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🏆 Roy Furr, Fractional CMO & Copy Chief for Direct Response Marketers
The marketing environment has shifted again, going into 2024…
What has worked for the last few years is NOT working nearly as well as it did before.
And if you don’t adapt to this new reality, new economy, and new marketplace…
Your marketing and your business will likely struggle.
The good news is there’s one foundational principle that will be the lynchpin of your success…
And with it, one key strategy to focus on to thrive.
It’s all revealed in today’s episode…
The #1 Marketing Strategy for 2024
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr
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📕 Dan Kennedy's No B.S. Direct Marketing Book
🎁 Irresistible Offers Marketing Training from Roy Furr
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🏆 Roy Furr, Fractional CMO & Copy Chief for Direct Response Marketers
What is Dan Kennedy’s #1 Rule of Direct Marketing Success?
… And why is it so important?
Yesterday, I reviewed a piece of marketing that broke this rule…
And it was no wonder the business owner said it hadn’t gotten results.
Because it broke Rule #1!
When you develop a doggedness for following Rule #1 — and work it into every piece of marketing you do…
It will be easier to get results…
More leads, customers, sales, and profits!
I share the story and the lesson in today’s episode.
Dan Kennedy's #1 Rule of Direct Marketing Success
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr
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🏆 Roy Furr, Fractional CMO & Copy Chief for Direct Response Marketers
It’s time for a change…
Starting next week, Breakthrough Marketing Secrets will look very different (again).
Today’s episode is the official announcement…
An explanation of the changes…
And why they’re happening.
The Future of Breakthrough Marketing Secrets
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr
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🏆 Roy Furr, Fractional CMO & Copy Chief for Direct Response Marketers
The winds of change are blowing…
Do you feel that?
The world feels like a different place from how it felt a year ago…
And certainly very different from 10 years ago.
For today’s episode I’m reflecting on that…
And giving you a heads up about another very important announcement coming tomorrow.
The Winds of Change Are Blowing | What does the future hold?
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr
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📣 Unlimited Clients System
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🏆 Roy Furr, Fractional CMO & Copy Chief for Direct Response Marketers
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There are 3 “levers” you can pull in your copywriting business and career, to take it to the next level…
Whether you’re just starting out…
Or if you’re looking for your next career and business breakthrough…
One of these levers is probably exactly what you need…
To take you from where you are now…
To where you want to go next.
What are the 3 levers? And what’s the #1 lever YOU should pull next?
The answers are in today’s episode…
Copywriters: Pull These 3 "Levers" to Take Your Career & Business to the Next Level
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr
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📣 Unlimited Clients System
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🏆 Roy Furr, Fractional CMO & Copy Chief for Direct Response Marketers
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The #1 most important thing to getting clients is…
Revealed in today’s episode.
Yeah, I’m gonna do that to you.
But don’t worry. I won’t tease you too long, once you press play.
I’ll share the #1 thing you need, if you want lots of clients.
Why clients hire you in the first place (no matter your niche or market or offer)...
The easiest way to clients — and get them to love you…
What it all comes down to…
All of it, in today’s episode…
If you want lots of clients, you need this...
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr
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🏆 Roy Furr, Fractional CMO & Copy Chief for Direct Response Marketers
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When paid traffic doesn’t work, why not?
If you’re running Facebook ads, Instagram ads, Google ads (search or display), YouTube ads, or running on any other ad network…
And you can’t get conversions, can’t get ROAS, can’t get it to work like you want it to…
What’s the problem?
Do you just need better copy to increase conversions?
Or is there something else?
I got a few questions recently about subscribers’ struggles with paid advertising.
And instead of addressing them superficially, I decided to go deep, to the root of how to make paid advertising work today.
Why Facebook, Instagram, Google, & YouTube Ads are so hard
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr
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⏩ High-Velocity Copywriting Course
🔍 Why Ads Worked Copywriting Course
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🏆 Roy Furr, Fractional CMO & Copy Chief for Direct Response Marketers
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I once got in a fight with a copywriter over swipe files…
I called him out on using one.
He was trying to get hired by the company I was working for at the time, as Copy Chief.
He got pissed, and ended up calling customer service and making a big stink.
