
  • IMPORTANT!! This feed will be retiring on March 12, 2025. Buffering the Vampire Slayer will be airing exclusively in one public feed moving forward. To continue listening to our coverage of Buffy, simply follow the link below and subscribe on the podcatcher of your choice.SUBSCRIBE BY MARCH 12TH: bufferingcast.com/buffyWelcome to Once More, With Spoilers, where Kristin Russo & Jenny Owen Youngs revisit every episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, one at a time — for the SECOND time! — this time discussing each episode with spoilers!We are currently conducting a survey to determine what, definitively, IS the greatest love of all… Is it our collective love for the hilarity and chaos of campy season one Monster-of-the-Week episodes? Is it Principal Snyder’s love of hating the children he is charged with educating? Is it Xander’s love of Chocolate Hurricanes? Is it our love for the fact that this is the only episode of Buffy that features a ventriloquist’s dummy? Is it a father’s — I mean Watcher’s — love for his daughter — I mean Slayer? Or are all of these tied for second place, and is the GREATEST love of all our love for Cordelia???Lay back, relax, and let us strap you in to our guillotine for Season 1, Episode 9, “The Puppet Show.”JOIN US IN LA & BOSTON FOR UPCOMING LIVE EVENTS:bufferingcast.com/slayersMORE ON BUFFY PROM, OUR BOOK RELEASE EVENT IN TORRANCE, and NO & LOW COST TICKETS:bufferingcast.com/promOUR BOOK! OUR BOOK! OUR BOOK IS UP FOR PRE ORDER!bufferingcast.com/bookLOCATE YOUR HOSTS UPON THE INTERNETJenny Owen Youngs | @jennyowenyoungs; jennyowenyoungs.comKristin Russo | @kristinnoeline; kristinnoeline.comJoanna Robinson | @jowrotethis; jowrotethis.comALL THE SHOWS WE COVERBuffering the Vampire Slayer | A Buffy the Vampire Slayer PodcastSPOTIFY • APPLE • AMAZON • YOUTUBEThe eX-Files | Covering The X-FilesSPOTIFY • APPLE • AMAZON • YOUTUBEAngel on Top | An Angel PodcastSPOTIFY • APPLE • AMAZON • YOUTUBEDoomcoming | A Yellowjackets PodcastSPOTIFY • APPLE • AMAZON • YOUTUBEThe Boiler Room | A My So-Called Life PodcastSPOTIFY • APPLE • AMAZON • YOUTUBEBuffering: A Rewatch Adventure | @bufferingcast on socialsMUSIC | Theme song and jingles composed and performed by Jenny Owen Youngs | bufferingcast.com/musicPATREON | patreon.com/bufferingcastMERCH | bufferingcast.com/shopPODCAST SCHEDULE & EVENTS | bufferingcast.com/jennycalendarProduced by: Kristin Russo, Jenny Owen Youngs, and LaToya FergusonEdited by: John Mark NelsonLogo: Kristine ThuneWe acknowledge that we and our team are occupying unceded and stolen lands and territories. Kristin occupies the Lenape territories of the Esopus Lenape Peoples. Jenny occupies the Wabanahkik territory of the Abenaki and Pennacook Peoples.Learn more about Land Acknowledgments + our continued anti-racist efforts atbufferingthevampireslayer.com/justkeepfightingLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • IMPORTANT!! This feed will be retiring on March 12, 2025. Buffering the Vampire Slayer will be airing exclusively in one public feed moving forward. To continue listening to our coverage of Buffy, simply follow the link below and subscribe on the podcatcher of your choice.SUBSCRIBE BY MARCH 12TH: bufferingcast.com/buffyWelcome to Once More, With Spoilers, where Kristin Russo & Jenny Owen Youngs revisit every episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, one at a time — for the SECOND time! — this time discussing each episode with spoilers!Online dating can be MURDER, am I right?! Moloch has entered the chat (literally), Jenny Calendar has entered the chat (figuratively… and also literally), Buffy goes undercover, Willow engages in the type of romance that’s swiftly becoming the Scooby standard (brief, violent, supernatural), and we’re all left wondering if that’s not where it dangles… where EXACTLY does it dangle???Thanks for logging on to Season 1, Episode 8, “I, Robot... You, Jane.” If you’re not jacked in, you’re not alive.JOIN US IN LA & BOSTON FOR UPCOMING LIVE EVENTS:bufferingcast.com/slayersMORE ON BUFFY PROM, OUR BOOK RELEASE EVENT IN TORRANCE, and NO & LOW COST TICKETS:bufferingcast.com/promOUR BOOK! OUR BOOK! OUR BOOK IS UP FOR PRE ORDER!bufferingcast.com/bookLOCATE YOUR HOSTS UPON THE INTERNETJenny Owen Youngs | @jennyowenyoungs; jennyowenyoungs.comKristin Russo | @kristinnoeline; kristinnoeline.comJoanna Robinson | @jowrotethis; jowrotethis.comALL THE SHOWS WE COVERBuffering the Vampire Slayer | A Buffy the Vampire Slayer PodcastSPOTIFY • APPLE • AMAZON • YOUTUBEThe eX-Files | Covering The X-FilesSPOTIFY • APPLE • AMAZON • YOUTUBEAngel on Top | An Angel PodcastSPOTIFY • APPLE • AMAZON • YOUTUBEDoomcoming | A Yellowjackets PodcastSPOTIFY • APPLE • AMAZON • YOUTUBEThe Boiler Room | A My So-Called Life PodcastSPOTIFY • APPLE • AMAZON • YOUTUBEBuffering: A Rewatch Adventure | @bufferingcast on socialsMUSIC | Theme song and jingles composed and performed by Jenny Owen Youngs | bufferingcast.com/musicPATREON | patreon.com/bufferingcastMERCH | bufferingcast.com/shopPODCAST SCHEDULE & EVENTS | bufferingcast.com/jennycalendarProduced by: Kristin Russo, Jenny Owen Youngs, and LaToya FergusonEdited by: John Mark NelsonLogo: Kristine ThuneWe acknowledge that we and our team are occupying unceded and stolen lands and territories. Kristin occupies the Lenape territories of the Esopus Lenape Peoples. Jenny occupies the Wabanahkik territory of the Abenaki and Pennacook Peoples.Learn more about Land Acknowledgments + our continued anti-racist efforts atbufferingthevampireslayer.com/justkeepfightingLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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  • IMPORTANT!! This feed will be retiring on March 12, 2025. Buffering the Vampire Slayer will be airing exclusively in one public feed moving forward. To continue listening to our coverage of Buffy, simply follow the link below and subscribe on the podcatcher of your choice.SUBSCRIBE BY MARCH 12TH: bufferingcast.com/buffyWelcome to Once More, With Spoilers, where Kristin Russo & Jenny Owen Youngs revisit every episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, one at a time — for the SECOND time! — this time discussing each episode with spoilers!It is TIME for BUFFY and ANGEL to KISS!! TWICE!!! Which means it is *also* time for Joanna Robinson to guest host with us! We will discuss the first kiss, which ends in Angel throwing himself out the bedroom window. We will discuss the drama that ensues, which ends in Angel being thrown out of the living room window. And we will discuss the final kiss, which ends in Angel feeling that kind of pain that can only come from being a vampire in love with a giant-cross wearing vampire Slayer — that burning, searing, sizzling kind of D E S I R E and P A S S I O N.Yes, it is Season 1, Episode 7, "Angel."So happy to be here with you all.JOIN US IN LA & BOSTON FOR UPCOMING LIVE EVENTS:bufferingcast.com/slayersMORE ON BUFFY PROM, OUR BOOK RELEASE EVENT IN TORRANCE, and NO & LOW COST TICKETS:bufferingcast.com/promOUR BOOK! OUR BOOK! OUR BOOK IS UP FOR PRE ORDER!bufferingcast.com/bookLOCATE YOUR HOSTS UPON THE INTERNETJenny Owen Youngs | @jennyowenyoungs; jennyowenyoungs.comKristin Russo | @kristinnoeline; kristinnoeline.comJoanna Robinson | @jowrotethis; jowrotethis.comBuffering: A Rewatch Adventure | @bufferingcast on socialsMUSIC | Theme song and jingles composed and performed by Jenny Owen Youngs | bufferingcast.com/musicPATREON | patreon.com/bufferingcastMERCH | bufferingtcast.com/shopPODCAST SCHEDULE & EVENTS | bufferingcast.com/jennycalendarProduced by: Kristin Russo, Jenny Owen Youngs, and LaToya FergusonEdited by: John Mark NelsonLogo: Kristine ThuneWe acknowledge that we and our team are occupying unceded and stolen lands and territories. Kristin occupies the Lenape territories of the Esopus Lenape Peoples. Jenny occupies the Wabanahkik territory of the Abenaki and Pennacook Peoples.Learn more about Land Acknowledgments + our continued anti-racist efforts atbufferingthevampireslayer.com/justkeepfightingLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • IMPORTANT!! This feed will be retiring on March 12, 2025. Buffering the Vampire Slayer will be airing exclusively in one public feed moving forward. To continue listening to our coverage of Buffy, simply follow the link below and subscribe on the podcatcher of your choice.SUBSCRIBE BY MARCH 12TH: bufferingcast.com/buffyWelcome to Once More, With Spoilers, where Kristin Russo & Jenny Owen Youngs revisit every episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, one at a time — for the SECOND time! — this time discussing each episode with spoilers!You know that feeling where you're possessed by the spirit of a hyena and your hunger cannot be satiated by hot dogs alone?! Your sense of smell heightened, your need to be MEAN skyrocketing, and your cackle enhanced beyond recognition??!! A traditional high school rite of passage! Let's get into Buffy's S1E6, "The Pack." Hide your piglets and your principals.IN-EPISODE LINKSTumblr on Thurl Ravenscroft...JOIN US FOR UPCOMING LIVE EVENTS:bufferingcast.com/slayersOUR BOOK! OUR BOOK! OUR BOOK IS UP FOR PRE ORDER!bufferingcast.com/bookLOCATE YOUR HOSTS UPON THE INTERNETJenny Owen Youngs | @jennyowenyoungs; jennyowenyoungs.comKristin Russo | @kristinnoeline; kristinnoeline.comBuffering: A Rewatch Adventure | @bufferingcast on socialsMUSIC | Theme song and jingles composed and performed by Jenny Owen Youngs | bufferingcast.com/musicPATREON | patreon.com/bufferingcastMERCH | bufferingtcast.com/shopPODCAST SCHEDULE | bufferingcast.com/jennycalendarProduced by: Kristin Russo, Jenny Owen Youngs, and LaToya FergusonEdited by: Kristin RussoLogo: Kristine ThuneWe acknowledge that we and our team are occupying unceded and stolen lands and territories. Kristin occupies the Lenape territories of the Esopus Lenape Peoples. Jenny occupies the Wabanahkik territory of the Abenaki and