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    We all have the same number of hours each day, yet some people seem to accomplish so much more. Ever wondered why? In this episode, Sharran shares his personal formula, a system that can help you achieve all your goals in just fifteen minutes a week–if you do it right. The key is finding a system that works for you. 

    Are you ready to unlock your potential for massive productivity, focus, and execution? Tune in as Sharran unveils the three key elements that can transform your life: a fifteen-minute weekly routine, the POTUS Principle, and the magic that ties it all together. 

    “Next time you're thinking about the fastest way to execute on something, next time you're thinking about having a system to do it, come up with the simplicity of the system because the more simple it is, the more apt, easier for you to follow all of these.”

    - Sharran Srivatsaa


    02:02 - What is the Review-Preview Method?

    06:11 - What is the CODE Framework?

    07:36 - What is the POTUS Principle?

    12:47 - What is the purpose of your to-do list?

    13:21 - How do you show commitment to the process?

    15:57 - Recap of the massive execution system


    - Wealth Without Wall Street Podcast - https://www.youtube.com/c/WealthWithoutWallStreet

    - Deal of the Week System - https://sharran.com/episode175/

    - The 5am Club - https://sharran.com/5amclub/

    - Join the 10K Wisdom Private Partner Podcast, now available to you for free - https://www.highlandprime.com/optin-10k-wisdom

    - Join Sharran's VIP Community - https://sharran.com/vip/

    - The Real Brokerage - https://www.joinreal.com/

    - Top Agent Power Pack - https://sharran.activehosted.com/f/121

    - The Job of a CEO - https://www.highlandprime.com/download-job-of-ceo

    - ARC Multifamily Real Estate Investing - https://arcmf.com/

    - Sharran's Partnership...

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    Have you ever wondered why product naming is crucial for every business? Imagine you've invested weeks, months, or even years perfecting your product or service. How do you ensure it stands out and captures the market's attention? The answer lies in crafting a compelling product name.

    In this episode, Sharran unveils his proven product naming formula, showing you how to create names that resonate and stick. Whether launching a groundbreaking product or a new service, the right name is critical to success. A confusing name can turn away potential customers, but a great name can elevate your product.

    Tune in to discover the secret behind Sharran's product naming formula and use it to name the things you create. 

    “Whenever we have a thing, and we name it, it becomes a system. It becomes legitimate, it becomes a container for thought, it becomes a container for complexity, it becomes something you're proud of.”

    - Sharran Srivatsaa


    02:01 - What is the Deal of the Week System?

    02:54 - The two components of naming something

    03:01 - How do you use function as a part of product naming?

    03:49 - What fancy word do you use to complete the product naming formula?

    05:00 - Here are some examples of how to apply this formula

    10:16 - Lessons from using the product naming formula

    11:50 - How to use ChatGPT for product naming

    12:56 - Recap of the product naming formula


    - Wealth Without Wall Street Podcast - https://www.youtube.com/c/WealthWithoutWallStreet

    - Deal of the Week System - https://sharran.com/episode175/

    - The 5am Club - https://sharran.com/5amclub/

    - Join the 10K Wisdom Private Partner Podcast, now available to you for free - https://www.highlandprime.com/optin-10k-wisdom

    - Join Sharran's VIP Community - https://sharran.com/vip/

    - The Real Brokerage - https://www.joinreal.com/

    - Top Agent Power Pack - https://sharran.activehosted.com/f/121

    - The Job of a CEO - https://www.highlandprime.com/download-job-of-ceo


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    Imagine you can have a perfect day every single day. How we spend our days indicates how we spend our lives. But first, you have to know what a perfect day looks like for you. How do you design a repeatable, enjoyable, productive day that moves life forward?

    In this episode, Sharran shares his diagnostic tool for determining whether he had a perfect day and offers suggestions on how to make up for days when you don't get to do the things you had to do. He developed this perfect day scorecard composed of six specific items to ensure each day does not pass by with wasted opportunities. You don't have to do all six things at once, but incorporating some of them into your daily activities will dramatically improve your life. Why don't you give the perfect day scorecard a try?

    “I've realized over the years that if I don't have a scorecard, if I don't have a diagnostic on what I'm doing on a day-to-day basis, then I have no way of seeing, thinking, or feeling as to how I did that day.”

    - Sharran Srivatsaa


    02:40 - Sharran's planning process

    06:15 - Why Sharran created the perfect day scorecard

    07:46 - How do you manufacture energy?

    11:59 - What does it mean to make an offer?

    14:53 - Why do you need to create a business asset?

    20:59 - How do you help your community?

