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    **Trigger warning: This episode discusses suicidal ideation.**
    This week we had so much fun getting to know Belinda Brown! Belinda is the CEO of Crohn's & Colitis New Zealand! Belinda was diagnosed with Crohn's at 26 years old and we discussed her diagnosis, her search for the right treatment, navigating the consequences of her surgeries when she was trying to conceive, and her struggle with thoughts of suicide and how she coped with these dark feelings. We also talk about how her diagnosis led her to get involved with Crohn's & Colitis New Zealand, to join their board, and to eventually lead the organization as CEO. We discussed the great work they're doing and especially their amazing camp for kids living with IBD called Camp Purple.

    We know you'll love Belinda as much as we did and we can't thank her enough for sharing her passion, her truth, and her vulnerability with us and with our community.

    If you or a loved one struggling with thoughts of suicide, please call or text 988.

    Please keep in mind that the views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and should not be considered medical or legal advice. Please consult with your healthcare team on any changes to your disease, diet, or treatment. We want you to stay safe and healthy! ;)


    Crohn's & Colitis New ZealandCamp PurpleCoping emotionally with IBDFertility and pregnancy with IBD3 Ply Take on the Rickshaw Run video Information about visiting New Zealand with IBD

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    This week Robin was joined by guest host, friend of the show, and IBD Dietitian, Stacey Collins! They spoke to Yi Min Teo! Yi Min is Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and owner of Herbs and Food – a virtual private practice specializing in digestive health and culturally-sensitive nutrition counseling. They talked about Yi Min growing up in Singapore and some of the cultural differences that she noted when she moved to the US and also some of the similarities. They discussed working with clients who have comorbid diagnoses with their IBD and the importance of personalizing a plan that works for all aspects of their health and circumstances. This lead to a really interesting conversation about incorporating cultural foods and traditions into diet plans and also to food accessibility and disparities. They also talked about advocacy and expanding dietitian services to even more people as well as meeting each patient where they're at to learn how to incorporate effective diet changes to each person's life circumstances. It was a really impactful discussion about food accessibility and how to make diet therapies more available to everyone living with IBD. Listen and learn along with me with this fun and important conversation!

    Please keep in mind that the views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and should not be considered medical or legal advice. Please consult with your healthcare team on any changes to your disease, diet, or treatment. We want you to stay safe and healthy! ;)


    Find Yi Min on Instagram Yi Min's websiteNutritional Therapy for IBD nonprofit- great info on diet therapies for IBDDiet, Culture, and Your Body- Crohn's & Colitis Foundation USA

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    This week we spoke to Dr. Alan Moss! Dr. Moss is the Chief Scientific Officer at the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation in the US. Previously he was the Director of the Crohn’s & Colitis Program at Boston Medical Center (BMC) and Professor of Medicine at Boston University (BU). He is a clinician-scientist who is a passionate patient advocate. We talked to him about moving from Ireland to the US to pursue training in IBD. We talked to him about why he decided to switch from direct patient care to leading the scientific efforts at the Foundation. We talked to him about what plans he has for the future of research at the Foundation including shepherding in new technology such at AI. We talked to him about how they are ensuring patient data protections and equity in how technology may shape research. We discussed how the research agenda has changed from focusing solely on remission to prevention, remission and on to repair and healing past damage. Finally we discussed the new 5 year strategic plan that the Foundation has undertaken in guiding their research agenda and the process by which healthcare providers, researchers and patients helped to build this new plan.

    We had such an interesting conversation with Dr. Moss and we're excited to see what he will accomplish in this new role.

