
  • Nina MĂŒller is the CEO of Jelmoli, Switzerland's oldest department store, and certainly one of Zurich's best-known institutions. 

    The native Austrian, who defines herself as a true European, took up her post in April 2020, right in the middle of the first Lockdown. A more than complicated timing, which did not, however, dampen her optimism and passion for retail. 

    Before taking the helm of this almost 200 year old house, Nina MĂŒller worked in several beautiful premium luxury houses all over Europe, including Wolford, Mandarina Duck, Swarovski and Christ. 

    In this discussion, the marketer explains how she shaped her career, and how luck, but above all determination and the ability to believe in herself have enabled her to get the positions of her dreams. 

    Together we talk about leadership, but also about diversity and feminism. 

    Nina MĂŒller also outlines her vision of the future of retail, and of department stores such as Jelmoli, which she believes should become places of exchange and encounter, where infotainment is key. 

    The discussion is rich, optimistic, and definitely makes you want to go for a stroll in one of these beautiful European department stores... 

    But I won't tell you more and let you discover my discussion with Nina MĂŒller

    Links and references 

    To follow Nina: 

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ninamariamuller/

    To follow Jelmoli: 

    Website: www.jelmoli.ch/Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/jelmoli/Instagram: www.instagram.com/jelmoli/Facebook: www.facebook.com/jelmoliTwitter: twitter.com/Jelmoli_Zurich 

    Women Nina is mentioning in the episode: 

    Kamala Harris, Vice President of the United States Sandra Stella Triebl, Founder of Ladies Drive: www.linkedin.com/in/sandrastellatriebl/?originalSubdomain=ch Olga Miler - Co-founder and CEO of SmartPure: www.linkedin.com/in/olga-miler/
    Help me grow up Brillantes! 

    If you liked the episode, please share it with as many people as possible, rate it with 5 stars and subscribe to the podcast on your listening platform. This help will be extremely precious to me 

    Find all the links to listen to the episodes here: www.flow.page/brillantes

    Follow Brillantes on social networks:

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/brillantes.media/LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/brillantesFacebook : www.facebook.com/brillantes.media

    And her host and founder, Jeanne du Sartel:

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jeannedusartel/Instagram: www.instagram.com/jeannedusartel/Twitter: https://twitter.com/JeanneduSartel

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • How about this week we talk about art and culture? Because yes, the nicest news this week is the reopening of cultural venues here in Switzerland - after long weeks of closure. So for the occasion, I have decided to republish the very first episode of Brillantes, with the founder of the Zurich Art Weekend, Charlotte von Stotzingen. 

    The Zurich organisation is organising three days this weekend, from 5 to 7 March, dedicated to all the exhibitions - in museums or galleries - that we haven’t been able to attend in the last weeks. 

    The episode was recorded in July 2020, but it will give you the opportunity to take a look at the exciting journey of Charlotte von Stotzingen, the head of this initiative. And I promise you, her journey is rich, and very international
 In Paris, she created Thanks for Nothing, a philanthropic association, which aim is to promote solidarity through art and culture.

    In Kenya, she launched with her husband Startup Lions and Learning Lions, two extraordinary humanitarian projects, to train young people in the remote region of Turkana in ICT and enable them to work as freelancers.

    In this episode, Charlotte describes the richness of the Zurich art Scene. Together, we look back at the coronavirus crisis, we go through each of her projects and we talk about art, culture, education, and the need for democratisation. 

    So tune in to your listening platform, and enjoy the listen! 

    Interesting links

    Activities in Kenya: 

    Learning Lions: https://www.learninglions.org/index.php?gclid=Cj0KCQjwp4j6BRCRARIsAGq4yMGLB384VOp-uJcQfhFnEtAHDylujgwWWJkmVWSMBVOeKacStCo6nQ4aArMLEALw_wcBStart up Lions: https://startuplions.org/

    Association in Paris: Thanks for Nothing : https://thanksfornothing.fr/en/homepage/

    Zurich Art weekend : https://zurichartweekend.com/

    Help me grow up Brillantes! 

    If you liked the episode, please share it with as many people as possible, rate it with 5 stars and subscribe to the podcast on your listening platform. This help will be extremely precious to me 

    Find all the links to listen to the episodes here: www.flow.page/brillantes

    Follow Brillantes on social networks:

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/brillantes.media/LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/brillantesFacebook : www.facebook.com/brillantes.media

    And her host and founder, Jeanne du Sartel:

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jeannedusartel/Instagram: www.instagram.com/jeannedusartel/Twitter: https://twitter.com/JeanneduSartel

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

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  • Raphaela Pichler is a photographer, artist, consultant, musician ... Certainly one of the most creative Zurich women I know. 

    Her signature? natural, benevolent portraits, with plays of light, delicacy and harmony. Raphaela works for fashion and advertising, but her speciality lies in portraying women.

    In 2019, she got nominated as the best photograph of the year for her biggest artist project, Currency. In this ongoing series of self-portraits, she uses the codes of fashion photography to challenge the notion of value. 

    With her twin sister Marisa Burn, she has also created the House of Change, an institute dedicated to creativity and change. As consultants, they help companies, leaders and individuals to put creativity, authenticity and courage back at the heart of their journey. 

    In this episode, Raphaela describes her passion for photography, her professional begginings, her successes. 

    But we also talk about her disappointments, the challenges she is facing as a freelancer, as well as her fears and uncertainties. 

    In this deep discussion, Raphaela explains how she recently became an artist. She shares with me her poetic vision of the world and opens my eyes to what creativity can bring to our society. Finally, of course, we talk about women and their status, and we discuss about feminism. 

    So don't waste a minute, Take a deep dive into Raphaela’s creative universe, open your mind and let yourself be inspired by this beautiful conversation. 

    Interesting links and references 

    To follow Raphaela : 

    Website: www.raphaelapichler.ch/LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/raphaela-pichler-793997195/Instagram: www.instagram.com/raphaelapichler/

    To follow her Projects

    Currency Instagram: www.instagram.com/currencymag/Website: www.raphaelapichler.ch/currencyHouse of Change by BurnPichler: Website: https://www.burnpichler.com/Instagram: www.instagram.com/houseofchangeby/

    References in the episodes  

    Inspiring podcasts and episodesPodcast Astropod Alexander von Schlieffen Brillantes Podcast - Zineb Hattab, (Kle Restaurant) Episode 2 Brillantes Podcast - Wies Bratby (Women in Negociation) Episode 3

    People she is talking about 

    Her twin sister Marisa Burn: marisaburn.comHer inspiring friend Kathrin Eckhardt: www.kathrineckhardt.com/
    Help me grow up Brillantes! 

    If you liked the episode, please share it with as many people as possible, rate it with 5 stars and subscribe to the podcast on your listening platform. This help will be extremely precious to me 

    Find all the links to listen to the episodes here: www.flow.page/brillantes

    Follow Brillantes on social networks:

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/brillantes.media/Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/brillantesFacebook : www.facebook.com/brillantes.media

    And her host and founder, Jeanne du Sartel:

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jeannedusartel/Instagram: www.instagram.com/jeannedusartel/Twitter: https://twitter.com/JeanneduSartel


    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • [🇬🇧 English text / French under] 

    Hi everyone!  

    This week, I choose to only publish a small message, and not the usual Brillantes interviews, and this for several reasons. 

    First of all, I wanted to take some time to reflect on the discussion that I recorded (in French) with my last guest, Marion Roucheux, founder of the media dedicated to motherhood Les Louves. 

    In this very sincere discussion, which resonated a lot in me, as I am about to become a mother in a few weeks, Marion shared her wish to hear more about atypical personalities and backgrounds, different from those that are traditionally seen as successful. To my question "Who would you like to hear in this podcast", Marion answered as follows: 

    "I think too much emphasis is put on entrepreneurs. I would like to hear a profile that is not a model of success. Someone who is inspiring in who he is, in what she does, in the way she sees things, but not because she has succeeded, at least not in the common sense of success. I want to hear from people and journeys that change the usual and traditional patterns". 

    Marion is not the first to make this kind of remark to me. And I must say that it makes me think.

    Because my goal with Brillantes is indeed to reflect the diversity of paths, life choices and successes that exist. And yet, it is true that, so far, many of my guests are entrepreneurs. In no way, however, do I wish to report on a narrow vision of success. Because being committed to an association, working as a midwife, being an artist, a philosopher, a teacher, a writer, or a mother are also exceptional forms of successes. With Brillantes, I would like to make these paths shine, too.

    So you know my objective for the months to come... And as always, I hope to get your help and support: do not hesitate to send me your ideas, your remarks, your comments, your criticisms, your guest recommendations, your potential questions. I am all ears and always so happy to answer them.  

    If I choose to make a small break this week, it’s also because I wanted to give you the time to follow the latest news of Brillantes. 

