In this live podcast with Peter Czeti, we discuss the Australian Queen Bee Breeders Association AQBBA breeding plan from 2024-2029. This live session included a QandA. If you would like to hear that part you can watch is on the 'Breeding the Honeybee' Facebook group.
If you would like to be part of the program please contact Peter on the AQBBA website.
This podcast is proudly brought to you by Brent Nixon at Nixon Queen Bees in Ballarat Australia. Email Brent at [email protected]
Episode Music
This is a rerun from 'The Pollen Nation Podcast' with Matt Walker. In this episode Matt covers the issue with raising queens too early in the season.
Matt's Website
Podcast link
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Kirk has been keeping bees for over 50 years and has not treated for varroa since 2002. His methods are inspired by his experiences with organic farming. Kirk’s approach to varroa is very hands off. He maintains the colonies by producing nucs that he overwinters. Apart from some issues resulting from modern agriculture, Kirk feels as though his beekeeping experience at present is almost the same as before he first came across varroa.
You can read more about Kirk's work here https://kirkwebster.com/
Comment or leave feedback on the episode post in the Facebook group for this podcast
This podcast is proudly brought to you by Brent Nixon at Nixon Queen Bees in Ballarat Australia.
Email Brent at [email protected]
3:52 Why people should raise their own queens4:58 Kirk’s start raising queens
8:04 Kirk’s mating nucs
10:50 Beekeeping at Buckfast Abbey
11:34 Feeding mating nucs
16:18 Early experiencing with selective breeding
19:11 Selection for varroa
23:57 Starting the treatment free route
26:45 Nucs that survived winter
28:28 Survivor stock
29:29 Last treatment in 2002
31:47 Mite counts
35:02 Open apiary
Episode Music
Nick Milne is a third-generation beekeeper and owner-operator of Blue Sky Queen Bees and Backyard Bees in Nelson, New Zealand.
2:31 Working in Canada4:05 Kids and bees
6:08 Getting into queen rearing
8:21 Queen breeding in New Zealand and colour
12:55 Pyramid structure for queen breeding
14:50 Bringing in mated queens for genetic diversity
16:18 Bringing in cells for genetic diversity
16:38 Rea Butler
17:23 VSH drone lines
19:34 Selling queen cells
22:01 What Nick sells
23:00 Nick’s other business - Backyard Bees
27:04 Where to find Nick online
Guide to shipping queen cells as discussed in the episode
https://www.projectapism.org/resources You’ll find the download link if you scroll down.
Join the podcast Facebook community group - This is a great place to comment on the episode, share some of your own tips or just say hi!
Podcast proudly brought to you by
Brent Nixon at Nixon Queen Bees (Ballarat VIC, Australia)
Rob and Ron have been working together in the West Australian bee industry for many years. Together they run a breeding program using instrumental insemination which Ron learnt from Gretchen Wheen and Sue Cobey. In this episode we discuss bee breeding, the Rottnest program, Joe Horner’s drone rearing and the story of the Karri tree, which Rob is writing a book about.
1:30 When Rob and Ron started working together
3:14 Rottnest breeding program
5:14 Gretchen Wheen and Mathilde 'Tilly' Kühnert
7:14 When Ron Learnt Instrumental insemination
7:52 Sue Cobey visits Australia in 2009
9:33 Challenges of Instrumental insemination
12:00 Joe Horner’s drone rearing system
14:02 Drone drift
15:37 Queens you can get from Rob and Ron
19:20 Rob’s book on the Karri forest in Western Australia
22:29 Baiting
Comment or leave feedback on the episode post in the Facebook group for this podcasthttps://www.facebook.com/groups/breedingthehoneybee
Record a soundbite about your queen rearing here
This podcast is proudly brought to you by Brent Nixon at Nixon Queen Bees in Ballarat Australia. Email Brent at [email protected]
Episode Music
Cory Stevens is a VSH queen breeder from Missouri, USA. He has a business called Steven’s Bee Company which offers AI VSH breeder queens, VSH virgin queens and raw honey free of miticides and antibiotics.