    23:24 - What can you do to build and grow your brand?

    29:12 - How do you show love for your people?

    30:58 - Recap of the perfect day scorecard


    - 52 Needle Mover System - https://sharran.com/episode204/

    - Wealth Without Wall Street Podcast - https://www.youtube.com/c/WealthWithoutWallStreet

    - The 5am Club - https://sharran.com/5amclub/

    - Join the 10K Wisdom Private Partner Podcast, now available to you for free - https://www.highlandprime.com/optin-10k-wisdom

    - Join Sharran's VIP Community - https://sharran.com/vip/

    - The Real Brokerage - https://www.joinreal.com/

    - Top Agent Power Pack - https://sharran.activehosted.com/f/121

    - The Job of a CEO - https://www.highlandprime.com/download-job-of-ceo


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    What is one of your biggest aspirations? Why do you want to do it? How will you achieve that goal? 

    Sometimes, people keep their biggest dreams a secret to avoid vulnerability. But today, Sharran reveals one of his deepest desires, which was sparked by a conversation with the owner of a professional hockey team. 

    Since then, Sharran has thought of buying the Anaheim Ducks. His reasons go beyond money or fame, but something that would benefit future generations. 

    So when is he buying the team and what does he plan to do next? Tune in to find out the status of this big dream. What about you? What are you doing to pursue your greatest desire?

    “I have zero doubt that I can raise whatever money necessary to buy the Anaheim Ducks. What I am curious about is I will not do it unless I get a chance to create America's team because that is a cultural legacy worth leaving behind.”

    - Sharran Srivatsaa 


    02:50 - What sparked Sharran's aspiration to own the Anaheim Ducks?

    04:20 - How many professional sports team owners do you know?

    07:55 - What would it take to make a team America's team?

    12:45 - What is the real reason Sharran wants to buy the Anaheim Ducks?

    15:18 - What does Sharran plan to do next after purchasing the team?


    - Wealth Without Wall Street Podcast - https://www.youtube.com/c/WealthWithoutWallStreet

    - The 5am Club - https://sharran.com/5amclub/

    - Join the 10K Wisdom Private Partner Podcast, now available to you for free - https://www.highlandprime.com/optin-10k-wisdom

    - Join Sharran's VIP Community - https://sharran.com/vip/

    - The Real Brokerage - https://www.joinreal.com/

    - Top Agent Power Pack - https://sharran.activehosted.com/f/121

    - The Job of a CEO - https://www.highlandprime.com/download-job-of-ceo

    - ARC Multifamily Real Estate Investing - https://arcmf.com/

    - Sharran's Partnership Program -

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    When starting a new business, sales is one of the most challenging but critical things to get right. Of course, not everyone is a born salesperson. Unless you come from a sales background, you might not know what an effective sales process looks like. But as long as you're willing to learn the art of selling, you can attract raving fans willing to buy your products and services. 

    In this episode, Sharran shares his most important sales lesson. If you master the framework discussed here, you can sell almost anything at your desired price. No matter your business or career, sales is a useful skill. So, take advantage of the opportunity to learn this proprietary framework from someone who knows exactly how to take your sales skills to the next level.

    “Adding value is subjective; it doesn't mean anything, right? Showing up and adding value is not related to your charisma–it's related to proof of a promise.”

    - Sharran Srivatsaa


    03:01 - One of the many things Sharran learned while reading books

    04:29- What does adding more value mean?

    06:40 - How do you define value?

    10:17 - How do you show proof of a promise?

    18:34 - What happens when there's too much commoditization?

    20:05 - What is our job?

    20:40 - Recap of the most important sales lesson


    - The 5am Club - https://sharran.com/5amclub/

    - Join the 10K Wisdom Private Partner Podcast, now available to you for free - https://www.highlandprime.com/optin-10k-wisdom

    - Join Sharran's VIP Community - https://sharran.com/vip/

    - The Real Brokerage - https://www.joinreal.com/

    - Top Agent Power Pack - https://sharran.activehosted.com/f/121

    - The Job of a CEO - https://www.highlandprime.com/download-job-of-ceo

    - ARC Multifamily Real Estate Investing - https://arcmf.com/

    - Sharran's Partnership Program - https://www.highlandprime.com/

    - Grab Sharran’s 4-Week MBA for Free - https://sharran.com/4weekmba/

    Connect with...

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    Have you ever wondered how the best companies create insane profits and insane enterprise values? How do they build companies worth millions or even billions of dollars? What makes a product unique?