    For this, you can have a listen at the episode of the French podcast Franzine, in which Jenny interviewed me. Together, we took some time to talk about my background, but also about media, feminism and what it's like to live abroad. Listening to her will allow you to better understand the background of Brillantes and how I wish to develop this project in the future. 

    Last week, I was also interviewed by one of my very first guests, Philippine, founder of Escape & Co, for her special series dedicated to travel. You will find there my hotels and restaurants recommendations, my best travel memories, but also my dreams and my vision of travel for the future. Enough to get us out of the monotony of the COVID!

    Thank you in advance for your feedback, comments and impressions... 

    Merci Ă  tous, et Ă  bientĂŽt, sur Brillantes! 


    [đŸ‡«đŸ‡· Version française]

    Bonjour Ă  tous,

    Cette semaine, je choisis de simplement publier un court message, et non l'un de mes longs interviews habituels, et ce pour plusieurs raisons. 

    Tout d’abord, j’aimerais prendre le temps de rĂ©flĂ©chir un peu Ă  la discussion que j’ai enregistrĂ©e (en français) avec ma derniĂšre invitĂ©e, Marion Roucheux, fondatrice du mĂ©dia dĂ©diĂ© Ă  la maternitĂ© Les Louves. 

    Dans cette discussion trĂšs sincĂšre et qui me parle personnellement beaucoup, alors que je m’apprĂȘte d’ici quelques semaines Ă  devenir mĂšre Ă  mon tour, Marion me fait part de son souhait d’entendre plus dans les mĂ©dias des personnalitĂ©s et des parcours atypiques, diffĂ©rents de ceux que l’on attribue traditionnellement Ă  la rĂ©ussite. A ma question “Qui aimerais-tu entendre dans ce podcast?”, la jeune femme rĂ©pond de la maniĂšre suivante: 

    “Je trouve que l’on met beaucoup trop en avant les crĂ©ateurs d’entreprise. J’aimerais entendre un profil qui ne soit pas un modĂšle de rĂ©ussite. Quelqu’un d’inspirant dans ce qu’il est, dans ce qu’il fait, dans sa façon de voir les choses, mais pas parce qu’il a rĂ©ussi, en tous les cas pas dans le sens commun de la rĂ©ussite. J’ai envie d’entendre des gens et des parcours qui changent des schĂ©mas habituels et traditionnels”. 

    Marion n’est pas la premiĂšre Ă  me faire cette remarque. Et je dois dire qu’elle me fait rĂ©flĂ©chir.

    Car mon objectif est en effet avec Brillantes de rendre compte de la diversitĂ© des parcours, des choix de vie, des rĂ©ussites au sens large du terme. Et pourtant, il est vrai que jusqu’à prĂ©sent, beaucoup de mes invitĂ©es sont entrepreneuses. En aucun cas pourtant, je ne souhaite rendre compte d’une vision Ă©triquĂ©e de la rĂ©ussite. Car ĂȘtre engagĂ©e pour une association, ĂȘtre sage-femme, ĂȘtre artiste, philosophe, institutrice, Ă©crivain, soignante ou mĂšre, ce sont aussi des formes de rĂ©ussite. J’aimerais ainsi avec Brillantes faire rayonner ces parcours lĂ , aussi.

    Et comme toujours, j’espĂšre pour cela obtenir votre aide et votre soutien: n’hĂ©sitez pas Ă  me faire parvenir idĂ©es sur le sujet, vos remarques, nos commentaires, vos critiques, vos idĂ©es d’invitĂ©es, vos questions potentielles. Je suis toute ouĂŻe et toujours tellement heureuse d’y rĂ©pondre.  

    Je souhaitais Ă©galement par cette petite parenthĂšse vous laisser le temps de suivre un peu l’actualitĂ© de Brillantes, si vous n’aviez pas encore pris le temps. Vous pouvez ainsi vous plonger dans le chouette Ă©pisode du podcast francophone Franzine, dans lequel Jenny m’a interrogĂ©e. Ensemble, nous avons pris de le temps de discuter de mon parcours, mais surtout de mĂ©dias, de fĂ©minisme et de ce que c’est que de vivre Ă  l’étranger. L’écouter vous permettra notamment de mieux comprendre les dessous de Brillantes et de comment je souhaite dĂ©velopper ce projet Ă  l’avenir. 

    J’ai aussi Ă©tĂ© interviewĂ©e Ă  mon tour par l’une de mes toutes premiĂšres invitĂ©es, Philippine, fondatrice de Escape & Co, pour un article consacrĂ© au voyage. Vous y retrouverez mes bons plans d’hĂŽtels ou de restaurants,, mes plus beaux souvenirs de voyage, mais Ă©galement mes rĂȘves et ma vision du voyage pour l’avenir. De quoi nous faire un peu sortir de la monotonie de la COVID!

    Je vous remercie d’avance pour vos retours, vos commentaires et vos impressions

    Merci Ă  tous, et Ă  trĂšs vite, sur Brillantes! 

    Links and references 

    Episode with Marion Roucheux : 

    Apple Podcast: podcasts.apple.com/ch/podcast/21-marion-roucheux-parler-de-maternit%C3%A9-autrement/id1528977353?i=1000508286266&l=frSpotify: open.spotify.com/episode/1K3ixD82A6eGQxBAzvceK0Google Podcast: podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5hY2FzdC5jb20vcHVibGljL3Nob3dzL2JyaWxsYW50ZXM/episode/NjAyMTAxNGM1ZGEzOWEyNDFhMzE0ZWE5?sa=X&ved=0CAUQkfYCahcKEwjAmtvd8u7uAhUAAAAAHQAAAAAQAQDeezer: deezer.page.link/T7sJcuibMocvSDnTA

    Franzine Podcast episode: 

    Apple Podcast: podcasts.apple.com/ch/podcast/%C3%A9-07-jeanne-du-sartel-brillantes-d%C3%A9couverte-dune-podcasteuse/id1542530435?i=1000507833166&l=fr Google Podcast: podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkcy5hY2FzdC5jb20vcHVibGljL3Nob3dzLzVmZWEyZDBjMjZkMmE2NTUwZTUyNzg0Yg==

    Escape&Co. Interview:

    Website: escapeandco.com/escapeandcotravelstories-guest-jeanne-du-sartel/Instagram: www.instagram.com/p/CLGxsB5AwfN/
    Help me grow up Brillantes! 

    If you liked the episode, please share it with as many people as possible, rate it with 5 stars and subscribe to the podcast on your listening platform. This help will be extremely precious to me 

    Find all the links to listen to the episodes here: www.flow.page/brillantes

    Follow Brillantes on social networks:

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/brillantes.media/LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/brillantesFacebook : www.facebook.com/brillantes.media

    And her host and founder, Jeanne du Sartel:

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jeannedusartel/Instagram: www.instagram.com/jeannedusartel/Twitter: https://twitter.com/JeanneduSartel

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • [Episode en français] đŸ‡«đŸ‡·

    Marion Roucheux est l’une des fondatrices des Louves, le mĂ©dia qui inspire les mamans contemporaines. 

    En 2014, lorsqu’elle dĂ©cide avec sa rĂ©dactrice en chef de l’époque, Marine Deffrennes, de lancer sa propre plateforme, Marion veut crĂ©er le mĂ©dia qui lui a manquĂ© pendant toute sa grossesse. Un format esthĂ©tique, moderne et sans tabou, qui transformera la façon dont la maternitĂ© est jusque lĂ  traitĂ©e dans les mĂ©dias et aidera les femmes Ă  devenir mĂšres.

    Dans cet Ă©pisode, Marion partage son parcours d’entrepreneuse. Elle explique ce qui l’a poussĂ©e, Ă  la veille de ses trente ans Ă  quitter son job de journaliste chez Terra Femina pour lancer son propre projet. On parle de financement bien sĂ»r, et du business modĂšle de son mĂ©dia qui depuis 8 ans, ne cesse de developper de nouveaux formats, contenus et Ă©vĂšnements. 

    Mais cette discussion est aussi l’occasion de parler de maternitĂ© et de fĂ©minisme. Marion raconte comment devenir mĂšre a chamboulĂ© sa vie. Avec la sincĂ©ritĂ© que l’on retrouve dans ses Ă©ditos, elle partage son expĂ©rience, les beaux moments comme les plus compliquĂ©s, avec un objectif: accompagner les mamans dans ce voyage Ă  la fois si intime et tellement universel, comme elle le dit si bien. 

    Je vous laisse donc vous plonger dans ce nouvel Ă©pisode de Brillantes, et vous souhaite une trĂšs bonne Ă©coute!

    Links and references 

    To follow Marion: 

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/marion-roucheux-a6021211/

    To follow Les Louves: 

    Website: www.leslouves.com/Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/les-louves/Instagram: www.instagram.com/leslouves/Facebook: www.facebook.com/leslouves.magTwitter: twitter.com/Les_LouvesPinterest: www.pinterest.fr/leslouves/_saved/

    Les femmes brillantes citĂ©es par Marion 

    Anne Serre: www.lesfugitives.com/anne-serreMarine Deffrennes, son associĂ©e: www.linkedin.com/in/marine-deffrennes-05001b1a/Help me grow up Brillantes! 

