Greek/Roman mythology, to the problematic messages about asexuality and gender. You're welcome! Please enjoy this wild ride.
Hecate arrives home, and Percy tells her everything that happened. She doesn’t punish him because he brought her a new puppy (fair enough). Percy convinces Hecate to reopen her magic school, much to Eudora’s excitement. Annabeth, Juniper, and Grover join the Jackson-Blofis household for dinner and they have a nice heartwarming ending. Juniper says people who move away don't leave us, they're just spreading their branches. Sending love to all of you lovely friends who are near and far away!
Then, we discuss our overall thoughts on this book, read some emails, and play some audio messages. Make sure to stay for the end to hear what we plan to do next!
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We are joined once again by friend of the podcast, Ishanie, to talk about some of the final chapters of this book! The fight with Peter and his ghosts is in full swing. The eels save the day, and somehow, milk is brought up. Again. We realize Peter is probably in Elysium (it's rigged!). Once again, we get confused by the timeline and by the references to so many modern pop culture moments. Percy throws a rager at Hecate's house. Camp Half-Pod does NOT endorse demigod children doing drugs. For legal purposes everything we have ever said is actually a bit we're doing!!! Don't cancel us!!! Percy and Annabeth have a super sweet heart-to-heart. We love our emotional support couple!
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Finally, we learn the truth about Sally. It's not as exciting as we were theorizing. Turns out, Sally met Hecate before, when she was a child! Percy gets some more background on the magic school from his mom and from his school counselor, and we learn that apparently the end of magic school was linked to WW1? Also, we decide that magic school is for the girlies. Percy, Annabeth, Grover, and the pets summon some ghosts. We have no clue who Peter Stuyvesant is, but we learn. Listeners, please tell us, did you know of this guy? Are we just forgetting everything from high school history class? They summon Peter, who sucked as a person, and take the ghosts back to the mansion. Things, of course, don't go to plan!
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It's been a rough week, y'all. Here is a podcast episode to hopefully bring some joy to your lives. Percy, Annabeth, and Grover get hit with beast breath, and turn into strange animal hybrids. Percy bonds with Gale and learns her backstory, which prompts Erin to do a deep dive on witch-hunting in Ancient Greece. Manasa finds a disturbing owl-human hybrid image on Google and shares it with all of us to curse our brains. Gale and Percy create a cure, and thankfully, it works and restores everyone to normal. The pets all make it back home safe, but the home is still crumbling. Percy decides it's time to finally ask Sally what she knows about Grammercy Park.
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Funds from this episode's ads will be donated to abortion funds in the US in light of the recent election.
Manasa attempts to redeem herself post-milk debacle. She stands by her original theory. We discuss how this book sounds a lot younger in tone, and in themes. Percy and Grover continue their search for Gale throughout perfume departments, and Annabeth arrives to help them out and provide the brain cell. They find Gale, who is being metaphorically milked for knowledge, and fight some naiads to try and save Gale. We discuss if it's cool to yell out your move before executing it.
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We are very sleep deprived in this one, so topics somehow include the recession, the U.S. education system, and...milk? After getting Hecuba home, Percy, Annabeth, and Grover turn to finding Gale. We learn some more about Hecate's magic school and Sally's potential connection to it. Percy and Grover have a nice bonding moment, and Grover almost dies via squirrels. They go on the hunt for Gale in perfume stores. Manasa thinks they're literally milking Gale. Milk is now triggering for Manasa after this episode. If you're reading this, please comment milk on this episode to further harass her! Also make sure you stay for the last 5 minutes of this one.
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We start off this episode by being really confused about the timeline, thanks to some great points from listeners re: Percy's comments about Leo. Rick definitely doesn't know his own timeline. In these chapters, the gang is on the hunt for Hecuba this week, who is having a grand old time terrorizing Greek businesses. They fight undead warriors and Percy somehow travels through space and time to Troy. There's a really sweet conversation about grief and loss with Hecuba. She's forming a blended family with Nope. Also, there are three pee counts in this episode!
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Grover... you've really done it this time. We return to our roots, aka, making fun of Grover. Also Erin has a new microphone and it becomes her whole personality. Grover explodes the house because he has no self control, and the pets escape. If Manasa was Percy, she'd have to go on a lot of walks. Mrs. O'Leary shows up (we all missed her very much) and Percy randomly adopts a puppy. Then, for some reason, Chiron is at Percy's school. Also, Percy still has to go to school. We ask the important questions: is Chiron poor? Is camp poor? Is Chiron still a zaddy?
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Today's episode is all about pet ownership. Percy, Annabeth, and Grover enter their domestic pet-sitting era at Hecate's mansion, and last almost a whole day before chaos breaks out. Erin thinks that Hecate is actually a very good dog (and polecat) mom. The trio learns that walking a polecat and a hellhound is not for the faint of heart. Manasa deep dives on Hecate, Hecuba, and Gale, and we get a refresher on the iconic myth of Gale and the sex lives of weasels (sorry, polecats!). Percy comes back to the mansion after school to find that it's a mess. Let the shenanigans begin...
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WE’RE BAAAAAACK! This week we’re talking all things Wrath of the Triple Goddess, but first, we have some yapping to do. We discuss all the new casting announcements for the show, and the TSATS sequel. Erin and Manasa realize they are Mark and Rick. Then we dive into the chapters and learn the Percy is a fall girlie. Is Annabeth a natural people person? WTF is a pumpkin spice burrito?? Why does Rick make so many pee jokes? And what kind of novels is Sally writing?? We’re asking all the important questions here. We wrap up by checking in on our bingos!!
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This week, we're predicting the plot of Wrath of the Triple Goddess (out September 23, 2024!!!). But of course, we can't do things normally, because we're Camp Half-Pod. We turn our predictions into a competitive BINGO game, and you can play along and make your own BINGO sheet if you want! This is the free BINGO generator we used: https://myfreebingocards.com/bingo-card-generator
We then wrap up the episode with some more audio messages and a discussion of what's next. Love you all!
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