    In this episode, Sharran dives deep into the art of productizing your services, turning your expertise into high-demand products that sell themselves. Get ready to learn the three components of productizing your service to meet and exceed customer expectations.

    Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, this episode is packed with insights that can revolutionize your business approach and help you break free from the limitations of traditional service models. 

    Are you ready to transform your service business into a scalable, revenue-generating machine? Don’t miss out on this game-changing episode! Tune in now to unlock the secrets of productization and take your service business to new heights.

    If you don't have a product-based mindset of delivering the service, you will always have a commoditized service, and when you have a commoditized service, you will be beaten down in price until you go out of service.”

    - Sharran Srivatsaa


    03:26 - How do you create an enormous amount of value?

    04:07 - What makes product managers unique?

    05:57 - The difference between order qualifiers and order winners

    08:18 - How do you build a product in a service world?

    10:19 - How to map the client journey

    14:45 - The importance of show, flow, and demo

    20:15 - How do you elegantly differentiate what you do?

    23:04 - Recap of the three components to productize a service


    - The 5am Club - https://sharran.com/5amclub/

    - Join the 10K Wisdom Private Partner Podcast, now available to you for free - https://www.highlandprime.com/optin-10k-wisdom

    - Join Sharran's VIP Community - https://sharran.com/vip/

    - The Real Brokerage - https://www.joinreal.com/

    - Top Agent Power Pack - https://sharran.activehosted.com/f/121

    - The Job of a CEO - https://www.highlandprime.com/download-job-of-ceo

    - ARC Multifamily Real Estate Investing - https://arcmf.com/

    - Sharran's Partnership Program -

  • Click Here to Get All Podcast Show Notes!

    Have you ever wondered what the secret is for those who always seem to seize great opportunities? What could be the reason behind some individuals being consistently luckier than others?

    Imagine if Lady Luck is always in your corner. How would you feel if good fortune followed you all the time? 

    Conventional wisdom states that luck is a matter of chance, similar to rolling dice. Yet others say that luck is more about ensuring an excellent karmic balance. 

    In this episode, Sharran presents four practical steps to attract good fortune. These steps are relatively easy to implement. All you need is the intention to put them into practice.

    So, are you ready to manufacture luck?

    “The fastest path to deep fulfillment is starting to feel happiness for others because there is an unlimited source of happiness where that came from. Every single day, you can wake up and feel happiness for someone else.”

    - Sharran Srivatsaa


    01:28 - Who is the luckiest person that you know?

    01:50 - Three quotes about luck and what they mean

    03:23 - How can we push luck in our favor?

    04:50 - What is your biggest strength, and how can you make it better?

    07:25 - Who can you publicly recognize? 

    09:41 - How can you give something of immense value every day? 

    12:26 - Is there someone you can be genuinely happy for?

    13:47 - Recap of the four ways to manufacture luck


    - The 5am Club - https://sharran.com/5amclub/

    - Join the 10K Wisdom Private Partner Podcast, now available to you for free - https://www.highlandprime.com/optin-10k-wisdom

    - Join Sharran's VIP Community - https://sharran.com/vip/

    - The Real Brokerage - https://www.joinreal.com/

    - Top Agent Power Pack - https://sharran.activehosted.com/f/121

    - The Job of a CEO - https://www.highlandprime.com/download-job-of-ceo

    - ARC Multifamily Real Estate Investing - https://arcmf.com/

    - Sharran's Partnership Program - https://www.highlandprime.com/

    - Grab Sharran’s 4-Week...

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    Being an entrepreneur or business owner is full of exciting challenges and potential learning opportunities. It also comes with unique obstacles that may be difficult to hurdle. Sometimes, the challenges involve an entrepreneur's weaknesses. 

    Are you aware of the common weaknesses entrepreneurs face?

    In this episode, Sharran explains the four weaknesses most entrepreneurs experience and how to overcome them. If you can identify any of these challenges within yourself and learn what you must do, you will be one step closer to success.

    “A big part of clarity is understanding what you don't want. When you can be very clear about the things you don't want, it is a lot easier to get the things that you do want.”

    - Sharran Srivatsaa


    01:00 - The idea behind this episode

    01:56 - Do you often lose your temper?

    08:13 - Are you working without clarity?

    13:43 - What happens when you make incorrect comparisons?

    17:31 - What is your understanding of personal responsibility?