Cory's Website and Facebook
https://www.facebook.com/stevensbeecoComment or leave feedback on the episode post in the Facebook group for this podcast
Record a soundbite about your queen rearing here
This podcast is proudly brought to you by Brent Nixon at Nixon Queen Bees in Ballarat Australia. Email Brent at [email protected]
00:00 Introduction1:50 Guest question - Matt Crane - Is there a correlation between colour and VSH?
3:20 Guest question - Steve Sammut - Is there a correlation between UBeeO and VSH?
5:00 Guest question - Paul Roder - Is there a correlation between bald brood and VHS?
7:00 Cory’s commercial program in which he sends out breeders and gets back high performing F1s
8:50 How the F1s in the program are assessed
10:07 UbeeO and overwintering
12:53 Harbo Assay
13:42 Are F1s in the program treated?
17:16 What traits are desirable in returning F1s?
19:10 Colour and VSH - Harbo
Episode Music
Mary is in Sparta Georgia and has a business called BeeCo Apiaries. Together with her daughter, Mary sells honey, nucs and small scale locally mated queens.
2:17 Getting into queen rearing
5:25 Lines of queens Mary uses
7:30 Survivor stock
8:15 Cell raising method
11:30 Mating nucs
13:30 Advice to people who are thinking of getting into queen rearing as a sideline
15:50 What Mary is offering in her business this season
17:57 Where to find Mary
Mary’s Facebookhttps://www.facebook.com/beecoapiaries
Mary’s Website
Mary’s Instagram
Join the podcast Facebook community group - This is a great place to comment on the episode, share some of your own tips or just say hi!https://www.facebook.com/groups/breedingthehoneybee
Podcast proudly brought to you by
Brent Nixon at Nixon Queen Bees (Ballarat VIC, Australia)
Email Brent
Episode Music
Shibu is a Queen breeder in Columbia Tennessee. He sells queens, nucs and AI equipment, which he also offers training for. At the time of releasing this episode Shibu had just had a tornado go through his property and cause a lot of destruction. Below is the link to the gofundme which you can follow if you would like to support Shibu in rebuilding his business.
Help Shibu get back on track
Contact BrentEpisode Music
Brandon is a queen breeder and the 3rd generation beekeeper from North Carolina USA. His business, Foothill Farm and Apiary offers nucs, production queens and breeders. In this episode Brandon tells us what it was like starting a breeding program with artificial insemination.
0:00 Introduction
2:00 A family of beekeepers
4:00 Brandon’s breeding program
4:35 Allogrooming
7:58 Learning AI
9:54 Introducing AI queens
14:16 Drones
16:00 AI - Is it worth it?
17:13 Being treatment free for mites
19:40 1500 chicken egg incubator for queen cells
21:20 Where you can find Brandon online
22:05 Sting Stoppers (A bee suit suit company Brandon is affiliated with)
Email Brandon [email protected]https://www.facebook.com/foothillsfarmandapiary/
Sting Stoppers Bee Suits https://stingstopper.buzz/?sca_ref=5347826.Bpf4wrrNuN
Join the podcast Facebook community group - This is a great place to comment on the episode, share some of your own tips or just say hi!
Podcast proudly brought to you byBrent Nixon at Nixon Queen Bees (Ballarat VIC, Australia)
Email Brent
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Willie Robson is the biggest keeper of the old English black bee in the world. His family business is Chain Bridge Honey Farm, which was established in 1948 by Willie’s father. Willie has been working in the business since 1962 and now works alongside his wife and children. Chain Bridge Honey Farm is based in Horncliffe which is in the UK but right on the Scottish border.
00:00 Introduction2:18 The biggest English black bee breeder in the world
7:50 Total Natural Immunity
9:45 Varroa and Willie’s bees
10:30 Working with black bees
11:30 Black bee reserves
12:15 The future of the black bee in the UK
13:12 Willie’s favourite part about beekeeping
14:15 Chain Bridge Honey Farm showroom
16:30 Advice to new beekeepers
17:30 Brother Adam
Check out willie’s business website
Join the podcast Facebook community group - This is a great place to comment on the episode, share some of your own tips or just say hi!
