Have you ever heard of a “couch potato": someone who lounges around, just absorbing things? Are Christ-followers just “Agape potatoes": do we just lounge around, absorbing the love of God, or are we called to do MORE than that? In this teaching, we are going to learn the difference between being a "puddle" and a "river" when it comes to the Agape love of God.
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Every follower of Christ is loved by God with the purest love imaginable and indwelt by God’s Spirit. And we are promised that God’s love and indwelling Spirit changes and purifies us. How, exactly, does this happen? Practically speaking, where and how does God change us? What does He do within us that to transform us, day by day? That is the topic of this week’s teaching!
#agape #agapelove #love #faith #bible #church #jesus #god
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What does "Agape Love – the purest love imaginable" truly look like? Is it defined and described in the Bible? How can I know when I’m seeing it, experiencing it, and displaying it? All of these questions will be answered in this week’s teaching.
#agape #love #faith #bible #church #jesus #god
The Westminster Catechism describes the purpose of humanity this way: ‘The chief end of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.’ Be honest now... It’s one thing to ‘glorify’ God, but do you honestly ‘enjoy’ God? Why do many of us hesitate at that concept, and is there a truth we can discover that will transform our thinking in this area? This week’s teaching gets to the heart of it all.
So far in this series, we have learned the proper posture for our head and hearts when it comes to our “stuff”. How can I ensure that my mind and heart are in the right place? How can I keep my mind and heart on the right path? What can I practically do to re-posture myself for a fulfilled life? Those are the questions we will be answering in this message.
This message is NOT for the faint of heart… How we treat our money and possessions may just be the CLEAREST INDICATOR of the posture of our hearts towards God.
This week, we’re going to take a look at how we spend our money, and what that may or may not say about our heart posture. We’re also going to discover what a heart that God desires actually looks like!
Chiropractors tell us there is a proper physical posture to have, and they tell us that we will have an optimal experience with our bodies when we maintain that proper posture. We are applying this “posture principle” to our interactions with the money and possessions in our lives. We will have an optimal experience with these resources when we have the proper mental posture towards them. What is that proper mental posture? This week’s teaching answers that question.
There is something reassuring about travelling with a road map. It enables you to navigate the terrain with confidence, ensuring you reach your desired destination. That is what the “vision” of an organization does: it provides clarity regarding the way forward. In this week’s teaching, Pastor Darin sets out the “vision” of Broadway Church, explaining our Why?, our What? and our How? He will also give us a peek into some of the exciting plans for 2025!
Today we are celebrating how God has been at work in the lives of real people in our church. With the fast pace of everything that’s going on, we think it’s important to spend time hearing real-life stories from real-life people. These remarkable stories are proof that God still does miracles today. Our prayer is that you be inspired encouraged, and grounded in the fact that God is indeed still at work!
We live in a strange time. We can witness a miracle on Monday and then attend a funeral on Tuesday. We live at a time when two clashing kingdoms are existing at the same time, and we live in the middle of the clash, feeling the pull from both kingdoms. In today’s teaching, we will discuss this life-stretching tension.
Jesus Christ was God but was also born as a baby, then grows up to be an adult man, and then dies. How does that all work? And according to the Bible, because of his death, somehow humanity can receive forgiveness. How is that possible? Those are the tensions (and questions) we will unpack during this week’s message.
Life tends to come at us quickly. Things tend to happen that we never anticipated. We do our best to plan things out, but, for whatever reason, things can come crashing down around us. If you can relate to this reality at all, you should know that Mary and Joseph, the parents of Jesus, have a lot in common with you! You should know that the events surrounding the typical “peaceful manger scene”, were anything but peaceful! Join us to see what lessons we can learn from their legendary journey.
We all have GIANTS in our lives that seem to appear out of nowhere. You wake up with a pay cheque and go to bed unemployed... GIANT. Out of the blue your landlord tells you that you need to start looking for a new place to live... GIANT. You’re in relatively good health, then your doctor informs you that you are now in a fight for your life against cancer... GIANT. The GIANTS in our lives always catch us off guard and most of the time we feel very under-prepared. But it doesn’t have to be that way. In this week's message, Pastor Simon unpacks the story of David vs. Goliath and explains how we can prepare to face the very real GIANTS in our own lives.
When certain moments happen in your life, do you chalk them up to just being random or an accident? Or is there something more to it? Is there a greater purpose? How do you make sense of certain moments in life? The lessons we will learn from the story of Esther will challenge us to rethink how we view these types of moments.
What do you do with the hurtful moments in your life: the stabs in your back; the pokes in your eye? Do you curse them? Do you dwell upon them? Do you revisit and regurgitate them? Do you wonder why God allowed them? Today we are going to meet a man named Joseph - a man whose life was a roller coaster ride. However, not only did Joseph survive, but he thrived along the way. In today’s teaching, we are going to discover the life-changing secret to Joseph’s success.
Have you ever found yourself doubting God? Have you ever found yourself wondering if God really cares or if God really knows what He is doing? If so, you have a lot in common with a man named Abraham. A man who, one day, faced a crisis at a level none of us could ever fathom. And how Abraham responded to that crisis will serve as a life-changing lesson and example for us all.
What do Kurt Cobain, The Fast and the Furious, and Drake, all have in common? They all are leaning into the same underlying assumption about what truly makes you happy in life. In this message, Pastor Simon unpacks the difference between hedonic and eudaimonic happiness, and reveals the SECRET TO HAPPINESS according to a Biblical Worldview and why the grand order of importance is the most important thing about you.
“Live your truth.” It’s a modern-day proverb that we hear all the time. Any claim can immediately be categorized as off limits to critique if the one making the claim simply utters these magic words: “It’s MY truth.” Is that how truth works? Can you have your own truth? Can I have my own truth? If my truth contradicts your truth, can both still be true? This teaching provides you with the answer to that question (and more!).
Why is “believe in yourself” a really stupid proverb? Is self-belief or confidence wrong? No, not at all. However, in this message, we will learn that there is a line that can be crossed when it comes to believing in yourself. A line that has significant consequences.
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