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    THE GUARDIAN (2012) & FOSTER CARE (2013)

    Inspired by our rediscovery of one of our favorite Christian directors on our episode last week with guest Louise Weard, we decided to spend this week immersing ourselves once again in Barbara Sundstrom’s work, getting a few notches closer to having watched her entire catalog. Barbara Sundstrom is a Texas-based former youth film ministry director with a career spanning several features and shorts, primarily focused on empowering a youth cast and crew by giving teens real film production experience. Each one of Sundstrom’s Cross Wind Productions films has a very unique story but tends to focus on “social realism” themes of sin and suffering among ordinary people. Sometimes, they dip into the supernatural: for example, 20 minute short film THE GUARDIAN, which is written by a film student of Sundstrom’s, portrays a miracle that occurs when a “hobo” might be an angel in disguise. Christian teen Tara loses her father in a car crash but gets a second chance to say goodbye when she meets the homeless Leroy who coincidentally received Tara’s father’s eyes in a cornea transplant after the fateful accident. Faith also brings an orphaned teen to unlikely protectors in FOSTER CARE, a story by Sundstrom about how Christians’ good intentions need follow-through to make a positive impact. When teen Bridgette is suddenly orphaned by her mother’s intentional drug overdose, she is taken in by a family at her local church who aren’t ready for the commitment they agreed to when housing a troubled teen. Bridgette fortunately is able to find herself with yet another more suitable couple in church, which has got to be one of the luckiest stories about the foster system ever told. Blurring the line between stark realism and complete fantasy, Barbara Sundstrom remains the kind of compelling voice in faith-based film that keeps us as Christian film podcasters hunting for the next big thing.

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  • This dark, gripping teen drama about a girl suffering from an eating disorder begins with a surreal carnival dream sequence where protagonist Nicole sees herself distorted in a funhouse mirror, seemingly instigating a pattern of binge-eating candy and purging. Stuck traveling in between the houses of her divorced parents, Nicole’s disorder becomes life-threatening after an electrolyte imbalance causes her to faint while horseback riding on her father’s remote ranch. Director Barbara Sundstrom is a lesser known but accomplished Christian film ministry director whose work we’ve celebrated for years on our podcast, especially her 2007 magnum opus THE SABER (about a marine recruit battling porn addiction.) Sundstrom does not shy away from intense themes in her work, which primarily stars the teenagers who work with her as a part of her film ministry project Cross Wind Productions. Teens deal with intense emotions, so Sundstrom must feel that teens can handle powerful artistic truths. The dark subject matter of IN THE MIRROR DIMLY combined with its forays into the surreal, sometimes intentionally and other times unintentionally through bizarre visual storytelling, make the film an essential watch for anyone who appreciates unique film experiences. Joining us for this week’s review is another singular filmmaker, but from a very different realm: Canadian edgelord auteur Louise Weard, whose star is rising with the recent success of her crowdfunding campaign for upcoming feature CASTRATION MOVIE PT. II. This will be a sequel to CASTRATION MOVIE PT. I, which last weekend drew two nights of sold out crowds at screenings in the Los Angeles area. Taking a break from her touring schedule to join us in the studio, Louise discussed the parallels between IN THE MIRROR DIMLY and her own work (mainly, tons of vomit sequences) and also dropped hints that Christian influences might creep into her upcoming CASTRATION MOVIE sequel.

    Download Louise Weard's films CASTRATION MOVIE and COMPUTER HEARTS on Gumroad: http://louiseweard.gumroad.com

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    We’re getting deeper into our exploration of popular American TV with Christian themes, now scraping into this seemingly forgotten spinoff series of TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL, also created by TBAA executive producer Martha Williamson. PROMISED LAND launched with a “backdoor pilot” in the third season of TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL where audiences met their new favorite family: the Greenes (Dad Russell, mom Claire, son Josh, daughter Dinah, mother Hattie, and roguish redheaded nephew Nathaniel.) Recently homeless, the family decides to nomadically drive their trailer around America after being told by an angel that their purpose is to help others. The American promise is a major theme of PROMISED LAND, leaning more heavily into an explicit endorsement of American values than TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL ever does. In fact, pilot episode “The Expatriate” centers around the Greene family helping a man who is moving from America to New Zealand after suffering a spinal injury from gun violence. It seems reasonable that a man who suffered a traumatic injury might want a change of scenery, but the Greenes (and thereby the logic of the show’s writers) seem to think it’s a sin to abandon America. It’s “ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country” taken to an extreme and delusional degree, with the Greenes adding value to America by inflicting themselves on average people’s lives who hold reasonable opinions. To get a broader sense of the vibe of PROMISED LAND, we also watch a late series episode where the show has completely abandoned the trailer-roaming angle of the show and the Greenes have settled down in Denver, CO. In the episode “What’s in a Word?” Nathaniel overhears cool black teenagers saying the “soft ‘a’ n-word” among themselves and, innocently not understanding the racial context, repeats this word to his own black friend in school the next day. This causes a massive stir within his community and ignites a conversation, poorly handled by the show’s writers, about racial dynamics in America. The conclusion? America is the greatest country on earth, no matter the cost.