    Please keep in mind that the views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and should not be considered medical or legal advice. Please consult with your healthcare team on any changes to your disease, diet, or treatment. We want you to stay safe and healthy! ;)


    Overview of Challenges in IBD Information about IBD PlexusInformation about IBD QorusInformation in IBD Ventures

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    This week we had such an interesting conversation with Dr. Erica Barnell. Dr. Barnell is the Co-Founder and Chief Medical and Science officer for Geneoscopy, Inc! Geneoscopy is a life-sciences start-up company that leverages eukaryotic biomarkers to non-invasively diagnose, monitor, and treat gastrointestinal disease. The idea for Geneoscopy was conceived during Dr. Barnell’s first clinical rotation while earning her MD/Ph.D. at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. Specifically, Erica encountered a woman with Stage IV colorectal cancer (CRC) who had never undergone a colonoscopy, citing the inconvenience and burden of attending a traditional colonoscopy as key barriers. Dr. Barnell developed an easy non-invasive stool test to screen for colon cancer and she is now expanding it to the IBD space. She and her team are working to be able to use this RNA screening tool to allow for better prediction of treatment outcomes, disease monitoring and more. We talked to her about developing her initial test, going through the FDA approval process, and then developing a company while still finishing her MD/PhD. We also talked to her about starting a company with her brother and all of the many life changes she went through during it's initial stage as well. We discussed RNA technology and she gave us a quick lesson on it, and finally we discussed her participation in the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation's IBD Innovate Conference earlier this year and how it helped her premier her product to the IBD space and to explore possible partnerships and funding opportunities.

    Robin and I are big geeks for research and innovation and this conversation with Erica was so fun.

    Please keep in mind that the views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and should not be considered medical or legal advice. Please consult with your healthcare team on any changes to your disease, diet, or treatment. We want you to stay safe and healthy! ;)


    Article about the IBD Innovate Conference- Crohn's & Colitis Foundation- USAEpisode of Oncology Overdrive from Healio with Dr. BarnellFDA Approves ColoSense test- Colorectal Cancer Alliance

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    This week we talked to Nicole Kittleson! Nicole's daughter Addy was diagnosed with Crohn's disease when she was 8 years old but that diagnosis wasn't easy to get to. Addy wasn't growing or gaining weight, her eyes became dull and her hair started falling out. Nicole brought her concerns to her daughter's pediatrician but they just encouraged her to feed her more calories but Nicole knew something more was going on. When her daughter started experiencing skin inflammation and complaining about blood in her stool and Nicole finally demanded that her daughter get the tests she needed to get a definitive diagnosis of Crohn's. We talked to her about Addy's unusual and severe symptoms of a flare and their decision to use the Specific Carbohydrate diet to treat her disease for several years. We talked about the ramifications of using this diet including the cost, the time, and the impact that it had on family traditions and culture. We talked about how Nicole, Addy, and the rest of the family incorporated the SCD and these changes and needs into their daily routine and how they coped as a family. Finally we talked about how parents can also experience medical trauma as part of the process of their child having a chronic illness and about how parents can care of themselves while also caring for their child with IBD. In Nicole's case her own diagnosis of an autoimmune condition- Lupus- forced her to understand her need to care for herself as well as her family.

    We had a deep and impactful conversation with our friend Nicole as well as some laughs. We know that you'll be inspired by her and her daughter Addy too.

    Please keep in mind that the views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and should not be considered medical or legal advice. Please consult with your healthcare team on any changes to your disease, diet, or treatment. We want you to stay safe and healthy! ;)


    Nutritional Therapy for IBD- great source of info in diets and IBDInfo on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet- Nutritional Therapy for IBD Diet info from the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation- USAInfo on Camp Oasis- camp for kids with IBD- Crohn's & Colitis Foundation USACommunity & Support programs- Crohn's & Colitis Foundation- USAIBDesis- South Asian IBD Alliance's support programInfo on Toxic Megacolon- Stanford Children's Hospital

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    This week we met Victorien Madsen! Victorien lives in The Netherlands and was diagnosed with UC after the birth of her 2nd child. We talked to her about navigating this new disease while parenting young children. Trying to find the right treatment option and finally finding the Specific Carbohydrate Diet before the internet was really even a thing. We talked to her about how she incorporated that diets into her life and her family's routine. We talked to her about modifying recipes and how she learned to create delicious foods for herself. We discussed how she started volunteering to run a support group for people with IBD who are interested in using diet to complement their treatment and finally how all of that led her to start volunteering with Nutritional Therapy for IBD.

