
  • Shiyan Koh, Managing Partner of Hustle Fund, and ​​Jeremy Au talked about three main points:

    1. Disney+ Arbitration PR Crisis: A woman died from an allergic reaction after eating at a Disney-affiliated restaurant. The husband sued Disney for "wrongful death" and $50,000+ of damages. Disney in May 2024 alleged that the husband accepted a forced arbitration agreement when signing up for Disney Plus in 2019. This caused a firestorm of public criticism about the company's accountability. The hosts discuss the broader implications of such legal strategies on public trust and branding, and Disney's withdrawal of this legal case serves as a cautionary tale about balancing tactical legal defenses with keeping a broader strategic eye.

    2. Good vs. Bad Startup Sci-Fi Ideas: Shiyan stressed the importance of personal dedication to a business idea, given the substantial time commitment involved. They also explored how sci-fi plays a role with simultaneous innovation, the concept of "founder-problem fit" and the critical need to align personal interests with the entrepreneurial venture. They also discussed the suitability of ideas for venture capital investment, distinguishing between good business ideas and those that are venture-backable.

    3. Defence Tech Rise: Jeremy discussed the role of startups like Anduril and Palantir in transforming defense technologies. YC-backed startup Ares Industries is producing cruise missiles that are 10X cheaper and more effective than existing models. Private sector innovation is increasingly crucial to government budgets looking to buy large volumes more cost-effectively.

    Jeremy and Shiyan also touched on topics like longevity and sleep quality, biohacking amongst tech enthusiasts, and the importance of market validation.

    Watch, listen or read the full insight at https://www.bravesea.com/blog/good-vs-bad-startup-ideas

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    English: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Bahasa Indonesia: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Chinese: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Vietnamese: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Join us at Geeks on a Beach! Use the code "BRAVESEA" for a 45% discount for the first 10 registrations, and 35% off for the next ones.

  • Jingjing Zhong, CEO & Cofounder of Superbench, and Jeremy Au talked about three main themes:

    1. UC Berkeley to Investment Banking: Jingjing reflected on her time at UC Berkeley where the competitive environment introduced her to the high-stakes world of investment banking. She shared her initial motivation for joining Houlihan Lokey, which was to make money (influenced by societal expectations from her upbringing in China). Her experience in the financial sector led to a significant reevaluation of her definition of success and steered her away from banking despite its financial allure.

    2. General Manager Firefighting: Jingjing’s entrance to high-growth startup Helpling and eventual promotion to General Manager brought immediate challenges of operational management without initial support (a sharp contrast with the structured world of finance). She navigated intense periods of firefighting and strategic planning and learned to balance immediate problem-solving with long-term strategic thinking. Her experiences emphasized the importance of adapting to market and consumer trends and the transformative impact of effective coaching on her leadership skills.

    3. Superbench Services AI Founder: Jingjing leveraged her experiences to cofound Superbench, an AI-driven platform aimed at optimizing operations for home service businesses. She detailed the transition from manual operations to AI-enhanced processes, which significantly improved sales conversions and operational efficiency. She discusses the nuanced applications of AI, where it complements human effort rather than replacing it, along with the practical benefits and challenges of integrating advanced technologies in traditional SME clients.

    Jeremy and Jingjing also talked about Jingjing’s cultural adjustments when she moved from USA to Singapore, the critical role of mentorship, and the role of data in strategic decision-making within service businesses.

    Watch, listen or read the full insight at https://www.bravesea.com/blog/jingjing-zhong

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    English: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Bahasa Indonesia: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Chinese: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

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  • Htay Aung, CEO & Founder of Anywheel, and Jeremy Au talked about three main themes:

    1. Early Inspiration and Challenges: Htay detailed his journey from an immigrant student facing cultural and language barriers in Singapore to becoming the founder of Anywheel. His initial inspiration came from dealing with traffic in Sydney and Singapore, which led to the idea of a bike-sharing service during his studies at the University of Sydney in 2017. He recounted the early challenges of integrating into a new culture and educational system, which shaped his entrepreneurial mindset.