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  • Prayer, Love, Unity, Respect: in this topical episode of popular 90s/y2k era TV drama TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL, angel-in-training Gloria goes to a rave and actually does ecstasy with the human teen boy she’s supposed to be protecting. Raves were a huge point of anxiety in pop culture in the y2k era. Although their colorful futurism and utopian optimism inspired a generation of media and fashion, people also had safety concerns about the newfound popularity of club drugs like ecstasy, leading to a large-scale moral panic. In the U.S. in 2003, then-Senator Joe Biden co-sponsored the RAVE Act (Reducing American’s Vulnerability to Ecstasy) aimed at bringing harsh legal punishment not just to drug dealers but also party promotors. It’s no wonder then that the writers of TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL felt they had to get the angels to mission to ravers directly: rave media is great fodder for exploitation, titillating with radical imagery only to deliver an anti-fun message. In HEAVEN’S PORTAL, angels Tess, Monica, Andrew, and Gloria meet a teen named Nick who is upset with his parents’ separation and has taken to smoking weed and looking at websites about techno. When he gets info about rave 40 miles away, he drives there with the gullible Gloria, who was only crated by God recently and knows little about the world. Immediately, friendly ravers in silly costumes hand them pills to try. What happens when an angel takes ecstasy? Does the world end? We invite our good friend Woodrow White, an artist and scholar of rave-themed media, to return to the show to debate moral dilemmas about raves, pleasure, and sin.

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    Our new favorite classic television series is WALKER, TEXAS RANGER, a thrilling and campy show starring action film hero Chuck Norris in one of his most legendary roles. It’s a police procedural with the unique twist of depicting Texas Rangers as being skilled in martial arts and frequently involved in supernatural or otherwise extraordinary plots involving elements such as hostile Native American ghosts, white supremacist gangs, time travel, and deadly poison gas. We at Boys’ Bible Study have also recently been TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL, an intriguing companion piece because both shows were extremely popular 90s/y2k era franchises that blend conservative cultural values with pulpy, supernatural plot lines. This is evident in the WALKER episode we focus on for this week’s review: PARADISE TRAIL is a story where Walker and friends are being read a story about a 19th century bounty hunter in the Old West guiding a wagon crew of Mormon settlers crossing treacherous wilderness to get to Utah. The WALKER cast imagine themselves in various roles of the story, singing hymns and cooking meals with their pure and extremely Aryan-looking Mormon friends. The episode actually borrows plot points from real historic episodes involving Mormon settlers in the U.S., but like all good propaganda, misrepresents and distorts information to protect the honor of its sympathetic subjects; in this case, white American Christians. WALKER, TEXAS RANGER is much more successful than the Christian movies we usually watch at distilling Christian conservative values while still having broad cultural appeal.

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  • We are so thrilled to celebrate the 5 year anniversary of Boys’ Bible Study with you that nothing could hold us back — not even all the plagues and natural disasters God could throw at us as if to say, “It is not a very good idea for you spend this much time on your blasphemous podcast.” We attempted to record this episode two weeks ago, and right as we went to take a break, the power went off at Ash’s apartment, which led to a saga where Julian and Ash and many of our fellow Los Angeles friends had to evacuate the city to flee wildfires. But like Job, we endured our hardships and came back with our faith restored, ready to ask the hard questions that came up from yet another year of watching Christian films. For instance: what ultra-specific sect of Christianity can I join to further alienate me from my friends and loved ones? If Christ is dead, then why did He hug me in the bathroom? Should I install the “kill kill kill command” in my brand new robot? As is our tradition for celebrating another lap around the sun as a podcast, we spend the first half of the episode discussing the major themes we encountered in the previous year’s viewing, and then we honor Christian film excellence by giving out Golden Calf Awards in categories of our own choosing. Stay tuned to the 2nd half of the episode to see who won our 2024 Best Picture award. For those who dutifully tuned into the show over the past year, we think you’ll agree with our decision.