    Please keep in mind that the views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and should not be considered medical or legal advice. Please consult with your healthcare team on any changes to your disease, diet, or treatment. We want you to stay safe and healthy! ;)

    Nutritional Therapy for IBDAn article about Victorien and her diet journey- in Dutch! Curing Food- Victorien's website- in Dutch! Victorien's pecan waffle recipeNutritional Therapy for IBD's Diet comparison chart

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    This week we had such a great conversation with Kate Scarlata, MPH, RD! Kate is a Boston-based registered dietitian and New York Times best selling author with 30+ years of digestive health experience. Kate is a world-renowned low FODMAP diet expert and invited speaker on the role of food intolerance in GI disorders at numerous international and national gastrointestinal health conferences from Harvard Medical School to Monash University. She specializes in digestive health including treatment for: IBS, celiac disease, inflammatory bowel disease, mast cell activation syndrome and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO).

    We talked to her about so many things! We discussed patients that have co-occurring IBD and IBS- how frequent that is and how to best treat them. We talked about food intolerances, intolerance testing, and elimination diets. We discussed medical equity and her efforts to highlight the lack of medical diet-friendly- like for celiac- food offered in food pantries. We talked about common myths surrounding gut health that she asks her guests on her podcast called The Gut Health podcast to discuss. Finally we discussed her new book that she co-authored with Dr. Megan Riehl called "Mind Your Gut: The Science-Based, Whole-Body Guide to Living Well with IBD."

    Please keep in mind that the views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and should not be considered medical or legal advice. Please consult with your healthcare team on any changes to your disease, diet, or treatment. We want you to stay safe and healthy! ;)


    Kate's Blog that she mentionsKate and Megan's bookDr. Megan Riehl's episodeKate and Megan's podcast -The Gut Health Podcast

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    This week we spoke to Rocio Castrillon- better known for her popular Instagram account @VoiceforIBD! She shared her story of being diagnosed with Crohn's disease and how a lack of information caused her to suffer in silence with fistulizing disease. We talked to her about finally getting involved with Team Challenge with the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation in the USA and how that helped her find a large community of other people living with IBD. The opened up other volunteer opportunities and so we talked to her about the many ways that she's gotten involved with the community including advocacy work, leading a Spanish-speaking support group, educational initiatives, and more. We especially discussed her support group that includes people from many parts of the world and what are some commonalities she's observed and the people she helps. Finally we talked about how all of her advocacy work and involvement led her to being nominated for the National Board of Trustees for the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation here in the US. We discussed how she's using this seat at the table and this platform to raise even more awareness of the needs of the Hispanic/Latino IBD community and so much more.

    We really loved getting to know Rocio more during the conversation and we know you'll appreciate all that she does for our community as well!

    Please keep in mind that the views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and should not be considered medical or legal advice. Please consult with your healthcare team on any changes to your disease, diet, or treatment. We want you to stay safe and healthy! ;)


    Grupo de Apoyo para Adultos con EIIArticle by Rocio in Crohn's & Colitis 360Crohn's Disease Patient Experiences and Preferences wit Disease Monitoring: An International Qualitative Study - Crohn's & Colitis 360

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    This week we had a great conversation with Mason Milne! Mason is the host of the Crohn's and Autism Awareness Advocate podcast! We talked to him about being diagnosed with Crohn's when he was 17 years old and a bit about the health system in the UK where he lives. We talked about what it's been like navigating the healthcare system with autism and advocating for his needs. Mason gave some advice for other people living with autism that may also need to communicate their specific needs or preferences to their healthcare team. We talked a lot about his podcast, the unique series that he does, and how he recruits guests- including some famous ones! And finally we discussed his love of the show Dr. Who and how attending conventions has lead to him recruiting some very cool guests to his show!