    If you liked the episode, please share it with as many people as possible, rate it with 5 stars and subscribe to the podcast on your listening platform. This help will be extremely precious to me 

    Find all the links to listen to the episodes here: www.flow.page/brillantes

    Follow Brillantes on social networks:

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/brillantes.media/LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/brillantesFacebook : www.facebook.com/brillantes.media

    And her host and founder, Jeanne du Sartel:

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jeannedusartel/Instagram: www.instagram.com/jeannedusartel/Twitter: https://twitter.com/JeanneduSartel

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • AlisĂ©e de Tonnac is the Co-Founder and the CEO of Seedstars World, a global start-up competition which aim is to identify and support the most promising entrepreneurial initiatives in emerging markets. 

    At just 32 years old, she has already travelled around the world, she has been recognised by the biggest international medias, including Forbes and Wired, and she is one of Europe's 50 most influential women in the startup and venture capital space... But that’s not all: AlisĂ©e is also the mother of 2 children. 

    In this honest discussion, the French woman looks back on her path of excellence, marked by her international childhood and studies, her beginnings at L'OrĂ©al and her early entrepreneurial career.  

    AlisĂ©e explains the evolution of her role and responsibilities as CEO, as Seedstars keeps developing around the world. But she also shares her fears, her doubts and her heavy impostor syndrome that she cannot get rid of despite her success. 

    AlisĂ©e talks about the couple she forms with Pierre-Alain Masson, in life as at Seedstars. She recounts the social pressure she experienced when becoming a mother and admits the difficulties she had in finding her new place after this major change. 

    This exchange is extremely rich and sincere, and is really worth a listen. So, don’t loose a minute, and dive into this new episode with the brilliant AlisĂ©e de Tonnac. 

    Links and references 

    To follow AlisĂ©e: 

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/alis%C3%A9e-de-tonnac-8136a516/Website: www.aliseedetonnac.com/Twitter: twitter.com/aliseedt?lang=enFacebook: www.facebook.com/Alis%C3%A9e-de-Tonnac-613789092157463/

    To follow Seedstars: 

    Website: www.seedstars.com/Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/seedstars/Instagram: www.instagram.com/seedsta.rs/Facebook: www.facebook.com/seedstarsTwitter: twitter.com/SeedstarsYoutube: www.youtube.com/channel/UCvRFXJnNyPXqkkaMOJatRXQHelp me grow up Brillantes! 

    If you liked the episode, please share it with as many people as possible, rate it with 5 stars and subscribe to the podcast on your listening platform. This help will be extremely precious to me 

    Find all the links to listen to the episodes here: www.flow.page/brillantes

    Follow Brillantes on social networks:

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/brillantes.media/LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/brillantesFacebook : www.facebook.com/brillantes.media

    And her host and founder, Jeanne du Sartel:

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jeannedusartel/Instagram: www.instagram.com/jeannedusartel/Twitter: https://twitter.com/JeanneduSartel

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Aysha van de Paer has one mission: to empower women through investment. 

    Her theory? In order to overcome the inequalities and economic vulnerability that all women may face during their lives, investment is the safe, easy and time-saving way to guarantee a certain economic security. In this interview, Aysha takes her personal exemple and explains how the loss of her husband, at just 35 years old, made her aware of the necessity to secure her financial situation. 

    Convinced of the need to bring this message to all women, and to make them change their vision of that practise that may appear complex and scary, the young woman created her own blog, which then became a real business: InvestLikeAysha.com. 

    In this interview, we will learn the basic principles to invest the best way in the stock market, and listen to all the valuable advice that Aysha shares with each and every one of us. ETF, Robo-Advisors, diversification, sustainable investment
 In one hour, you will understand the basic concepts, which are much less complex than you thought, and will know how to start your new life as an investor. 

    So don't waste a minute: it’s time to listen to this essential interview.... because you will quickly understand that you should start investing today already! 

    Links and references 

    To follow Aysha: 

    Website: www.investlikeaysha.com/LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/ayshavandepaer/Facebook: www.facebook.com/aysha.van.de.paerShe Invests Book Club (on Facebook): www.facebook.com/groups/SheInvestsBookClub/

    Books that Aysha mentions in the episode: 

    Lean In, by Sheryl Sandberg https://leanin.org/bookWomen are worth it, by Sarah Genequand Miche 
    Help me grow up Brillantes! 

    If you liked the episode, please share it with as many people as possible, rate it with 5 stars and subscribe to the podcast on your listening platform. This help will be extremely precious to me 

    Find all the links to listen to the episodes here: www.flow.page/brillantes

    Follow Brillantes on social networks:

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/brillantes.media/LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/brillantesFacebook : www.facebook.com/brillantes.media

    And her host and founder, Jeanne du Sartel:

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jeannedusartel/Instagram: www.instagram.com/jeannedusartel/Twitter: https://twitter.com/JeanneduSartel

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Nadia Damaso is one of the most popular cookbook author in Switzerland. 

    At only 25, the young woman from Pontresina has already published 3 bestsellers, with a motto: “Eat better, not less”. 

    The success story started on Instagram. 9 years ago, she came back from a 6 months stay in Canada with a bad surprise: +15kg more on her hips. The cooking enthusiast then decided to change to a more healthy lifestyle and to share her experience. 

    It was the golden age of Instagram. In three months, 30,000 people where already following her. Today, her recipes and her minimalist universe are still very popular: with 149,000 followers, Nadia is one of the most influential Swiss personalities. 

    In this interview you will find out who is behind this dazzling success. 

    You will meet this creative personality, who has found her means of expression in the kitchen. 

    She is a "self-made woman", resolutely ambitious, insatiable for work and projects. The woman who makes it a point of honour to do everything on her own details her work organisation and the way she manages her business. You will also understand Nadia's criticisms to the system that lies behind social networks.  

    In this episode, Nadia shares her vision of the world, full of spirituality, passion and energy... 

    But I won't tell you more, and let you discover my discussion with Nadia Damaso... 

    Links and references 

    To follow Nadia: 

    Website: www.nadiadamaso.com/Instagram: www.instagram.com/nadiadamaso_/Facebook: www.facebook.com/eatbetternotlessnadiadamasoPinterest: www.pinterest.ch/nadiadamaso_/_saved/Youtube: www.youtube.com/channel/UC-av5A7fucZPCchfCR5-UoA

    Nadia’s last book: www.nadiadamaso.com/shop/newcookbook

    People Nadia is mentioning during the episode : 

    Allie, from The Mystery School: www.themysteryschool.co/Help me grow up Brillantes! 

    If you liked the episode, please share it with as many people as possible, rate it with 5 stars and subscribe to the podcast on your listening platform. This help will be extremely precious to me 

    Find all the links to listen to the episodes here: www.flow.page/brillantes

    Follow Brillantes on social networks:

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/brillantes.media/LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/brillantesFacebook : www.facebook.com/brillantes.media

    And her host and founder, Jeanne du Sartel:

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jeannedusartel/Instagram: www.instagram.com/jeannedusartel/Twitter: https://twitter.com/JeanneduSartel

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  •  [đŸ‡«đŸ‡· Episode in French]

    Alors que les soldes battent leur plein, j’ai choisi de dĂ©buter 2021 en parlant de mode Ă©thique et durable, avec la pĂ©tillante Marguerite Dorangeon.

    En septembre 2019, Marguerite a fondĂ© avec son associĂ© Rym Trabelsi Clear Fashion, une de ces applications qui rĂ©volutionnent le secteur de la mode et le font Ă©voluer vers des pratiques plus responsables. BasĂ©e sur la transparence et le partage d’information, leur idĂ©e est de fournir aux consommateurs les outils pour acheter leurs vĂȘtements de maniĂšre consciente et raisonnĂ©e. 

    Dans cette discussion, Marguerite revient sur son engagement pour l’environnement. On parle de ses Ă©tudes en agronomie, et de l’origine de son intĂ©rĂȘt pour la mode. Avec son sourire contagieux, Marguerite raconte son parcours entrepreneurial, son apprentissage du code, sa premiĂšre levĂ©e de fonds, et le succĂšs de leur entreprise, qui compte dĂ©jĂ  12 employĂ©s. 

    Le sujet est passionnant, et promet d’intĂ©resser les entrepreneurs en devenir, amoureux de la mode, et autres militants pour une consommation plus Ă©thique et responsable.

    Alors ne perdez pas une minute: il est temps d’écouter le nouvel Ă©pisode de Brillantes!