Podcast proudly brought to you byBrent Nixon at Nixon Queen Bees (Ballarat VIC, Australia)
Email Brent
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Brad is a Canadian honey producer. He raises many of his own queens and makes the majority of his hardware. You can find Brad online at Faith Apiaries. Make sure to check out his YouTube channel where he does instructional videos and weekly vlogs.
6:00 Brad’s apiary setup
6:50 2 queen systems
11:04 3 nucs over 2 10 frames
13:14 Zombie colonies
16:44 OTS queen rearing
22:12 Wintering mating nucs
23:57 double screens with mating nucs
Brad’s YouTube
Brad’s Facebook
Join the podcast Facebook community group - This is a great place to comment on the episode, share some of your own tips or just say hi!https://www.facebook.com/groups/breedingthehoneybee
Podcast proudly brought to you byBrent Nixon at Nixon Queen Bees (Ballarat VIC, Australia)
Email Brent
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Ian Steppler is a Canadian beekeeper who breeds his own line of bees. Ian has unique cell raising and mating nuc styles that are well suited to short season commercial beekeeping. In this episode Ian goes into his cell raising process and mating nucs as well as explaining why he raises his own queens. Ian has a YouTube channel called A Canadian Beekeeper’s Blog. In this episode we discuss a lot of the things that you can see in this video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouifrZvFn1U
00:00 Intro2:18 Bringing in breeding stock
5:30 When Ian started raising his own stock
8:30 Cell builders
21:00 Mating nucs
You can follow Ian’s work on his YouTube Channel or on his website - https://www.stepplerfarms.com/
Join the podcast Facebook community group - This is a great place to comment on the episode, share some of your own tips or just say hi!
Podcast proudly brought to you byBrent Nixon at Nixon Queen Bees (Ballarat VIC, Australia)
Email Brent
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Laurence Edwards is a beekeeper based in Northern Wales. He runs a business called ‘Black Mountain Honey’ which produces honey, nucs and queens as well as other services.
0:46 YouTubing4:00 Buckfast and AMM
6:51 Duncan Simmons queens
8:47 UK mated queens
10:21 Variation in Buckfast lines
11:30 Cell building methods
14:00 How to find Laurence online
15:25 What is Laurence selling
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Podcast proudly brought to you by
Brent Nixon at Nixon Queen Bees (Ballarat VIC, Australia)
Email Brent
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Leigh Slater is a queen breeder and honey producer in Tasmania, Australia. For 63 years Leigh has been preserving a pure strain of the old English black bee (Apis mellifera mellifera). Back in the 70s Leigh aided beekeepers in England by helping them reestablish the line by sending queens from his protection zone. The black bee was first brought to Australia over 200 years ago by the English and was the first stain of european honeybee in Australia. Since then the strain has almost entirely been replaced by other strains such as the Italian strain. To my knowledge Leigh's apiary is the only one remaining with a pure AMM strain. The current official status as well as the future of this preservation is currently unclear.
Special thanks to Matthew Crane, Anita Long, Mick Palmer and Laurie Cowen for helping me put together this episode.
1:00 When Leigh started beekeeping
4:13 Preserving the black bee
7:05 taking the strain back to England
9:30 Attributes of the black bee
12:00 The Tasmanian program
15:30 Leatherwood honey
17:00 Ideal honey boxes
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Podcast proudly brought to you by
Brent Nixon at Nixon Queen Bees (Ballarat VIC, Australia)
Email Brent
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Terry has been keeping bees in Ireland since he was 7 years old and has over 30 years experience. Early in his career he spent time working with Peter Donovan at Buckfast Abbey, learning the methods of Brother Adam. Terry has a business called Wicklow Bees and Honey which provides queens, nucs and honey. County below Dublin.
4:00 Feeders and Brother Adam
6:30 Started queen rearing at 14
8:00 Irish honey bee
9:40 AMM nucs
10:00 Peter Donovan
11:30 Meeting Brother Adam
15:20 Peter Donovan’s photo book
17:10 Buckfast bee
20:10 Mating nucs
26:30 Dadant Hive
30:00 Patsy Bennett and the Teagasc Research Centre in Wexford
33:20 Where to find Terry
Terry's Website
https://wicklowbeesandhoney.wordpress.com/Podcast proudly brought to you by
Brent Nixon at Nixon Queen Bees (Ballarat VIC, Australia)
Email Brent
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Dan Long has a business making 3D printed queen cages and other beekeeping applications. Dan’s business is called EZPZ. His main product is a cage suitable for the JZBZ cell cup.
