
  • Everyone experiences moments of self-doubt, and Lan Phan is no exception. As the founder & CEO of community of SEVEN, Lan moved to the U.S. at a young age with her family and worked in a nail salon before climbing the corporate ladder. In this episode, Lan shares the lessons she learned and the daily habits she implemented to help create a more meaningful life for herself. The episode touches on the importance of prioritizing our mental and physical well-being, and how to cultivate a positive mindset through consistent, daily habits.

    This is Brand Story, a podcast celebrating the stories of real people who are making an impact on brands, business, and the world around them. Episodes feature guests from a variety of backgrounds who bring their own unique perspectives to the conversation.

    Brand Story is created and produced by Gravity Group, a full-service brand and marketing agency, and is hosted by Gravity Group President, Steve Gilman.

    Links and Information From the Episode Here: gravitygroup.com/podcast/self-doubt-to-self-acceptance/

    Continue the conversation on social:

    For more of Brand Story, check out our LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/gravitygroupmarketing), where we’ll post previews and highlights of shows, behind-the-scenes sneak peeks, plus other marketing news you can use.

    We’re also on:

    Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/gravitygroup

    Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/gravitygroupmarketing

    (00:00) Lan Phan Introduction

    (01:27) Lan Phan Early Life

    (08:04) Getting Rid of the Self Doubt

    (12:26) Taking on Fear and Adversity

    (14:43) The community of SEVEN

    (20:10) Figuring Out What Matters Most

    (24:56) What Inspired Lan Phan’s Book - Do This Daily

    (35:32) A Daily Habit

    (40:36) From Self-Doubt to Self-Acceptance

    (44:40) Do this Daily Takeaways

    (48:54) The Chapters of Lan Phan

    (50:20) Advice to Younger Self

  • Las Vegas has no shortage of food choices, and Philip Tzeng has them all at his fingertips. As a content creator and food marketer based in Las Vegas, Philip has gained a huge following by sharing positive restaurant reviews and building relationships within the Vegas food scene. In this episode, he’s pulling back the curtain to talk about what goes into content creation, working with restaurant brands, and the constantly changing social media landscape.

    This is Brand Story, a podcast celebrating the stories of real people who are making an impact on brands, business, and the world around them. Episodes feature guests from a variety of backgrounds who bring their own unique perspectives to the conversation. Brand Story is created and produced by Gravity Group, a full-service brand and marketing agency, and is hosted by Gravity Group President, Steve Gilman.

    Links and Information From the Episode Here: https://www.gravitygroup.com/podcast/a-food-influencers-life/

    Continue the conversation on social:

    For more of Brand Story, check out our LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/company/gravitygroupmarketing , where we’ll post previews and highlights of shows, behind-the-scenes sneak peeks, plus other marketing news you can use.

    We’re also on:

    Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/gravitygroup

    Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/gravitygroupmarketing


    (00:00) Introduction: Philip Tzeng, Food Influencer

    (01:23) Las Vegas as a food destination

    (04:11) How Phil got started as a food influencer

    (05:25) Being positive on social media

    (08:23) A day in the life of a food influencer - process, gear, & approach

    (10:17) Growth, change, risk and reward in the world of content creation

    (11:24) Phil's partnership with Mike Chen / Strictly Dumpling

    (14:14) Balance, joy, & passion in content creation

    (18:49) Partnerships and authenticity in content creation

    (23:19) Food vs presentation

    (27:38) What's next for Phil

    (30:18) Advice for brands working with influencers

    (31:53) Advice for anyone getting into content creation

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  • Human beings are wired for connections. So how do we leverage our humanity to build those connections when technology seems to be pushing us in the other direction? In this episode, Steve speaks with David J.P. Fisher, Author of "Networking in the 21st Century" and President of RockStar Consulting, about the importance of storytelling, building trust, and the impact of technology on sales. The conversation touches on the psychology of human connection, the fear of rejection, and what it means to leverage your humanity.

    This is Brand Story, a podcast celebrating the stories of real people who are making an impact on brands, business, and the world around them. Episodes feature guests from a variety of backgrounds who bring their own unique perspectives to the conversation.

    Brand Story is created and produced by Gravity Group, a full-service brand and marketing agency, and is hosted by Gravity Group President, Steve Gilman.