    Please keep in mind that the views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and should not be considered medical or legal advice. Please consult with your healthcare team on any changes to your disease, diet, or treatment. We want you to stay safe and healthy! ;)


    Mason's YouTube channelMason's episode with the 8th Doctor- Paul MaganAn interview with Mason about living with Crohn's and Autism- Crohn's Colitis UK

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    This week we had a great time getting to know Dr. Kim S. Beall! Kim is a Doctor of Pharmacy whose son was diagnosed with Crohn's disease when he was 13 years old. After she and her son discussed his treatment options with his healthcare team and they did some research he decided to try Exclusive Enteral Nutrition (EEN) to get his Crohn's in remission. We discussed how Kim and her family supported him during this time and how he coped with being on this very restrictive diet. Nutrition has been central to Kim's son’s management of Crohn’s disease since his diagnosis in 2013 at age thirteen. Nutritional therapy has been an essential part of providing optimal care and has afforded him the best opportunity to manage life with Crohn’s disease successfully.

    After her son achieved remission, she and her husband, Anthony Beall who is a physician, realized that there really was a lack of information about dietary therapies for IBD, that many healthcare providers didn't really know where to look, and that there was a huge need for a repository of this information. So they started the nonprofit organization Nutritional Therapy for IBD in 2019 to fill an essential void in providing evidence-based knowledge, tools, and resources to empower patients and aid clinicians seeking to leverage nutrition alongside medications in inflammatory bowel disease. Their mission is to establish evidence-based nutritional therapy as a foundational part of IBD treatment to enhance the well-being and health outcomes of all children and adults with Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis. We empower clinicians and patients with essential, current, comprehensive, educational, and innovative resources. We talked to Kim about starting this nonprofit, some of the great tools available for patients and clinicians, the recipe database, and how her nonprofit has been received by the medical community.

    We were so inspired by Kim's passion and the all of the great things that Nutritional Therapy for IBD is doing.

    Please keep in mind that the views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and should not be considered medical or legal advice. Please consult with your healthcare team on any changes to your disease, diet, or treatment. We want you to stay safe and healthy! ;)


    The Diet Comparison Chart discussed in this episode- Nutritional Therapy for IBDInformation for Healthcare Professionals- Nutritional Therapy for IBDRecipe DatabaseAbigail Marie- The Chef with IBD's episode- volunteer with Nutritional Therapy for IBDNicole Pavlin's episode- volunteer with Nutritional Therapy for IBDBarbara Olendski's - RD- video Information on Exclusive Enteral Nutrition- Nutritional Therapy for IBD

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    This week we had such a great conversation with Dr. Megan Riehl! Dr. Riehl is a GI Psychologist, Assistant Professor of Medicine and the Director of GI Behavioral Health at the University of Michigan. We talked to her about all things IBD and mental health and how she helped to establish and incorporate GI behavioral health into the IBD center at the University of Michigan. We also talked to her about her interest in innovations in digital therapeutics, how she's worked with some developers to ensure the efficacy and quality of their products, and what apps that she recommends to patients as well as providers. We talked to her about her new book! It's called "Mind Your Gut: The Science-Backed Whole-Body Guide to Living Well with IBS." While this book is geared for people living with IBS, there is some really great information in there for people living with IBD as well and we discussed this with Dr. Riehl as well. Finally we went over some additional virtual resources that she finds helpful for patients. We really enjoyed talking with Dr. Riehl and we know you'll learn so much from her as well.

    Please keep in mind that the views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and should not be considered medical or legal advice. Please consult with your healthcare team on any changes to your disease, diet, or treatment. We want you to stay safe and healthy! ;)


    The Gut Health Podcast- Dr. Riehl and Kate Scarlata, RD's new podcast!Dr. Meredith Craven's episodeInfo on the Nerva appCurable app for chronic painMahana IBD appDiaphragmatic breathing video Dr. Brennan Spiegel's book- "VRx: How Virtual Therapeutics Will Revolutionize Medicine"

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    This week we talked to Abigail VanHoose- otherwise known as Abigail Marie the Check with IBD! Abigail was diagnosed with UC after a bad car accident and after she finished culinary school. Her disease journey was definitely rocky and very impacted by substandard medical care. Like may people living with IBD, she was told that "diet doesn't matter" but after dealing with multiple flares, she found the book "Breaking the Vicious Cycle that outlines the Specific Carbohydrate Diet and how it can be helpful for people with IBD. She decided to give it a try but found the recipes to be....less than exciting. She decided to put her culinary talents to work and started coming up with new recipes that followed the diet and than led her to decide to share her knowledge in her blog. We talked to her about following the SCD, how she creates the recipes, what she includes on her blog, and her favorite recipes. We also talked to her about her work with the nonprofit Nutrition Therapy for IBD and how she's been able to help them grown their recipe database, expand their social media, and much more. Finally we go on a rant about the medical system, steroids, and medical education. If you've listened to previous episodes, you know this is unsurprising. We had a great time hearing from Abigail, we know you will too and we're all set to try some of her yummy-sounding recipes. Cheers!