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    As we await the great new Christian film of 2025, we realize there are still quite a few new offerings from last year that we at Boys’ Bible Study haven’t yet reviewed. Meet director Mignon Pinson, a faith-based film auteur as of yet unfamiliar to us, who seems to have begun her career in 2020 with a series of shorts and then a string of features primarily focusing on black Christian family life. MY PRIVATE LINE TO GOD is her latest film, which appears to be inspired by the famous verses Matthew 18-20 “Where two or three are gathered in the name…” It uses an adoption story to enforce key themes about the power of prayer and the importance of nuclear families attending church together. Married Christian couple Janice and Calvin are overjoyed to adopt their daughter, Joy, after being unable to have a child themselves. Joy is the answer to all of their prayers, but it seems that settling into life as parents causes them to take their blessings for granted. The couple start bickering about relatively minor things such as how many guests to invite to Joy’s 7th birthday party. Janice stops going to church because she becomes convinced the pastor “only cares about the tithes.” This confuses Joy, who retreats into prayer by calling God directly on the brand new phone she receives as a birthday gift. MY PRIVATE LINE TO GOD ends up being a film about how the precocious and sincere prayers of a faithful little girl can work real world miracles. It’s a wholesome Christian family film, but not without its narrative inconsistencies: Janice and Calvin’s fights are completely arbitrary and their stated viewpoints are frequently conflicting dialogue from earlier in the film. Dialogue is often delivered in a stilted tone that feels inhuman and unrealistic. Still, we’re always excited and intrigued to add a new directorial voice to the BBS “pantheon” and think Ms. Pinson has a lot to contribute to the faith-based film scene as a contemporary 2020s voice.

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  • Due to evacuating from the Los Angeles fires, for the first time ever in our 5 year run as a show, we were unable to deliver a new weekly episode. Instead, please enjoy this unlocked bonus episode from our Patreon vaults of one of our favorite things we watched in 2024. We are actually working on our special 5 year anniversary roundup/clip show, so we'll be back soon with brand new content. Thanks so much for your support!


    One of the most bizarre and singular pieces of Christian media we’ve ever watched is this dreamlike documentary from the minds of father/daughter writer/director team Derek and Vanessa Frank, who assembled some of the biggest names in Christian film history to shake the Protestant Reformation down to the “demonic conspiracy” at its very core: the anti-Semitic teachings of Martin Luther and John Calvin. In LET THE LION ROAR, Kevin Sorbo, Stephen Baldwin, Eric Roberts, John Schneider, and young up-and-comer Ben Davies star as 16th-century European historical figures who don funny hats and monologue their virulently anti-Semitic views to the camera for extended scenes, some lasting for several minutes at a time. Writer Derek Frank believes that the major weakness that plagues Protestantism is its insufficient respect for the Jewish faith and an unwillingness for the Christian church to become fully “grafted into Israel.” Mr. Frank has written five more “theses,” to add to Martin Luther’s famous 95 Theses of 1517, that propose full deference to Jews from Protestants that he hopes will heal Christianity and save it from vague, unitarian sluggishness that he reads as weakness. This is an ambitious and extremely boring goal to try to sell to an audience, but the Franks make it fun with uncanny corporate stock footage and a series of costume changes that make Derek Frank look like the Architect from The Matrix, if that character were a hardcore Zionist. In general, Derek Frank’s extreme passion for his case of “finishing” the Protestant Reformation is what sells this documentary — he gazes directly at the audience severely like a cat that has just cornered a mouse and wants to talk to it about Israel for an hour before dealing the death blow that will wipe it out of existence forever. The Lion of Judah is a lion after all, and Derek Frank teaches us that to hammer your point home, you must approach your argument with the ferocity of an apex predator.