    Links and Information From the Episode Here: gravitygroup.com/podcast/leveraging-your-humanity/

    Continue the conversation on social:

    For more of Brand Story, check out our LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/gravitygroupmarketing), where we’ll post previews and highlights of shows, behind-the-scenes sneak peeks, plus other marketing news you can use.

    We’re also on:

    Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/gravitygroup

    Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/gravitygroupmarketing

    (00:00) David Fisher Introduction

    (01:25) Selling Knives and Hot Donuts

    (04:16) Product is Important

    (07:35) Mindset, Skillset, Toolset

    (11:43) Leveraging Your Humanity

    (17:20) Storytelling, Stand-up Comedy, and Sales

    (24:57) Networking at vs. with

    (28:14) All Sales is Not Manipulation

    (31:48) Sitting Beside Vs. Across

    (41:20) Commenting on LinkedIn

    (45:53) Outro

  • In this episode, Alison McCauley, Best-Selling Author and AI Strategist, and our president, Steve Gilman, revisit the world of AI and the importance of developing a relationship with AI tools. They discuss the acceleration of AI adoption over the past two years and how organizations and individuals can respond to make sure they aren’t left behind.

    This is Brand Story, a podcast celebrating the stories of real people who are making an impact on brands, business, and the world around them. Episodes feature guests from a variety of backgrounds who bring their own unique perspectives to the conversation.

    Brand Story is created and produced by Gravity Group, a full-service brand and marketing agency, and is hosted by Gravity Group President, Steve Gilman.

    Links and Information From the Episode Here: gravitygroup.com/podcast/harnessing-the-potential-of-ai/

    Continue the conversation on social:

    For more of Brand Story, check out our LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/gravitygroupmarketing), where we’ll post previews and highlights of shows, behind-the-scenes sneak peeks, plus other marketing news you can use.

    We’re also on:

    Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/gravitygroup

    Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/gravitygroupmarketing

    (00:00) - Alison McCauley Introduction

    (01:30) - The Story Telling Tactic 

    (04:01) - The New Industry Playbook

    (06:19) - The Six Dimensions of Digital Disruption 

    (11:07) - Developing New Mindsets: Speed to Learn 

    (13:29) - Defining AI’s Relationship in Your Workflow

    (18:25) - Finding the “Aha Moment”

    (21:47) - Sharing is Key

    (23:58) - Entering the Cognitive Revolution 

    (32:46) - The Future of Education Alongside AI

    (39:51) - The 24 Hour Personal Tutor

    (42:25) - The Resurgence of Human First Experience

    (47:24) - The Current Chapter of Alison’s Life

    (48:16) - Advice to Younger Self

  • Being creative means having the courage to take risks. It means rolling with the punches, pivoting when needed, and evolving your ideas to create an end result that resonates with your audience. In this episode, Gina Michnowicz, CEO and Chief Creative Officer of The Craftsman Agency, offers her insights into creating integrated marketing campaigns for top brands such as Disney and Cisco. She shares what it’s like to be creative in the fast-paced world of marketing and how every touchpoint impacts the customer experience.

    This is Brand Story, a podcast celebrating the stories of real people who are making an impact on brands, business, and the world around them. Episodes feature guests from a variety of backgrounds who bring their own unique perspectives to the conversation.

    Brand Story is created and produced by Gravity Group, a full-service brand and marketing agency, and is hosted by Gravity Group President, Steve Gilman.

    Links and Information From the Episode Here: gravitygroup.com/podcast/crafting-the-right-marketing-mix/

    Continue the conversation on social:

    For more of Brand Story, check out our LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/gravitygroupmarketing), where we’ll post previews and highlights of shows, behind-the-scenes sneak peeks, plus other marketing news you can use.

    We’re also on:

    Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/gravitygroup

    Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/gravitygroupmarketing

    (00:00) - Gina Michnowicz Introduction 

    (01:33) - Gina’s Process: Cruella’s Integrated Campaign

    (04:45) - The Art of the Pivot

    (08:44) - Finding the Right Marketing Mix

    (14:13) - Pairing Brands: Guardians of the Galaxy and Cisco Duo

    (16:54) - Advice on Brand Activation Events 

    (19:46) - The Attendee Experience 

    (24:29) - The Customer Experience 

    (27:07) - Marketing to Emotional Beings

    (31:04) - Business Bliss or Co-Founder Chaos?