Pennacook Peoples.Learn more about Land Acknowledgments + our continued anti-racist efforts atbufferingthevampireslayer.com/justkeepfightingLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • IMPORTANT!! This feed will be retiring on March 12, 2025. Buffering the Vampire Slayer will be airing exclusively in one public feed moving forward. To continue listening to our coverage of Buffy, simply follow the link below and subscribe on the podcatcher of your choice.SUBSCRIBE BY MARCH 12TH: bufferingcast.com/buffyWelcome to Once More, With Spoilers, where Kristin Russo & Jenny Owen Youngs revisit every episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, one at a time — for the SECOND time! — this time discussing each episode with spoilers!Sure, FINE, maybe we need to deal with some Anointed One rising from the ashes of five or whatever, but have you SEEN WHAT A HUNK OWEN IS?!?! Surely seems like he should be allowed some of our focus despite any pending apocalypses.We are here this week to discuss Buffy's "Never Kill A Boy on the First Date," and also to implore the residents of Sunnydale to do a better job blockading their doors when vampires or demons descend (leave the floor lamps and the couch pillows out of this!!).JOIN US FOR PROM 2025 AT SUNNYDALE HIGHbufferingcast.com/promOUR BIGGEST SALE EVER?! 50% OFF THROUGH JANUARY 18THhttp://www.bufferingcast.com/shopOUR BOOK! OUR BOOK! OUR BOOK IS UP FOR PRE ORDER!bufferingcast.com/bookLOCATE YOUR HOSTS UPON THE INTERNETJenny Owen Youngs | @jennyowenyoungs; jennyowenyoungs.comKristin Russo | @kristinnoeline; kristinnoeline.comBuffering: A Rewatch Adventure | @bufferingcast on socialsMUSIC | Theme song and jingles composed and performed by Jenny Owen Youngs | bufferingcast.com/musicPATREON | patreon.com/bufferingcastMERCH | bufferingtcast.com/shopPODCAST SCHEDULE | bufferingcast.com/jennycalendarProduced by: Kristin Russo, Jenny Owen Youngs, and LaToya FergusonEdited by: Kristin RussoLogo: Kristine ThuneWe acknowledge that we and our team are occupying unceded and stolen lands and territories. Kristin occupies the Lenape territories of the Esopus Lenape Peoples. Jenny occupies the Wabanahkik territory of the Abenaki and Pennacook Peoples.Learn more about Land Acknowledgments + our continued anti-racist efforts atbufferingthevampireslayer.com/justkeepfightingLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • IMPORTANT!! This feed will be retiring on March 12, 2025. Buffering the Vampire Slayer will be airing exclusively in one public feed moving forward. To continue listening to our coverage of Buffy, simply follow the link below and subscribe on the podcatcher of your choice.SUBSCRIBE BY MARCH 12TH: bufferingcast.com/buffyWelcome to Once More, With Spoilers, where Kristin Russo & Jenny Owen Youngs revisit every episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, one at a time — for the SECOND time! — this time discussing each episode with spoilers!You CLEARLY know that feeling when you develop a crush on your new substitute teacher who then turns out to be a giant praying mantis, right?!?! A high school rite of passage. Today we get to revel in all of the glory that is Ms. French aka the She-Mantis as we cover Buffy's S1E4 "Teacher's Pet" for the second time... this time with spoilers. *The* episode that spawned the legacy of Buffering's praying mantis mask. What a day.JOIN US FOR PROM 2025 AT SUNNYDALE HIGHbufferingcast.com/promJUST A FEW DAYS LEFT TO SCOOP HOLIDAY MERCH!http://www.bufferingcast.com/shopOUR BOOK! OUR BOOK! OUR BOOK IS UP FOR PRE ORDER!bufferingcast.com/bookLOCATE YOUR HOSTS UPON THE INTERNETJenny Owen Youngs | @jennyowenyoungs; jennyowenyoungs.comKristin Russo | @kristinnoeline; kristinnoeline.comBuffering: A Rewatch Adventure | @bufferingcast on socialsMUSIC | Theme song and jingles composed and performed by Jenny Owen Youngs | bufferingcast.com/musicPATREON | patreon.com/bufferingcastMERCH | bufferingtcast.com/shopPODCAST SCHEDULE | bufferingcast.com/jennycalendarProduced by: Kristin Russo, Jenny Owen Youngs, and LaToya FergusonEdited by: Kristin RussoLogo: Kristine ThuneWe acknowledge that we and our team are occupying unceded and stolen lands and territories. Kristin occupies the Lenape territories of the Esopus Lenape Peoples. Jenny occupies the Wabanahkik territory of the Abenaki and Pennacook Peoples.Learn more about Land Acknowledgments + our continued anti-racist efforts atbufferingthevampireslayer.com/justkeepfightingLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • IMPORTANT!! This feed will be retiring on March 12, 2025. Buffering the Vampire Slayer will be airing exclusively in one public feed moving forward. To continue listening to our coverage of Buffy, simply follow the link below and subscribe on the podcatcher of your choice.SUBSCRIBE BY MARCH 12TH: bufferingcast.com/buffyWelcome to Once More, With Spoilers, where Kristin Russo & Jenny Owen Youngs revisit every episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, one at a time — for the SECOND time! — this time discussing each episode with spoilers!Buffy wants to be a cheerleader! Cordelia wants to be a cheerleader! Amy's mom, who has swapped bodies with Amy, wants to be a cheerleader AGAIN! Hands are aflame, mouths are being witchily erased, Cordelia loses her sight, and there's a CAULDRON of GREEN BUBBLING LIQUID. So beginneth monster-of-the-week episodes in the Buffyverse, and we could not be more thrilled. Join us — once more, with spoilers — for S1E3 "Witch"JOIN US FOR PROM 2025 AT SUNNYDALE HIGHbufferingcast.com/promOUR BOOK! OUR BOOK! OUR BOOK IS UP FOR PRE ORDER!bufferingcast.com/bookLOCATE YOUR HOSTS UPON THE INTERNETJenny Owen Youngs | @jennyowenyoungs; jennyowenyoungs.comKristin Russo | @kristinnoeline; kristinnoeline.comBuffering: A Rewatch Adventure | @bufferingcast on socialsMUSIC | Theme song and jingles composed and performed by Jenny Owen Youngs | bufferingcast.com/musicPATREON | patreon.com/bufferingcastMERCH | bufferingthevampireslayer.com/shopPODCAST SCHEDULE | bufferingcast.com/jennycalendarProduced by: Kristin Russo, Jenny Owen Youngs, and LaToya FergusonEdited by: Kristin RussoLogo: Kristine ThuneWe acknowledge that we and our team are occupying unceded and stolen lands and territories. Kristin occupies the Lenape territories of the Esopus Lenape Peoples. Jenny occupies the Wabanahkik territory of the Abenaki and Pennacook Peoples.Learn more about Land Acknowledgments + our continued anti-racist efforts atbufferingthevampireslayer.com/justkeepfightingLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • IMPORTANT!! This feed will be retiring on March 12, 2025. Buffering the Vampire Slayer will be airing exclusively in one public feed moving forward. To continue listening to our coverage of Buffy, simply follow the link below and subscribe on the podcatcher of your choice.SUBSCRIBE BY MARCH 12TH: bufferingcast.com/buffyWelcome to Once More, With Spoilers, where Kristin Russo & Jenny Owen Youngs revisit every episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, one at a time — for the SECOND time! — this time discussing each episode with spoilers!Buffy is grounded, we’ve got a cymbal decapitation, Giles is taking his glasses off, and Luke — may his precious biceps rest in peace — is giving us the gayest shit we have ever seen. We love it *almost* as much as Darla. It’s S1E2 “The Harvest”… once more with spoilers!!!IN EPISODE LINKSSteven Smith Interview (at 24:00 into "The Pack")https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/buffering-the-vampire-slayer-a-buffy-rewatch-podcast/id1711251247?i=1000630860934SUBMIT YOUR PROPHECY GIRL RECORDINGbufferingcast.com/prophecygirlOUR BOOK! OUR BOOK! OUR BOOK IS UP FOR PRE ORDER!bufferingcast.com/bookLOCATE YOUR HOSTS UPON THE INTERNETJenny Owen Youngs | @jennyowenyoungs; jennyowenyoungs.comKristin Russo | @kristinnoeline; kristinnoeline.comBuffering: A Rewatch Adventure | @bufferingcast on socialsMUSIC | Theme song and jingles composed and performed by Jenny Owen Youngs | bufferingcast.com/musicPATREON | patreon.com/bufferingcastMERCH | bufferingthevampireslayer.com/shopPODCAST SCHEDULE | bufferingcast.com/jennycalendarProduced by: Kristin Russo, Jenny Owen Youngs, and LaToya FergusonEdited by: Kristin RussoLogo: Kristine ThuneWe acknowledge that we and our team are occupying unceded and stolen lands and territories. Kristin occupies the Lenape territories of the Esopus Lenape Peoples. Jenny occupies the Wabanahkik territory of the Abenaki and Pennacook Peoples.Learn more about Land Acknowledgments + our continued anti-racist efforts atbufferingthevampireslayer.com/justkeepfightingLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • IMPORTANT!! This feed will be retiring on March 12, 2025. Buffering the Vampire Slayer will be airing exclusively in one public feed moving forward. To continue listening to our coverage of Buffy, simply follow the link below and subscribe on the podcatcher of your choice.SUBSCRIBE BY MARCH 12TH: bufferingcast.com/buffyWelcome to Once More, With Spoilers, where Kristin Russo & Jenny Owen Youngs revisit every episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, one at a time — for the SECOND time! — this time discussing each episode with spoilers!November 6, 2024 seems like a fitting day to say "Welcome to the Hellmouth," so let us get right to it. Darla is using her combination princess-voice and killer fangs to upend expectations, Cordelia is Cordelia-ing out, Giles has ALREADY CIRCLED A NEWSPAPER ARTICLE IN RED MARKER, Buffy takes her first trip to the Bronze after encountering a dark and brooding stranger in a nearby alley, Joyce's hair is so short, and Luke is BIG.FIND ALL OF OUR PODCASTS HEREOUR BOOK! OUR BOOK! OUR BOOK IS UP FOR PRE ORDER!bufferingcast.com/bookLOCATE YOUR HOSTS UPON THE INTERNETJenny Owen Youngs | @jennyowenyoungs; jennyowenyoungs.comKristin Russo | @kristinnoeline; kristinnoeline.comBuffering: A Rewatch Adventure | @bufferingcast on socialsMUSIC | Theme song and jingles composed and performed by Jenny Owen Youngs | bufferingcast.com/musicPATREON | patreon.com/bufferingcastMERCH | bufferingthevampireslayer.com/shopPODCAST SCHEDULE | bufferingcast.com/jennycalendarProduced by: Kristin Russo, Jenny Owen Youngs, and LaToya FergusonEdited by: Kristin RussoLogo: Kristine ThuneWe acknowledge that we and our team are occupying unceded and stolen lands and territories. Kristin occupies the Lenape territories of the Esopus Lenape Peoples. Jenny occupies the Wabanahkik territory of the Abenaki and Pennacook Peoples.Learn more about Land Acknowledgments + our continued anti-racist efforts atbufferingthevampireslayer.com/justkeepfightingLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • IMPORTANT!! This feed will be retiring on March 12, 2025. Buffering the Vampire Slayer will be airing exclusively in one public feed moving forward. To continue listening to our coverage of Buffy, simply follow the link below and subscribe on the podcatcher of your choice.SUBSCRIBE BY MARCH 12TH: bufferingcast.com/buffyJoin us — Kristin Russo & Jenny Owen Youngs — this November as we head back into the Buffyverse for Buffering the Vampire Slayer: Once More, With Spoilers! We’ll be discussing all 144 episodes of Buffy for a second time (!!!), but this go-round *with* spoilers — a never-before-attempted feat of love and chaos!See you right here in the Buffering the Vampire Slayer Pod Feed and in our main Buffering: A Rewatch Adventure pod feed on November 6th with "Welcome to the Hellmouth" (AGAIN!)!! Ahhhhhhh!!!In the meantime...JOIN US FOR OUR FIRST EVER HALLOWEEN HOOTENANNYOctober 27th at The Miracle Theater in Washington, DCbufferingcast.com/liveOUR BOOK! OUR BOOK! OUR BOOK IS UP FOR PRE ORDER!bufferingcast.com/bookLOCATE YOUR HOSTS UPON THE INTERNETJenny Owen Youngs | @jennyowenyoungs; jennyowenyoungs.comKristin Russo | @kristinnoeline; kristinnoeline.comBuffering: A Rewatch Adventure | @bufferingcast on socialsMUSIC | Theme song and jingles composed and performed by Jenny Owen Youngs | bufferingcast.com/musicPATREON | patreon.com/bufferingcastMERCH | bufferingthevampireslayer.com/shopPODCAST SCHEDULE | bufferingcast.com/jennycalendarProduced by: Kristin Russo, Jenny Owen Youngs, and LaToya FergusonEdited & Mixed by: Jenny Owen YoungsLogo: Kristine ThuneWe acknowledge that we and our team are occupying unceded and stolen lands and territories. Kristin occupies the Lenape territories of the Esopus Lenape Peoples. Jenny occupies the Wabanahkik territory of the Abenaki and Pennacook Peoples.Learn more about Land Acknowledgments + our continued anti-racist efforts atbufferingthevampireslayer.com/justkeepfightingLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • IMPORTANT!! This feed will be retiring on March 12, 2025. Buffering the Vampire Slayer will be airing exclusively in one public feed moving forward. To continue listening to our coverage of Buffy, simply follow the link below and subscribe on the podcatcher of your choice.SUBSCRIBE BY MARCH 12TH: bufferingcast.com/buffyKristin Russo & Jenny Owen Youngs podcast their way through Amazon's Fallout one episode at a time, spoiler free. Okey Dokey is exclusive to $5+ patrons of Buffering: A Rewatch Adventure, and you can listen to the complete full season on our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/collection/591648This episode originally aired in our Patreon-Exclusive feed on June 28, 2024+++If the apocalypse comes, please don't wipe your dick on the curtains!Okey Dokey!+++LISTEN TO ALL 8 EPISODES OF OKEY DOKEYhttps://www.patreon.com/collection/591648OUR BOOK! OUR BOOK! OUR BOOK IS UP FOR PRE ORDER!bufferingcast.com/bookCHECK OUT OUR FIRST-EVER VIRTUAL BUFFY PROM THROUGH JUNE 29!bufferingcast.com/liveLOCATE YOUR HOSTS UPON THE INTERNETJenny Owen Youngs | @jennyowenyoungs; jennyowenyoungs.comKristin Russo | @kristinnoeline; kristinnoeline.comBuffering: A Rewatch Adventure | @bufferingcast on socialsMUSIC | Theme song composed and performed by Jenny Owen YoungsPATREON | patreon.com/bufferingcastMERCH | bufferingthevampireslayer.com/shopPODCAST SCHEDULE | bufferingcast.com/jennycalendarProduced by: Kristin Russo & Jenny Owen YoungsEdited & Mixed by: Kristin RussoWe acknowledge that we and our team are occupying unceded and stolen lands and territories. Kristin occupies the Lenape territories of the Esopus Lenape Peoples. Jenny occupies the Wabanahkik territory of the Abenaki and Pennacook Peoples.Learn more about Land Acknowledgments + our continued anti-racist efforts atbufferingthevampireslayer.com/justkeepfightingLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • IMPORTANT!! This feed will be retiring on March 12, 2025. Buffering the Vampire Slayer will be airing exclusively in one public feed moving forward. To continue listening to our coverage of Buffy, simply follow the link below and subscribe on the podcatcher of your choice.