    Please keep in mind that the views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and should not be considered medical or legal advice. Please consult with your healthcare team on any changes to your disease, diet, or treatment. We want you to stay safe and healthy! ;)


    Abigail's Blondie recipeAbigail's Coffee "Ice Cream" recipeAbigail's Strawberry Cupcake with Vanilla Icing recipeNutrition Therapy for IBD

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    This week we talk to Kim Braly, RD! Kim is a Registered Dietitian that specializes in IBD, consults on nutrition and IBD-related research studies, has expertise on IBD nutrition program development and educates practitioners on nutrition therapies for IBD. She is currently in private practice seeing adults and kids living with IBD virtually across the country. Previous to this she was part of the IBD Center at Seattle Children's Hospital where she saw patients as well as developed and participated in research studies on nutrition therapies for IBD. We talked to her about what it was like to develop these studies and how challenging it is to control for all the potential changes that can happen when participants are cooking their own foods. We talked about the Specific Carbohydrate Diet and how she talked to patients about the expectations and prepared them to take it on. We also talked about the efficacy of several diet therapies. We also discussed health and economic disparities and how these might affect the ability of some families to consider dietary therapies and the lack of insurance coverage to help. Finally we talked about the website that she developed with a woman living with Crohn's disease who was her patient at Seattle Children's called Eats for IBD. This website provides much-needed nutrition support and practical resources to those with IBD including educational sessions, support options, and delicious recipes that are friendly to dietary therapies. We had a lot of fun talking with Kim and we learned so much too! Cheers!

    Please keep in mind that the views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and should not be considered medical or legal advice. Please consult with your healthcare team on any changes to your disease, diet, or treatment. We want you to stay safe and healthy! ;)


    Eats for IBD websiteKim's private practice websiteImproveCareNowNutrition Therapy for IBD websiteFind an IBD-Focused Dietitian- Crohn's & Colitis Foundation- USAFind an IBD-Focused Dietitian- Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics - USA

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    This week we had such a great conversation with Courtney Walls! Like several of our guests, Courtney had a pretty dramatic introduction to the IBD community including needing urgent surgeries, C-diff infections, fistulizing disease, and she's now living with an ostomy (happily). We talked to her about going through all of that while also living with anxiety and how she's processing it using mental health therapies like CBT and internal family systems and going through the Employee Assistance Program through her work. Courtney also started a very successful Instagram account about her Crohn's journey called courts_crohns_corner. We talked to her about what it was like putting her story out so publicly, how different it is to be talking about her disease and her treatment decisions in real time versus sharing past history, and about how she's using her account to give support to others while also getting some herself. Finally we discussed her love to Charles Barkley and Arizona.

    Please keep in mind that the views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and should not be considered medical or legal advice. Please consult with your healthcare team on any changes to your disease, diet, or treatment. We want you to stay safe and healthy! ;)


    What is Internal Family Systems TherapyWhat is C.Diff- Centers for Disease ControlUnderstanding C.Diff Infection- video from the American Gastro Association Our episode with Courtney Robert, LCSW about EMDR Our episode on what EMDR is like as a patient with friend of the show, Hannah C. Learn about Team Challenge- Crohn's & Colitis Foundation USALearn about living with an ostomy, finding support, and more- United Ostomy Association