    (37:40) - The Trait Gina Values Now

    (39:12) - The Current Chapter of Gina’s Life

    (40:12) - Advice to Younger Self

  • Ever wonder how a two-time Emmy nominee approaches storytelling? Tom Langan has spent his 20-year career in television keeping one thing consistent: appealing to the human side of storytelling. In this episode, Tom addresses the need for a strategic approach to content creation and putting your audience first. We hear snippets from his book, Legendeering, a guide for a video communication strategy, and the role reciprocity plays in communication strategies. His episode is full of examples of how to talk to people like people to build connections and add value to your stories.

    This is Brand Story, a podcast celebrating the stories of real people who are making an impact on brands, business, and the world around them. Episodes feature guests from a variety of backgrounds who bring their own unique perspectives to the conversation.

    Brand Story is created and produced by Gravity Group, a full-service brand and marketing agency, and is hosted by Gravity Group President, Steve Gilman.

    Links and Information From the Episode Here: gravitygroup.com/podcast/creating-a-video-content-strategy/

    Continue the conversation on social:

    For more of Brand Story, check out our LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/gravitygroupmarketing), where we’ll post previews and highlights of shows, behind-the-scenes sneak peeks, plus other marketing news you can use.

    We’re also on:

    Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/gravitygroup

    Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/gravitygroupmarketing

    (00:00) - Tom Langan Introduction

    (01:16) - Tom's Journey into Production

    (04:14) - Tom's Early Career and Transition into Storytelling

    (11:53) - Tom's Approach to Finding and Telling Stories

    (15:15) - Core Principle: Lead with Value

    (17:25) - Why Write a Book Instead of Making a Video

    (20:28) - The Power of Video in Business

    (23:15) - The Importance of Audience-Centric Storytelling

    (26:04) - The Role of Emotion and Context in Storytelling

    (30:12) - The Importance of Video Content

    (34:15) - The Power of Episodic Content

    (41:04) - The Importance of Humanizing Business

    (45:11) - The Current Chapter of Tom's Life

    (46:46) - Advice to Younger Self

  • For brand strategist, Liam Darmody, LinkedIn is the go-to place to help build a strong personal brand. Like other social media platforms, LinkedIn has evolved over time, growing from a place to look for jobs to a place of cultivating connections. It’s a place to attract unknown opportunities – if you use it right. In this episode, Liam shares his tips for using the platform to its full potential so you can build your personal brand, and make a few friends along the way.

    This is Brand Story, a podcast celebrating the stories of real people who are making an impact on brands, business, and the world around them. Episodes feature guests from a variety of backgrounds who bring their own unique perspectives to the conversation.

    Brand Story is created and produced by Gravity Group, a full-service brand and marketing agency, and is hosted by Gravity Group President, Steve Gilman.

    Links and Information From the Episode Here: gravitygroup.com/podcast/personal-branding-on-linkedin/

    Continue the conversation on social:

    For more of Brand Story, check out our LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/gravitygroupmarketing), where we’ll post previews and highlights of shows, behind-the-scenes sneak peeks, plus other marketing news you can use.

    We’re also on:

    Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/gravitygroup

    Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/gravitygroupmarketing

    (00:00) - Introduction - Liam Darmody

    (01:44) - Liam's LinkedIn Journey

    (04:02) - Overcoming LinkedIn Posting Anxiety

    (09:49) - Liam's Personal Branding Success Story

    (13:10) - The Impact of Consistent LinkedIn Presence

    (19:00) - The Power of Authenticity on LinkedIn

    (20:23) - Imposter Syndrome and Sharing Your Personality

    (22:52) - Authenticity and Integrity on LinkedIn

    (26:45) - LinkedIn's New Features

    (32:06) - Advice and Quotes to Live By

    (34:17) - Current Life Phase: Reinvigorating

    (36:08) - Advice to Younger Self

    (38:53) - Conclusion

  • AI is software that behaves like a human, and it’s that mindset that Conor Grennan, Dean of Students and Head of Generative AI at NYU Stern, helps people understand. In this episode, we dive into what the future of AI holds and its impact across various fields and industries. Conor highlights the critical role of communication skills in an era increasingly dominated by generative AI and introduces us to his HTG format for interacting with AI.