    22:11 - Recap of the four fixable weaknesses


    - The 5am Club - https://sharran.com/5amclub/

    - Join the 10K Wisdom Private Partner Podcast, now available to you for free - https://www.highlandprime.com/optin-10k-wisdom

    - Join Sharran's VIP Community - https://sharran.com/vip/

    - The Real Brokerage - https://www.joinreal.com/

    - Top Agent Power Pack - https://sharran.activehosted.com/f/121

    - The Job of a CEO - https://www.highlandprime.com/download-job-of-ceo

    - ARC Multifamily Real Estate Investing - https://arcmf.com/

    - Sharran's Partnership Program - https://www.highlandprime.com/

    - Grab Sharran’s 4-Week MBA for Free - https://sharran.com/4weekmba/

    Connect with Sharran:

    - Facebook -

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    In a world where artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly evolving, industries are leveraging its power to streamline processes and enhance productivity. From simplifying daily tasks to revolutionizing entire departments, AI has become an indispensable tool in our modern lives.

    Tune in to this episode as Sharran delves into six dynamic ways his team leverages AI to drive efficiency and innovation. Discover how to wield AI effectively, empowering yourself to transform your workflow and achieve your goals with unprecedented speed and precision.

    Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, exploring AI's potential can propel you toward success in ways you never thought possible. 

    “Imagine someone could just go into your head, go through all the learnings you've had, and then piece together a great thing and pull it out, synthesize it, sequence it, and give it to you–that's insane!”

    - Sharran Srivatsaa


    02:10 How to achieve maximum momentum

    04:50 Create a presentation instantly with a slide generator

    07:06 Summarize your emails in a flash

    09:15 Create the perfect images and bring your ideas to life 

    11:55 Generate context-appropriate stories using this tool

    13:03 Imagine what it's like to have a digital brain

    14:32 Recap of the six ways to use AI


    - Visualize Your Ideas Instantly - https://www.beautiful.ai/

    - AI-Powered Email - https://superhuman.com/

    - Create Tailored Images - https://elements.envato.com/

    - Create High-Quality Images - https://midjourney.com/

    - Create Amazing Graphic Designs - https://www.canva.com/

    - Research Appropriate Stories - https://chat.openai.com/

    - Turn Ideas into Action - https://www.notion.so/

    - The 5am Club - https://sharran.com/5amclub/

    - Join the 10K Wisdom Private Partner Podcast, now available to you for free - https://www.highlandprime.com/optin-10k-wisdom

    - Join Sharran's VIP Community -

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    If you're like most people, you don’t want to live with regrets. So, you probably think carefully about what you're willing to do to guarantee the best outcome for you every time. 

    However, there are times when you can't have it all. You must be willing to trade something to get more of what you want. So what are the things that you won't regret choosing and why? 

    Today, Sharran shares what he's unwilling to trade off and the five filters he uses to make decisions. If it were up to you, what would you trade-off? 

    “When you know that life is a series of trade-offs, you start to trade better.”

    - Sharran Srivatsaa


    03:00 Understanding the power of choice

    05:41 What are you trading for something you won't regret?

    06:52 What are you not willing to trade off?

    08:05 What will you trade to get more energy?

    12:15 Can you buy more time?

    15:18 Do you want to have more fame?

    16:58 What's stopping you from having more money?

    18:32 Can you have it all at the same time?

    24:18 What will you trade for more love in your life?

    25:55 How do you refill your bucket?

    26:22 Recap of the five things you won't regret


    - The 5am Club - https://sharran.com/5amclub/

    - Join the 10K Wisdom Private Partner Podcast, now available to you for free - https://www.highlandprime.com/optin-10k-wisdom

    - Join Sharran's VIP Community - https://sharran.com/vip/

    - The Real Brokerage - https://www.joinreal.com/

    - Top Agent Power Pack - https://sharran.activehosted.com/f/121

    - The Job of a CEO - https://www.highlandprime.com/download-job-of-ceo

    - ARC Multifamily Real Estate Investing - https://arcmf.com/

    - Sharran's Partnership Program - https://www.highlandprime.com/

    - Grab Sharran’s 4-Week MBA for Free - https://sharran.com/4weekmba/

    Connect with Sharran:


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    What big goals do you have for the year? How are you going to achieve them? What are you procrastinating on? 

    Many people set ambitious goals, but it’s not just about setting goals. It’s also about achieving them. If you don't have a system, you will get lost, frustrated, and give up even before you start. 

    In this episode, Sharran breaks down his personal operating system for achieving meaningful projects. This system, which he calls the 52 Needle Mover System, has allowed him to accomplish more than another person can. If you can personalize and put the system into practice, it will dramatically improve your life. 

    So, are you ready to tackle those life-changing goals you've been putting off? Here’s how you can do it. 

    “Massive progress needs effortless implementation. Effortless implementation needs meticulous planning. Meticulous planning needs super inspired clarity.”