    2. Operational Learning Curve: Htay described the initial operational challenges of starting Anywheel including assembling the first bicycle at his home to navigating supply chain challenges like sourcing the initial 500 bicycles from manufacturers reluctant to deal with a small startup. He shared insights into early mistakes, such as ordering unassembled bikes, which led to significant logistical challenges. He also detailed how the company integrated IoT technology to enhance operational efficiency and meet regulatory compliance, particularly in response to Singapore’s licensing regulations implemented by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) in 2018.

    3. Strategic Market Expansion: Htay emphasized strategic and financial decisions made during difficult period and his choice to reject venture capital funding to retain control over the company's strategic direction. He also discussed market expansion strategies and regulatory navigation and how the company adapted to changes and acquired competitors following the LTA’s new rules in 2018. He also detailed that the acquisition of SG Bike was not only a business expansion but also a move to consolidate the market and enhance the overall industry reputation by assuming responsibility for its customer commitments. He discussed maintaining ethical business practices, particularly his decision not to charge user deposits—a decision made to foster trust and differentiate Anywheel from competitors like Mobike and Ofo.

    Jeremy and Htay also talked about the challenges in navigating through the COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of trust, transparency, and hard work within the workplace, and his strategic plans for scaling operations while maintaining a strong focus on sustainability and community impact.

    Watch, listen or read the full insight at https://www.bravesea.com/blog/htay-aung

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    English: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Bahasa Indonesia: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Chinese: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Join us at Geeks on a Beach! Use the code "BRAVESEA" for a 45% discount for the first 10 registrations, and 35% off for the next ones.

  • Gita Sjahrir, Head of Investment at BNI Ventures, and Jeremy Au talked about three main themes:

    1. Indonesia 39% Debt to GDP Ratio vs. Singapore: Jeremy and Gita delved into the policy debate behind Prabowo's decision to increase Indonesia's debt-to-GDP ratio from 39% to 50%, and invest towards achieving an aggressive growth rate of 8% through a nickel-led industrial strategy coupled with expansive public spending. They tackled the broader implications of borrowing for a developing nation and the importance of maintaining fiscal credibility. Gita critiqued common misconceptions about national vs. personal debt and highlighted the international double standards in debt perception. They also compared Indonesia's fiscal strategy against USA, Singapore, Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand and the Philippines.

    2. Free School Lunch Program: They discussed Prabowo's popular school lunch program initiative that seeks to address childhood malnutrition, reduce growth stunting and improve educational outcomes for Indonesian children. Despite its potential, the program's implementation and funding mechanisms have ignited political debate. The potential to significantly boost student health and learning capabilities are contrasted against the risks of inefficiency and potential corruption. They deliberated on whether the anticipated improvements in public health would justify the public spending, with lessons from America and Japan's programs.

    3. Capital City Move from Jakarta to Nusantara: The planned relocation of Indonesia's capital from Jakarta to Nusantara faces logistical and political challenges, which are natural for the extensive infrastructural developments. The discussion underscored the strategic necessity of such a move, considering Jakarta’s environmental and congestion issues. However, the media's critiques of overly-optimistic timelines and potential underestimations of required investments should be compared with the 30-40 years that it took for Washington DC to become the new capital city of America.

    Jeremy and Gita also covered the role of global trade flows, protectionist policies’ implications on economic growth, and the critical role of accountability in government spending.

    Watch, listen or read the full insight at https://www.bravesea.com/blog/indonesia-free-school-lunches

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    English: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Bahasa Indonesia: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Chinese: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Join us at Geeks on a Beach! Use the code "BRAVESEA" for a 45% discount for the first 10 registrations, and 35% off for the next ones.

  • BRAVE Southeast Asia Tech Podcast:

    DJ Tan, CTO & Cofounder of Prefer, and Jeremy Au talked about three main topics:

    1. Government Food Scientist: DJ recounted his early fascination with science and his studies in chemistry at UCL, leading to a focus on food science at Singapore's ASTAR government lab. He shared how his academic and laboratory experiences shaped his decision to experiment at the frontier of what humans eat and drink and merge rigorous scientific methods with innovative culinary practices. He discussed the challenges that novel food products face, particularly in achieving cost parity and consumer acceptance regarding taste.