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    This week we had a great conversation with Stephanie Brenner! Stephanie is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker at Chronic Illness Psychotherapy in Evanston, IL who has 13 years of experience working with clients with chronic illnesses. Through her journey as an IBD patient and clinician, she has developed a passion for helping people with health challenges live their lives to the fullest. We talked to her about how living with her IBD helped her develop a passion for being a therapist for kids and adults with chronic illnesses. We also discussed doing therapy with kids, medical hypnotherapy, medical gaslighting and how she works with people as they take on a new identity as they cope with a new diagnosis. We also discuss the guide for parents of kids with Crohn's that she wrote in coordination with Tina Aswani-Omprakash (Own Your Crohn's, SAIA, etc!). We spent a while talking about how she works with patients who may need to address challenges with healthcare providers who they need to remain connected to. We discussed so many aspects of mental health and tapped into Steph's professional experience and brain that we'll have to bring her back to talk more about her IBD and living with an ostomy!

    Please keep in mind that the views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and should not be considered medical or legal advice. Please consult with your healthcare team on any changes to your disease, diet, or treatment. We want you to stay safe and healthy! ;)


    The Circle of Care Guidebook for Caregivers of Children and Adolescents Managing Crohn's DiseaseFind Camp Oasis- camp for kids with IBD- Crohn's & Colitis Foundation USAResources from ImproveCareNow- for kids with IBDFind an IBD trained therapist- Rome GI PsychEpisode with Dr. Meredith Craven about hypnotherapyEpisode with Robin and Hannah Cramer about doing EMDREpisode with Courtney Robert, LCSW about EMDR

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    ***Warning that this episode discusses eating disorders, disordered eating, and medical trauma.*** This week we spoke with Dr. Jordan Shapiro! Dr. Shapiro is a GI Hospitalist at Peak Gastroenterology Associates in Colorado as well as a private practice GI at Gentle GI in Houston, TX (starting April 1, 2024). Dr. Shapiro also is a yoga instructor and enthusiastic practitioner and so we spend quite a bit of time learning about the practice of yoga that goes beyond the body movements we're probably all familiar with and how adding yoga to your care may be beneficial. He also has expertise in working with patients with eating disorders or disordered eating as well as in trauma-informed care. We talk to him about how he approaches patient care in a empathetic way and how he works with patients who have identified trauma experiences that may impact their care. We also talk to him about how he uses this knowledge and experience to help other providers learn how to create a safe environment for people who may be struggling with trauma responses. We really enjoyed this conversation with Dr. Shapiro and think you'll learn a lot from him as well.

    Please keep in mind that the views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and should not be considered medical or legal advice. Please consult with your healthcare team on any changes to your disease, diet, or treatment. We want you to stay safe and healthy! ;)


    Dr. Tiffany Taft's episode- discusses her research on medical traumaYoga and Meditation video- GI Research Foundation Interesting research article on medical trauma- among the authors is former guest Mara Shapiro- by the Crohn's Colitis Young Adult Network (CCYAN)Diet, Culture, and Your Body- Crohn's & Colitis Foundation- USA

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    This week Alicia was joined by guest host and past guest, Derek Dodson! They interviewed Jordan B. McConnell! Jordan is a Air Force veteran, IT professional, father and husband who also lives with Crohn's disease! We talked to him about being diagnosed as a young teen and how his disease was presented to his family and how he was able to join the military and how that affected his ability to continue in his military career. Jordan is also the creator and one of the hosts of the Crohn's Veteran podcast and lifestyle brand. We talked to him about creating the show, recruiting his co-hosts, and all of the amazing guests that they were able to interview as well as the community they created around the show. We also discussed coping with IBD as a male and how that may create situations where one may feel stifled in expressing needs and so much more. We had such a great conversation with Jordan and we can't wait for you to get to know him as well.

    Please keep in mind that the views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and should not be considered medical or legal advice. Please consult with your healthcare team on any changes to your disease, diet, or treatment. We want you to stay safe and healthy! ;)


    Jordan's instagramJordan's interview with Amber Tresca at About IBD podcastCrohn's Veterans website

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    This week we had the absolute pleasure to talk to Dr. David Binion! Dr. Binion is a physician-scientist who is also living with Crohn's disease. He is Co-Director of the IBD Center at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. He was diagnosed with Crohn's when he was a teenager- before the information age and also before there were many treatment for IBD. He has devoted his career to analyzing "Big Data" to figure out how to predict disease outcomes, prognosis and flares. We talked to him about his longitudinal research, what he's learned, and how that's given him hope as an IBD patient. We talked to him about what he's seeing in reclassifying IBD into more subcategories and what that will mean for more effective treatment and also what he sees on the horizon for IBD research.

    We enjoyed getting to know Dr. Binion so much and know that you'll find this conversation as interesting and hopeful as we did!

    Please keep in mind that the views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and should not be considered medical or legal advice. Please consult with your healthcare team on any changes to your disease, diet, or treatment. We want you to stay safe and healthy! ;)


    Dr. Binion's page on winning the Sherman Prize in 2018

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    This week we talked to Registered Dietitian, Amalia Karlin! Amalia experienced symptoms very similar to UC but she struggled to get a diagnosis. Eventually her symptoms got to be so severe she had to have a colectomy and now lives with an ostomy. After that she decided that she as going to devote her career to helping other people living with ostomies to maximize their nutrition and live their best lives. We also talked to her about life with an ostomy, the healthcare system in Canada, and experiencing pregnancy with an ostomy. She has a very dramatic story but we think you'll love meeting her as much as we did

    Please keep in mind that the views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and should not be considered medical or legal advice. Please consult with your healthcare team on any changes to your disease, diet, or treatment. We want you to stay safe and healthy! ;)


    Diet & Nutrition- United Ostomy AssociationNutrition for Ostomy Patients - video- University of MiamiFood reference chart for people living with ostomies- United Ostomy Association

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    Welcome to our 100th episode! This week we talked to the renowned Dr. David T. Rubin! Dr. Rubin is the Joseph B. Kirsner Professor of Medicine and a Professor of Pathology, Chief of the Section of Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition and the Co-Director of the Digestive Diseases Center at The University of Chicago Medicine.

    He also currently serves as an associate faculty member at the MacLean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics, an associate investigator at the University of Chicago Comprehensive Cancer Center and is a member of the University of Chicago Committee on Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacogenomics. He is the chair of the National Scientific Advisory Committee of the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation, where he also serves as a Board of Trustees member. He is the deputy chair of the Executive Committee of the International Organization for the Study of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. In 2018, Dr. Rubin completed the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Leadership Development Course for Physicians.

    Dr. Rubin is a Fellow of the American Gastroenterological Association (AGA), the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG), the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE), the American College of Physicians (ACP), and the Royal College of Physicians (Edinburgh). He is on the Board of Trustees for the ACG. Among numerous awards and honors, Dr. Rubin was chosen by his peers as a member of Best Doctors (recognized for superior clinical ability) and America’s Top Physicians (gastroenterology). Additionally, he twice received the ACG’s Governor’s Award of Excellence in Clinical Research (2003 and 2013), and the UChicago Postgraduate Teaching Award in recognition of significant contributions for fellowship education (2006). In 2012, he received the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation’s Rosenthal Award, a national leadership award bestowed upon a volunteer who has contributed in an indisputable way to the quality of life of patients and families. He is an Associate Editor of the journal Gastroenterology and Editor-in-Chief of the ACG On-Line Education Universe. In 2020, Dr. Rubin received the Sherman Prize for Excellence in Crohn’s and Colitis.

    Dr. Rubin is an editor of a best-selling book Curbside Consultation in IBD which is now in its 3rd edition and an author or coauthor of over 500 articles on treatment and management of IBD, cancer in IBD and novel paradigms, as well as the first author of the 2019 ACG Guidelines for ulcerative colitis. His current research is in the area of novel approaches to monitoring of IBD (wearables and point of care intestinal ultrasound), prevention of progressive complications from uncontrolled inflammation, and a variety of collaborative and translational studies related to the causes of IBD and its complications.

    Episodes from some of Dr. Rubin's UChicago's team:

    Dr. Alysse Bedell- Gastro PsychologistMichele Rubin, APN- JPouch surgical nurse extraordinaireMarita Kametas- Ostomy Specialist! Dr. David Choi- IBD Pharmacist

    Please keep in mind that the views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and should not be considered medical or legal advice. Please consult with your healthc

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