#聖經故事 #咖哩老師 #聖經 #兒童聖經故事
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《宣教日引》禱告季刊發行廣及全球華人,25 年來每天介紹一個福音未得之民,提供具體代求事項。
◆《新的一天》世界難民 兒童繪本著色本:
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Welcome to the archive for the Gospel homilies and conference messages of Metropolitan Anthony Bloom of blessed memory (1914-2003). Metropolitan Anthony was the founder and bishop of the Orthodox Christian diocese of Sourozh in Great Britain and Ireland, within the Moscow Patriarchate. He is known and loved as one of the greatest Christian teachers of modern times and a tireless shepherd of souls. His spoken messages and publications are treasured throughout the Orthodox Christian Church. Visit ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN PODCAST DIRECTORY:
A podcast aimed at Christian single women to explore practical topics like habits single women should be developing, living with roommates, caring for aging parents and navigating long-distance relationships. "Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she smiles at the future." Proverbs 31:25
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歡迎來到🌟《心靈沐音Spiritual Harmonic》本節目分享各種身心靈、能量療癒知識與觀念,更以能量療癒與靈性的角度來看待我們的生命與生活,協助大家跨越當下的課題與糾結,希望大家能選擇自己想要的人生,過得更自在舒心。。✨對於節目內容、身心靈療癒想了解更多,歡迎搜尋🧡曦和沐音身心靈能量療癒 💛與我們聯繫,相關連結如下 ▲✨更多近期課程活動頁面:✨朝朝親製💗能量產品《能量噴霧&能量薰香》說明影片 or 本節目EP51✨朝朝著作《靈氣手札-靈氣與身心靈療癒必讀指南》✨年代Much《美的in台灣》專訪 provided by SoundOn
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Do you long to experience the abundant life that Jesus promises? We do too, and that’s why this podcast exists. In the commands of Christ, we find unshakeable, immovable truths that are foundational to experiencing abundant life. Beyond just a to-do list, the commands of Christ reveal the heart of God, show us what true discipleship is, and provide a pathway to deeper relationship with God Himself. Join us on a weekly journey through the commands of Christ
Rocky Mountain Community Church (PCA) is a regional church in the west end of Billings, MT with members and attenders from every area of the city and throughout Yellowstone County. We invite you to join with us as we seek to promote a passion in all peoples for God’s glory in all places. Whether single or married, young or old, student or professional, from here or abroad, Presbyterian or not, come and discover with us the incredible liberating power of the grace of God made known in Jesus Christ. We look forward to welcoming you personally, and may God bless you.
The Metron Manager Podcast is a dynamic program that will equip you to become a successful Metron Manager! This transformational program will catalyze your journey to recover the dignity and mission of vocation!
Based on his book, Managing Your Metron, Jonathan Nowlen brings a refreshing and hope filled approach to Theology of Work and the Future of Christian Mission. Crucial concepts and Biblical perspectives are explored and interviews with Christian thought leaders in the workplace will inspire and develop everyone who is called to work in the Kingdom of God.
Jonathan is passionate about recovering the dignity and mission of vocation. He is a career missions leader who has worked in 60 countries over the last few decades. He is the host of the Metron Manager Podcast and author of Managing Your Metron: A practical Theology of Work, Mission and Meaning.
Jonathan is a an experienced strategist, leader, public speaker, coach, consultant and equipper. Currently Jonathan is focused on missionized theology of work and equipping believers to advance the Kingdom through their vocation. After 11 years as executive director of an international, educational non-profit, he founded the Metron Manager Project.
Remember, God has given you Permission and a Commission to work!