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    There’s a chance that the long-running CBS drama TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL is responsible for the contemporary American spiritual sickness as it manifests today. (Even if that’s not true, it feels true, and that’s what’s important.) The extremely popular y2k era TV show depicts a troupe of angels trying to help humans on earth while adhering to a weird corporate power structure that dominates life in heaven. Tess (Della Reese) is the mother angel; Monica (Roma Downey) is a “search and rescue” angel who reports to her; Gloria (Valerie Bertinelli) is training for life on 21st century earth and is really bad at it; Andrew (John Dye) is an angel of death. Together they are case workers helping humans in need. We’ve previously reviewed another season 8 episode “Chutzpah” where the gang of angels meet a self-hating Jewish antisemitic cartoonist. Today we review “Minute by Minute”, where a nun with a dark past must prevent a Columbine-style bombing of a Catholic school before it’s too late. Time is of the essence, but you wouldn’t know it from the angels in this episode, who spend tons of time frittering away at the local diner or refusing to use their powers to even encourage a human to pull the fire alarm or call the police. The lore of how angels are allowed to interfere with human lives in this show is incredibly confusing, especially noticeable when trying to prevent a mass casualty event. That’s why MINUTE BY MINUTE is an incredible piece of television that has undeniably influenced the way Americans view Christianity. Angels in American life are beautiful and wholesome yet ideologically confused, clumsy poltergeists.

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  • With Christmas season suddenly in our rearview mirrors, it’s time to move foward and acknowledge that we are one year closer to Jesus’s return. Something about the year number switching on Jan. 1 feels very apocalyptic, so we return to rapture themes in Christian media with the obscure and extremely entertaining THE GATHERING. Director Danny Carrales is an artist we respect for his work on a few key features in the faith-based film scene, especially his most recent CGI-heavy work HEAVEN’S WAR (2018). We also look forward to formally reviewing ESCAPE FROM HELL, a film we like but haven’t covered yet, which is directed by Carrales and also stars hunky Christian leading man Daniel Kruse who appears in several Carrales features from the 2000s and seems to be a muse of his. Daniel Kruse had a stint in the 2000s as a TV and film actor both in secular and Christian spheres; he brings his soap opera gravitas to his role as Michael in THE GATHERING, a high-powered white collar worker in the corporate world who has a “come to Jesus” moment and begins to suspect his company has a foundational role in the coming of the Antichrist and the New World Order. Michael is also visited by several apocalyptic visions that convince him Jesus’s return is imminent. These revelations come much to the chagrin of his wife Lisa, who feels jealous at the newfound role of Jesus in Michael’s life. Lisa’s mother Alex is also threatened by Michael’s Christianity, since she is an avowed atheist college professor who delights in owning her pathetic Christian undergrad students with logic and reason (as professors frequently do in these movies.) But when Alex and Lisa start experiencing visions of their own, the promise of Jesus’s second coming is too powerful even for them to ignore. THE GATHERING is a well paced and pulpy rapture thriller that we recommend for it’s over-the-top dialogue and one of the best “characters discover a scary website” scenes in all of Christian media.

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  • Respect for CEOs is at an all time high this holiday season, so there’s no better time to enjoy this Hallmark movie about corporate hierarchy. Christmas (that’s her name!) is the high powered girl-boss CEO of CJ Toys, a company she co-founded with her former best friend John, who left the company because he felt that maximizing profits impacted the wholesome mission of making toys. Anyone who has ever watched a Hallmark movie knows that what a successful woman needs is a free-spirited man to chill her out a bit, so it’s no surprise that CHRISTMAS CEO is about the rekindling of Christmas and John’s friendship into a romance of opposites. Hallmark movies reinforce traditional gender roles by pretending to break them. Women are go-getters in the corporate world while men have abdicated breadwinner status to enjoy independent yet domestic lives. However, man and woman’s souls are empty without each other, and it’s clear that each party’s charming quirks are merely cope for anxieties of not being able to live up to their sexual stereotypes. CHRISTMAS CEO concludes with John giving Christmas an ultimatum to choose between her lifelong dream job or romance with him, and of course she chooses him! CHRISTMAS CEO is typical brainless Hallmark fun for the whole family that makes being a CEO look really easy as long as you don’t get on the wrong person’s “naughty list.”

