
  • Olya sits down with Sergio Borasino, a seasoned entrepreneur and head of a startup incubator. Sergio shares his journey from working in corporate marketing to becoming a successful entrepreneur startup mentor. He discusses the pivotal moments that led him to leave the corporate world, the challenges of balancing entrepreneurship with family life, and the importance of networking and maintaining a positive mindset.

    Join Olya and Sergio as they explore the highs and lows of entrepreneurship, the value of learning from failures, and the strategies for maintaining personal well-being while growing a business.

    In this episode, you will learn:

    Transitioning from Corporate to Entrepreneurial Life: Sergio and Olya discuss the challenges and rewards of leaving a corporate job to pursue entrepreneurial ventures. Sergio shares his personal story of a pivotal moment that led to his decision.

    Balancing Family and Business: Sergio emphasizes the importance of maintaining a balance between family responsibilities and business growth. He shares his strategies for managing time effectively and ensuring that family remains a priority.

    The Power of Networking: Both Sergio and Olya highlight the significance of building and maintaining a strong network. Sergio shares anecdotes about how networking has opened doors and provided valuable opportunities throughout his career.

    Learning from Failures: Sergio and Olya talk about the importance of reframing failures as learning experiences. They discuss cognitive reframing techniques and share personal stories of overcoming setbacks.


    Sharpen Your Ax: Identify activities that help you maintain a high level of productivity and ensure you make time for them. Reflect on how these activities save you time and improve your efficiency.

    Reframe Failures as Learning Experiences: Look back at recent situations where you felt you failed and practice cognitive reframing to see them as learning opportunities. Reflect on what you learned and how it can guide your future actions.

    Network Actively: Make a list of people in your industry or community who you would like to connect with. Reach out to them for coffee chats, informational interviews, or networking events to expand your professional network.

  • In this episode, Olya sits down with Justyna CG, a solopreneur, marketing consultant, and creator. Justyna shares her journey of overcoming the unique challenges faced by women in the entrepreneurial world, discussing everything from the misconceptions she encountered to the empowerment she found in building her own lane. They delve into the importance of understanding your strengths, the power of community, and how personal and professional support systems can make or break your journey. Join us for an honest and motivating discussion about resilience, self-discovery, and the importance of creating your own path in business and life.

    In this episode, you will learn:

    1. Challenges for Female Entrepreneurs: Justyna and Olya discuss the gender biases and stereotypes that women often face in the entrepreneurial world. Justi shares personal stories of being underestimated and how she turned those experiences into a source of motivation.

    2. Building a Supportive Network: Both Olya and Justyna highlight the importance of having a supportive partner or mentor. Justyna credits her husband for being a crucial part of her success, providing both emotional support and business advice.

    3. Finding Your Unique Strengths: Justyna advises listeners to identify their unique strengths and skills, which she refers to as their "unfair advantage." She explains how understanding what comes naturally to you can help in building a successful business.


    1. Identify Your “Unfair Advantage”: Reflect on what comes naturally to you and what you excel at without much effort. This could be a skill, a unique perspective, or a particular approach that sets you apart.

    2. Define the Reaction You Want to Elicit: Think about the kind of reaction you want from your clients or audience. Is it amazement, trust, excitement, or something else? Use this to guide your business strategy and content creation.

    3. Seek a Mentor: If you don't already have one, look for a mentor who can provide guidance and support in your entrepreneurial journey. Use platforms like LinkedIn or growthmentor.com to find someone who aligns with your goals and values.

    Justyna’s Linkedin profile : https://www.linkedin.com/in/justyna-ciecierska/

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  • In this episode, we dive into the lessons learned by Charles Engelen, a seasoned product designer, facilitator, and innovation consultant from building 166 MVPs, exploring why failing in a startup can be a valuable experience, how creating new products is like fishing on Lake Geneva, and the best strategies for maintaining your composure while moving at breakneck speed. Join us for actionable insights and inspiring stories from an experienced innovator who knows the highs and lows of the startup journey.

    In this episode, you will learn:

    1. Understand Your Audience: Charles emphasizes the importance of knowing who you're building your product for. It's not just about having a great idea; it's about solving a problem for your target users.

    2. Fail Fast, Fail Cheap: Adopting an iterative approach allows startups to learn quickly and pivot when necessary. Embrace failure as part of the learning process.

    3. Balance Vision with Reality: Innovation is key, but it needs to be paced. Introducing radical changes too quickly can lead to resistance and failure. Incremental improvements can often be more effective.

    4. Money Matters: While passion and purpose are crucial, financial stability and strategic funding are essential for sustaining a startup. Be frugal and strategic with funds.

    5. Work-Life Balance: Charles shares his routine of spending quality time with his children and taking breaks to reset his mind. It helps in reducing stress and gives you a fresh perspective on things.