    SUBSCRIBE BY MARCH 12TH: bufferingcast.com/buffy

    Oh, beloved scoobies!!!
    It may be said that we have never before worked together on a labor of love as fiercely and diligently as we have worked on writing our upcoming book: Slayers, Every One of Us.
    Today, we shared the shiny new cover with the world — designed by the team at St. Martin's with beautiful illustrations contributed by friend of the pod Devan Power!!!
    What's more, you can now PRE-ORDER your copy! As many of you already know, pre-orders are one of the most important pieces of a book's success!!! So, if you are interested and able, we would be so very grateful if you'd pre-order your copy in advance of the book's March 2025 release.
    Learn More at bufferingcast.com/book
    And hey, stay tuned in this feed, maybe?
    More on the book:
    A memoir reflecting on heartbreak, perseverance, and life lessons learned Buffy the Vampire Slayer, from the hosts of the hit podcast Buffering the Vampire Slayer.
    Kristin and Jenny's marriage started with an ultimatum: to further their relationship, Kristin must watch Jenny's favorite show, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. With the terms set, they began a journey that has led them through seven seasons of the beloved genre show, a podcast rewatching the series with their newly minted listenership of "Scoobies," unexpected success, and a divorce. Through it all, their love for Buffy and their commitment to their community held them together against the odds.
    Slayers, Every One of Us is the story of how two queer women navigated divorce on a very public level and managed to stay in each other's lives through it all. While chock full of Buffy (and Buffering!) content for true fans, this is ultimately a memoir of queer love and chosen family. It's a heartwarming story for anyone who's experienced lost love, and a roadmap for staying close with your ex.
    “A heartfelt story . . . tender, funny, and totally charming.”
    —Gabrielle Korn, author of Yours for the Taking
    “Recently I found myself enchanted by a book about a podcast I didn’t listen to, that recapped a TV show I’d never watched; a testament to how good Slayers, Every One Of Us is. Massively successful. A spellbinding read.”
    —Tegan Quin, award-winning musician and bestselling author
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • IMPORTANT!! This feed will be retiring on March 12, 2025. Buffering the Vampire Slayer will be airing exclusively in one public feed moving forward. To continue listening to our coverage of Buffy, simply follow the link below and subscribe on the podcatcher of your choice.

    SUBSCRIBE BY MARCH 12TH: bufferingcast.com/buffy

    We are two weeks away from Buffy Prom in Brooklyn — April 19th - 21st! — and so we thought we'd re-share our conversation with Ira Madison III on Buffy's Season 3, Episode 20: "The Prom"! We recorded this just a few days before throwing our first ever Buffy Prom back in 2018 <3

    Enjoy — we cannot wait to see you in just TWO WEEKS at Buffy Prom!!

    Jenny Owen Youngs | @jennyowenyoungs; jennyowenyoungs.com
    Kristin Russo | @kristinnoeline; kristinnoeline.com

    Buffering: A Rewatch Adventure | @bufferingcast on twitter, facebook, and instagram
    Learn more about our team at bufferingthevampireslayer.com/our-team 

    Theme song and jingles composed and performed by Jenny Owen Youngs.
    Download Jenny's gutwrenching cover of "Wild Horses" right here.



    Produced by: Kristin Russo and Jenny Owen Youngs
    Edited by: Kristin Russo
    Logo: Kristine Thune

    We acknowledge that we and our team are occupying unceded and stolen lands and territories. Kristin occupies the Lenape territories of the Esopus Lenape Peoples. Jenny occupies the Wabanahkik territory of the Abenaki and Pennacook Peoples.
    Learn more about Land Acknowledgments + our continued anti-racist efforts at
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • To mark the 25th Anniversary of Buffy's Season 3, Episode 19: "Enemies," we are rebroadcasting our Buffering episode from back in 2018 — with special, beloved guest (and velvet choker owner), Hrishikesh Hirway. In re-listening to this episode we also learned that our conversation on "Enemies" also marks the very first time that Jenny told us the now-infamous tale of The Woman Who Had Two Pennies.
    Please enjoy, and take this opportunity to kiss your best gal pal on the forehead.


