
  • Quick quiz! What’s the first thing you do when a potential client reaches out to you?

    A. Squeal in excitement

    B. Start digging into the copy, duh!

    C. Stalk them on LinkedIn

    Well, the answer should be some combination of A and C.

    Excitement is totally warranted when a new client reaches out—especially if you like the company!

    But, as with many things in life, we need to hold space for two seemingly opposite things: excitement and skepticism.

    Job scams are a tale as old as time. They’re not unique to copywriters, but there are a few red flags specific to writers you can look out for. And, there are a few key steps to take before agreeing to any work!

    Listen to hear Kate and I share our top tips for spotting job scams and how to (wisely!) proceed if you’re interested in any opportunity.


    Mentioned in the Episode

    Ep. 56: What is a Copywriting Test and Should You Do One?Setting Boundaries as a CopywriterEp. 182: What’s the Best Way to Communicate with Copywriting Clients?

    Related Links

    Which Work-From-Home Writing Jobs Are Real?Ep. 133: Are You Giving Off Any of These Copywriter Red Flags?


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  • This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/FRW and get on your way to being your best self.

    You know that with copywriting training you can become a copywriter. (Duh!)

    But did you know copywriting can open doors to so many other career opportunities?

    Kate and I got to sit down with CCA student Sunny to hear how (spoiler!) she went from designer to copywriter to marketing strategist.

    Sunny went to school for graphic design … but didn’t love design.

    As some of her clients asked her if she could write copy, Sunny said, “Sure!” But realized two things:

    She enjoyed copywriting more than design.If she was going to offer copywriting services to clients, she needed more formal training.

    In this episode of the Build Your Copywriting Business podcast, Sunny shares her story and tips for other copywriters, including how within 3 months of joining the CCA she was able to quit her serving job, what she’s charging clients, and how she feels copywriting helps with all areas of her life.


    Mentioned in the Episode

    Sunny's portfolio: solcopy.ca

    Related Links

    BONUS Laser Coaching: Why Copywriting is a Recession-Proof JobEp. 175: Career Resolutions to Make Right NowEp. 110: What’s Your Copywriting Career Path?


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  • Which of these camps do you fall into?

    1. Hesitant to freelance (even though you really want to) because figuring out healthcare and other benefits looks too hard.

    2. Diving head-first into freelancing … but there may be some “Oh Sh*t!” moments along the way.

    3. Freelancing with a system and a plan so you have regular income and even better benefits than any full-time job could possibly offer.

    If you’re part of the FRW community (or in the CCA!), my guess is you fall into camp #3.

    (You may fall into camp #2, but that camp really requires you to know yourself and whether you can build the net as you fall. You’ve probably heard me say I’m not a fan of it, but it works for some people! If that’s you, please let me in on your secret 😉 )

    We’ve covered how to build your own benefits package on this podcast before (if you missed it, you can add it to your queue right here).

    So, on this episode of the Build Your Copywriting Business podcast, we’re specifically covering what to do if you get sick.

    As you know, many companies offer sick days. But, what do you do if you fall sick as a freelancer? You have a plan in place, that’s what!

    Listen now so you’re ready in case illness strikes. (But knock on wood—knockknock*—it doesn’t!)


    Mentioned in the Episode

    Ep. 51: Working at an Agency & Collaborating with Other Copywriters – Jen’s and Julie’s StoryHow Can You Know if a Copywriting Deadline is Doable?Creative Brief: The First Step to Any Successful Copywriting Project

    Related Links

    Prepare Your Copywriting Business for a Sick DayEp. 49: How to Build Your Own Benefits as a FreelancerEp. 203: Secrets to Smooth Copywriting Client RelationsHow Copywriting Projects Actually Come TogetherEp. 154: How Freelancers Can Masterfully Juggle Multiple Projects – with Kaitlyn SpinneyBook Pick: How Copywriters Can Collaborate More EffectivelyThe Copywriting Project That Sells Itself to Your Customers


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  • No one likes paying taxes. But if you’re a freelancer, you’ve got so many more opportunities for tax deductions. That means you paying less in taxes (a.k.a. keeping more money in your pocket).