    This is Brand Story, a podcast celebrating the stories of real people who are making an impact on brands, business, and the world around them. Episodes feature guests from a variety of backgrounds who bring their own unique perspectives to the conversation.

    Brand Story is created and produced by Gravity Group, a full-service brand and marketing agency, and is hosted by Gravity Group President, Steve Gilman.

    Links and Information From the Episode Here: gravitygroup.com/podcast/the-ai-mindset/

    Continue the conversation on social:

    For more of Brand Story, check out our LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/gravitygroupmarketing), where we’ll post previews and highlights of shows, behind-the-scenes sneak peeks, plus other marketing news you can use.

    We’re also on:

    Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/gravitygroup

    Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/gravitygroupmarketing

    (00:00) Introduction - About Conor Grennan

    (01:29) Keeping Up with AI

    (07:42) How to Use AI Effectively

    (15:15) The Future of AI and Education

    (16:11) Advice for AI Beginners

    (18:13) Concerns about AI

    (21:49) AI and Creativity

    (24:27) AI as a Research Tool

    (27:53) Future of AI and Human Creativity

    (32:28) AI Proofing Your Career

    (36:36) Rapid-Fire Questions

    (40:06) Conclusion

  • How do you develop a strong content marketing strategy? Dana Herra, Content Marketer, Copywriter, and Editor, would break it up into five chapters: foundation, audience, messaging, distribution, and measurement. In this episode, Dana shares her tips for creating a successful content marketing strategy, how repetition and consistency help build trust, and why your brand voice matters more than you think.

    This is Brand Story, a podcast celebrating the stories of real people who are making an impact on brands, business, and the world around them. Episodes feature guests from a variety of backgrounds who bring their own unique perspectives to the conversation.

    Brand Story is created and produced by Gravity Group, a full-service brand and marketing agency, and is hosted by Gravity Group President, Steve Gilman.

    Links and Information From the Episode Here: gravitygroup.com/podcast/content-marketing-simplified/

    Continue the conversation on social:

    For more of Brand Story, check out our LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/gravitygroupmarketing), where we’ll post previews and highlights of shows, behind-the-scenes sneak peeks, plus other marketing news you can use.

    We’re also on:

    Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/gravitygroup

    Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/gravitygroupmarketing

    (00:00) Introduction - Dana Herra

    (01:21) Where Should a Marketing Team Start?

    (02:23) Foundations of a Solid Content Strategy 

    (04:06) Content Vs. Ads

    (07:52) Content Marketing is Emotional 

    (14:13) Consistency in Branding

    (16:12) People Don’t Remember

    (21:40) Finding Brand Voice

    (27:27) What Is a Thought Leader?

    (31:31) Spending Time to Make Time

    (37:20) What Advice Has Stuck With You 

    (39:47) There Are No Hard and Fast Rules 

    (41:32) Advice For Your Younger Self

    (43:33) Outro - Dana Herra

  • This is Brand Story, a podcast celebrating the stories of real people who are making an impact on brands, business, and the world around them. Episodes feature guests from a variety of backgrounds who bring their own unique perspectives to the conversation.

    Brand Story is created and produced by Gravity Group, a full-service brand and marketing agency, and is hosted by Gravity Group President, Steve Gilman.

    Links and Information From the Podcast Here: gravitygroup.com/podcast

    Continue the conversation on social:

    For more of Brand Story, check out our LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/gravitygroupmarketing), where we’ll post previews and highlights of shows, behind-the-scenes sneak peeks, plus other marketing news you can use.

    We’re also on:

    Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/gravitygroup

    Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/gravitygroupmarketing

  • What exactly is the difference between a marketing strategy, plan, and tactic? What’s one thing marketers should start (and stop) doing? Gravity Group’s President, Steve Gilman, and Vice President, Lindsey Laughlin, answer these questions and more while sharing stories from their favorite brands in this Q&A breakroom episode.

    This is Brand Story, a podcast celebrating the stories of real people who are making an impact on brands, business, and the world around them. Episodes feature guests from a variety of backgrounds who bring their own unique perspectives to the conversation.

    Brand Story is created and produced by Gravity Group, a full-service brand and marketing agency, and is hosted by Gravity Group President, Steve Gilman.