    2. Prince of Fermentation: Transitioning from a chemistry enthusiast to a fermentation expert, DJ detailed his journey from organic synthesis to leveraging his expertise to transform flavor profiles in partnership with alcohol mixologists and chefs. Fermentation is a strategic solution that enhances and creates new flavors while potentially reducing production costs. He also shared how his title was accidentally coined, and how he feels about this personal brand today.

    3. Coffee Without Beans: DJ discussed the inception of Prefer, a startup aimed at creating sustainable food solutions, beginning with bean-free coffee. He outlined the strategic positioning in the market, focusing on consumer benefits and business challenges. Prefer's goal is to revolutionize the coffee industry by offering an environmentally friendly alternative that maintains taste and convenience. The conversation also touched on scaling production, sustainable packaging, and the impact of their business model on the food industry’s adaptation to climate change.

    Jeremy and DJ also talked about the technical challenges in food science, consumer trends towards innovative food products, and the impact of global environmental changes on agricultural practices.

    Watch, listen or read the full insight at https://www.bravesea.com/blog/dj-tan

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    English: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Bahasa Indonesia: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Chinese: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

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  • Patrick Linden, Cofounder & Managing Partner of Match.Asia, and Jeremy Au discussed three main points:

    1. Dealguru $34M Acquisition: Patrick shared his journey beginning from a small village in Germany to moving to Singapore and building iHipo, a platform to connect European students with opportunities in Southeast Asia. This early experience ignited his entrepreneurial passion, and he recounted the inception of Dealguru, an e-commerce platform inspired by the Daily Deal model. He described a strategic marketing stunt involving Starbucks vouchers that catapulted the platform into the public eye, which quickly established it as a key player in Singapore’s e-commerce sector.

    2. Match.asia M&A Marketplace: Patric's new platform aims to facilitate M&A activities by connecting sellers and buyers in the lower mid-market, focusing on transactions below $100 million. Patrick also outlined the challenges and strategies of M&A and the importance of creating a well-integrated market ecosystem to support transactions. Streamline M&A searches would make it more affordable and accessible vs. inefficient brokers, and was inspired by the challenges he faced.

    3. Southeast Asia Roll-Up Strategy: Patrick detailed his experience with roll-up strategies where multiple smaller companies in similar sectors across different markets are merged to form a larger entity, which improves market presence and operational efficiency. He discussed how this strategy has been effective in sectors like online food delivery and e-commerce, particularly in a fragmented market like Southeast Asia. He also shares his personal experience doing this with Dealguru vs. Groupon.

    Jeremy and Patrick also touched on Patrick's early experiences adapting to life in Singapore, the nuances of navigating different business cultures, and the importance of resilience in the face of entrepreneurial challenges.

    Watch, listen or read the full insight at https://www.bravesea.com/blog/patrick-linden

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    English: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Bahasa Indonesia: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Chinese: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Join us at Geeks on a Beach! Use the code "BRAVESEA" for a 45% discount for the first 10 registrations, and 35% off for the next ones.

  • Shiyan Koh, Managing Partner of Hustle Fund, and ​​Jeremy Au talked about three main points:

    1. Allianz Insurance Acquiring NTUC Income: Jeremy and Shiyan dissected the business logic and new facts that have emerged, especially regarding the current competition and performance challenges facing NTUC Income. They addressed the confusing public communications, emphasizing the need for transparent messaging to maintain stakeholder trust and societal confidence. They also reflected on the lessons for nonprofits and social enterprises regarding the importance of the constitution to safeguard social objectives.

    2. USA Civilian Nuclear Deal: Singapore signed a thirty-years long “123” agreement to access US nuclear energy technologies and expertise that are under export controls. 95% of Singapore’s electricity is powered by fossil fuels, with low opportunities for solar, wind, geothermal and other renewable sources. Nuclear modular reactors would be one of the few ways to achieve Singapore’s ambitious 2050 net zero carbon emissions pledge. America signed similar deals with Australia, India, Indonesia, Japan, Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam - with implications for energy security, diplomatic alliances and optionality for national defense.

    3. Politicians vs. Technocrats: They explored the contrasting leadership styles and political approach of Tim Walz, JD Vance, and Mitt Romney. With different experiences as teacher, veteran, venture capitalist, management consultant and community organizer, they exhibit the difference in skillsets between governance and winning votes. They compare this to Singapore’s policy and political landscape, and whether technocrats or retail politicians better serve their communities.

    Jeremy and Shiyan also discussed the role of regulatory oversight in corporate transitions, the influence of legal structures on organizational missions, and the cultural implications of business practices across different regions.

    Watch, listen or read the full insight at https://www.bravesea.com/blog/singapore-usa-nuclear-deal

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    English: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Bahasa Indonesia: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Chinese: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Learn more about Evo Commerce at bback.co and stryv.co

  • Jeremy Au listed the 3 reasons for joining Lucence, a startup leveraging next-generation sequencing AI for early cancer detection with a single blood test. He reflected on his teenage years grieving over a personal loss due to lymphoma. He contrasted the builder role with the job of a VC, with a different set of “atomic” work outcomes. He appreciates being "the dumbest person in the room” and learning from experts in genetics, medicine, and data science. This role fulfills his entrepreneurial energy with a strong sense of purpose: getting revenge on cancer, improving patient treatment outcomes and saving lives globally.

    Watch, listen or read the full insight at https://www.bravesea.com/blog/why-i-joined-lucence

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    English: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Bahasa Indonesia: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Chinese: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Learn more about Evo Commerce at bback.co and stryv.co

  • Jeremy Tan, Managing Partner and Cofounder of Tin Men Capital, and Jeremy Au talked about three main points:

    1. Cambridge Engineer & Harvard MBA: Jeremy Tan shared his journey from a playful student to getting into a life-changing education at Cambridge. His early life goal of becoming a refinery chemical engineer shifted after a pivotal internship, which propelled him into finance with Morgan Stanley investment banking and later private equity. Getting an MBA at Harvard Business School opened up many doors for him, especially in building a global alumni network that later allowed him to secure essential early LP funding for his VC fund.

    2. Founding Tin Men Capital: Jeremy shared what catalyzed his inspiration to finally make a leap of faith and launch a VC fund focused on B2B technology startups in Southeast Asia. Raising the first fund in a nascent VC market was challenging, and he shared his perspective on how to be successful as an emerging manager. He also shared the importance of understanding local industries and maintaining a tight, selective portfolio.

    3. Fatherhood Insights: Jeremy reflected on how becoming a parent influenced how he now manages partnerships in business. He noted the importance of communication and empathy, and advocates for a balance between personal and professional aspirations. Just as it did in his own personal transformation journey and relationship with his children, directive approaches often fail when collaborating with founders.

    They also discussed his initial challenges of settling in at Cambridge, the influence of childhood experiences on leadership styles, and his personal coping mechanisms for stress.

    Watch, listen or read the full insight at https://www.bravesea.com/blog/jeremy-tan

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    Twitter: https://twitter.com/jeremyau

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bravesea

    English: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Bahasa Indonesia: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Chinese: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Learn more about Evo Commerce at bback.co and stryv.co

  • Jianggan Li, Founder & CEO of Momentum Works, and Jeremy Au talked about three main themes:

    1. Indonesia & Trump Tariffs: Indonesia's new tariffs target imports like China-manufactured footwear, clothing, and ceramics to protect 65M local micro, small and medium enterprises employing 109M people. These trade barriers have negatively impacted local customers, e.g a hotpot restaurant struggling to get custom-branded plates. Similar measures include Brazil's quota for steel products, South Africa's tariffs on solar panels, and Trump's proposal to increase US tariffs to 60% on Chinese goods.

    2. China Manufacturing Dominance: Manufacturing efficiency is driven by specialization, scale and agglomeration, e.g. Zhejiang dominates specific industries such as fishing rods, while Zhongshan (Guzhen) is known as the "lighting capital of the world." Historical precedents are Germany and Japan's post-WWII industrialization surge that resulted in global trade wars, UK protectionism and USA enacting the Plaza Accords to protect their manufacturers.

    3. Involution 内卷 & Education Labor Mismatch: Intense competition in China's manufacturing sector has resulted in low profit margins and thus low salaries for workers. Fierce competition among workers for limited gains leads to significant burnout, a phenomenon known as "involution" (内卷, nèijuǎn). Chinese workers heavily invest in gaokao (高考) education for their children as a ticket to a better life, but too many families doing so has led to an oversupply of university graduates vs. the actual labor market - further exacerbating stress and pressure. Overseas consumers benefit the most by enjoying low prices and high-quality goods, which contribute to low inflation in their own countries.

    Jeremy and Jianggan highlighted Singapore and Malaysia's collaboration challenges on data centers, Germany's vocational education system, and the long-term benefits of Chinese businesses setting up operations abroad.

    Watch, listen or read the full insight at https://www.bravesea.com/blog/china-trade-wars

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    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bravesea

    English: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Bahasa Indonesia: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Chinese: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Learn more about Evo Commerce at bback.co and stryv.co

  • Jeremy Au discussed the increasing intensity of "algostorms" - unpredictable social media “weather systems” driven by algorithms that prioritize engagement over truth. The Internet’s transition from human-centric, chronological forums to a volatile online environment where individuals are caught in fluctuating must-discuss trends manipulated by botnets, corporations, and professional influencers. He also drew parallels to the stock market, where algorithm-driven trading can cause flash crashes, leading to rapid market drops and recoveries. Some people trendjack to push their agendas, others unconsciously follow what seems to be majority opinion, and some seek refuge in genuine human interactions. He pointed out government actions to regulate content platforms and deploy Internet “circuit-breaker” blackouts, across Singapore, India, Myanmar, Indonesia, Iran and Bangladesh. Acknowledging the power of online influence is the first step to taking back control over one’s reactions and gaining intentionality in the digital sphere.

    Watch, listen or read the full insight at https://www.bravesea.com/blog/algostorm-survival

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    English: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Bahasa Indonesia: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Chinese: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

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  • Adriel Yong, Head of Investments at Ascend Network, and Jeremy Au discussed three major topics:

    1. Startup Accounting Tricks (GMV, Revenue, Gross Margin, Contribution Margin): Local VCs have often confused Gross Merchandise Value (GMV) with actual platform revenue, and gross margins with actual unit profitability. Startups have also split reporting contribution margin into CM1, CM2, CM3 and CM4. This has caused investor misunderstandings, accusations of misleading financial reporting and startup boards to focus on the wrong metrics. Prevalance is high due to inexperienced finance teams, emerging VCs and poor market norms/ incentives.

    2. Revenue Bundling & Valuation Multiples: Jeremy and Adriel addressed how one-stop-shop/ superapp startups may bundle multiple revenue streams under a single total "revenue" term: one-off sales, onboarding fees, GMV-based revenue, direct material sales, SaaS subscription, and lending revenues. VCs may mistakenly apply the same "tech valuation multiple" to all of these different revenue streams, leading to inflated valuations and later misunderstandings of the actual growth rate. For example, many VCs failed to understand net interest margins for lending startups, thus failing to account for non-performing loans.

    3. Founder Frauds: Jeremy and Adriel discussed real-life anonymized examples of theft, misrepresented financials, inflated invoices, related party transactions without proper disclosure and fake school credentials. They noted that these practices are common in markets with less rigorous due diligence processes or less professional founder / executive business norms. VCs face challenges in detecting fraud, such as spot-checking large-scale operations or non-existent offices, underscoring the need for thorough due diligence to verify data accuracy.

    Jeremy and Adriel also talked about the impact of bribery and kickbacks on market operations, effective methods for verifying company operations, and the importance of appointing neutral CFOs to oversee transparent financial practices.

    Watch, listen or read the full insight at https://www.bravesea.com/blog/startup-tricks

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    English: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Bahasa Indonesia: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Chinese: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Learn more about Evo Commerce at bback.co and stryv.co

  • Shiyan Koh, Managing Partner of Hustle Fund, and ​​Jeremy Au talked about three main themes:

    1. Kamala vs. Trump USA Election: Jeremy and Shiyan discussed Kamala Harris stepping into the presidential race, and speculated on her potential policy directions and how her leadership might influence relations with Asia. The excitement around her candidacy and the shift in political dynamics were key points, along with how both parties still view being tough on China as beneficial.