    - Sharran Srivatsaa


    02:37 Why Sharran came up with these three ideas

    03:53 How to choose your projects carefully

    07:09 What is the 52 Needle Mover System?

    07:58 How do you plan for a project?

    11:36 How do you implement your plan?

    13:11 Recap of the 52 Needle Mover System

    14:21 What is one project you're procrastinating on?


    - The Impact Filter™ by Dan Sullivan - https://resources.strategiccoach.com/tools-and-worksheets/the-impact-filter

    - The 5am Club - https://sharran.com/5amclub/

    - Join the 10K Wisdom Private Partner Podcast, now available to you for free - https://www.highlandprime.com/optin-10k-wisdom

    - Join Sharran's VIP Community - https://sharran.com/vip/

    - The Real Brokerage - https://www.joinreal.com/

    - Top Agent Power Pack - https://sharran.activehosted.com/f/121

    - The Job of a CEO - https://www.highlandprime.com/download-job-of-ceo

    - ARC Multifamily Real Estate Investing - https://arcmf.com/

    - Sharran's Partnership Program -

  • Click Here to Get All Podcast Show Notes!

    Every day, we come across words, phrases, quotes, or ideas that spark something inside us. Sometimes, the words are so powerful that they remind us where to focus our energy and attention. 

    Sometimes, we feel low and frustrated. Then, we read or hear something that reminds us that we are not alone in our struggles. Whether from a friend, a movie, a book, or some random person, a timely inspirational quote speaks directly to us and leaves a powerful message of hope to lift our spirits. Sometimes, a casual conversation ignites an idea that could be the beginning of something great. 

    Today, Sharran shares 13 of his favorite quotes. These quotes will impact you and make you want to look deeper into yourself. Enjoy the episode!

    “This is not gonna be a normal episode like you're always used to but I'm gonna probably give you dollar for dollar, pound for pound, minute for minute; there's probably not a better episode that you can get because I'm going to pack this in with 13 lessons that I wrote down. These are quotes, sayings, feelings, words that I believe could really impact you.”

    - Sharran Srivatsaa


    02:01 #1: What is the best math you can learn?

    02:13 #2: The concept of time as perceived by children

    02:36 #3: The most heroic thing you can do 

    02:46 #4: The difference between amateurs and professionals

    03:02 #5: How do you define a story?

    03:36 #6: Love vs. Hate: Which is more powerful?

    03:53 #7: What did Henry Ford say about advertising?

    04:53 #8: What is character?

    05:02 #9: Do you start or stop when things are hard?

    05:13 #10: What do you do if you can't solve a problem?

    05:49 #11: Have you learned your lesson?

    05:57 #12: Risk vs. regret

    06:03 #13: Why it's essential to allow yourself to rest

    06:19 Recap of 13 ideas


    - The 5am Club - https://sharran.com/5amclub/

    - Join the 10K Wisdom Private Partner Podcast, now available to you for free - https://www.highlandprime.com/optin-10k-wisdom

    - Join Sharran's VIP Community - https://sharran.com/vip/

    - The Real Brokerage - https://www.joinreal.com/

    - Top Agent Power Pack - https://sharran.activehosted.com/f/121

    - The Job of a CEO - https://www.highlandprime.com/download-job-of-ceo

    - ARC Multifamily Real Estate Investing -

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    When running a business, ensuring smooth operations might be comparatively easy if you're just starting. You might be able to do everything up to a certain point. But as your company expands, hiring someone to help becomes necessary. And, if you want to break past the 3-million-dollar revenue, you need these five force multipliers to do it.

    In this episode, Sharran takes you behind the scenes of a private presentation to 37 CEOs on adding these five force multipliers into their business that will allow them to build, grow, and scale their time, effort, income, joy, and impact. 

    If you can add even one or two of these multipliers, it will dramatically improve the way you run your business. Tune in and discover what these five force multipliers are and where to find them. 

    “A lot of people would never get an admin expert because they don't feel like they deserve it or they don't feel like giving up control. And it's not a mechanical thing; it's a philosophical thing. Once you solve that, amazing things happen.”

    - Sharran Srivatsaa


    02:07 What happens in the swamp of success?

    03:33 #1: Are you doing admin tasks that are not revenue-generating? 

    07:59 #2: Why should you hire a project management expert?

    09:15 #3: Why do you need a systems expert?

    12:02 #4: Do you have a bookkeeper or an accountant?

    14:09 #5: How would an AI Expert benefit you?