    Links and Information From the Episode Here: https://www.gravitygroup.com/podcast/brand-story-breakroom-magic-candy-buzzword-bingo

    Continue the conversation on social:

    For more of Brand Story, check out our LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/gravitygroupmarketing), where we’ll post previews and highlights of shows, behind-the-scenes sneak peeks, plus other marketing news you can use.

    We’re also on:

    Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/gravitygroup

    Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/gravitygroupmarketing


    (00:00) Introduction

    (00:25) What to stop and start doing in the industry

    (02:58) Writing a Book - The concept of ‘Yes, and...’

    (05:43) The difference between strategy, plans, and tactics

    (07:53) Brands that impacted our earliest memories 

    (10:29) Childhood Stories - how they influence our choices and loyalties

  • 70% of our decision-making is made unconsciously with our emotions, and when you lean into that power, you can create brands that truly resonate with consumers. For Jim Pietruszynski, CEO of Soulsight, that passion for weaving empathy and design together started when he was just a kid and continues to be the driving force behind his practices today. In this episode, we talk with Jim about the emotional core of branding and the importance of crafting designs that truly embody a brand's story and purpose.

    This is Brand Story, a podcast celebrating the stories of real people who are making an impact on brands, business, and the world around them. Episodes feature guests from a variety of backgrounds who bring their own unique perspectives to the conversation.

    Brand Story is created and produced by Gravity Group, a full-service brand and marketing agency, and is hosted by Gravity Group President, Steve Gilman.

    Links and Information From the Episode Here: gravitygroup.com/podcast/empathy-and-design/

    Continue the conversation on social:

    For more of Brand Story, check out our LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/gravitygroupmarketing), where we’ll post previews and highlights of shows, behind-the-scenes sneak peeks, plus other marketing news you can use.

    We’re also on:

    Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/gravitygroup

    Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/gravitygroupmarketing


    (00:00) Introduction - Jim Pietruszynski

    (03:38) Tony The Tiger - How a Cereal Box Started Jim's Career

    (05:35) Story in Design & The Finding The Reason People Make Choices

    (07:06) Building Long Term Relationships

    (08:18) How to Foster Long-Term Client Relationships

    (09:22) Refreshing the Blue Moon and Coors Light Brand

    (13:55) Being an Adaptable Agency, Focus on the Client, not on a Signature Look

    (15:55) Lifelong Learning, Regret isn't Bad, & Helping Others Succeed

    (19:24) Undercutting Value Hurts Everyone

    (21:02) Sensitivity, Vulnerability, and New Perspectives

    (22:59) The Why Question

    (23:49) Hope, Beauty, & Practicing Gratitude

    (25:38) Advice to Younger Self: Know Your Value

  • Building a brand always comes back to being human, something Kathryn Tuttle reinforces with every brand she works with. As an Executive Advisor for CPG brands, Kathryn’s approach has always been people-first – finding ways to build those relationships to help create success. In this episode, we talk to Kathryn about her experience in building brands and scaling businesses. The conversation highlights the importance of understanding the consumer's perspective and the power of branding to make a positive impact on the world.

    This is Brand Story, a podcast celebrating the stories of real people who are making an impact on brands, business, and the world around them. Episodes feature guests from a variety of backgrounds who bring their own unique perspectives to the conversation.

    Brand Story is created and produced by Gravity Group, a full-service brand and marketing agency, and is hosted by Gravity Group President, Steve Gilman.

    Links and Information From the Episode Here: https://www.gravitygroup.com/podcast/misson-driven-branding

    Continue the conversation on social:

    For more of Brand Story, check out our LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/gravitygroupmarketing), where we’ll post previews and highlights of shows, behind-the-scenes sneak peeks, plus other marketing news you can use.