    Liens et rĂ©fĂ©rences 

    Pour en savoir plus sur Clear Fashion: 

    Site internet: www.clear-fashion.com/LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/clothparency/?viewAsMember=truInstagram: www.instagram.com/clearfashionapp/?hl=frFacebook: www.facebook.com/clearfashionapp/Twitter: twitter.com/clearfashionapp

    et sur Marguerite Dorangeon: 

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/mdorangeon/

    Personnes citĂ©es: 

    Rym Trabelsi, Co-fondatrice de Clear Fashion: www.linkedin.com/in/rym-trabelsi-agro/Lucie Bash, Founder of Too Good to Go: www.linkedin.com/in/lucie-basch-2b163852/en-us/Aidez moi Ă  faire grandir Brillantes! 

    Si l’épisode vous a plu, n’hĂ©sitez pas Ă  le partager avec un maximum de personnes autour de vous, Ă  vos amis, votre famille, ou vos collĂšgues. Vous pouvez Ă©galement noter ce podcast avec 5 Ă©toiles sur Apple Podcast: c’est le meilleur moyen de le faire connaĂźtre. Et puis j’avoue que j’adore lire vos gentils commentaires

    Retrouvez tous les liens vers Brillantes ici: www.flow.page/brillantes

    Brillantes est aussi sur les réseaux sociaux:

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/brillantes.media/LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/brillantesFacebook : www.facebook.com/brillantes.media

    Pour suivre sa fondatrice Jeanne du Sartel:

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jeannedusartel/Instagram: www.instagram.com/jeannedusartel/Twitter: https://twitter.com/JeanneduSartel

    Merci pour votre soutien, et Ă  bientĂŽt sur Brillantes! 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • This week, I have the pleasure to receive on my podcast a woman with an exceptional background. 

    Sarah Springman has been rector of one of the world's best universities, ETH, since 2015. 

    But that's not all.The number 2 at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich is also a top athlete and multiple European Triathlon Champion. For her career-long service to her sport at international level, the Queen of England even made her Commander of the order of the British Empire . 

    In this discussion, you will understand how the British engineer did to pursue two careers of excellence at the same time. We talk about success, and I understand how the practice of high-level sport has nourished her academic career, and vice versa. 

    Sarah Springman looks back on her journey in these male-dominated environments and shares her vision of female leadership. 

    The first female professor in geotechnical engineering in Western Europe explains why social, cultural and gender diversity in science and research is needed. I ask her about the actions taken by ETH to promote greater diversity, and we talk about the cases of sexism that are shaking up the academic world and in particular ETH's cousin, EPFL.  

    In this podcast, you will discover a strong and resolutely brilliant personality. But I won't tell you more and let you discover this discussion with an extraordinary woman. 

    Time codes 

    03:53 All the brilliant and inspiring women surrounding Sarah Springman 

    05:40 Highlights from the scientific and sport careers 

    07:21 Pursuing two careers at the same time 

    08:50 The idea of success 

    11:01 How the competitive spirit developed 

    12:50 Discovering triathlon, and her talent for it

    14:55 Is it the role of women to lead the battle for minorities? 

    15:58 How female leaders have been fighting the coronavirus crisis 

    18:16 When Sarah Springman was made Commander of the Order of the British Empire  

    19:35 Bringing sport values in her engineering and academic career 

    21:00 Being one of the 15 woman out of 250 students studying engineering in Cambridge in 1975 

    22:30 What takes women back from the STEM fields 

    25:27 The role of parents in their children’s education

    27:16 Being a female leader in a man’s world 

    30:39 Becoming the first female professor in geotechnical engineering in Western Europe 

    33:18 Settling in Switzerland, for ETH 

    35:57 Becoming the 2nd female Rector of the ETH 

    38:53 The importance of diversity in STEM and research 

    40:07 How ETH fights for more diversity 

    41:46 How to improve the gender equality 

    44:05 Denouncing sexist discrimination at EPFL 

    Links and references 

    To know more about Sarah Springman 

    ETH Page: ethz.ch/en/the-eth-zurich/organisation/executive-board/rector.htmlWorld Triathlon: www.triathlon.org/about/profile/85459

    To follow the ETH: 

    Website: ethz.ch/de.htmlLinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/school/eth-zurich/Instagram: www.instagram.com/ethzurich/Facebook: www.facebook.com/eth

    Inspiring women for Sarah Springman: 


    Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jocelyn_Bell_BurnellDame Athene Donald https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Athene_Donald


    Dame Kelly Holmes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kelly_HolmesDame Tani Grey-Thompson https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tanni_Grey-ThompsonDame Katherine Grainger https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katherine_Grainger

    ETH entrepreneurs and members of the executive board 

    Dr Sabrina Badir Dr. Vanessa Wood https://istp.ethz.ch/people/person-detail.vwood.htmlDr Julia Dannath- Schuh https://ethz.ch/en/the-eth-zurich/organisation/executive-board/vice-president-personnel-development.htmlDr. Eleni Chatzi https://eth-wpf.ch/ethwpf_member/eleni-chatzi-2/

    Vice President of the University of Zurich, Dr. Gabriele Siegert https://www.uzh.ch/cmsssl/en/about/management/unileitung/deputypresident.html


    Respekt website: https://respekt.ethz.ch/en/
    Help me grow up Brillantes! 

    If you liked the episode, please share it with as many people as possible, rate it with 5 stars and subscribe to the podcast on your listening platform. This help will be extremely precious to me 

    Find all the links to listen to the episodes here: www.flow.page/brillantes

    Follow Brillantes on social networks:

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/brillantes.media/LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/brillantesFacebook : www.facebook.com/brillantes.media

    And her host and founder, Jeanne du Sartel:

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jeannedusartel/Instagram: www.instagram.com/jeannedusartel/Twitter: https://twitter.com/JeanneduSartel

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Barbara Lax had one ambition: to have a long-term positive impact on people's lives. 

    Some time after the birth of her first daughter, while searching for the best childcare system, the civil engineer found out how she could contribute to a better future: by creating a childcare concept adapted to the modern world.  

    Against all odds, despite the reluctance of her surroundings, Barbara left her successful career at Caterpillar and set out on her own.  

    In 2012 Little Green House was born. A childcare network adapted to modern families, helping both parents to keep their career, multilingual, close to nature and ecology and following an innovative educational system, according to the discoveries of neurosciences. 

    In this discussion, the triathlete and iron woman looks back on the first, particularly difficult years of entrepreneurship and what drove her to persevere in spite of everything. 

    We talk about education of course, and in particular about the incredible breakthroughs in neuroscience, directly relevant for the education of young children.

    We also discuss about public policies for early childcare and about parental leave. The businesswoman, whose company was rated last year as one of the most dynamic companies in Europe by the Financial Times, explains her decision to create a system of private crĂšches, and details her wishes of expansion. 

    In short, Barbara gives us a real entrepreneurial lesson and makes us realise how crucial the early years are for every child, and how a family policy can help create a modern, open and egalitarian society.  

    So plug in your headphones, it's time for another episode of Brillantes ! 

    Time codes 

    03:47 The Little Green House in Zurich

    05:03 Pippi Longstocking, a sparkling young woman 

    05:55 The paternity leave in Switzerland 

    06:44 The Swiss liberal childcare system, and why should couples decide on the long run 

    10:55 A Bavarian childhood, surrounded by nature 

    12:25 Travelling and studying across Europe
 to settle in a small village next to Geneva 

    14:01 Choosing Civil engineering as a way to become independent and to travel 

    17:01 Listening and being influenced by external advices 

    20:20 Choosing to live in Geneva, and joining Caterpillar 

    22:21 How the idea of leaving Caterpillar came 

    Little Green House 

    25:13 Little Green House, a tangible project with an impact for the future  

    28:27 Launching the Little Green House, and giving up a really recognised position in an international company 

    30:42 Keeping a 100% job while launching a business 

    32:35 Security vs risk, and redefining the notion of success

    34:48 Financing such an ambitious project 

    37:27 Choosing to found a private education system, and developing public-private partnerships 

    40:31 An educational concept based on 4 pillars, and namely Neurosciences 

    44:30 Developing languages thanks through neurosciences 

    46:05 How the brain develops through life 

    48:58 Helping modern families to go through careers and family life at the same time 

    50:23 Why business and social worlds should go hand in hand 

    52:02 Little Green House: a concept meant to expand 

    54:22 Having an impact on people’s lives 

    55:21 Bringing different networks together


    57:02 What sports brings to her entrepreneurial life 

    58:45 Final questions 

    Links and references 

    To follow Barbara: 

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/barbara-lax-925738/

    To follow Little Green House 

    Website: www.littlegreenhouse.ch/LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/little-green-house/Instagram: www.instagram.com/littlegreenhouse_childcare/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/littlegreenhouse.the.next.generation

    People Barbara is mentioning during the episode : 

    The Swiss adventurer Ella Maillart http://www.ellamaillart.ch/bio_fr.phpThe Finance expert Mara Harvey https://smartwaytostart.com/meet-mara-harvey/Book: Originals by Adam Grant www.adamgrant.net/book/originals/
    Help me grow up Brillantes! 