    Whether you’re in the US or not, you’re going to want to listen in. On this episode of the Build Your Copywriting Business podcast, Kate and I are running through a list of tax deductions that you can talk with your tax prep professional about.

    These deductions may allow you to pay less in taxes—meaning you save more of your hard-earned money. And who doesn’t want that?

    Listen now and start saving!


    Mentioned in the Episode

    Ep. 49: How to Build Your Own Benefits as a FreelancerFreelance Copywriter Benefits: How to Build Your Own Benefits Package

    Related Links

    Copywriter Taxes: Save With These Deductions in 2025 Paying Freelance Writer Taxes in 2025How Do I Save for Retirement If I Am Self-Employed?#1 Freelance Tax Mistake and How to Avoid It


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  • I have good news and bad news for you: pitching is always going to be the direct line to landing work, but there are other tactics you can mix in to keep things fun.

    (And, if you ask me, pitching CAN be fun, but I’ll save that conversation with you for another day 😉 )

    I am thrilled to share Kate and I sat down with podcast pitching pro Christina Lenkowski to pick her brain on all things podcast guesting.

    “But Nicki, I’m an introvert!”

    “But Nicki, I’m no expert!”

    Hear me out, we cover all this.

    Going on podcasts as a guest can not only establish you as an expert, but allows you to reach hundreds, if not thousands of members of your target audience—all at once.

    And, as the owner of the extraordinary podcast pitching service Publicity x Christina, Christina is the go-to expert on getting online entrepreneurs the visibility they need for the paydays they want (her copy, not mine—but isn’t that good?!).

    Full disclosure: I’ve even used her services!

    Listen now to see how you may be able to add this tactic to your business strategy!


    Mentioned in the Episode


    Related Links

    Top Podcast Episodes for New Copywriters8 Must-Listen Podcasts to Amp Up Your Digital Marketing Knowledge12 Business Books and Podcasts for the New Year


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  • Ever wake up in the morning, head to work, and all you can think of is "UGH!"?

    Like many people, Tori went to school for something she was told she'd be good at—sales—got a corporate job after college, and ... very quickly realized she was an introvert.

    She hated sales.

    So, Tori made the difficult decision to let go of the path she thought she'd be on her entire life.

    But she quickly realized it was a win-win: She could learning copywriting and change her life for the better. Or, worst case, she could gain more skills that she could use in any career.

    On this episode of the Build Your Copywriting Business podcast, Tori is sharing how she made the switch and what her days are like now.

    Kate and I are super inspired by Tori's mindset.

    💎 "There's something inside of us, we all know what our dream is ... I look forward to life in a way that I didn't before."

    💎 "If anything, you fail and you can go back to old habits or old positions or try again in another capacity."

    💎 "The ability to have autonomy over my schedule, over my life, it makes me a better, happier, more fulfilled person and I think that pours into every area of my life."

    Those are just a handful of gems she dropped at minute 15 of this podcast—yes, that's just one minute of the conversation!

    She has incredible insights to share, so I'd really encourage you add this one to your queue. (Or watch on YouTube so you can see Tori's fabulous red sweater ...)


    Mentioned in the Episode

    Tori's portfolio: yourwritefit.com

    Related Links

    Can an Introvert Be a Successful Copywriter?The Fastest Way to Grow Your Copywriting BusinessEp. 95: Hitting 6 Figures As a Copywriter in 6 Months – Stacy’s StorySet Your Copywriting Business Up for Financial Success


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  • Landing copywriting clients is a lot easier than you may think.

    (Reminder: CCA students, you have entire courses on how to find and land clients!)

    But one of the most overlooked ways to find clients?

    Talking to people.

    On this episode of the Build Your Copywriting Business podcast, Nicki and Kate joke about finding clients at the grocery store. But, truthfully, you can find clients almost anywhere!

    It all starts with accepting that you’re a copywriter—and getting comfortable telling people you’re a copywriter.

    CCA students share in the student-only Facebook group all the time that they landed a client just by making casual conversation.

    Because you really don’t know who could use a copywriter! And, because we’re writers and like writing, we take for granted that there are SO many people who don’t like writing.

    But, we know, you’re thinking: “Nicki, I can’t just go up to people and say, ‘Hi, I’m a copywriter!'” And you’re absolutely right.