    We’re also on:

    Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/gravitygroup

    Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/gravitygroupmarketing


    (00:00) Introduction - Kathryn Tuttle

    (01:38) Career Shift - Brand Wrangler

    (05:54) Don't Accept the Status Quo - Building the Fresh Pet Brand

    (09:59) Strategic Planning For Mission-Driven Brands

    (14:35) Competition is Rarely the Killer, Lack of Focus Is

    (19:34) Marketing Metrics - Measure What Matters

    (24:32) Discovering the Power & Impact Brands and Marketers Have

    (27:14) Where Marketers Should Spend Limited Resources

    (31:43) Positioning a New or Niche Brand For Mainstream Audiences

    (34:16) Focus on Who's at the Center - Branding and Marketing at the Same Time

    (39:36) Best and Worst About Being a CMO

    (42:42) Season of Reinvention & Learning

    (44:01) Advice to Younger Self: Check-in and Reassess

  • From higher education and marketing to hospitality and communication, this past season of Brand Story has brought together professionals from various industries to share what they’ve learned during their career journeys. In this episode, we take a look back at some of the standout moments from season three, featuring advice on company culture and operations, marketing, leadership, and brand.

    Featuring guests Mita Mallick, Miyoko Schinner, Dr. Marcus Collins, Wade Forbes, Vanessa Patrick, and Will Guidara with host, Steve Gilman.

    This is Brand Story, a podcast celebrating the stories of real people who are making an impact on brands, business, and the world around them. Episodes feature guests from a variety of backgrounds who bring their own unique perspectives to the conversation.

    Brand Story is created and produced by Gravity Group, a full-service brand and marketing agency, and is hosted by Gravity Group President, Steve Gilman.

    Links and Information From the Episode Here: gravitygroup.com/podcast/season-3-favorite-moments/

    Continue the conversation on social:

    For more of Brand Story, check out our LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/gravitygroupmarketing), where we’ll post previews and highlights of shows, behind-the-scenes sneak peeks, plus other marketing news you can use.

    We’re also on:

    Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/gravitygroup

    Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/gravitygroupmarketing

    (00:00) Highlights from Season 3

    (00:26) Mita Mallick - Recognizing Your Biases

    (04:24) Miyoko Schinner - Redefining Success and Happiness

    (07:10) Dr. Marcus Collins - Start with the Soul, End with the Sell

    (10:13) Wade Forbes - The Power of Visual Communication

    (13:41) Vanessa Patrick - Feeling More Empowered to Say “No”

    (18:07) Will Guidara - Unreasonable Hospitality

  • How do you decide which social media platforms to use? What can small businesses to do jump-start their brand and marketing efforts? Gravity Group’s President, Steve Gilman, and Vice President, Lindsey Laughlin, answer these questions and more while sharing stories from the world of brand and marketing in this Q&A breakroom episode.

    This is Brand Story, a podcast celebrating the stories of real people who are making an impact on brands, business, and the world around them. Episodes feature guests from a variety of backgrounds who bring their own unique perspectives to the conversation.

    Brand Story is created and produced by Gravity Group, a full-service brand and marketing agency, and is hosted by Gravity Group President, Steve Gilman.

    Links and Information From the Episode Here: https://www.gravitygroup.com/podcast/brand-story-breakroom-listener-qa-social-media-small-businesses-and-more

    Continue the conversation on social:

    For more of Brand Story, check out our LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/gravitygroupmarketing), where we’ll post previews and highlights of shows, behind-the-scenes sneak peeks, plus other marketing news you can use.

    We’re also on:

    Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/gravitygroup

    Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/gravitygroupmarketing


    (00:00) Breakroom Listener Questions & Answers

    (00:36) What Social Platforms Should Marketers Invest In? Think About Your Audience

    (02:39) Add Value to the Social Platforms You're On

    (03:21) How Can Marketers Distinguish Their Brand's Voice & Personality

    (06:36) How Do You Jumpstart Your Marketing Without A Big Team

    (09:15) Industry Challenges - Proof-Point Overload

    (10:22) Industry Challenge: Nurturing Customers Before & After Purchases

    (11:11) Limitation of Performance Marketing - Not Everything is Measurable

    (14:11) Marketing Toolkit: Know & Connect With Your Audience

    (15:13) Brand Toolkit: Consistency & Patience

    (17:37) Marketing Toolkit: Flexible Roadmap

  • How can we build better brands? Dr. Emmanuel Probst has a few ideas. As the Global Lead of Brand Thought-Leadership at Ipsos, Emmanuel has spent his career learning what it takes to create successful brands – and it may not be as unique of a concept as you think. In this episode of Brand Story, we discuss how to repurpose ideas for today’s consumer and unpack what it takes to assemble a brand featuring insights from Emmanuel’s new book, Assemblage: The Art and Science of Brand Transformation.