4:00 Dan’s business
4:30 JZBZ system
5:10 First 3D printer
5:35 First attempt at making cages
6:07 Queen introduction
6:45 Candy plug
7:20 Queen cage trays
8:03 Banking
8:30 Different styles of cages
9:45 Writing on the cages
10:45 Wax mounts
12:30 Merrill tool box
14:25 Day tripper
19:50 JZBZ set
20:10 Queen catcher
22:30 Cell bars
23:10 Dan’s website
24:15 North American Honey Bee Expo vendor
EZPZ Website
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Podcast proudly brought to you by
Brent Nixon at Nixon Queen Bees (Ballarat VIC, Australia)
Email Brent
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Tucka Saville lives in Florida, USA. She raises queens, provides classes for queen catching and grafting and is a common public speaker at bee events and clubs. Her business can be found on Instagram @tucka bee.
1:20 What a Comfort hive is
2:48 Feeding
3:10 Comparison to Warre hives
3:37 Working frames in a Comfort hive
4:06 Top feeders
5:45 Sam Comfort and Michael Palmers’ cell builders
8:26 Using a swarm as a cell builder
9:20 Variation in queen colour
10:20 Selection of queens
11:15 Stacking mating nucs
12:40 Moving a Comfort hive
15:00 Queen raising classes
16:00 Where to find Tucka onlineTucka's Istagram
https://www.instagram.com/tucka.bee/?hl=enJoin the podcast facebook community group
Podcast proudly brought to you by
Brent Nixon at Nixon Queen Bees (Ballarat VIC, Australia)
Email Brent
Episode Music
Varroa has been detected in the almond pollination in Australia. In this episode I interview Matt Petersen, Richard Sims and Corinne Jordan about Varroa and VSH. The interviews that are in this episode were recorded on the 1st and 2nd of September 2023. It's likely that the situation will change quickly after the release of this episode.
UPDATE - Since this episode aired the Australian government has changed our approach to varroa from eradication to management.
Thanks to:
Matt Petersen
Richard Sims
Corinne Jordan
Paul Roder
Paul Densem is a queen breeder based south-east of Christchurch in the Port Hills of Banks Peninsula New Zealand. Paul has created his own line of bees descending swarms that he caught when he first started beekeeping. Paul’s line of Italian bees have been selectively bred to produce high yields of honey and display calm temperaments. Paul’s business is Valley Apiaries. He offers queen bees for commercial and hobbyist beekeepers.
1:14 Paul’s Swarms
1:43 What Paul looks for in his queens
6:30 How long Paul worked on his bees until he was happy with them
7:20 How Paul got into breeding
9:20 What mating nucs Paul uses
10:40 Paul’s small amount of introduced stock
12:30 Diversifying genetics
12:45 Drones
13:10 The rearing system Paul uses
17:50 Paul’s climate
21:00 Where you can find Paul
21:44 Paul’s honey
23:20 Varroa
Join the podcast facebook community groupwww.facebook.com/groups/breedingthehoneybee
Podcast proudly brought to you by
Brent Nixon at Nixon Queen Bees (Ballarat VIC, Australia)
Email Brent
Episode Music
Did you know that in the Philippines some people run full AI apiaries? Hear all about that and other great stuff in this episode with Paul Rafosala. Paul is part of a family business called Rafosala Bee Farm, based in Tagum, Philippines. Paul’s business produces queens, supplies pollination services and training and provides colonies for sale. Paul has done season’s in the USA and in Australia working in commercial beekeeping.
1:20 Paul’s history in beekeeping
5:50 Bee eating bird
8:05 AI only Apiaries in the Philippines
12:00 Raising queens in the Philippines
14:00 Types of bees in the Philippines
16:00 Grafting in the ute
17:40 Paul’s business
Contact Paul: www.facebook.com/hhbeesnbeeksJoin the podcast facebook community group
Podcast proudly brought to you by
Brent Nixon at Nixon Queen Bees (Ballarat VIC, Australia)
Email Brent
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