    Homework :

    1. Talk to the Fish and Fishermen: Talk to people, talk to users, and conduct at least 100 user interviews to understand your audience deeply. This will help refine your idea and align it with real user needs.

    2. Reset Routine: Plan regular breaks from your routine to reset and gain fresh perspectives. Whether it's a short trip or just changing your environment, breaking the routine can help you recharge and refocus.

    Charles's LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/in/charles-engelen/

  • In this episode, Olya Grovel sits down with Justin Williams, a seasoned recruiter who recently faced a significant layoff from Blizzard Entertainment. Justin shares his personal journey from handling the unexpected news to actively seeking new opportunities. He delves into the importance of maintaining a positive mindset, the role of networking, and the value of soft skills in the recruitment process. Together, they explore strategies for resilience, emotional intelligence, and the power of gratitude in overcoming professional setbacks.

    In this episode, you will learn:

    Coping with Layoffs: Justin's approach to handling his layoff and reframing the experience as an opportunity. Networking Strategies: The importance of warm referrals and proactive networking in today's job market. Emotional Intelligence: Techniques for managing emotions, practicing empathy, and maintaining professionalism under pressure. Gratitude Practices: The benefits of daily gratitude routines and positive affirmations to foster a forward-moving mindset.


    Assume Positive Intent: Reflect on recent interactions where you may have assumed negative intent. Reframe these situations by assuming positive intent. Does It Serve Me?: Analyze recent events or upcoming challenges with the question, "Does this serve me?" and let go of those that don't. Practice Kindness: Make a conscious effort to be kind in your interactions and note down instances where this approach positively impacted your day.

    Justin's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/justinalanwilliams/

    Justin's IG: https://www.instagram.com/justifyleo

  • Today's guest, Brennan Schlagbaum, former CPA and founder of Budget Dog Academy, shares his transformative journey from shouldering over $300,000 in debt to designing a blueprint for financial independence and hitting a 1M net worth by 30. This episode delves into the pivotal moments and strategic decisions that catalyzed his transition from financial chaos to clarity. Join us as Brennan unpacks the core principles of achieving true financial freedom, underscored by the vital distinction between merely managing finances and mastering them for a purpose-driven life.

    In this episode, you will learn:

    The Evolution of Financial Mindset: How Brennan shifted from overwhelming debt to a strategic wealth builder, and the lessons learned along the way. The Role of 'Why' in Financial Planning: Discover the importance of knowing your deep-seated motivations and how this awareness can radically alter your financial practices. Strategies to Avoid Common Financial Traps: Learn about the typical pitfalls that ensnare many individuals and how to navigate around them to maintain financial health. Practical Steps to Financial Mastery: Brennan shares actionable steps and homework to help listeners start their journey toward financial literacy and empowerment.


    Find Your Why: Dive deep into understanding your motivations by asking 'why' repeatedly. This exercise aims to uncover the real reasons behind your financial goals. Identify What You Don't Want: Recognize what you're trying to avoid financially, helping you better understand what you actually want. Financial Reality Check: Review the last three months of bank and credit card statements. Ask yourself if your spending aligns with your goals, providing a stark reality check on your financial habits. Know Your Numbers: Define a clear financial goal in numbers. This task focuses on understanding exactly how much money you need to live the life you desire, setting a foundation for your financial plan.

    Brennan's IG - https://www.instagram.com/budgetdog

    Brennan's Book - https://www.budgetdogacademy.com/pre-order-now-1

  • In this pilot episode, Olya and her guest guest Gleb Gordeev unfold the narrative of conquering the underdog mentality and imposter syndrome. They share powerful personal insights and strategies on how to face these common challenges head-on, transforming feedback from a source of fear to a foundation for growth. Listeners will gain invaluable lessons on overcoming self-doubt, utilizing feedback as a constructive tool, and effectively narrowing the distance between current skills and future ambitions. This episode is not just a conversation; it's a roadmap for anyone looking to turn their perceived weaknesses into stepping stones towards achieving their dreams.

    Homework Summary:

    Anti-self-doubt exercise: Sit down and reflect on instances where you've received negative feedback. Distinguish between actual feedback and perceptions possibly magnified in your head. This exercise aims to help you differentiate between constructive criticism and unfounded self-doubt. Positive Feedback Repository: Create a collection of positive feedback and accomplishments to remind yourself of your strengths and achievements during moments of doubt. "Follow the money" Exercise: Assess your current skills and identify how they can bridge the gap to your ambitions. This step encourages a strategic approach to leveraging your strengths effectively.

    Olya - https://www.linkedin.com/in/olya-grovel-ryabinina/

    Olya's upcoming product -

    Gleb - https://www.linkedin.com/in/glebgordeev/

    Gleb's product studio - https://www.linkedin.com/company/kodebusters/