    If you liked the episode, please share it with as many people as possible, rate it with 5 stars and subscribe to the podcast on your listening platform. This help will be extremely precious to me 

    Find all the links to listen to the episodes here: www.flow.page/brillantes

    Follow Brillantes on social networks:

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/brillantes.media/LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/brillantesFacebook : www.facebook.com/brillantes.media

    And her host and founder, Jeanne du Sartel:

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jeannedusartel/Instagram: www.instagram.com/jeannedusartel/Twitter: https://twitter.com/JeanneduSartel

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • ****

    Special Collaboration: Viollaz Giftbox x Brillantes

    This week, Brillantes is receiving the support of Viollaz Giftbox. And a few weeks away from Christmas, I'm sure it can be very useful for you...

    Viollaz Giftbox creates and prepares for you beautiful gift boxes, filled with love and tastefully selected products, for newborns, mothers or young parents. And you will even find the excellent chocolates La Flor, produced in Zurich by my guest of today, Laura SchĂ€lchli. 

    If you are interested, the link of the website is the following: https://viollaz.ch/.

    Viollaz Giftbox even offers 10 francs to the listeners of this episode, with the code "BRILLANTES", in capital letters.


    Episode #14 with Laura SchÀlchli (Sobre Mesa, La Flor)

    To find her, all you have to do is go to the fresh market on Zurich's Helvetia Platz very early in the morning... Laura SchĂ€lchli knows all the producers by their first names and comes to buy her food for the week, always fresh, local and seasonal. 

    The slow food advocate then runs to her office, the Zurich chocolate factory, La Flor.

    In this discussion, you will find out what pushed the young designer to change her career plans and devote herself to food. 

    In 2014, Laura creates Sobre Mesa, and offers different classes with one ambition: to reintroduce people to the pleasure of eating well and to teach the value of food and the benefits of cooking... 

    With Laura, we talk about organic and local agriculture, about supermarkets and fresh markets, about vegetarianism and animal blood, or about the scandals that lies behind bananas and chocolate production.

    We also talk about her journey as an entrepreneur and in particular about her latest creation, La Flor. An ethical chocolate factory, in the heart of Zurich, which aim is to produce a qualitative and tasteful chocolate, respectful of the environment...

    A small revolution in the country which produces more than 10% of the world chocolate market. 

    I really enjoyed this rich conversation, full of good tips for anyone interested in what they put on their plate. I recommend it to you very warmly - especially before the holiday season.... 

    So plug in your headphones and enjoy! 

    [Photo: Lukas Lienhard, https://lukaslienhardphotographer.allyou.net/]

    Time codes 

    04:58 The fascination for sparkling eyes
 and passionate people 

    06:30 Getting into the food culture in Italy, which her grandparents 

    08:17 Moving to New York to study design

    Discovering the “Slow Food” movement 

    09:58 From design to gastronomy - Growing an interest for food and sustainability 

    13:47 Discovering the “Slow Food” movement, and moving to Italy to study it

    16:10 Coming back to Switzerland: the Zurich gastronomy scene  

    17:19 How to promote slow food as consumers 

    18:35 Getting your food directly at the farmers, at the Fresh market 

    21:44 How to get the best prices on the fresh markets 

    24:03 Bio vs local: being aware of energy and transport 

    26:00 Should vegans eat chocolate or bananas? 

    Becoming an entrepeneur 

    28:55 Learning as an employee  

    31:57 Starting Sobre Mesa and becoming an entrepreneur 

    34:48 Finding a financial stability  

    36:13 Sobre Mesa: when table talks last hours and hours 

    36:54 From fermentation to wine courses

    39:46 Eating animals
 and cooking with their blood  

    La Flor: a transparent chocolate factory at the heart of Zurich 

    44:52 Developing the transparent chocolate factory in Zurich, ‘La Flor’ 

    47:05 A new comer in the world largest chocolate market 

    50:00 An industry plagued by environmental and social scandals

    51:32 How Switzerland transformed chocolate into a candy 

    54:11 Trying to develop La Flor,  as sustainable as possible  

    General questions 

    56:46 The importance of the network, and sisterhood in gastronomy 

    01:00 Final questions 

    Links and references 

    To follow Laura: 

    Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/laura-sch%C3%A4lchli-65a6905/

    To follow Sobre Mesa 

    Website: www.sobre-mesa.com/Instagram: www.instagram.com/sobremesa_ch/Facebook: www.facebook.com/sobremesach/

    To follow La Flor 

    Website: https://laflor.ch/deInstagram: www.instagram.com/foraus/?hl=frFacebook: www.facebook.com/forausthinktank

    People Laura is mentioning during the episode : 

    Elisabeth KĂŒbler-Ross, Swiss-American psychiatrist and pioneer in near death studies https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elisabeth_K%C3%BCbler-RossLauren Wildbolz, laurenwildbolz.ch/Ivo MĂŒller www.linkedin.com/in/ivo-m%C3%BCller-403642ab/?originalSubdomain=chAlessandra Roversi: www.linkedin.com/in/aroversi/?originalSubdomain=chMadelyne Meyer - find the Brillantes episode here: open.spotify.com/episode/3ijVPCxaEy3sbVGxonAYsr

    Restaurants and producers

    Wirtschaft am Franz: www.wirtschaftimfranz.ch/Kle restaurant: listen to the episode with Zizi Hattab: open.spotify.com/episode/1v5vSOBxOiUPp6d1FMtMLC?si=iyXZX2n-T2SuMESEBdWY8wRestaurant Jakob, Rapperswil (closed) Farmer Matthias Rollenstein: www.slowgrow.ch/
    Help me grow up Brillantes! 

    If you liked the episode, please share it with as many people as possible, rate it with 5 stars and subscribe to the podcast on your listening platform. This help will be extremely precious to me 

    Find all the links to listen to the episodes here: www.flow.page/brillantes

    Follow Brillantes on social networks:

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/brillantes.media/LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/brillantesFacebook : www.facebook.com/brillantes.media

    And her host and founder, Jeanne du Sartel:

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jeannedusartel/Instagram: www.instagram.com/jeannedusartel/Twitter: https://twitter.com/JeanneduSartel

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Anna StĂŒnzi is the president of Foraus, the Swiss think tank dedicated to foreign policy and a researcher at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research... But that's not all. At barely 30, the young woman is also the founder of a solar energy start up, and a member of the board of Gemeinsam Znacht, an association that looks after the integration of migrants.

    If I had to define Anna in one word, I would say "committed". Two themes in particular are dear to her: environment and migration. 

    In this discussion, Anna explains why her work in the private sector and in associations has always been an excellent way to feed her academic research, and vice versa. We talk about her mission as the president of the Foraus and I question her about the concrete impact of think tanks on public policies. 

    Together we also talk about the status of women in the male-dominated world of academic research and how universities should adapt to the modern world. Anna, who also dances one hour everyday, shares with me her secrets for remaining productive and managing so many activities at the same time. 

    As you will have understood, Anna is definitely inspiring and enriching, that kind of personality you don't meet every day. So plug in your headphones: its time for the new episode of Brillantes!  

    Time Codes 

    03:48 The inspiring women around Anna

    04:59 Dancing as a passion

    06:06 A happy childhood close to Zurich, 

    Getting engaged for the environment 

    07:47 Sensitised to environmental issues from at young age
 and while travelling 

    10:11 Studying psychology and economy

    12:26 What working and association experiences bring to research 

    13:27 The importance of organisation: Anna’s tips  

    14:58 Being able to change plans and adapt to new situations 

    16:53 Environment, the topic of our generation 

    20:20 Working on Solar Impulse with The Swiss Clean Tech Association 

    23:53 Becoming a young entrepreneur in solar energy  

    27:19 Understand the basis of the Swiss energy mix 

    The President of the Foraus 

    30:36 Defining what is a think tank 

    32:16 Foraus: a grassroots and inclusive think tank 

    34:43 Policy Kitchen: a collaborative platform 

    35:50 The most important topics for Switzerland 

    38:44 Understanding the concrete impact of Foraus on Swiss public policies

    42:40 How research at Foraus and university complement each other 

    43:48 The role and mission of the President of Foraus   

    46:10 When Foraus publications are influencing politics 

    47:13 Being a woman in academia 

    52:24 Anna’s question to Sarah Sringman, Rector of the ETH

    54:09 Anna’s action at Gemeinsam Znacht

    57:32 Final questions 

    Links and references 

    To follow Anna: 

    Linkedin : https://www.linkedin.com/in/anna-st%C3%BCnzi-93391b8b/

    To follow Foraus, the Swiss forum on Foreign Policy 

    Website: www.foraus.chLinkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/foraus---forum-aussenpolitik/Instagram: www.instagram.com/foraus/?hl=frFacebook: www.facebook.com/forausthinktankTwitter: https://twitter.com/foraus

     Foraus publications that Anna talks about in the podcast: 

    Publications of the Europe thematic group: https://www.foraus.ch/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/20200930_Der-bilaterale-Weg_WEB.pdf and https://www.foraus.ch/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/FlaM_versionWEB.pdfPublication about the role of cities in international policymaking, taken up by Geneva: https://www.foraus.ch/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/foraus-Mega-Cities.pdfLast publication: “The Arctic, closer than you think” : https://www.foraus.ch/publications/switzerland-and-the-arctic-closer-than-you-think/

    Other organisations in which Anna is involved

    Gemeinsam Znacht: https://www.gemeinsamznacht.chHer company, GOE solar: www.goe.ch/

    Women Anna is mentioning during the episode : 

    Kirsten Dunlop, CEO of Climate-Kic: www.climate-kic.org/Lea HungerbĂŒhler, Rechtsberaterin, PrĂ€sidentin at Asylex: www.asylex.ch/?donateNikki Böhler, Founder of Mindfulmoney: www.mindfulmoney.ch/
    Help me grow up Brillantes! 