    This is Brand Story, a podcast celebrating the stories of real people who are making an impact on brands, business, and the world around them. Episodes feature guests from a variety of backgrounds who bring their own unique perspectives to the conversation.

    Brand Story is created and produced by Gravity Group, a full-service brand and marketing agency, and is hosted by Gravity Group President, Steve Gilman.

    Links and Information From the Episode Here: https://www.gravitygroup.com/podcast/assembling-a-brand/

    Continue the conversation on social:

    For more of Brand Story, check out our LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/gravitygroupmarketing), where we’ll post previews and highlights of shows, behind-the-scenes sneak peeks, plus other marketing news you can use.

    We’re also on:

    Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/gravitygroup

    Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/gravitygroupmarketing


    (00:00) Introduction - Emmanuel Probst, Reconciling Academia and Practitioners in Brand Building

    (03:01) Brand Assemblage - Cognac, Wine, and Building Brands

    (04:28) Building Brands the Way Birds Build Nests

    (07:43) 3 Dimensions of the Assemblage Method - Personal, Social, Cultural

    (11:35) Brands Change Over Time - James Bond vs. Blockbuster

    (17:40) Heroes, Anti-Heroes, Villains: Finding a Relatable Archetype

    (22:55) Imperfection Lets the Light In: Taylor Swift's Brand

    (25:24) Pharrell Williams Can't Read Music - His Talent is in Assemblage to Achieve a Vision

    (29:52) Success of Smaller Brands is More Compelling

    (34:44) Madison Avenue is Gone - Building Brands to Serve the Greater Good

  • When Will Guidara took over Eleven Madison Park, it didn’t have a Michelin star to its name. But through a mix of genuine care, creativity, and a bit of unreasonable hospitality, the restaurant has held three Michelin stars since 2012 and was ranked number one on the list of the World’s 50 Best Restaurants. In this episode, Will shares his career journey and the valuable lessons he’s learned in both leadership and brand experience, and how industries of all kinds can embrace unreasonable hospitality in their operations.

    This is Brand Story, a podcast celebrating the stories of real people who are making an impact on brands, business, and the world around them. Episodes feature guests from a variety of backgrounds who bring their own unique perspectives to the conversation.

    Brand Story is created and produced by Gravity Group, a full-service brand and marketing agency, and is hosted by Gravity Group President, Steve Gilman.

    Links and Information From the Episode Here: gravitygroup.com/podcast/building-brand-with-unreasonable-hospitality ‎

    Continue the conversation on social:

    For more of Brand Story, check out our LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/gravitygroupmarketing), where we’ll post previews and highlights of shows, behind-the-scenes sneak peeks, plus other marketing news you can use.

    We’re also on:

    Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/gravitygroup

    Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/gravitygroupmarketing

    (00:00) Will Guidara - Self-imposed Standards Cannot Impede Giving Joy

    (00:29) Introduction - Will Guidara

    (02:45) Growing up in an Environment of Hospitality

    (06:36) Leadership - Identify Why Your Work Matters, and Share That With Those Around You

    (13:04) Will's Strategy, Being Unreasonable in the Pursuit of People

    (19:54) Making Moments of Fleeting Brilliance Part of the Fabric of Your Organization

    (26:15) Generosity can be Your Best Marketing

    (28:31) Communicating Through Stories Exponentially Increases Your Reach

    (31:50) Turning the Meal Check Into a Memorable Story

    (37:19) 95-5 Rule in Running a Business

    (41:37) Be as Unreasonable in Pursuit of People as You Are Your Products

  • Gravity Group's President, Steve Gilman, and Vice President, Lindsey Laughlin, share stories from the world of brand and marketing, bringing you insights on successful and unsuccessful campaigns, brands, and marketing tactics. In this episode, they discuss how The Shop Forward and Life is Beautiful each embody their brand purpose and lives their ‘why’.

    This is Brand Story, a podcast celebrating the stories of real people who are making an impact on brands, business, and the world around them. Episodes feature guests from a variety of backgrounds who bring their own unique perspectives to the conversation.

    Brand Story is created and produced by Gravity Group, a full-service brand and marketing agency, and is hosted by Gravity Group President, Steve Gilman.