    Jenny Owen Youngs | @jennyowenyoungs; jennyowenyoungs.com
    Kristin Russo | @kristinnoeline; kristinnoeline.com

    Buffering: A Rewatch Adventure | @bufferingcast on twitter, facebook, and instagram
    Learn more about our team at bufferingthevampireslayer.com/our-team 

    Theme song and jingles composed and performed by Jenny Owen Youngs.



    Produced by: Kristin Russo and Jenny Owen Youngs
    Edited by: Kristin Russo
    Logo: Kristine Thune

    We acknowledge that we and our team are occupying unceded and stolen lands and territories. Kristin occupies the Lenape territories of the Esopus Lenape Peoples. Jenny occupies the Wabanahkik territory of the Abenaki and Pennacook Peoples.
    Learn more about Land Acknowledgments + our continued anti-racist efforts at
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Here, as a special treat, is our first episode covering the Buffy Season 9 comics as released by Dark Horse — specifically the first 5 issues of Angel and Faith: "Live Through This."
    This episode went up for all of our $5+ patrons last month, but we wanted to share it here in the main feed so that those of you who might be curious can hear what we get up to over in the patron pod feed! If you like what you hear, our next Season 9 comics episode is live over there *right now.*


    Jenny Owen Youngs | @jennyowenyoungs; jennyowenyoungs.com
    Kristin Russo | @kristinnoeline; kristinnoeline.com

    Buffering: A Rewatch Adventure | @bufferingcast on twitter, facebook, and instagram
    Learn more about our team at bufferingthevampireslayer.com/our-team 

    Theme song and jingles composed and performed by Jenny Owen Youngs.



    Produced by: Kristin Russo and Jenny Owen Youngs
    Edited by: Kristin Russo
    Logo: Kristine Thune