    So, listen to this episode to hear us share our tips for making 100% non-awkward conversation.


    Mentioned in the Episode

    Episode 198: Finding Copywriting Success Through Curiosity – Jared’s Story

    Related Links

    5 Networking Steps to Take This MonthFind Copywriting Clients by Networking in the Right PlacesThe One Question That Makes Copywriting Networking Easy


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  • Having one steady, high-paying copywriting client is the dream, right?

    Well, to be honest, no.

    Copywriting is a little bit like investing. Putting your eggs all in one basket leaves you vulnerable to the whims of one company. That’s why diversification is so important.

    When you have multiple copywriting clients, it doesn’t matter if work slows down with one or if they go out of business entirely! You’ve got other work.

    And going from a 100% full workload to 90% or even 85% workload is much better than 100% to 0%. Think about it: if you’re earning $100,000, and you lose a client that is 15% of your business, you’re still earning $85,000. If you have one client? You’re down to $0.

    So, on this episode of the Build Your Copywriting Business podcast, Kate and I are digging into why the allure of one magical client shouldn’t be all that appealing and how to structure your client roster so you’re setting yourself up for a thriving career—not a rollercoaster ride.

    And, yes, this means you never stop pitching. Pitching from a place of abundance—when you have clients and income—is much more fun than panic pitching. (Trust me: panic pitching is bad news.)


    Mentioned in the Episode

    Ep. 114: Hate Writing Your Own Portfolio? Use These Tips to Get It DoneBONUS Laser Coaching: Top Tips for Wildly Effective Pitching

    Related Links

    Ep. 204: Dangerous copywriting strategy alert: you can’t rely on SEO for landing clientsEp. 61: Juggling Multiple Copywriting ClientsBONUS: Earning More As a Freelancer than On Staff – Catching Up With Stuart


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  • You’ve heard me say time and time again that copywriting is an incredibly fun and rewarding career.

    And it is. But … it’s still a career.

    There are inevitably times in life—whether as a freelancer or full-time, copywriting or otherwise—when you just don’t feel 100%.

    And sometimes we attribute those crummy feelings to the wrong things.

    Cloudy days, an odd text from a friend, a sick family member: a lot of factors in our lives can impact how we’re feeling.

    On this episode of the Build Your Copywriting Business podcast, Kate and I are talking about how we deal with the days when we just can’t. Those days can still be productive days—if you know how to approach them.

    Listen now for our best tips and tactics (and a few confessions 😳).


    Mentioned in the Episode

    Ep 157: Are You Living in the Gap or the Gain?Ep 134: Keep Copywriting Fun: 3 Must-Implement Business Boundaries

    Related Links

    Ep 144: Navigating Ups and Downs in a Copywriting Career – Tammy’s StoryEp 147: How to Avoid Freak-Outs & Solve Any ChallengeEp 143: Business Builder or Time Waster?


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  • Every time we talk with Comprehensive Copywriting Academy students, Kate and I leave feeling inspired.

    That’s exactly what it was like talking to Alicia.

    From a young age, Alicia knew she wanted to help people. It’s what got her into social work. But, like many of those in the social work field, Alicia faced extreme burnout.

    On this episode of the Build Your Copywriting Business podcast, Alicia is sharing her story, including how she transitioned from social work to copywriting, how her social work skills lend themselves to copywriting, and how she pushed past self-imposed roadblocks.

    Hint: it’s OK to take messy action—as long as you’re taking action!

    Alicia is proving that some careers don’t have to be full-time careers. Sometimes, you can put together a full-time career out of two part-time careers.

    So, I’d encourage you to listen to this episode for a little inspiration. Ask yourself, like Alicia did, “what do you want life to look like?”


    Mentioned in the Episode

    Building Your Portfolio Copywriting by Working With Small BusinessesEp. 114: Hate Writing Your Own Portfolio? Use These Tips to Get It DoneHow to Put Together a Copywriting Portfolio (Even With No Experience)Alicia Website: www.copysilk.com

    Related Links

    Ep. 156: 11 Years in Social Work to a $10K/Month Copywriting Career – Sonali’s StoryEp. 75: How to Be a Part-Time Copywriter with a Full-Time Job – Catching Up with AliciaHow to Be a Part-Time Copywriter from Home


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  • When used correctly, storytelling is a powerful copywriting tactic. But why do I say “when used correctly?” Because sometimes copywriters and clients use storytelling in the entirely wrong way.