    2. NTUC Income Insurance Privatization by Allianz: Jeremy and Shiyan explored the implications of selling a majority stake of NTUC Income, Singapore's insurance cooperative, to Allianz. Allianz CEO's “We're not in Asia to buy top line; we want to build a resoundingly profitable business” reflects how this acquisition will transfer wealth from policyholders towards current shareholders. They debated the public policy rationale behind the decision, in light of the complexities of balancing profitability with social benefits in the insurance sector.

    3. Indonesia D2C & Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG): Jeremy and Shiyan talked about the income distribution and purchasing power disparities in Indonesia, and shared about a founder who pivoted from a B2B SaaS model to a direct-to-consumer retail business called Lucky Bundle, which focuses on serving the lower-income 80% of the population. They also discussed the productivity solutions grant (PSG) in Singapore, discussing how government subsidies can impact market competitiveness. The implementation approach of these subsidies may accidentally support sub-standard vendors, thus hindering the development of globally competitive businesses.

    Jeremy and Shiyan also covered the challenges of building in different GDP per capita zones, differences between public and private healthcare costs, and the role of cooperatives in balancing market dynamics.

    Watch, listen or read the full insight at https://www.bravesea.com/blog/singapore-insurance-cooperative-privatization

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    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bravesea

    English: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Bahasa Indonesia: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Chinese: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Learn more about Evo Commerce at bback.co and stryv.co

  • Jeremy Au reflects on the most important insight that he learned from interviewing hundreds of tech leaders across the region. Every secret has a shelf life, as private information diffuses into the public markets and becomes known by everyone. Leaders who discern emerging patterns before they become common wisdom can take action and make high-conviction bets while others mock them. He also underscores the value of understanding other's personal narratives to uncover motivations and predict future actions in a rapidly-evolving web of relationships.

    Watch, listen or read the full insight at https://www.bravesea.com/blog/brave-secrets

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    Twitter: https://twitter.com/jeremyau

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bravesea

    English: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Bahasa Indonesia: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Chinese: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Learn more about Evo Commerce at bback.co and stryv.co

  • ​​Parin Mehta, Venture Partner & Board Member at Menyala, and Jeremy Au talked about three main points:

    1. Google & Airbnb GM Career: Parin's journey began with his parents' migration from Uganda to the UK. Moving to Japan to teach English was a transformative experience that spurred his desire to return to Asia one day. He shared how he made the jump in 2007 from management consulting to Google rapidly scaling across USA, Europe, Africa, and eventually Singapore. He then stepped up as Airbnb's Asia-Pacific General Manager to lead the division for growth and through the pandemic.

    2. Tech Executive to Founder Coach: Initially, coaching was a necessity because he led teams with more qualified individuals (which made directing them less effective) and thus focused on asking questions and removing blockers. This naturally evolved into a coaching style, which he has refined over the years through practice, certification and intentional development into a more reflective approach. He shared the joy and power of asking the right question at the right time.

    3. Leadership Advice: Executives and founders are often lonely, stuck with difficult decisions, and actually responsible for the company challenges they now face. People seeking coaching will eventually come to understand that it’s not about getting answers but discovering insights through thoughtful questions. He stressed the importance of creating a safe environment for reflection and deep thinking, which leads to more meaningful actions.

    Jeremy and Parin also discussed the importance of chemistry between coach and coachee, the misconceptions about coaching vs. consulting or mentoring, and COVID-19’s impact on team dynamics.