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    We pride ourselves on staying on the cutting edge of Christmas movies, especially those made for Christians by Christians. That’s why we were excited to visit our local theater to see the new, widely-released Dallas Jenkins film based on the popular children’s novel of the same name. Originally authored by Barbara Robinson in 1972, THE BEST CHRISTMAS PAGEANT EVER tells the story of the Herdman family, affectionately dubbed “the worst kids in the world”. The Herdmans effectively run their small town of Emmanuel because no one can control their bad behavior. The town always had a sanctuary away from the mischief in church, but this seal was broken when the Herdman kids discovered the free snacks offered and insisted on participating in the yearly Christmas pageant. A cherished town tradition in Emmanuel, the Herdmans risk destroying the Christmas Pageant through their destructive irreverence, but instead their sincere, outsider curiosity about Christianity ends up winning over the hearts and minds of the rest of the congregation, creating a special memory of THE BEST CHRISTMAS PAGEANT EVER. Director Dallas Jenkins (son of Jerry B. Jenkins, co-author of the original LEFT BEHIND book series) was apparently so passionate about bringing THE BEST CHRISTMAS PAGEANT EVER to life on film that he set a daily reminder in his phone to pray for acquiring the rights to the story. It’s a shame that this passion didn’t manifest in the final project, which is styled so blandly and portrayed so literally to the text that the story comes across as cruel and inhumane toward the Herdmans instead of whimsical.

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  • Christmas season 2024 is here! As usual, we at Boys’ Bible Study will be spending all of December pondering the reason for the season with Christmas movies made by Christian directors. We’re huge fans of director Chip Rossetti, but so far we’ve only ever watched his films written by and starring the singular Donald James Parker, aka “Gramps” (such as GRAMPS GOES TO COLLEGE, which we love.) So, to kick off the new Christmas season, we took a chance on a script written by Rossetti himself… and we were not disappointed. In fact, we were thrilled. THE BORROWED CHRISTMAS is a wholesome and hilarious watch about a man who makes insane life decisions and a woman who loves him for it. John Dale is a lonely rich man who dreams of the “Normal Rockwell Christmases” of his past but can no longer access the vibe due to grief over the death of his parents. He stumbles into Anne Weston’s store, whose business it is to “rent everything”, and John asks Anne to rent him the perfect Christmas. Money is no object. He asks for a wife, five kids, and carolers… the works! Anne is clearly intrigued by this handsome eccentric and sets out upon her greatest challenge yet. She secures (traffics?) orphans from the nearby orphanage to portray the kids and casts herself as the wife role after she is unable to hire an actor from the nearby Actors’ Guild (?). The Christmas that transpires is perfect in every way and ends up making a consequential impact on the life of John Dale, his two spacey maids, and everyone involved in the production. THE BORROWED CHRISTMAS is fun, snappy, and ethically dubious, so we can’t think of a better start to your Christmas season then to gather in the TV room and watch this with all of your favorite orphans.

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    Intermission is over! We return back to the 7TH STREET THEATER to watch our favorite stories about the fictional lives of Christian stage actors. This meta-media soap opera by Dave Christiano has always been one of the biggest examples of Christian fantasy to us, because it imagines a world where a Christian theater would be popular and high-earning enough to keep drawing in crowds week after week. We did an episode on 7TH STREET THEATER a few years ago where we covered more of the background about this show. We’ve basically forgotten all of our research since then, so we decided instead to focus on a four episode storyline called “THE LETTER”. In this arc, Christian stage actress Andi gets an admiring fan letter from a man who says he sees her show every week and has been praying to God for a Christian woman to enter his life. Andi has never seen this man, but his letters fill her with a mixture of excitement and confusion, especially when he says he is “attracted to her in every way.” Andi’s coworkers at the theater seem unreasonably excited for her and practically beg her to meet the guy, but Andi has doubt and decides to pray to God about it, resulting in a confusing plot-line about prayer as magical thinking. The admirer asks Andi to send a signal to him from the stage, but Andi’s signal is thwarted unknowingly by her cast members, blocking the meeting. Is this really a sign from God, or is it the beginning stages of mental illness? Almost every aspect of this scenario, from Andi’s reaction, to her coworkers’ reactions, to the insane letters themselves, seems wildly off base for how someone in real life would handle this situation. It’s a pretty bizarre plot from a show that usually tries to be as tediously realistic as possible. That’s why there’s no better introduction to prolific Christian creator Dave Christiano’s mind than THE LETTER.