    If you liked the episode, please share it with as many people as possible, rate it with 5 stars and subscribe to the podcast on your listening platform. This help will be extremely precious to me 

    Find all the links to listen to the episodes here: www.flow.page/brillantes

    Follow Brillantes on social networks:

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/brillantes.media/Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/brillantesFacebook : www.facebook.com/brillantes.media

    And her host and founder, Jeanne du Sartel:

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jeannedusartel/Instagram: www.instagram.com/jeannedusartel/Twitter: https://twitter.com/JeanneduSartel

    Photo: credits to Anne Gabriel-JĂŒrgens (http://gabriel-juergens.net )

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • With her beautiful woven baskets, colourful chairs and benches or exclusive printed clothing, the Swiss designer Kathrin Eckhardt mixes the craftsmanship of her adopted country, Ghana, with European tastes and standards.

    In this interview, Kathrin tells me what inspired her, one day in 2015, to give up her career as a journalist and fashion stylist to settle in Ghana out of love.

    The Swiss woman looks back on her difficult beginnings in this faraway country and explains how she managed, over time, to integrate and understand the local rules and customs, to finally become the entrepreneur she is today. 

    Ghana has now become her second home. Here, Kathrin founded her design label, a studio and her network of artisans. 

    I ask Kathrin about her lifelong interest in fashion, but also about her career in the media industry, especially at the famous NZZ am Sonntag. We discuss the evolution of these two industries and Kathrin tells how the economic difficulties and her thirst for freedom and creativity pushed her on the path of entrepreneurship. 

    The designer recounts her learnings, but also her fears and difficulties. We talk about money and negotiation of course, as well as creativity, inspiration and freedom. 

    In this discussion, Kathrin opens her heart and allows us all to be inspired by her sincerity, independence and strength. 

    So don't miss a minute and enjoy this new episode of Brillantes! 

    Time codes 

    03:36 Kathrin’s atelier: A creative and inspiring place 

    05:00 Each women has a shining side  

    06:38 Raised in a lively, feminist and free-mind family  

    Becoming a Fashion Editor 

    09:21 Expressing her creativity through fashion, 

    11:03 Starting her career as a Fashion Editor and Stylist for the NZZ am Sonntag 

    12:34 How studies can help you structure your mind and understand the society

    16:36 Explaining society through fashion: what it means to be a good fashion journalist 

    20:23 Finding inspiration through observation 

    The freedom and difficulty of entrepreneurship 

    22:49 The freedom of becoming an entrepreneur 

    25:24 Experiencing insecurity
 and why work should always be paid 

    29:16 Surround yourself with the right people 

    30:48 Facing the dilemma of money
 and creativity

    How moving to Ghana changed her life 

    31:58 “It was kind of loosing identity” : Moving to Ghana for love and inspiration, vs the hard reality 

    34:26 Learning the rules and codes of a foreign country 

    37:16 Choosing your home place as an international couple

    39:44 Getting inspired by the Ghanian culture and women 

    41:51 Step by step
 How Kathrin’s label started  

    43:56 Establishing a business in a foreign country: from price and quality criteria to communication rules  

    47:22 “Translating cultures” to create the best fashion  

    48:50 The necessity of slowing down the fashion calendar

    51:29 Keeping the contact with the clients: the biggest reward 

    53:54 Finding creativity in the resting times 

    55:38 Facing uncertainty and adapting to the curent crisis 

    57:53 The importance of the feminine network 

    59:42 Final questions 

    Links and references 

    To follow Kathrin Eckhardt Studio

    Website: www.kathrineckhardt.com/Instagram: www.instagram.com/kathrineckhardtstudio/Facebook: www.facebook.com/kathirneckhardt/


    To follow Kathrin 

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/kathrin-eckhardt-140919102/

    References she mentioned in the episode : 

    Sociology reference: Georg Simmel, Fashion https://sites.middlebury.edu/individualandthesociety/files/2010/09/Simmel.fashion.pdfLis Mijnssen, Founder of the Hamman Basar Zurich: https://www.hammambasar.ch/
    Help me grow up Brillantes! 

    If you liked the episode, please share it with as many people as possible, rate it with 5 stars and subscribe to the podcast on your listening platform. This help will be extremely precious to me 

    Find all the links to listen to the episodes here: www.flow.page/brillantes

    Follow Brillantes on social networks:

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/brillantes.media/Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/brillantesFacebook : www.facebook.com/brillantes.media

    And her host and founder, Jeanne du Sartel:

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jeannedusartel/Instagram: www.instagram.com/jeannedusartel/Twitter: https://twitter.com/JeanneduSartel

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Madelyne Meyer, the blogger behind Edvin Uncorked, columnist and author of the best seller "Endlich Wein Verstehen" (“Welcome to Wine” in English ) has a mission: to make the wine world clear and accessible to all.

    Because we have all already been impressed by a wine connoisseur... the one who notices the note of redcurrant in his glass, or recognises each grape variety. We have all already been discouraged by the huge choice in the supermarket... 

    With her unique tone, full of humour and irony, with her simple words and colourful drawings, Madelyne takes us by the hand and teaches us about wine, in her own way. 

    In this discussion, the young woman, whose family has had a wine cellar company in Aarau for five generations, tells of her experiences in the Californian and Bordeaux vineyards. 

    Madelyne explains why she decided to create wine courses exclusively for women. 

    She shares her advice on how to match wines and food, or how to choose the right bottle to offer. We also discuss the future and evolution of the wine industry. In an honest way, Madelyne Meyer finally tells about her successes, but also her doubts and weaknesses.  

    So don't waste a minute. Make yourself comfortable, help yourself to a glass of wine - this is your chance! - and enjoy this new episode of Brillantes....

    Time Codes 

    04:38 Being raised in a wine cellar family, in Aarau 

    07:46 The difficulty of finding her place in the family business 

    10:25 How wine became a passion  

    12:45 Discovering the American way of Wine : when wine and humour meet 

    14:46 Women in the wine industry: US vs Switzerland 

    Edvin Uncorked 

    19:05 How Edvin (“Educating Wine”) was born

    21:41 Bordeaux region: between prestige and criticism

    23:50 Bringing humour and irony in the wine business 

    25:55 Building a women-focused brand on social medias

    28:53 The need for women-focused classes
 Or why women need to speak up  

    30:56 The masculine vs the feminine attitude towards wine recommendation 

    How to drink wine: concrete advices 


    32:50 How to conserve an opened bottle?  

    33:46 A book to summarise all you need to know about wine 

    35:29 ApĂ©ros, parties or chic dinner parties: choosing the right wine, for the right occasion 

    37:23 Switzerland, USA, France: the wine consumption differences 

    40:23 How much to spend for a good wine 

    42:18 Wine and food pairings: What to drink with a pizza, sushis or a spicy meal? 

    43:44 The dangers of wine mass production in Switzerland... and where to buy your wine 

    45:36 Cultivating your wine knowledge 

    46:56 Managing two jobs at the same time
 and working in a family business 

    49:37 Natural and organic wines 

    54:22 Final questions

    Links and references 

    To follow Edvin Uncorked 

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/edvin_uncorked/Website: www.edvin-uncorked.com/Facebook: www.facebook.com/Edvin.Uncorked

    + The new online wine shop: https://edvinweine.ch/

    To follow Madelyne 

    Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/madelyne-meyer-84756498/

    To read her book “Endlich Wein Verstehen” (Welcome to Wine): 


    The family business Weinkellerei Aarau 


    Women she mentioned in the episode : 

    The chef Tanja Grandits (Basel) https://www.tanjagrandits.ch/The winemaker Marie-ThĂ©rĂšse Chappaz https://www.chappaz.ch/The Wine journalist Chandra Kurt Chandra Kurt (Weinkeller Journal)https://www.chandrakurt.com/ https://www.weberverlag.ch/zeitschriften/weinseller-journal/ 
    Help me grow up Brillantes! 