There were way too many phone calls about it.
Thankfully it was all remote — so it was mostly him having a temper tantrum by email and phone.
If we’d been in person, maybe he would’ve tried to take a swing at me.
He was that upset.
That’s where I’m coming from when I say I hate swipe file copywriting.
But… I just did it — on a client project, with an A-list client.
The trick is I did it very differently.
Today, that true story and a lesson in ethical and effective use of your swipe file.
Copywriting: How to actually use a swipe file [true story]
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr
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🏆 Roy Furr, Fractional CMO & Copy Chief for Direct Response Marketers
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You have an A-list copywriter “self” inside of you…
This is that part of your subconscious mind that remembers all the books you’ve read… The courses you’ve gone through… The bajillion podcast episodes…
The part of you that has collected all this knowledge… Has learned from all your experience… Has great ideas… Writes easily and effortlessly, cranking out profit-pulling copy…
And when that part of you is in charge, you write your very best, most brilliant marketing copy.
Today’s episode gives you a simple “Ego State” exercise you can do in the 60 seconds before you sit down to write, to summon that A-list copywriter within you.
How to Summon the A-List Copywriter Within You
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr
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🏆 Roy Furr, Fractional CMO & Copy Chief for Direct Response Marketers
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Are you treating your freelance copywriting like a business?
Or are you just trying to get a glorified job that lets you work from anywhere?
You have to decide.
Because if you think it’s one but it’s really the other, you’re gonna be unhappy.
You’ll also wonder why it’s so hard to get the results you dreamed of.
So what’s the difference? I share it in today’s episode…
Freelance Copywriters: Are you running a business, or is it a J-O-B in disguise?
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr
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🧠 Training Your Subconscious Success Mechanism
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🏆 Roy Furr, Fractional CMO & Copy Chief for Direct Response Marketers
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If you’re ever feeling stuck or like you can’t break through to the next level…
Today’s episode is for you.
It’s part motivational message…
Part wake-up call…
With a little sprinkling of rant thrown in.
Most people aren’t willing to do what is really required of them to reach that next level in life and work.
But with one key decision, you can turn it around.
You can make it happen.
How to take your business and life to the next level
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr
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🏆 Roy Furr, Fractional CMO & Copy Chief for Direct Response Marketers
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Joe Karbo’s book, The Lazy Man’s Way To Riches, was wildly successful…
He sold over 3 million copies at $10 apiece…
Which adds up to a small fortune, especially considering he launched it 50 years ago.
But he later admitted he had a massive regret about how he ran his business…
And if he’d changed just one thing, he could’ve easily made another $100 million or more in additional revenue.
In today’s episode, I share that one regret, and the lesson it reveals for you today.
Joe Karbo's Greatest Regret RE: The Lazy Man's Way To Riches
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr
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🎭 Emotional Direct Response Copywriting Course
⏩ High-Velocity Copywriting Course
📚 I Will Teach You To Be Rich by Ramit Sethi
📚 Overcoming Underearning by Barbara Stanny
📚 The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss
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🏆 Roy Furr, Fractional CMO & Copy Chief for Direct Response Marketers
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Here’s a great example of emotional copywriting…
Two books, selling the same topic — fixing your money situation and getting rich.
One approaches it one way.
The other, another way.
Between them, a great demonstration of how emotional copywriting can work — and how you can capture the emotional pull in your copy.
It’s all shared in today’s quick episode…
Emotional copywriting secret revealed in 2 book titles...
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr
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📺 Message-Market Match: The Golden Key
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🏆 Roy Furr, Fractional CMO & Copy Chief for Direct Response Marketers
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The levels of market and buyer awareness Eugene Schwartz laid out in Breakthrough Advertising are absolutely brilliant…
The book may have been first published in 1966…
But it is continuing to stimulate breakthroughs for even the world’s most sophisticated, experienced marketers today.
And in this episode I’m sharing yet another new breakthrough that I guarantee you’ve never heard before…
Specifically about where on the awareness spectrum you’ll find the buyers in your market who are ready, willing, and able to spend the most money (and how to cater your pitch to them).
Not only that, I’m layering this lesson on top of another lesson on market awareness, that shows you where to focus to create the most scalable offers.