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  • This amateur but ambitious work of CGI animation has developed a cult following online for its bizarre aesthetics. JOSHUA AND THE PROMISED LAND is the passion project of animator Jim Lion. Coincidentally (or not?) all of the heroic characters in the film are anthropomorphic lions. The film centers around Joshua, a young lion living in modern times. His bickering parents ask him to get out of the way as they prepare dinner, so Joshua goes to his room and uses his vivid childlike imagination and the powers of his imaginary best friend Chris (a floating dog made out of TV static) to warp back in time to the Old Testament era. Joshua and Chris meet Moses and join his wandering band of Israelites in the desert hunting for the Promised Land, and protagonist Joshua becomes the Joshua of the Bible, mentored by Moses to take over leadership of the Israelites after Moses’s death. Joshua rises to the challenge and prepares for battle with the walled city of Jericho, one of the most famous Old Testament stories from Joshua 6. Jim Lion built a legitimately fascinating visual world of CGI for these famous bible characters to inhabit. The smooth, simple polygons and bright colors of Lion’s visual language are a powerful tool for communicating the surreal awe of Old Testament stories. The Old Testament is very hard to depict visually because the huge scope of its supernatural stories of death and destruction don’t get a lot of breathing room within the Bible’s terse, compact prose. It’s obvious that JOSHUA AND THE PROMISED LAND is not an “accurate” depiction of these happenings, but the film does faithfully translate how seeing these events unfold with your own eyes would completely break your brain.

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  • Forget French body horror or the return of Francis Ford Coppola: real heads know the cinematic event of 2024 was this star-studded retelling of the life of REAGAN. With experienced director Sean McNamara at the helm (ON A WING AND A PRAYER, BRATZ, THE EVEN STEVENS MOVIE) we at Boys’ Bible Study were confident this film’s depiction of Ronald Reagan would be respectful and thorough. Besides, many Americans are gearing up to vote in the most consequential election of our lifetimes, so it felt only right to review REAGAN and look back at the political values we cherish from our recent past as inspiration for casting our ballots. Dennis Quaid stars as Reagan using what appears to be a combination of prosthetics and digital de-aging (for Reagan’s younger years) that creates an otherworldly effect. He’s joined by other “who’s whos” of conservative Hollywood (Jon Voight, Robert Davi, Kevin Sorbo, Marshall Teague, and more) as well as some other surprising cameos. We were particularly excited to see Scott Stapp (former lead singer of Creed) in a quick cameo as Frank Sinatra. Much of REAGAN is re-told through grating narration of Jon Voight doing a bad Russian accent, representing the Soviet agents and politicians who the film claims monitored Reagan’s every move during his life, disturbed by his crusade against communism. REAGAN takes a nonstop glowing tone in its framing of the conservative president’s life and actions; everything Reagan done is perfect and in deliberate service to his master plan to fight the Soviets. Even the big bowls of jellybeans Reagan was known for keeping in the White House were a clever personality test for evaluating his cabinet, by seeing which flavors they chose. It seems clear that the REAGAN film is a piece of cultural warfare trying to inject some positive reviews of conservatism into the popular mindset, made by Hollywood conservatives who might relate to Reagan’s own background as an actor. Ultimately, this choice to uplift Reagan’s career at all costs makes the film a laughably ridiculous puff piece. Whatever your political values, t’s simply not serious to reduce the life of a consequential politician to the level of complication of a YA novel.

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    In Bible verse Matthew 18:20, Jesus says, “For where two or three are gathered in my name, there I am with them.” To which we ask: two or what? G-g-g-ghosts? This Christian horror film featuring a predominantly black cast gets a touch of celebrity from notable costars Luenell and Faizon Love. It’s the only feature film directed by Roy Belfrey, and although it’s competently shot with some genuinely scary special effects, it suffers from narrative weakness by not coherently connecting the film’s haunting to its overtly Christian message. The film centers around a recent high school graduate named Michelle who has perfect grades and a hardworking drive that gets her a full ride scholarship to a pre-med program at a college in Minneapolis, MN. Although her tight-knit Christian family has trepidations about letting their baby stray so far from the nest, they relent because the family happens to own property in the city. Unfortunately, this property has a problem: a ghost problem. It appears to be haunted by the spirits of Russian women who were killed on the property 100 years or so ago after refusing to cell their house to greedy businessmen. The haunting of the Wilshire house escalates the tensions explored in the film between the natural world and the spiritual world; Michelle is always trying to convince her superstitious family that there is a rational explanation for everything, but even Michelle can’t explain the terrifying things happening to her. Finally, the haunting drives Michelle back with her loving family, although it’s unclear to us what Michelle learned from the experience, and how anything the film showed us has to do with the Bible verse Matthew 18:20, which was supposed to be the focal point. We at Boys’ Bible Study are still in search for a Christian horror film that threads the needle of its messaging instead of choosing style over substance.