    If you liked the episode, please share it with as many people as possible, rate it with 5 stars and subscribe to the podcast on your listening platform. This help will be extremely precious to me 

    Find all the links to listen to the episodes here: www.flow.page/brillantes

    Follow Brillantes on social networks:

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/brillantes.media/Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/brillantesFacebook : www.facebook.com/brillantes.media

    And her host and founder, Jeanne du Sartel:

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jeannedusartel/Instagram: www.instagram.com/jeannedusartel/Twitter: https://twitter.com/JeanneduSartel

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • Anna Gracia Herbst has always wanted to find in her professional life a way to help others. 

    So when she first hears about Khalil Radi’s new project in 2018, she is immediately convinced. In Nicaragua, her friend has launched an action to encourage people collect and bring back the polluting plastic bottles in exchange for a hot meal. The project tackles two major problems at the same time: pollution and social misery. And on earth, 80% of plastic pollution is coming from those countries that have extreme poverty. 

    In Zurich, together with a small group of other people, they create the association Buy Food With Plastic, whose mission is clear: 'Stop Hunger and recycle at the same time'. 

    In this interview, Anna explains the objectives of Buy Food with Plastic, their recycling or upcycling plans, and we also compare with similar projects internationally. Anna details the financing solutions for this project, which for the past few months has been professionalizing and expanding beyond Nicaragua, in Ghana and in India. The young lady, who left her job in a start-up to become a full-time employee of her association, also tells me about volunteering, commitment, entrepreneurship, and shares with me her unfailing confidence in the future. 

    So for all of you who would like to learn more about plastic pollution, understand how it can become a weapon against poverty, and be inspired by Anna’s great commitment, I invite you to plug in your headphones and dive into the new episode of Brillantes! 

    Time Codes 

    03:46 The importance of focusing on women 

    04:40 Michelle Obama and Princess Diana: getting inspired by their compassion and empathy to others 

    06:34 Being raised between Berlin and Zurich, and sensitised to social topics at an early age 

    07:51 Communication as a tool to help the underprivileged people 

    Buy Food with Plastic 

    10:54 The origins of Buy Food with Plastic  

    13:57 How Anna got involved in the project  

    15:35 Changing the perspective about the plastic reality 

    17:16 Creating a dedicated team 

    18:56 Getting fundings “to make this world a better place”

    20:58 Distributing warm meals and hygiene kits 

    21:48 Creating houses out of plastic bottles 

    25:25 The Precious plastic solution  

    28:04 How to trust, and control at the same time

    30:49 About the successful “Social Plastic” by David Katz, and other inspiring actions 

    Scaling up the project 

    34:31 What does it mean to be a social start-up? 

    36:34 Taking the risk to become an entrepreneur

    38:23 How to expand the project in the future: with the team as well as geographically 

    40:25 The challenge of finding the right pace for the organisation 

    41:59 Having an impact in Switzerland  

    43:52 Final questions 

    Interesting links and references 

    To follow Buy Food With Plastic: 

    Website: https://www.buyfoodwithplastic.org/Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/buy-food-with-plastic/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/buyfoodwithplastic/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/buyfoodwithplastic/Mail: [email protected] 

    To follow Anna: 

    Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anna-gracia-herbst-694351172/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/annagracia3/

    Books and movies reference 

    Becoming, Michelle Obama, www.becomingmichelleobama.com/The Story of Diana, directed by Rebecca Gitlitz-Rapoport, available on Netflix 

    People she is mentioning in the episode: 

    Marie Henze, Co-founder at Mary and Plants: https://maryandplants.ch/
    Help me grow up Brillantes! 

    If you liked the episode, please share it with as many people as possible, rate it with 5 stars and subscribe to the podcast on your listening platform. This help will be extremely precious to me 

    Find all the links to listen to the episodes here: www.flow.page/brillantes

    Follow Brillantes on social networks:

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/brillantes.media/Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/brillantesFacebook : www.facebook.com/brillantes.media

    And her host and founder, Jeanne du Sartel:

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jeannedusartel/Instagram: www.instagram.com/jeannedusartel/Twitter: https://twitter.com/JeanneduSartel

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • In her second life, Aline Borges decided to use flowers to express her art and creativity. 

    On the eve of her 40th birthday, she left Brazil, her home country, and made Switzerland her new home. She left behind a successful career in fashion, with one goal: to become the first artist in Switzerland to use flowers as a main tool. The Florist was born. 

    In Zurich, she revolutionises the profession. Exit, the street shop, Aline works in an atelier. She produces her bouquets on demand or by subscription. She teaches her know-how and carries out all sorts of requests for brands or private clients... 

    And Aline's work is so powerful, that over time she even acquired the status of artist. 

    In this discussion, Aline recounts the success of TheFlorist.ch, launched in 2016. She details how she conceived and set up her business. Aline also describes the challenge of working with a living material as fragile as flowers, and I ask her about the environmental impact of this globalised industry. 

    We talk about entrepreneurship and its challenges, and she explains how she has managed to make a place for herself and to create a network in this new country. Of course, you will also hear about her professional beginnings, in Brazil, as she was working for 16 years in fashion, namely for Vogue and Harpers Bazaar. 

    During this fascinating exchange, I discover a strong and independent woman, extremely ambitious and determined, a real artist with a wonderful taste.

    So come and discover the exciting environment of floristry and learn from another successful entrepreneurial journey: the new episode of Brillantes is waiting for you!

    Time codes

    05:17 When “Brillantes” stands for light 

    06:18 Michelle Obama and Melinda Gates as sparkling women 

    07:32 A Brazilian childhood, in an international environment 

    10:14 A grown-up child living in her own world  

    11:46 From modelling, to economics, to owning a bar: the first working experiences 

    The Fashion Industry

    14:58 Learning by doing in the fashion industry 

    17:34 Working with Vogue and Harpers Bazaar in Brazil 

    21:24 A minimalist relation to fashion 

    22:58 Deciding to leave Brazil 

    Moving to floristry 

    26:24 Why Zurich became the perfect place for Aline to express her creativity  

    30:33 From network to work: setting up in a new country 

    32:19 Discovering that floristry could be an art: when Rebecca Louise Law becomes a role model 

    34:50 How Aline decided to become the one that would revolutionise the Swiss floristry 

    36:51 Getting trained in London 

    All about TheFlorist.ch 

    39:30 Becoming an artist working with flowers 

    42:44 A diversified business model 

    45:30 Becoming an entrepreneur in a foreign country 

    47:54 The difficult industry of floristry

    49:40 Selecting the best flowers all over the world  

    52:17 The environmental problem of floristry 

    54:35 Delivering bouquets like presents, in beautiful bags

    Tips from an entrepreneur 

    56:19 Marketing and branding tips from Aline Borges

    58:25 Creating a strong and inspiring network from scratch 

    01:01:13 Setting up your value as an artist
 and your prices


    01:04:09 Final questions 

    Interesting links and references 

    To follow The Florist: 

    Website: www.theflorist.chInstagram: www.instagram.com/theflorist.ch/Facebook: www.facebook.com/theflorist.zurich

    Books reference 

    Becoming, Michelle Obama, www.becomingmichelleobama.com/

    People she is mentioning in the episode: 

    Lauretta Suter, Photograph, www.laurettasuter.ch/Help me grow up Brillantes! 

    If you liked the episode, please share it with as many people as possible, rate it with 5 stars and subscribe to the podcast on your listening platform. This help will be extremely precious to me 

    Find all the links to listen to the episodes here: www.flow.page/brillantes

    Follow Brillantes on social networks:

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/brillantes.media/Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/brillantesFacebook: www.facebook.com/brillantes.media

    And her host and founder, Jeanne du Sartel:

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jeannedusartel/Instagram: www.instagram.com/jeannedusartel/Twitter: https://twitter.com/JeanneduSartel

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • ✹ Hi everyone, 

    Just a little note here, because you might have realised, there will be no new episode of the podcast this week. But don't panic already, Brillantes is not over, far from that!

    But after eight intense weeks since the launch of the podcast, I just need some time. Some time to reflect, to review what I have been doing since the launch of this project that is so close to my heart. I want to take this opportunity to go through all your feedbacks, all your messages, all your advices. I need to understand them, to take them into account, to integrate them.

    Because at the end, my aim is to give the most valuable and qualitative content every week.

    My goal has not changed: I want to show you the journey of sparkling and admirable, strong and enterprising women.

    Because I know that you can learn and be so enriched by their stories and experiences, I want you to get inspired by their successes and learn from the difficulties they've gone through.

    I want you to hear from these women from all professional backgrounds, from all walks of life, and I wish to help you discover new worlds and new challenges each week.  

    And believe me, this takes time :) 

    But I am sure that this will also be an opportunity for you to look back over these eight episodes, and to discover or rediscover these eight exciting women who are already part of the Brillantes community. 

    From art to science, communication, beauty, photography or gastronomy, I guarantee you will not get bored.

    And if you can, please take chance to send me your advice, your points of view, your suggestions for guests. This is also the opportunity of course - and I promise, this is really vital for the podcast - to rate Brillantes with 5 stars, to add a nice comment, and to share it with as many people around you as possible.