    On this episode of the Build Your Copywriting Business podcast, Kate and I are breaking down when and how to use this tactic. Plus, we’re giving some examples of storytelling in action—including scenarios where it isn’t appropriate.


    Mentioned in the Episode

    Ep. 5: Why Choosing a Copywriting Niche is Terrible Advice

    Related Links

    How Long Should It Take You to Write Copy?How to Write Copy that Makes Your Clients Irresistible


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  • 🎶 What a client wants, what a client needs …

    … whatever makes them happy gets you money … 🎶

    I apologize if you have Christina Aguilera stuck in your head. BUT if it helps you remember the key takeaways from this episode, then you’re welcome. 😉

    On this episode of the Build Your Copywriting Business podcast, Kate and I are talking about four crucial things that clients look for in a freelancer.

    Doing these things is the difference between building long-term relationships with clients or having one-and-done projects with clients (and, potentially, reputation damage).

    So, make sure you’re putting your best foot forward. Listen now!


    Mentioned in the Episode

    Setting Boundaries as a CopywriterEp. 5: Why Choosing a Copywriting Niche is Terrible AdviceCreative Brief: The First Step to Any Successful Copywriting ProjectQuestions You Need to Ask Your Copywriting Clients

    Related Links

    Ep. 182: What’s the Best Way to Communicate with Copywriting Clients?Ep. 10: Your Ideal Clients Want You to Pitch Them


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  • “Stop calling yourself a freelancer!”

    In typical Internet fashion, there’s plenty of bad information and scare-tactic hooks.

    That “stop calling yourself a freelancer” is just one of the examples Kate recently saw when she was on LinkedIn.

    In a video posted on the site, a marketing “expert” calls on freelance writers to stop calling themselves “freelance writers.”


    On this episode of the Build Your Copywriting Business podcast, Kate and I decided to join this conversation to add a little nuance.

    The crux of the message in the video is that using the term “freelance” signals to clients that it’s lower-quality work.

    But is there any truth to this?

    Listen to this episode to hear Kate and I share our take.


    Mentioned in the Episode

    The Summer Freelance Summit explodingtopics.com Ep. 7: Freelance Job Sites Are Bad News

    Related Links

    Ep. 195: Freelance vs. Contract: Which is Better? Ep. 98: Why Freelance Copywriters Should Still Apply to Full-Time Jobs Freelance Copywriter Business FAQs


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  • Ever struggled with finding your “thing” in life?

    (But really…who hasn’t?! I know I have several times!)

    That’s the place John was in before he discovered copywriting.

    For years, John was a monk in Japan before returning to the US and becoming a middle school teacher. But after seven years, as many teachers can relate to, he was incredibly stressed.

    The “ah-ha” moment came when John realized a book he was using with his students—Designing Your Life—was just as relevant for this stage of his life as it was for theirs.

    And, you guessed it, it led him to copywriting.

    John was kind enough to join Kate and I on this episode of the Build Your Copywriting Business podcast and not only share his story, but share some fantastic tips for finding your passion—whether you are pursuing copywriting or not!

    I am SO excited for you to hear this conversation—Kate and I left this conversation feeling so inspired and we hope you do, too.


    Mentioned in the Episode

    wonderwebcreative.comwonderwebcopy.comDesigning Your Life Book

    Related Links

    Episode 160: How This Teacher Doubled Her Salary and Decreased Stress—Amanda’s StoryEpisode 176: How This Ex-Teacher Joined the Filthy Rich Writer Team—As a Copywriter – Rebecca’s StoryBONUS Laser Coaching: Transitioning to FreelanceBONUS – Laser Coaching: A Copywriter’s Guide to Creative ThinkingEpisode 189: Before Starting a Copywriting Side Hustle … Listen to This


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  • There are certain questions you're going to get asked as a copywriter, around the holidays or otherwise. Make sure you're prepared with your responses to 5 of the most common questions friends and family are sure to ask!

    In episode 5 of this 5-part series, we'll give you various answers you can use to navigate the "working with family and friends" conundrum.