    Watch, listen or read the full insight at https://www.bravesea.com/blog/parin-mehta

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    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jeremyauz

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/jeremyau

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bravesea

    English: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Bahasa Indonesia: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Chinese: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Learn more about Evo Commerce at bback.co and stryv.co

  • Valerie Vu, Founding Partner of Ansible Ventures, and Jeremy Au discussed three main themes:

    1. Putin Bamboo Strategy: Vietnam’s “bamboo strategy” foreign policy involves maintaining strong roots while being flexible, which allows Vietnam to navigate relationships with global superpowers like the US, China, and Russia. Valerie highlighted that in less than a year, Vietnam hosted visits from Presidents Xi Jinping, Joe Biden, and Vladimir Putin. This balancing act is crucial for Vietnam given its historical ties with Russia for military supplies and Vietnam war support, and its growing economic connections with the US and China. Valerie also pointed out that while the US expressed disappointment over Putin’s visit, Vietnam’s neutral stance is essential for its strategic, political, and economic interests.

    2. Data Sovereignty & 49% Foreign Ownership Limit: Vietnam's new data sovereignty laws require tech giants like Amazon and Google to store data locally, similar to China and USA. They also discussed the foreign ownership cap, which limits foreign entities to 49% ownership in sensitive sectors like banking to safeguard national interests. However, insufficient local data capacity has led Vietnam to now allow 100% foreign ownership in data centers to attract more data center operators.

    3. Investment Landscape: Valerie shared insights into the sectors thriving in Vietnam despite global financial uncertainties. She mentioned that consumer goods, healthcare, and education are performing exceptionally well. She discussed the challenges faced by fintech startups in Vietnam, particularly due to the lack of an open regulatory sandbox and the dominance of well-established banks.

    Jeremy and Valerie also discussed the impact of geopolitical tensions on FDI in Vietnam, the importance of infrastructure development for sustained economic growth, and the shift in educational trends.

    Watch, listen or read the full insight at https://www.bravesea.com/blog/vietnam-bamboo-strategy

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    Twitter: https://twitter.com/jeremyau

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bravesea

    English: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Bahasa Indonesia: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Chinese: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Learn more about Evo Commerce at bback.co and stryv.co

  • Jeremy Au reflects on the transformative power of asking questions by sharing his personal career experiences. He reveals how an early experience in the army working for a boss who discouraged questions shaped his initial approach to leadership and masculinity. He had to face a pivotal internship experience where not asking questions nearly derailed his career in order to learn the importance of transforming feedback into growth. Acknowledging what we don't know and being brave to confront social vulnerability is key to eventually reaching high performance.

    Watch, listen or read the full insight at https://www.bravesea.com/blog/dont-ask-stupid-questions

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    Twitter: https://twitter.com/jeremyau

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bravesea

    English: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Bahasa Indonesia: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Chinese: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Learn more about Evo Commerce at bback.co and stryv.co

  • Karl Mak, Cofounder & CEO of Hepmil Media Group, and Jeremy Au talked about three main themes:

    1. Viral Memes Founder: Karl shared the story of how SGAG was born out of boredom during his university days at Singapore Management University (SMU) where he and his co-founder Adrian spent time creating side businesses. The breakthrough came in 2012 when Singapore's McDonald's ran out of curry sauce, a rare headline that inspired them to create a viral meme. This led to the creation of SGAG, a Facebook page where they posted memes that quickly gained popularity. They realized the potential of their reach when they saw that their memes were engaging millions of Singaporeans weekly. They initially monetized by selling t-shirts but soon found it unsustainable. They got inspired by BuzzFeed and Vice and shifted to integrating brands into their content, leading to their first big break with Scoot Airlines.

    2. Hepmil Media Evolution: Despite challenges, such as a failed M&A with a large media company in 2018, they persisted and reimagined the business, leading to significant growth, with the company now employing 200 people across six offices in Southeast Asia. Karl described how they expanded both geographically (from Singapore to Malaysia and Indonesia, reaching 15 million young people) as and with new verticals like Hepmil Creators Network to support young content creators on platforms like TikTok. This led to a successful Series A funding and by 2021, they ventured into social commerce, leveraging their network for live streaming sales in Vietnam and the Philippines.

    3. The Price of Fame: Karl reflected on why people want to be famous and the challenges that come with it. He categorized people into three groups: artists with a creative itch, those who become famous accidentally, and those seeking recognition for vanity reasons. He highlighted the downsides of fame, such as loss of privacy and the pressure to constantly post content, leading to burnout and identity crises. He also stressed the importance of mental and physical well-being, advising creators to take breaks and maintain a clear separation between their personal and online personas. He shared his own coping mechanisms during COVID-19, such as running and cycling, which helped him manage stress and maintain his mental health.

    Jeremy and Karl also discussed the impact of accidental fame, the evolving nature of media consumption, and strategies for mental health and well-being for content creators.

    Watch, listen or read the full insight at https://www.bravesea.com/blog/karl-mak

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    Twitter: https://twitter.com/jeremyau

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bravesea

    English: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Bahasa Indonesia: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Chinese: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

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  • Gita Sjahrir, Head of Investment at BNI Ventures, and Jeremy Au discussed:

    1. 200% China Import Tariffs: Jeremy and Gita explored Indonesia's recent imposition of up to 200% tariffs on Chinese imports like footwear, clothing, textiles, cosmetics, and ceramics. Indonesia's trade minister's remarks "I told my colleagues not to be afraid or hesitant. America can impose tariffs of up to 200 percent on ceramics and clothing; we can too" show that America is serving as a role model for further trade decoupling and is no longer a champion for free trade. They discussed the rationale of "protecting MSMES" - with varied impacts on different sizes and types of local businesses. Gita highlighted Indonesia's historical tendency towards protectionism and the broader implications of such policies on the country's business environment. Jeremy and Gita agreed that while tariffs might provide short-term relief, they do not address the underlying systemic problems around industrial policy or "ease of business" reforms.

    2. Ransomware Attacks on 282 Agencies: Jeremy and Gita discussed the recent ransomware attack that compromised the data of millions of Indonesian citizens. Gita explained that hackers held government data hostage and later returned the key due to the government's unpreparedness. She mentioned that ministers and heads of security showed a lack of responsibility and accountability, which highlights the urgent need for improved cybersecurity measures. Gita and Jeremy also discussed the broader implications of such lapses on public trust and governance. They emphasized the importance of having knowledgeable leaders in charge of technology and security to prevent future breaches.

    3. 27,000+ Government Apps Consolidation: Jeremy and Gita touched on the Indonesian government's initiative to consolidate over 27,000 government apps into a more efficient system. President Jokowi's directive aimed to reduce redundancy and improve cybersecurity. Gita mentioned that one ministry alone could have over 500 apps, and the government spent around $386 million in the past year creating new apps. They explained that the consolidation effort is intended to streamline operations and enhance security by reducing the surface area vulnerable to attacks. They also discussed the challenges of implementing such a consolidation and the resistance from those benefiting from the current inefficiencies. They emphasized the importance of political will and effective communication in driving these large-scale changes. They also added that the agency responsible for this initiative would be called GovTech Indonesia, similar to Singapore's successful model.

    Jeremy and Gita also discussed the potential relocation of Chinese companies to Indonesia, Indonesia’s private sector’s resilience despite governmental challenges, the need for cybersecurity improvements following recent data breaches, and strategies for reducing bureaucratic red tape to foster a better business environment.

    Watch, listen or read the full insight at https://www.bravesea.com/blog/china-import-tariffs

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    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bravesea

    English: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Learn more about Evo Commerce at bback.co and stryv.co

  • Jeremy Au examines the rise of 弱者営業 ("jaku-sha eigyō") "lonelytech" - the emerging AI companion industry. His observation of a man on a train openly interacting with an AI girlfriend highlights the rapidly increasing prevalence of digital companionship, e.g. Rosanna Ramos and Scott, who have formed intimate relationships with AI companions who offer consistent emotional support without the complexities of flawed humans. He discusses why societal shifts in family structures and community are driving the "loneliness epidemic" - and how startups are looking to serve, commercialize and medicalize this market gap. He warns about the potential societal consequences, including the displacement of messy real human connections. Jeremy advocates for building genuine communities, maintaining moderation in AI interactions and emphasizing the importance of intentionality in using technology to support, rather than replace, human relationships.

    Watch, listen or read the full insight at https://www.bravesea.com/blog/digital-girlfriend-industry

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    Twitter: https://twitter.com/jeremyau

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/bravesea

    English: Spotify | YouTube | Apple Podcasts

    Learn more about Evo Commerce at bback.co and stryv.co