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  • Christian filmmaking auteur Kenya Cagle consistently stuns us with his ambitious, surreal features that stretch the possibilities of narrative. We at Boys’ Bible Study are addicted to reviewing his films; this is our fifth selection of Cagle’s, including FATHER DAD, MY KING, THIRTEEN MONTHS, and arguably his magnum opus THE BOY WHO SAW CHRIST. All of these films will surprise you with riveting plot twists and cryptic dialogue. SIN APPLE was perfectly suited to our month spotlighting Christian horror because it portrayed a malicious “obeah” witch named Madam Latasha and her evil love curses that work so well, their victims will do anything to break them. Protagonist Richard is obsessed with a woman named Lola so much that he asks Latasha to cast an unbreakable obsession spell. He then follows Latasha’s instructions by taking a selfie with Lola after the curse is in effect, disposing of the phone afterwards. But Richard messes up and his auntie Rhonda unknowingly retrieves the enchanted smartphone. Hell literally breaks loose as Richard gets devil eyes and goes on a murder spree around both Las Vegas and New York City. Sin City… and the Big Apple? Sin… apple… it’s all coming together.

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    This stylish Christian horror film, possibly inspired by the SILENT HILL franchise, is based on a novel co-authored by the two titans of Christian supernatural fiction: Frank Peretti and Ted Dekker. These writers each sold millions of copies of their respective books throughout the 2000s, identifying and filling a niche for Christian supernatural thriller literature with exciting stories that still promoted a wholesome message. HOUSE is a collaboration between Peretti and Dekker, adapted into a feature film by director Robby Henson (THR3E) in a very lurid, saturated way that nowadays feels dated to the late 2000s, and could have been influenced by the burgeoning video game adaptation genre of cinema at the time. HOUSE as a film has interesting ideas but is barely held together with no narrative follow through. A couple experiencing domestic issues gets into literally three or four car crashes within the first ten minutes of the film, then stumble upon a remote cabin hotel with eccentric hosts who try to kill the couple before telling them the legend of the Tin Man, a psycho wearing a wooden mask who claims to have killed God. Weird southern gothic set dressing and video game-style quests hurtle the plot toward a disappointing climax where (spoiler alert) the Tin Man is defeated by light. It’s barely coherent and barely Christian, and doesn’t compare to other Peretti film adaptations we enjoyed such as HANGMAN’S CURSE (2003), but at least it’s weird and funny with bold, bright colors that remind us how Christian cinema tried to merge with the secular in the chaotic and very silly decade of the 2000s.

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  • This Christian domestic horror begins with happy newlyweds Grant and Christie planning their new life together in the small Virginia town of Courtland, not knowing that their inability to understand each other will soon be the catalyst to disturbing supernatural events that will tear their relationship apart forever. Grant seems excited to provide for Christie at his new job fixing up foreclosed and abandoned houses, but is much less enthusiastic to fix up their own home with tons of problems, including a hole in the ceiling and a snake infestation. Grant’s inaction has effectively made Christie a prisoner in her own home; when her car breaks down and Grant gets mad at her for nagging him to fix it, Christie is left unable to go job hunting or even to the grocery store. But is this by Grant’s design? Meanwhile, Grant’s Bible study group is having discussions on the “curse of Eve” and Christie is beginning to see ghostly apparitions around their property. THE CURSE OF EVE is one of the most interesting Christian films we’ve watched for our podcast because it’s not just meant to flatter its Christian audience, but offers a feminist critique of Christian social groups. This is rare for a genre of movies that thrives on its own persecution within secular pop culture, feeling like it’s always under attack from the world, so why point out its own insular problems? We at BBS consider Jasmine Deanne Andrews one of the most intriguing and talented DIY filmmakers in the faith-based genre right now not only for her compelling storytelling but also for her creative and sometimes truly bizarre take on digital cinematography.

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