    We acknowledge that we and our team are occupying unceded and stolen lands and territories. Kristin occupies the Lenape territories of the Esopus Lenape Peoples. Jenny occupies the Wabanahkik territory of the Abenaki and Pennacook Peoples.
    Learn more about Land Acknowledgments + our continued anti-racist efforts at
    Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Laya DeLeon Hayes sat down to talk with Kristin all about playing our badass new slayer Indira in Slayers: A Buffyverse Story. We talk about how she has just started watching Buffy for the first time (they had her start with THE BODY?!), how her in-studio relationship with Charisma mirrored many of the ways that Indira and Cordelia relate to each other, her beginnings in the industry as the voice of Doc McStuffins, and our shared interest in getting the answer to the question: is Queen Latifah a Buffy fan?!Find Laya on Instagram at @layadeleonhayes+++Come to Buffy Prom 2024:https://www.eventbrite.com/e/buffering-a-rewatch-adventure-presents-buffy-prom-2024-tickets-770304570707?aff=odwdwdspacecraftLOCATE YOUR HOSTS UPON THE INTERNETJenny Owen Youngs | @jennyowenyoungs; jennyowenyoungs.comKristin Russo | @kristinnoeline; kristinnoeline.comBuffering: A Rewatch Adventure | @bufferingcast on twitter, facebook, and instagramMUSICTheme song and jingles composed and performed by Jenny Owen Youngs.PATREONpatreon.com/bufferingcastMERCHbufferingthevampireslayer.com/shop+++Produced by: Kristin Russo and Jenny Owen YoungsEdited & Mixed by: Kristin RussoLogo: Kristine Thune+++We acknowledge that we and our team are occupying unceded and stolen lands and territories. Kristin occupies the Lenape territories of the Esopus Lenape Peoples. Jenny occupies the Wabanahkik territory of the Abenaki and Pennacook Peoples.Learn more about Land Acknowledgments + our continued anti-racist efforts atbufferingthevampireslayer.com/justkeepfightingLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • James C. Leary aka CLEM is here with us today to talk about Clem's incredible return to the Buffyverse in SLAYERS: A BUFFYVERSE STORY plus his time on the set of Buffy the Vampire Slayer! Clem is one of our most beloved characters in the universe, and we chat about everything from how long he sat in the makeup chair to the connection between comedy and sadness to that one time in Paris with Danny Strong...Thank you, James. What an absolute delight.Follow James on socials @jamescleary+++Come to Buffy Prom 2024:https://www.eventbrite.com/e/buffering-a-rewatch-adventure-presents-buffy-prom-2024-tickets-770304570707?aff=odwdwdspacecraftLOCATE YOUR HOSTS UPON THE INTERNETJenny Owen Youngs | @jennyowenyoungs; jennyowenyoungs.comKristin Russo | @kristinnoeline; kristinnoeline.comBuffering: A Rewatch Adventure | @bufferingcast on twitter, facebook, and instagramMUSICTheme song and jingles composed and performed by Jenny Owen Youngs.PATREONpatreon.com/bufferingcastMERCHbufferingthevampireslayer.com/shop+++Produced by: Kristin Russo and Jenny Owen YoungsEdited & Mixed by: Kristin RussoLogo: Kristine Thune+++We acknowledge that we and our team are occupying unceded and stolen lands and territories. Kristin occupies the Lenape territories of the Esopus Lenape Peoples. Jenny occupies the Wabanahkik territory of the Abenaki and Pennacook Peoples.Learn more about Land Acknowledgments + our continued anti-racist efforts atbufferingthevampireslayer.com/justkeepfightingLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • IMPORTANT!! This feed will be retiring on March 12, 2025. Buffering the Vampire Slayer will be airing exclusively in one public feed moving forward. To continue listening to our coverage of Buffy, simply follow the link below and subscribe on the podcatcher of your choice.SUBSCRIBE BY MARCH 12TH: bufferingcast.com/buffyWe sat down to talk about the making of Slayers with the brilliant Christopher Golden and Amber Benson!! We learn about the casting, communally attempt to manifest a second season, and dig into the new lore together. Plus we learn about that time Seth Green popped into the studio...Come to Buffy Prom 2024:https://www.eventbrite.com/e/buffering-a-rewatch-adventure-presents-buffy-prom-2024-tickets-770304570707?aff=odwdwdspacecraftVote in the Final Round of STA Awards:bufferingcast.com/staLOCATE YOUR HOSTS UPON THE INTERNETJenny Owen Youngs | @jennyowenyoungs; jennyowenyoungs.comKristin Russo | @kristinnoeline; kristinnoeline.comBuffering: A Rewatch Adventure | @bufferingcast on twitter, facebook, and instagramMUSICTheme song and jingles composed and performed by Jenny Owen Youngs.PATREONpatreon.com/bufferingcastMERCHbufferingthevampireslayer.com/shop+++Produced by: Kristin Russo and Jenny Owen YoungsEdited & Mixed by: Kristin RussoLogo: Kristine Thune+++We acknowledge that we and our team are occupying unceded and stolen lands and territories. Kristin occupies the Lenape territories of the Esopus Lenape Peoples. Jenny occupies the Wabanahkik territory of the Abenaki and Pennacook Peoples.Learn more about Land Acknowledgments + our continued anti-racist efforts atbufferingthevampireslayer.com/justkeepfightingLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • Our final episode covering Slayers: A Buffyverse story is HERE! We discuss vampire Giles, “slurp play,” and our dreams of LaToya Ferguson being cast in season two to play the role of Angelus.PROM 2024 TICKETShttps://www.eventbrite.com/e/buffering-a-rewatch-adventure-presents-buffy-prom-2024-tickets-770304570707?aff=odwdwdspacecraftLOCATE YOUR HOSTS UPON THE INTERNETJenny Owen Youngs | @jennyowenyoungs; jennyowenyoungs.comKristin Russo | @kristinnoeline; kristinnoeline.comBuffering: A Rewatch Adventure | @bufferingcast on twitter, facebook, and instagramMUSICTheme song and jingles composed and performed by Jenny Owen Youngs.PATREONpatreon.com/bufferingcastMERCHbufferingthevampireslayer.com/shop+++Produced by: Kristin Russo, Jenny Owen Youngs, and LaToya FergusonEdited & Mixed by: John Mark Nelson and Kristin RussoLogo: Kristine Thune+++We acknowledge that we and our team are occupying unceded and stolen lands and territories. Kristin occupies the Lenape territories of the Esopus Lenape Peoples. Jenny occupies the Wabanahkik territory of the Abenaki and Pennacook Peoples.Learn more about Land Acknowledgments + our continued anti-racist efforts atbufferingthevampireslayer.com/justkeepfightingLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

  • The penultimate episode of Slayers: A Buffyverse Story is here! Did Indira's sunlight spell work? Will Anya and Anyanka have to rent a U-Haul to assist them in a merger? Is Spike evil again? Is a jar of sperm an appropriate gift for your office mate? We cover all this and more...'Tis the season!PROM 2024 TICKETShttps://www.eventbrite.com/e/buffering-a-rewatch-adventure-presents-buffy-prom-2024-tickets-770304570707?aff=odwdwdspacecraftLOCATE YOUR HOSTS UPON THE INTERNETJenny Owen Youngs | @jennyowenyoungs; jennyowenyoungs.comKristin Russo | @kristinnoeline; kristinnoeline.comBuffering: A Rewatch Adventure | @bufferingcast on twitter, facebook, and instagramMUSICTheme song and jingles composed and performed by Jenny Owen Youngs.PATREONpatreon.com/bufferingcastMERCHbufferingthevampireslayer.com/shop+++Produced by: Kristin Russo, Jenny Owen Youngs, and LaToya FergusonEdited & Mixed by: John Mark Nelson and Kristin RussoLogo: Kristine Thune+++We acknowledge that we and our team are occupying unceded and stolen lands and territories. Kristin occupies the Lenape territories of the Esopus Lenape Peoples. Jenny occupies the Wabanahkik territory of the Abenaki and Pennacook Peoples.Learn more about Land Acknowledgments + our continued anti-racist efforts atbufferingthevampireslayer.com/justkeepfightingLearn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices