Come kick it with your favorite women! We don't bite... We hope you enjoy this episode. Send us your thoughts on abortion, we would love to hear them. As always we encourage you all to do things with love.
As of recently, a lot of conversation has been had about the comment Ayesha Curry made on the Red Table Talk. Should some things stay between married couples? Was she just being honest? Is there a safe place to disclose your true, vulnerable and honest opinions? Is she selfish? Where is the support? Or not? What's your opinion? Tune into our latest episode as we dive into the many segways created by this recent situation. Let us know what YOU think! And as always, we ask you to do everything with love
Saknas det avsnitt?
Welcome back to a brand new episode of the Brown Sugar Podcast. In this episode we talk about financial freedom and what it means to us. More often than not we find our selves discussing the obstacles African-Americans face in America. Are we talking ourselves into a circle though? What are we doing to overcome these hardships? Does it feel like we are trying to prove something to the people outside of the African- American community? Are they aware of these things? Does it matter if they care or don't care? Are we giving or government too much power over our lives? Plainly. If Nipsey could change his narrative and the people around him, then whats holding everyone else back. Come listen to this new episode. Give us your feed back and join in on the conversation. As always we encourage you all to do things with love.
Anxiety and depression are mental illnesses that so many deal with & suffer from. It is important that we are all aware that we should make an effort to implement self care & love in our daily regime. Respecting others experiences and being or creating or referring someone to a safe space where they can vent and feel supported. We are constantly pushing the conversation narrative, and the health benefits from speaking your truth. Tune in to this very real and very relatable episode diving into these two topics. We share our own experience with depression and anxiety in the hopes that it creates conversations in your own lives, with your family and friends. As always Brown Sugar we encourage you all to do things with love.
*We are obviously not medical professionals, just our personal experiences & research* -
If something is toxic then it is deemed poisonous. From toxic people, toxic jobs, and mindsets. We have all experienced the affects of having something negative affecting us or our lives. Lets have a chat. Relax and come kick it with ya girls. Want to join the conversation? Contact us. Thebrownsugarpodcast@gmail.com
As we go into the new year we want to highlight some things that went on in 2018. From BEYCHELLA, to Black Panther almost hitting the 2 billion dollar mark in the box office. To Emma Gonzalez turning a school shooting to a nationwide movement for gun control, after a mass shooting at Majory Stoneman Douglas Highschool. And everything in between. We want to thank every single person that supported, and listened to our podcast in 2018. We like to thank ALL the guest that came on the show to chat it up with us. As we continue to move forward in the new year, there will be a slight change in scheduling. Instead of new episodes every week, there will only be two episodes per month. We want to put out the best content as possible for you guys. So the breaks in between each episode will allow us to brainstorm new ideas and push it out to all of you. We hope you understand. We wish all of you blessings, prosperity, positivity, and growth in ALL aspects of your life. We love you guys! As always we encourage you all to do things with love. HAPPY NEW YEAR. ENJOY!
HEYY!!!! OK we slacked and missed a week but were back! In this weeks episode we are talking about Kevin Harts recent decision to step down from hosting the Oscars. Years back Kevin tweeted some things that the LGBTQ community wasn't pleased about. Kevin has apologized for these tweets throughout the years. Ironically, two days after announcing that he would be hosting the oscars in February of next year. The tweets resurfaced and the academy told Kevin to apologize for his comments or he won't host. We are also discussing a bill being introduced that that would make lynching a federal hate crime. Between 1882-1986 over 200 anti-lynching bills were presented to the House. NONE have been approved. Lynching has been recorded over the last 100 years or more in all states except four. Danye Jones lynching is the most recent & publicized. We have to continue to spread the news and keep the conversation going.The bill needs the support of 60 senators in order to pass. Not one Republican has backed the bill. This goes back to the importance of voting as well. Lets not talk about impact, lets be the impact. We talk about a slew of other things. Get locked into this episode. As always we encourage you all to do things with love.
From Black Chyna’s bleaching cream, to isolated tribes whose members have killed outsider for simply stepping on shore, and everything in between. We are talking about a lot of different things in this episode. Slide through listen and enjoy. As always we encourage you all to do things with love.
With the midterm election hype settled down, debates on why and why not voting is important still lingers in the crevasses of social media. Creating a divide between woke woke woke woke people, and people with common sense (no shade). We don't consider ourselves politicians, political commentators, or journalist of politics. But we've always talked about the importance of knowing whats going on in congress. How it works, who our representatives and senators are, and their policies. In this episode we talk about all of these things including why its important to vote, and why midterm elections are more important than presidential elections plus a lot more. We hope you enjoy this episode. Keep an ear out for Amira's sweet treat of the week. As always we encourage you all to do things with love.
Hello everyone. Before we get into what this episode is about we want to make sure that you took the time out of your day to exercise your right to vote. Do research on each candidates policies and figure out what you support and go vote!!! In todays episode we are talking about diddy opening his own charter school in his home town for underprivileged youth. We also talk about the idiot who sent a bomb to Obamas home. How did someone get his address so easily? Was this a inside job? Given that the midterm election is going on it doesn’t surprise us that someone would try sending a bomb to Obamas house to prevent him from supporting candidates and giving speeches. Our main topic is about the mysterious death of Danye Jones. He was found lynched in the back of his mothers home. The catch is Danye’s mother Melissa Mckinnies is a activist for the black lives matter movement. And was heavily involved in protest in Ferguson involving the killing of Mike Brown. Police are investigating his death as a suicide, but his mother disagrees and we discuss evidence that proves she on to something. Keep a ear out for Sweet Revenge of the week during this episode. We hope you enjoy. As always we encourage you all to do things with love
Hello everyone. Today we have a interview for you guys. We sat down with a artist by the name of Setea. She is from our area.She moved out to LA a year or two ago and recently came back home to visit family and friends. We took the opportunity to reach out to her asking if she wanted to be on the show. We talk about her passion for music, the moments leading up to her decision to move out to LA, hardships she faced in LA, the blessing that fell in her lap the second she contemplated leaving LA, and ALOT MORE! Make sure you keep a ear out for sweet treat of the week. We hope you enjoy this episode and as always we encourage you all to do things with love.
Hello everyone and happy Monday. In this episode we are talking about what the dynamics of a broken home? How are we affected by the various aspects of them and how do we discontinue the cycle of passing them down through generations? These are only our opinions and experiences. We don't consider ourselves therapist, but we've always encourged our listeners to invest themselves in the art of conversation. Tune in to hear us speak on the many aspects of what could be considered a broken home and how we are all in a sense shaped by our experiences through them. Did you come from a broken home? How were you able to identify with that and how do you ensure that you won't pass it on? Also keep a ear out for sweet revenge of the week in this episode. As always we encourage you all to do things with love
Fix your energy! This episode is dedicated to the power you already have. It's our pleasure to have had Jackie Scott, the owner and founder of Seeds of Love Healing as a guest speaker on our show this week! Tune in to hear her speak on love, light, channeling your energy and ultimately getting back to self. Do the work! You are powerful beyond measure, you simply have to use the resources already given to you.
Align & Enlighten -
Hello everyone and happy Monday to you all. In this episode we are discussing Brett Kavanaugh. The Senate recently voted to send him to the Supreme Court. Even though Kavanaugh wasn’t convicted, this leads us into our main topic of discussion. Should citizens previously convicted of a crime still be eligible to run for public office. At the end of the day a crime is a crime. But stealing clothing out of a store when you were 17 is different from college drinking that leads to a innocent woman being raped. So what’s ok and whats not ok? Wait.. Crimes aren’t ok regardless of what it is right? Does that 17 year old teen deserve a second chance (YES), does that rapist deserve a second chance (FUCK NO). But these are conversations dividing people in America right now. Should there be a qualification for second chances? We give our thoughts and opinions on this topic. Our second topic of discussion is friendships. In friendship there is a support department. Are your friends required to support your business? If you feel your friends are lacking in the support department do you drop them? In Actuality nobody has to support you. But surely your friends do right? We go on to talk about our experience with this touchy topic. Lastly but definitely not least. We are bringing back SWEET REVENGE & SWEET TREAT. Amira is kicking off this week with sweet treat, so be sure to keep a open ear for it during the episode. We hope you enjoy this episode and as always we encourage your all to do things with love.
Its Monday so that means a brand new episode of brown sugar is ready for your listening ears. In this episode we are discussing Lil Wayne’s Carter 5, Bill Cosby being sentenced to 3-10 years in prison. And why are there people excusing rape because racial injustice exist? Will Smith Celebrates his 50th birthday by bungee jumping out of a helicopter over the Grand Canyon. We also discuss 401k and why its important to start putting money towards your retirement. We talk about our own experience having a 401k in our 20s, things that we shouldn’t have done and things that we wished we knew before starting. Last but not least. I released a song friday called “Let the Church say”. Be sure to follow me on instagram @kaydundotta, click the link in my description to take a listen. The song will also be played at the end of this episode. I hope you enjoy my song, and we hope you enjoy this episode. As always we encourage you all to do things with love.
Happy Friday! 20 something’s. We all go through them but did you grow through them? Pull up a seat and listen to our importance on what we experience in our twenties, what’s important, WHAT you need to let go, WHO you need to let go, and HOW to continue to move along. There are many pathways to our destination, are we actively working towards our futures even while still in our twenty something years? We open up about our own friendship and what led us to the healthy space were in now. Hit us up and tell us what’s been your biggest takeaway so far. We give some important shoutout to one of listeners as well, so keep a ear out for that too! As always we encourage you all to do things with love
Wrongly Convicted of Murder as 14 year old teen. Exonerated. Paying it Forward. John Bunn is a walking inspiration, using his prison experience as fuel to pass along the importance of knowledge and reading among young Black Men, especially those incarcerated.
Tune in to hear this touching story
We are also discussing the Cardi B & Nicki Minaj exchanged at NYFW and how much of a mess all of this is for two talented, beautiful BLACK WOMEN. John Legend becomes the youngest and first Black man to receive an EGOT (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony) Award! Our prayers go to the New Spiritually Freed: Kyrzayda Rodriguez who recently passed away after a long battle with cancer. We hope you enjoy this episode and as always we encourage you all to do things with love -
Hello everyone.. In this episode we are discussing Nike. There is no need to explain, because Im sure you guys already know. Were here to give our opinions on the situation.
In other news, unfortunately another young black man has been slain at the hands of law enforcement. Botham Jean was murdered in his home by a off duty Dallas police officer by the name of Amber Guyger. She claims that she thought she walked into her own home and thought Botham was an intruder. She has recently been charged with manslaughter. This is her second killing while being a Police Officer in Dallas. Its been said that maybe Jean and Guyger were in relationship. Which lead us into a different topic. What is the perspective of a white woman raising black children. We recently had a conversation with a friend (who will remain anonymous). The basis of the conversation revolved around the black lives matter movement, and the fear of raising a young black male in todays world with police brutality. What were her views before having her son? And what changed after that? We hope you all enjoy listening to this episode. As always we encourage you all to do things with love -
So remember we asked the question do barbies rob? Well it turns out they don’t. Since the release of her album Nicki Minaj started a radio show called queen radio on beats1 radio (that’s a lot of radios). Last week on air, Nicki played a song she released back in 2007 called “Dreams 07”. Without detailed research we went with the word of a rapper by the name of Kiara Simone where she claimed Nicki stole the concept and some lyrics of her song “How to Rob” in reference to Nicki’s newley released song “Barbie Dreams”. But the gag is, Nicki been dropped. We get into more detail in this episode so make sure you listen. We also discuss generational wealth.
Generational Wealth is the new wave, how are you laying the roots for the future? Tune in to hear about streams of income, investing & paying it forward—Retirement ain’t it anymore issafact. Come get all this tea. As always we encourage you to do things with love. -
You've been asking for a part two with real estate agent Isaiah Floyd so here it is. Amira sat down with Isaiah to talk about Types of Loans, Investment Options, the Homebuying Process and more. Whether you're looking to buy, sell, rent or own you don't want to miss this informative session. Not to mention Isaiah is hosting a FREE class for you to learn more!
- Visa fler