    17:10 Recap of the five force multipliers


    - Hire Your Next VA - https://www.assistantly.com/

    - Hire a Systems Expert - https://systemology.agency/

    - Haven Financial Services - https://www.myfinancialhaven.com/

    - The 5am Club - https://sharran.com/5amclub/

    - Join the 10K Wisdom Private Partner Podcast, now available to you for free - https://www.highlandprime.com/optin-10k-wisdom

    - Join Sharran's VIP Community - https://sharran.com/vip/

    - The Real Brokerage - https://www.joinreal.com/

    - Top Agent Power Pack - https://sharran.activehosted.com/f/121

    - The Job of a CEO -

  • Click Here to Get All Podcast Show Notes!

    Have you heard the phrase “failure is not an option”? At first, it sounds harsh. After all, when you're starting something new, failure is always a possibility. It’s just not an appropriate phrase for everyday life, especially if you cannot figure out how to make it attainable. But what if someone can show you that you can live by this theme that “failure is not an option”?

    In this episode, Sharran explains seven ways to guarantee success. Once you understand and implement these things, you will soon believe that the phrase “failure is not an option” is an excellent motivator for achieving your goals. Tune in to discover these seven ideas. 

    “Skill is just knowing how to do the thing. When you know how to do the thing, success is inevitable.”

    - Sharran Srivatsaa


    01:53 The inspiration behind today's episode

    03:56 #1: What does having a singularity of focus mean?

    08:02 #2: How do you intentionally remove distractions?

    10:50 #3: What's in your guaranteed-to-fail plan?

    12:36 #4: Do you have a strong support system and accountability?

    16:14 #5: Why is focus more important than intelligence?

    18:34 #6: Do you believe that the universe conspires in your favor when you focus?

    19:56 #7: What does focus do?

    21:04 Here's a gift for you

    21:25 Recap of the seven ways to guarantee success


    - The 5am Club - https://sharran.com/5amclub/

    - Join the 10K Wisdom Private Partner Podcast, now available to you for free - https://www.highlandprime.com/optin-10k-wisdom

    - Join Sharran's VIP Community - https://sharran.com/vip/

    - The Real Brokerage - https://www.joinreal.com/

    - Top Agent Power Pack - https://sharran.activehosted.com/f/121

    - The Job of a CEO - https://www.highlandprime.com/download-job-of-ceo

    - ARC Multifamily Real Estate Investing - https://arcmf.com/

    - Sharran's Partnership Program - https://www.highlandprime.com/

    - Grab Sharran’s 4-Week MBA for Free -

  • Click Here to Get All Podcast Show Notes!

    What do you really want to achieve in life? Are you willing to pay the price to get it? Do you understand the cost of success? 

    Sometimes, you get frustrated when you fail to achieve your version of success. But maybe it's because you have yet to fully understand that success means giving something up to get what you want. That's how you keep the "karmic balance" at work.

    In this episode, Sharran takes you behind the scenes of the three filters he uses to understand every single opportunity. Understanding these three things is the biggest difference between the rich and the rest, or those who are successful and those who are not. 

    Do you want to have anything in life? Then, make sure you fully understand that success has a cost, and it can be any of these things: Opportunity cost, capability cost, or unique ability cost. 

    “Success loves speed, and delay kills deals.”

    - Sharran Srivatsaa


    01: 53 THIS is the biggest difference between the rich and the rest

    04:10 What do you really want to achieve?

    04:52 The three costs of success 

    05:19 What is opportunity cost?

    06:41 What is BATNA, and how do you use it in making decisions?

    09:10 What is capability cost?

    10:59 How do you acquire the skill you need?

    14:29 Are you acquiring the skill or hiring the skill?

    14:56 What is unique ability cost?

    17:42 What would you do to pay to only work in your zone of genius?

    20:34 Recap of the cost of success

    22:22 How does "karmic balance" work?


    - The 5am Club - https://sharran.com/5amclub/

    - Join the 10K Wisdom Private Partner Podcast, now available to you for free - https://www.highlandprime.com/optin-10k-wisdom

    - Join Sharran's VIP Community - https://sharran.com/vip/

    - The Real Brokerage - https://www.joinreal.com/

    - Top Agent Power Pack - https://sharran.activehosted.com/f/121

    - The Job of a CEO - https://www.highlandprime.com/download-job-of-ceo

    - ARC Multifamily Real Estate Investing - https://arcmf.com/

    - Sharran's Partnership Program - https://www.highlandprime.com/


  • Click Here to Get All Podcast Show Notes!

    Do you want to become famous? It sounds fantastic. You'll get tons of attention and social media followers. Everyone will know who you are, and you'll get an insane amount of benefits. 

    But becoming famous is not easy if you don't have a blueprint. If getting famous were that simple, everyone would have done it. So, what is the formula for fame?

    Today, Sharran breaks down his three-step framework for becoming famous faster. You may not become an overnight sensation, but understanding and following these three steps consistently will save you from experimenting with different tactics that may or may not work. 

    So try the three-step formula and thank Sharran when you finally reach celebrity status. Enjoy your journey to fame!

    “Fame is the most efficient business model.”

    - Sharran Srivatsaa


    02:04 What is it like living in the fame economy?

    04:06 How do you define fame?

    06:38 The idea behind this episode

    08:50 What does occupied mindshare mean?

    14:24 How do you dominate one platform?

    17:19 How do you leverage other people's audience?

    23:05 Recap of the 3-step formula to fame


    - The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod - https://miraclemorning.com/books/

    - The 5am Club - https://sharran.com/5amclub/

    - Join the 10K Wisdom Private Partner Podcast, now available to you for free - https://www.highlandprime.com/optin-10k-wisdom

    - Join Sharran's VIP Community - https://sharran.com/vip/

    - The Real Brokerage - https://www.joinreal.com/

    - Top Agent Power Pack - https://sharran.activehosted.com/f/121

    - The Job of a CEO - https://www.highlandprime.com/download-job-of-ceo

    - ARC Multifamily Real Estate Investing - https://arcmf.com/

    - Sharran's Partnership Program - https://www.highlandprime.com/

    - Grab Sharran’s 4-Week MBA for Free -

  • Click Here to Get All Podcast Show Notes!

    Time is our most valuable resource. Once gone, it can never be replaced. We all have the same 24 hours a day to do what we must do. But why do some people, mostly the high-achievers and ultra-successful millionaires, get more things done? Do they think about their time differently than the rest of us? What is their secret?

    Sometimes, the thought of going through the things we have to do becomes so overwhelming that we give up before we even start. But what if we can learn how the millionaires do it?

    In this episode, Sharran takes you behind the scenes into his 5-part blueprint for achieving more, which he calls the Millionaire Productivity Secrets. As someone who has worked with many coaches, entrepreneurs, business owners, and very successful people, he has observed how rich people do things and designed a process he outlines today. If you can apply these things to your life, it will significantly improve your productivity and allow you to reach your goals.

    “We don't have to do the things that super-rich and wealthy people do. But we have to do and think about how they do it.”

    - Sharran Srivatsaa


    02:02 Why many high achievers are stressed

    04:41 Create a not-to-do list

    07:32 Work from a calendar

    11:03 Manage your attention and energy 

    14:13 Practice the review-preview process

    16:17 Plan tomorrow today

    18:26 Recap of the five productivity secrets


    - Join the 10K Wisdom Private Partner Podcast, now available to you for free - https://www.highlandprime.com/optin-10k-wisdom

    - Join Sharran's VIP Community - https://sharran.com/vip/

    - The Real Brokerage - https://www.joinreal.com/

    - Top Agent Power Pack - https://sharran.activehosted.com/f/121

    - The Job of a CEO - https://www.highlandprime.com/download-job-of-ceo

    - The 5am Club - https://sharran.com/5amclub/

    - ARC Multifamily Real Estate Investing - https://arcmf.com/

    - Sharran's Partnership Program - https://www.highlandprime.com/

    - Grab Sharran’s 4-Week MBA for Free -

  • Click Here to Get All Podcast Show Notes!

    Email marketing may seem old-fashioned in the current digital marketing landscape, but it’s still essential to communicating with your customers. Unlike social media channels, you have more control over your emails' messaging and scope of reach. However, sometimes your emails fail to reach your customers' inboxes and land elsewhere. How can you avoid that? How do you make the most out of your email marketing efforts?

    In this episode, Sharran breaks down the seven lessons he learned from sending seven million emails. He wrote all the emails himself and analyzed the results, so he deeply understands what works and what doesn't.

    Today's episode is not just informative but also tactical. If you can implement the strategies and tactics Sharran discusses, you will see a massive improvement in your email stats. So get ready to take notes.

    “Everyone can write ChatGPT emails, and the more you see an ocean of mediocrity, the more your personal stuff will stand out.”