    Whether you want to do work with relatives—but not for free!—or avoid working with them all together, you'll have exact scripts you can use to navigate this tricky question.


    Mentioned in the Episode

    3 Ways to Deal With Friends and Family Copywriting Rates

    Related Links

    Ep. 106: To Pitch or Not to Pitch Clients This Holiday Season?


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  • There are certain questions you're going to get asked as a copywriter, around the holidays or otherwise. Make sure you're prepared with your responses to 5 of the most common questions friends and family are sure to ask!

    In episode 4 of this 5-part series, you'll be able to correct the narrative that AI is crushing copywriting—because despite what your nephew Tyler thinks, it's very much not. Instead, you'll be able to explain to him what AI can and can't do, including how it's a valuable tool for copywriters.


    Mentioned in the Episode

    Ep. 96: Artificial Intelligence Copywriting: Do You Need to Worry?

    Related Links

    Ep. 106: To Pitch or Not to Pitch Clients This Holiday Season?


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  • There are certain questions you're going to get asked as a copywriter, around the holidays or otherwise. Make sure you're prepared with your responses to 5 of the most common questions friends and family are sure to ask!

    In episode 3 of this 5-part series, we're navigating the well-meaning, but often inappropriately asked, "how much are ya even making?!" question.

    Because so many other writing professions *don't* pay well, our friends and family are often worried that pursuing copywriting will put us in a similar position: struggling to pay the bills. But as you likely know, copywriters don't fall into this bucket.

    Here's how to answer this question, whether you're comfortable telling your grandfather exactly what you're making, or you simply want to correct this bit of misinformation so many people have been taught to believe.


    Mentioned in the Episode

    Ep. 25: How Much Can a Copywriter Earn?

    Related Links

    Ep. 106: To Pitch or Not to Pitch Clients This Holiday Season?


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  • There are certain questions you're going to get asked as a copywriter, around the holidays or otherwise. Make sure you're prepared with your responses to 5 of the most common questions friends and family are sure to ask!

    In episode 2 of this 5-part series, we've got your answer for dispelling the myth that freelancing is inherently risky. It's actually much *safer* than a full-time job.

    Get ready to blow your friends' and relatives' minds. 🤯


    Mentioned in the Episode

    BONUS Laser Coaching: Breaking the Feast or Famine Cycle, Nailing a Discovery Call, and Getting Replies on Pitches

    Related Links

    Ep. 106: To Pitch or Not to Pitch Clients This Holiday Season?


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  • There are certain questions you're going to get asked as a copywriter, around the holidays or otherwise. Make sure you're prepared with your responses to 5 of the most common questions friends and family are sure to ask!

    In episode 1 of this 5-part series, we're covering how to answer the age-old question: "what do you even do?!"

    Pro tip: don't just say, "I'm a copywriter," unless you want to explain how it's not a "copyrighter." Listen now to hear what you should say instead.


    Mentioned in the Episode

    What Is Copywriting?

    Related Links

    Ep. 106: To Pitch or Not to Pitch Clients This Holiday Season?


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  • The title of this podcast episode might sound dramatic, but it’s 100% true.

    There are copywriting experts touting this strategy. It’s so incredibly risky and, well, Nicki and Kate don’t want this strategy to put your copywriting success at risk.

    Because this strategy sounds good.

    The idea is that, if you can get your copywriting portfolio to show up in search results when people Google “copywriters” or copywriting in your specific area, then clients will just come to you.

    That sounds great, doesn’t it?

    But here’s the thing: you can’t rely on SEO for landing clients.

    On this episode of the Build Your Copywriting Business podcast, Nicki and Kate both get a little fiery. Because this strategy is truly dangerous. It’s a recipe for not hitting your copywriting goals.

    Listen now to hear why this strategy is such a bust and where you should focus your time instead.


    Mentioned in the Episode

    Ep. 5: Why Choosing a Copywriting Niche is Terrible AdviceEp. 10: Your Ideal Clients Want You to Pitch Them

    Related Links

    SEO Copywriting Guide for Search Result Ranking SuccessEp. 93: The SEO Copywriting MythSEO Copywriting & Strategy 101: How to Write SEOEp. 84: When to Break the Copywriting Niche Rule


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