Roger Bolton, formerly presenter of BBC Radio 4's 'Feedback' launches his very first podcast. Free from the constraints of broadcasting on the BBC, with a few more opinions and casting his net a little bit wider to encompass the whole of the BBC, Roger examines the issues that are facing the corporation and public service broadcasting.
Find all our podcasts here
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We also support VLV (Voice of the Listener and Viewer) which represents the interests of audiences to make sure we continue to benefit from high quality radio and TV in the UK. You can find them here
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Every week, one survivor of sexual violence, tells their story to journalist and author (and survivor) Terri White.
We discuss their personal experience and the reality of the bigger picture around assault and what comes after.
We attempt to combat the myths around assault that cause so much harm. That reveal themselves in questions beginning with three words..."Why Didn't You".
Why didn't you...scream? Fight him off? Dress differently? Leave him? Report to the police? Have proof?
These testimonies reveal the impact of these myths. How they harm women, how they seek to silence and shame. How they play out throughout society, including in the criminal justice system. Of the reality of reporting, taking action, seeking justice in 2023.
This is a podcast where women's stories will be heard. What's yours?
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
This is Vancouver’s bona fide culture and politics podcast. Hosted by Mo Amir, parse through the relevant issues with the city’s most colourful personalities. With its heart on its sleeve and caution thrown to the wind, this is a podcast that is provocative, informative, and sometimes emotional. This is VANCOLOUR
Ежедневные утренние новости России с сибирским акцентомЭто первое шоу студии «Осторожно: подкасты!». События прошедшей ночи и анонсы на текущий день обсуждают ведущие Иван Притуляк из Омска и Арина Тарасова из Красноярска. Начните свой день с самых важных новостей — подкаст выходит каждое утро по будням.
Ведущие — Арина Тарасова, Иван Притуляк
Продюсер — Даша Данилова
Редакторы — Сергей Простаков, Вероника Дёмина
Монтажеры — Марина Теренжева, Михаил Бень
Дизайнеры — Александра Филиппова, Екатерина Коновалова
SMM — Дарья Паяcь, Константин Сперанский
(с)Студия «Осторожно: подкасты!», 2021-2022
Harri Tiido pakub lühilugude sarjas sissevaadet rahvusvahelisse poliitikasse ning avab maailmas toimuvate sündmuste ja protsesside taustu. "Harri Tiido taustajutud" on eetris teisipäeviti ja neljapäeviti Vikerraadio saates "Uudis+"
Septembri lõpus 2020 liitus Vikerraadioga kogenud diplomaat Harri Tiido, kes kaks korda nädalas pakub lühilugude sarjas sissevaadet rahvusvahelisse poliitikasse. Maailma eri nurkades toimuvat võib selgitada lokaalsete juhustega, kuid taustad on enamasti sügavamad ja mitmekihilised. Saatesarjas avab Harri Tiido maailmas toimuvate sündmuste ja protsesside taustu ning tagamaid."Harri Tiido taustajutud" on eetris teisipäeviti ja neljapäeviti saates "Uudis+". -
Raadio 2 podcast. Uus episood ilmub podcasti teisipäeval kell 19. Saade on eetris laupäeval kell 13 veebikanalil R2.Rock. Saadet saab järele kuulata ja alla laadida 365 päeva.Raadio 2 podcast, kus uuemat ja vanemat metalit mängivad Madox & Simo Atso.E-post: [email protected] Madox ja Simo Atso.Uus episood ilmub podcasti teisipäeval kell 19.Saade on eetris laupäeval kell 13 veebikanalil R2.Rock ( 2 sotsiaalmeedias R2 @ Facebook ja R2 @ Instagram*Saadet saab järele kuulata ja alla laadida 365 päeva.
Ed Balls and George Osborne take us behind closed doors into the rooms where decisions are made. Having battled it out across the despatch box, the former Chancellor and shadow chancellor now meet in the studio to discuss the decisions that affect the nation’s pockets. Our frenemies have the knowledge and experience to explain how good politics follows the economics - and expose how the powerful become powerless when faced with market forces and political currents they can’t control. Join us every Thursday.
Send your messages or voice notes to [email protected]
Find us on social media @polcurrency
Political Currency is a Persephonica production.
Subscribe now on PatreonHosted on Acast. See for more information.
Eesti vanim mälumängusaade "Mnemoturniir" oli esimest korda Vikerraadios 23. detsembril 1967. aastal. Aastate jooksul on eetrist läbi käinud üle kümne tuhande küsimuse sadadelt raadiokuulajatelt. "Mnemoturniiri" mängijate põhikoosseisu kuuluvad Marju Kõivupuu, Ivo Linna, Reimo Sildvee ja Hannes Rumm.
Saadet juhib Tarmo Tiisler, toimetaja on Marje Lenk.
Kontakt:elektronpost: [email protected] : 698 89 57postiaadress: Gonsiori 21, Tallinn 15020
Kuulake pühapäeviti kell 11.05 (kordus kell 21.05)