    - Sharran Srivatsaa


    02:25 Here's a shocking truth

    03:51 Lesson #1: Deliverability is King

    06:20 Lesson #2: Cadence is Queen

    08:36 Lesson #3: Content is the Royal Prince

    11:04 Lesson #4: Train your subscribers 

    12:40 Lesson #5: Be like Stan Lee 

    15:58 Lesson #6: Write for the big four

    17:36 Lesson #7: Email is not a marketing tool

    18:42 Recap of the seven lessons learned


    - Test Your Email Deliverability - https://www.mail-tester.com/

    - Join the 10K Wisdom Private Partner Podcast, now available to you for free - https://www.highlandprime.com/optin-10k-wisdom

    - Join Sharran's VIP Community - https://sharran.com/vip/

    - The Real Brokerage - https://www.joinreal.com/

    - Top Agent Power Pack - https://sharran.activehosted.com/f/121

    - The Job of a CEO - https://www.highlandprime.com/download-job-of-ceo

    - The 5am Club - https://sharran.com/5amclub/

    - ARC Multifamily Real Estate Investing - https://arcmf.com/

    - Sharran's Partnership Program -

  • Click Here to Get All Podcast Show Notes!

    How do you define or measure success? People usually equate success with having many assets. We typically measure success with material things or the amount of money we accumulate. However, there are four super-powerful assets that you should develop to become unstoppable. Do you know what they are?

    In this episode, Sharran breaks down each asset and why they are important. You may already have one or two of these assets, but you can also partner with someone who has them. Let's find out how to stack these four assets in your favor. 

    “If you can have a partnership that has all four (assets), you're gonna win so big. You're gonna win big time.”

    - Sharran Srivatsaa


    03:00 What is capability, and why is it a powerful asset?

    10:21 What raw materials are you accumulating, and what are you doing with it?

    14:54 Why is distribution considered a powerful asset?

    20:12 What does having massive influence mean?

    22:53 Examples showing the impact of these four assets

    25:53 Recap of the four most powerful assets


    - Join the 10K Wisdom Private Partner Podcast, now available to you for free - https://www.highlandprime.com/optin-10k-wisdom

    - Join Sharran's VIP Community - https://sharran.com/vip/

    - The Real Brokerage - https://www.joinreal.com/

    - Top Agent Power Pack - https://sharran.activehosted.com/f/121

    - The Job of a CEO - https://www.highlandprime.com/download-job-of-ceo

    - The 5am Club - https://sharran.com/5amclub/

    - ARC Multifamily Real Estate Investing - https://arcmf.com/

    - Sharran's Partnership Program - https://www.highlandprime.com/

    - Grab Sharran’s 4-Week MBA for Free - https://sharran.com/4weekmba/

    Connect with Sharran:

    - Facebook -

  • Click Here to Get All Podcast Show Notes!

    Have you ever thought about the way you use words? Why do you use a certain word to describe something? Do you give careful consideration to the words you use daily? 

    Concepts and words are often used interchangeably. Sometimes, the word comes first, and you have to search for a concept to go with the word. Other times, it's the other way around. 

    Sometimes, we use a word casually without clearly understanding what it means. But each word we use and the concepts that go with it gives a picture of how we view the world.

    Today, Sharran shares thirteen concepts and their meanings. Once you understand what each word means and start defining the words you use, you will see the world differently because “The limits of our language are the limits of our world.”

    “When we know the definition of the words that we're using, and we can share that definition with others to illuminate them, to give them insight into our thinking, it dramatically changes how we live, how we love, and how we feel.”

    - Sharran Srivatsaa


    01:31 A memorable quote that has changed Sharran's life 

    02:38 Why is it important to know the definition of our words?

    03:52 How do you define GROWTH?

    04:53 What does it mean to SCALE?

    06:01 What does CULTURE mean to you?

    07:29 What is CHARACTER?

    07:59 What does INTEGRITY mean to you?

    09:14 How do you define TIME?

    09:52 What does AVERAGE mean to you?

    10:27 What is PATIENCE?

    11:34 How do you define CONFIDENCE?

    12:33 What does LEARNING mean to you?

    13:46 What exactly does FRAMING mean?

    14:40 How do you define COMPLACENCY?

    15:10 What in the world is MEDIOCRITY?

    15:30 Recap of the 13 concepts that define us


    - Join the 10K Wisdom Private Partner Podcast, now available to you for free - https://www.highlandprime.com/optin-10k-wisdom

    - Join Sharran's VIP Community - https://sharran.com/vip/

    - The Real Brokerage - https://www.joinreal.com/

    - Top Agent Power Pack - https://sharran.activehosted.com/f/121

    - The Job of a CEO - https://www.highlandprime.com/download-job-of-ceo

    - The 5am Club - https://sharran.com/5amclub/

    - ARC Multifamily Real Estate Investing - https://arcmf.com/