    Links and Information From the Episode Here: https://www.gravitygroup.com/podcast/brands-that-live-their-why/

    Continue the conversation on social:

    For more of Brand Story, check out our LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/gravitygroupmarketing), where we’ll post previews and highlights of shows, behind-the-scenes sneak peeks, plus other marketing news you can use.

    We’re also on:

    Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/gravitygroup

    Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/gravitygroupmarketing

    (00:00) Breakroom Opening

    (00:47) Brand Introduction - The Shop Forward

    (02:44) The Business Has to Exist to Support Their Why

    (05:50) Know Your Mission

    (08:05) Brand Introduction - Life is Beautiful

    (10:18) Life is Beautiful Mission Statement

    (10:46) Reinforcing Their Mission of Positivity

    (13:16) Consistency and Truth in Brand

    (17:34) Outro

  • Miyoko Schinner knows a thing or two about fighting for what she believes in. As the founder of the successful CPG brand, Miyoko’s Creamery, she’s dedicated her life to affecting social change and sustainability through veganism and activism. In this episode of Brand Story, you’ll hear from Miyoko about the battles she’s fought, the importance of standing strong in your core beliefs, and why she believes that placing purpose before profit is integral for success in business.

    This is Brand Story, a podcast celebrating the stories of real people who are making an impact on brands, business, and the world around them. Episodes feature guests from a variety of backgrounds who bring their own unique perspectives to the conversation.

    Brand Story is created and produced by Gravity Group, a full-service brand and marketing agency, and is hosted by Gravity Group President, Steve Gilman.

    Links and Information From the Episode Here: https://www.gravitygroup.com/podcast/brand-purpose-before-profit/

    Continue the conversation on social:

    For more of Brand Story, check out our LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/gravitygroupmarketing), where we’ll post previews and highlights of shows, behind-the-scenes sneak peeks, plus other marketing news you can use.

    We’re also on:

    Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/gravitygroup

    Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/gravitygroupmarketing

    (00:00) Introducing Miyoko Schinner

    (01:37) Suing to Use The Word "Butter", And Redefining Plant-Based Food Industry

    (08:03) Authenticity: Being a Mission With a Company

    (13:52) Creating Community Around Food & Speaking to the Spirit, Soul & Heart

    (19:10) Struggling With Imposter Syndrome, and Success by Questioning Everything

    (21:55) We Need To Redefine Success

    (23:49) Make a Living, Not a Killing

    (28:14) The Next Chapter - Fighting for Women & People Of Color in Business

    (32:02) Making a Living, Not a Killing

    (37:49) Advice to Younger Self - Don't give away your authenticity

  • Wade Forbes is no stranger to the art of visual storytelling. As the Chief Illustration Officer of RedTale Communications, Wade helps others tell their stories through engaging visuals, finding new ways to effectively convey messages and capture attention. In this episode, Wade shares his unique perspective on the art form and how you can better use visuals to help convey your message. We discuss the impact visuals can have on communication and connection, and how to leave a lasting impression.

    This is Brand Story, a podcast celebrating the stories of real people who are making an impact on brands, business, and the world around them. Episodes feature guests from a variety of backgrounds who bring their own unique perspectives to the conversation.

    Brand Story is created and produced by Gravity Group, a full-service brand and marketing agency, and is hosted by Gravity Group President, Steve Gilman.

    Links and Information From the Episode Here: https://www.gravitygroup.com/podcast/the-art-of-visual-storytelling/

    Continue the conversation on social:

    For more of Brand Story, check out our LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/company/gravitygroupmarketing), where we’ll post previews and highlights of shows, behind-the-scenes sneak peeks, plus other marketing news you can use.

    We’re also on:

    Instagram — https://www.instagram.com/gravitygroup

    Facebook — https://www.facebook.com/gravitygroupmarketing

    (00:00) Introduction - Drawing

    (01:24) What is a Graphic Recorder?

    (07:17) The Results of Graphic Recording

    (09:50) Capturing Impressions of Communication

    (12:37) Wade Forbes’ Drawing A Day

    (22:10) Grief, Loss, and Self-Care

    (27:46) The Chapter of Reflection

    (29:07) Steve’s Chapter of Appreciation

    (32:35) Advice to Younger Self

    (36:45) Valuing Authenticity

    (38:35) Outro