Together, you’ll see exactly how to target the levels of awareness for maximum scale and profits.
NEW Breakthrough from Eugene Schwartz's Levels of Awareness
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr
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🏆 Roy Furr, Fractional CMO & Copy Chief for Direct Response Marketers
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There’s one critical element you need to build into your lead generation strategy…
That will deliver pre-qualified leads to your door.
There’s another thing you need to ensure if you want to make it profitable.
Today’s episode comes from a reader question on “How to get pre-qualified B2B leads?”
And I give specific examples of strategies you can adapt and use today.
“How to get pre-qualified B2B leads?”
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr
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🔗 Free Strategy Call & Sales Audit with Nick’s Sales Performance Team
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🏆 Roy Furr, Fractional CMO & Copy Chief for Direct Response Marketers
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Nicholas Loise worked with Dan Kennedy for 8 years — most of that time as president of GKIC and Magnetic Marketing…
And now he’s spilling the beans on how YOU can take the lessons he used there to generate massive sales and profits success…
And make more sales, faster…
Amplifying sales velocity…
Increasing customer lifetime value (LTV)...
And importantly, how to add sales to marketing to get your best buyers to spend more, faster, and be happy to do so…
Helping you generate more profits, faster.
One BIG question I hope you’ll want to answer by the end of this interview…
“How can I be more effective at getting more customers to spend more, faster?”
Nicholas Loise (Dan Kennedy's Ex-President) on Magnetic Marketing, Sales Velocity, & Lifetime Value
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr
Want to become a client magnet? Want high-paying clients to find you, ready to buy?
Today’s episode gives you the strategy to make it happen.
It comes with a warning, though.
This is for serious business-builders only.
There’s a lot of people out there who want all the benefits of this without being willing to do the work.
This strategy that turns you into a client magnet does require work.
But once you do the work, it can be insanely powerful and pay off for years.
Become A Client Magnet — How to Get High-Paying Clients to Come to You
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr
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🚪 Welcome Mat Funnels to Get New Customers
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🏆 Roy Furr, Fractional CMO & Copy Chief for Direct Response Marketers
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🏆 Roy Furr, Fractional CMO & Copy Chief for Direct Response Marketers
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Copywriting can make sales — and I don’t want to diminish that act of making money show up…
But if you want to build a big, lasting, enduring relationship with your customers, it can’t just be based on making sales.
It has to be built on something deeper.
A connection much bigger than what it takes to get them to part with money today.
It’s built on PERSPECTIVE.
Your point of view. About the market, and the problems you solve.
Do this right, and it’s a secret marketing and positioning weapon that makes every sale easier.
Your Brand Perspective & Voice
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr
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🏆 Roy Furr, Fractional CMO & Copy Chief for Direct Response Marketers
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This is a $1-billion-plus marketing secret that’s been hidden in plain sight for years…
For me at least — with the very best, most scalable, most profitable marketing clients I’ve worked with.
Because whether it’s been overt or happy circumstance….
They’ve essentially built not one, but TWO marketing departments, TWO marketing teams within their business.
And while they’re often full of competitive individuals, this is NOT about getting the teams to compete against each other.
In fact, these two marketing departments are structured this way with unique goals that actually serve each other and make the business grow faster and churn out more profits.
It’s all explained in my latest episode…
Do you need TWO marketing departments?
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr
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🎭 Emotional Direct Response Copywriting Course
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🏆 Roy Furr, Fractional CMO & Copy Chief for Direct Response Marketers
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Is this THE MOST important copywriting question?
So when it showed up in my mailbox, from a subscriber, how could I say no?
>>> How do you, as the copywriter, get into the hearts and minds of your reader and understand their pain?
Good news: if you’ve been following me for any length of time, you’ve probably already downloaded the main thinking tool you need for this.
It will be familiar.
But in today’s episode, I’ll go deeper…
With specific thinking prompts (no, not AI, these are prompts to stimulate YOUR REAL INTELLIGENCE) to deeply understand your reader and what will make them buy.
Copywriting: How to get inside the hearts and minds of your readers...
Yours for bigger breakthroughs,
Roy Furr
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