    Thank you for listening, and thank you for making this so amazing project possible!

    I wish you a great week, et Ă  bientĂŽt sur Brillantes! âœš

    Help me grow up Brillantes! 

    If you liked the episode, please share it with as many people as possible, rate it with 5 stars and subscribe to the podcast on your listening platform. This help will be extremely precious to me 

    Find all the links to listen to the episodes here: www.flow.page/brillantes

    Follow Brillantes on social networks:

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/brillantes.media/LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/brillantesFacebook : www.facebook.com/brillantes.media

    And her host and founder, Jeanne du Sartel:

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jeannedusartel/Instagram: www.instagram.com/jeannedusartel/Twitter: https://twitter.com/JeanneduSartel

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • When Larisa Topalo arrived in Zurich for love three years ago, with no network nor someone to go to, she decided to launch her own blog. A way to establish a name for herself in this foreign city, and to potentially find a job. 

    In her blog "Just moved to Switzerland", Larisa tells about her daily life as an expat, her discoveries, her joys but also her difficulties. And in a city as international as Zurich, her tone and sincerity are really much appreciated. In just one year, she gets 10,000 followers. 

    In this discussion, Larisa reveals her origins and tells about her studies between Canada and Europe. She describes her passion for communication and explains to me how she has always been working to value and promote her work.  

    Today, more than 42,000 people are following Larisa. Enough for her to quit her job in communications at UBS and to become independent. 

    Larisa explains me her business model, based on content productions, influence and consulting missions. You will hear about her tips and tricks to create a community as powerful as hers. 

    We discuss about the status of influencers, and their responsibility towards their audience. I question their authenticity, and I get to discover the ins and outs of this business, as well as the best practices for working with influencers. 

    We talk about the difficulty for freelancers to define the worth of their work, and Larisa shares her tips and organisational advices. 

    The discussion gives me a better understanding what it means to be an influencer, and I discover a sensitive, ambitious and extremely determined woman. So don’t lose a minute, and dive into this powerful conversation. 


    Time Codes

    04:23 Getting Surrounding with Inspiring and successful women
 to become the best version of yourself 

    07:03 Don’t wait to feel qualified enough before doing things: believe in yourself! 

    08:20 the origins of the blog “ Just Moved to Switzerland”

    09:27 An international child  

    12:15 When a creative person chooses business and communication 

    15:10 Choosing a communication master in Finland 

    17:07 Getting awarded as a student: the talent of selling yourself and your work 

    20:01 Starting a career in Communications, through different industries 

    Starting “Just moved to Switzerland” 

    22:20 A difficult move to Switzerland (for love), just after her studies 

    24:25 Launching the blog “Just moved to Switzerland”: a strategy to settle 

    26:36 Becoming an “influencer”

    29:37 Tips to grow your audience on Social Medias
 and why “Just moved to Switzerland” got so successful 

    31:30 Showing (or not) your face on social medias 

    34:22 Becoming a public face, and dealing with it 

    35:38 The responsibility of having a “voice”

    Becoming an entrepreneur 

    38:59 Feeling confident enough to become independent in a foreign country 

    41:56 Starting the business development of the blog 

    45:04 Tips and advices to companies: how to work with an influencer

    48:43 How to trust influencers? How to keep and authentic and trustworthy voice 

    52:30 Defining your worth. And fighting for it! 

    Final questions 

    55:38 Some keys to organise your time as and entrepreneur 

    59:43 Sorority as a key for women 

    01:01:44 Why does Larisa doesn’t describe herself as a feminist 

    01:04:33 Final questions 


    Interesting links and references 

    To follow Just Moved to Switzerland: 

    Blog: justmovedtoswitzerland.com/Instagram: www.instagram.com/justmovedtoswitzerland/Pinterest: www.pinterest.fr/justmovedtoswitzerland/_created/LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/just-moved-to-switzerland/Facebook: www.facebook.com/justmovedtoswitzerland/

    To follow Larisa:

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/larisa_topalo/Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/larisatopalo/

    People she is mentioning in the episode: 

    Alina Russ, Lola’s vegan kitchen https://www.instagram.com/lolasvegankitchen/ 


    Help me grow up Brillantes! 

    If you liked the episode, please share it with as many people as possible, rate it with 5 stars and subscribe to the podcast on your listening platform. This help will be extremely precious to me 

    Find all the links to listen to the episodes here: www.flow.page/brillantes

    Follow Brillantes on social networks:

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/brillantes.media/Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/brillantesFacebook : www.facebook.com/brillantes.media

    And her host and founder, Jeanne du Sartel:

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jeannedusartel/Instagram: www.instagram.com/jeannedusartel/Twitter: https://twitter.com/JeanneduSartel

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

  • She has not finished her studies yet, but is already fighting on a daily basis to make her professional sector, tech, a more inclusive one. A place where women and men would fight on equal terms.

    Three years ago, CĂ©line Nauer co-founded Code Excursion, a coding school by and for women, conceived as a community. There, she teaches women about programming, in a helpful, passionate and including way. Her goal? To help and encourage women take ownership of such a male-dominated sector.  

    Since the beginning of her studies, CĂ©line has been navigating in the least feminized academic and professional environments, science and technology. Today, women still represent on average only 30% of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) students. And this percentage decreases with the expertise level: only 5% of leadership positions in the tech sector are held by women. 

    But these figures have never discouraged CĂ©line. After a bachelor's degree in physics at the University of Zurich, the woman whose aim in life is to learn as much as possible, is now finishing her master's degree in Neuroscience and Computation at the ETH. In this interview, Celine tells how the gender-neutral education she received pushed her down this path. She explains how her years at university, between Zurich and Taiwan, but also in the industry, at Swiss Post Solutions, convinced her to fight for parity and equality in tech and science. 

    Through her clear and concrete examples, CĂ©line describes why the scientific world today is anything but meritocratic. We talk about the gender bias that the algorithms that shape our daily lives carry within them, and she demonstrates the absolute necessity for diversity in the tech and scientific worlds. Roles models, female initiatives, quotas: we go though all the solutions that can be implemented to promote gender quality. 

    To everyone who you is thinking about learning how to code, or who would just like to better understand those crucial topics for our democracies, I invite you to dive into this exciting and challenging conversation! 

    Time Codes 

    4:52 A brilliant mind: Corina, co-founder of Code Excursion 

    6:36 Being introduced and encouraged to go into science at an early age

    Studies, between Zurich and Taiwan 

    8:44 Choosing physics: the rational choice to get the most of her studies 

    10:55 How “I think therefore I am” from Descartes convinced CĂ©line to go into Physics 

    13:17 Shifting to neuro Sciences and Computation 

    14:54 Studying at the Institute of Neuro informatics (UZH and ETH) 

    17:06 Celine’s Master thesis: getting inspired by insects brains to develop navigational algorithms  

    18:22 Next career steps? 

    19:25 Taiwanese vs Swiss studies 

    22:30 “The science world is not a meritocracy” 

    24:22 Studying in a male-dominated environment 

    26:14 Facing sexism amongst the students body 

    27:55 Why it is important to break the glass ceiling 

    29:12 Female professors should be our role models 

    Code excursion

    30:51 The need for a safe and benevolent learning environment for coding 

    34:19 The importance of coding knowhow in a digitised society 

    37:00 A non-profit organisation, dedicated to women, based on a community 

    40:48 The impact of the lack of women in the tech industry (eg of the Swiss Post Solutions and Ava Women)  

    44:27 How machine learning algorithms can reproduce the biases of our society 

    48:24 Sorority as a main weapon to fight inequality and gender biaises in tech 

    51:20 Final questions 

    Links and references 

    To follow Code Excursion : 

    Website: codeexcursion.ch/LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/school/code-excursion/Instagram: www.instagram.com/codeexcursion/Facebook: www.facebook.com/codeexcursionswitzerland

    To follow CĂ©line 

    Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/celinenauer/

    References in the episodes  

    The Institute of Neuro Informatics (ETH and University of Zurich): www.ini.uzh.ch/en.htmlI think therefore I am, Descartes: http://faculty.winthrop.edu/sinnj/HMXP_102/Readings/Rene_Descartes.pdf

    People she is talking about 

    Corina Schedler, Co-Founder of Code Excursion: www.linkedin.com/in/corinaschedler/Nora Wilhelm, Co-Founder Collaboratio Helvatica: www.norawilhelm.org/
    Help me grow up Brillantes! 

    If you liked the episode, please share it with as many people as possible, rate it with 5 stars and subscribe to the podcast on your listening platform. This help will be extremely precious to me 

    Find all the links to listen to the episodes here: www.flow.page/brillantes

    Follow Brillantes on social networks:

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/brillantes.media/Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/brillantesFacebook : www.facebook.com/brillantes.media

    And her host and founder, Jeanne du Sartel:

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/jeannedusartel/Instagram: www.instagram.com/jeannedusartel/Twitter: https://twitter.com/JeanneduSartel

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.